79 research outputs found
لعولمة تدعم التوطین والثقافات المحلیة عبر كأس العالم – رؤیة فلسفیة اجتماعیة
يمكن القول أن العولمة Globalization في جانبها الإيجابي من حيث جذورها وأدبياتها الفلسفية الأصلية هي مشروع يعمل على تجاوز العالم لأزمات وصراعات الشعوب وطغيانها بعضها على بعض بدعاوى الاستعمار وتحقيق هذا يكون بإدارة كافة شعوب العالم لنفسها وفق نظم إدارية) بدلاً عن النظم السياسية، وهو ما يتيح لكل شعب أن يكشف عن طريقة حياته وثقافاته المحلية دون هيمنة عليه من آخر. والاعتبار في هذا أن كل طريقة حياة أياً كانت انما تمثل بذاتها بعداً ضرورياً من أبعاد الوجود البشري على الكرة الأرضية على قول الله تعالى (ومن آياته خلق السماوات والأرض واختلاف السنتكم والوانكم ان في ذلك لآيات للعالمين، وبحيث يكون بتر أو تعطيل لأي طريقة حياة يكون بتراً وتعطيلاً لطرف من أطراف الجسد الواحد فيفقد الجسد توازنه العضوي، وهذا التكامل العضوي لشعوب وثقافات العالم انما يتأتى تحقيقه بالدرجة الكبرى تحت مظلة المنظومات الإدارية تعمل على خلق الكيان البشري الموحد ذو الابعاد والثقافات المتعددة مصداقاً لقول الله تعالى (وجعلناكم شعوباً وقبائل
ومن أهم وسائل تحقيق هذا الهدف المنشود هو استعمال الأنشطة ذات الجماهيريات العريضة والتفاعل الشعبي الكبير لدى كافة شعوب الأرض. ولعل كرة القدم ومحافلها الدولية بكونها الأكثر حشداً شعبياً تفاعلياً في العالم تكون هي من أهم وسائل إيجاد التوحيد البشري من خلال تغذية واشباع غريزة الحرب والصراع في الانسان ولكن بالطريقة السلمية الرياضية التي تسمح لكل أن يعبر عن اختلافه عن غيره بحرية إرادة وبما يدعم الانتماء الوطني في ظل توافق عالمي. وهذا ما يجري في احتفالية عالمية لكرة القدم (كأس العالم) وبالتالي تحقيق شعار العولمة تدعم التوطين والثقافات المحلية. ولهذا فإن إقامة احتفالية مباريات كأس العالم في قطر 2022م باعتبارها احتفالية صراع سلمي يتفاعل فيها الناس من كل أقطاب الأرض له دلالة خاصة في ابراز هوية الشعوب الشرق أوسطية والشمال افريقية والتي هي من أكثر الشعوب التي عانت من الهيمنة الاستعمارية من جانب شعوب ودول أخرى. فهو بذلك ميدان تتنفس فيه هذه الشعوب بثقافاتها وطرق حياتها عبر المشاركة العالمية تلك. وبتبني قطر لموسم كاس العالم 2022م يكون ذلك أكبر تمثيل رمزي في اتجاه تخليص الشعوب من دوائر وحدود التصنيفات القديمة من (بدائية) و (نامية) و (متقدمة)، فأي من طريقة حياة لشعب ما كانت توسم فيما سبق بأنها بدائية أو غير حضارية الآن تصير ذات احقية وجودية سواء بسواء مع طرق حياة جميع الشعوب الأخرى في أي موقع من الكرة الأرضية.
يتم دراسة هذه الرؤية على المحاور التالية:
-1 الجذر الفلسفي الإيجابي للعولمة ودعم توطين طرق الحياة. 2 احتفاليات كرة القدم كمشروع انساني عالمي يشبع غريزة الحرب سلمياً. -3- الدلالات الاجتماعية والثقافية لاحتفالية كأس العالم 2022م.
وتقوم الدراسة على منهج تحليلي استنباطي
Cultural Criticism of Fadhil Al-Tamimi
للناقد فاضل التميمي جهود نقدية مهمة أغنت المكتبة العربية، ولاسيما في مجال النقد الأدبي، إذ قدّمَ مجموعة من الكتب، والبحوث، والدراسات في نقد القصة، والرواية، والسيرة، والرحلة، مفيدا من المناهج النقدية التي تنوعت في دراساته، ويعدّ النقد الثقافي واحدًا من المناهج التي وظفّها الناقد فاضل التميمي في قراءاته النقدية في مجالي القصة والرواية، إذ أفاد من مقولاته في دراسة قصة (كُلُلّوش) لرغد سهيل، وقصة (قطرة دم لاكتشاف الجسد) لؤي حمزة عباس، أما في مجال الرواية فقد استند الناقد إلى أسس النقد الثقافي في دراسته رواية (أحببتُ حمارًا) لرغد سهيل، وروايتي (مقتل بائع الكتب) و( ترنيمة امرأة ... شفق البحر) للروائي سعد رحيم.Fadhil Al-Tamimi is an influential literary critic in the Arab world, who has significantly enriched the Arab library with his critical efforts, particularly in the field of literary criticism. Al-Tamimi has presented a vast collection of books, research, and studies that criticize various literary genres, such as Story, Novel, Biography, and Journey, drawing from various critical approaches. In his critical readings of Story and Novel, Al-Tamimi employed cultural criticism, as evidenced by his analysis of Raghad Suhail's "Kalloush: a sound of joy and happiness" and Louay Hamza Abbas's "A Drop of Blood to Discover the Body." Similarly, in his study of Raghad Suhail's "I Loved a Donkey" and Saad Rahim's "The Bookseller’s Murder" and "A Woman’s Hymn ... Twilight of the Sea" Al-Tamimi relied on the foundations of cultural criticism. This study, conducted by Najah Sultan Kurdi from Al-Mustansiriya University's Arabic Language Department, under the supervision of Ahmed Mahdi Attallah, sheds light on Al-Tamimi's cultural criticism and its application in literary criticism
Assessment of surgical antibiotic prophylaxis appropriateness in obstetrics and gynaecological surgery in Kuwait : a national point prevalence survey
Background: Surgical site infections (SSIs) pose a substantial risk of morbidity and healthcare burden in obstetrics and gynaecological (OB/GYN) surgery. Effective surgical antibiotic prophylaxis (SAP) is crucial in reducing the prevalence of SSIs and the emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Despite evidence-based international guidelines, global adherence to these guidelines remains inadequate. Notably, there is a paucity of research addressing the appropriateness of SAP in OB/GYN procedures, specifically in Kuwait. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the appropriateness of the SAP prescriptions for OB/GYN surgeries in Kuwait. Methods: Design: A multi-centre point prevalence survey following the global point prevalence survey (GPPS) protocol. Setting: five public and four selected private hospitals in Kuwait between December 2022 and March 2023 in all. Participants: OB/GYN surgical patients who were prescribed SAP. Data collection: patients’ files were reviewed for SAP administration in each OB/GYN ward, with each ward surveyed only once. Outcome measure: The primary outcome was the appropriateness of SAP prescription in terms of timing, selection, dosage, administration route and indication following local hospital protocols. Secondary outcomes included a comparison of SAP prescription appropriateness between public and private hospitals. Results: A total of 521 antibiotics were prescribed for surgical prophylaxis. Only 30 (5.7%) SAP prescriptions were classified as an overall appropriate prescription. Of the total 5.7% (n=30), the appropriate use of SAP between private and public hospitals was 0.57% (n=3) and 5.13% (n=27), respectively. For individual parameters, compliance levels were as follows: indication 92.9% (n=489), timing 20.9% (n=110), dose 59.3% (n=312), selection 26.6% (n=140), route 76.4% (n=402) and duration 24.3% (n=128). Conclusions: The study revealed a concerning lack of adherence to local guidelines for SAP in OB/GYN surgery in terms of timing, duration, and selection, particularly in the private sector, where very little adherence was observed. These findings highlight the urgent need for increased surveillance of antibiotic use in surgical prophylaxis and the development of tailored policies and antimicrobial stewardship interventions to restrict the misuse of antibiotics, ultimately improving surgical outcomes and reducing the possibility of AMR
Utilisation trends and expenditures of lipid-lowering therapies in Kuwait between 2012 And 2022
Background: Elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) is one of the major risk factors associated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in Kuwait. In addition to using oral lipid-lowering therapies (LLTs) to achieve the desired goal of LDL-C, Kuwait approved proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type-9 inhibitors (PSCK9Is) in 2016. These costly medicines have shown to positively impact cardiovascular outcomes. Therefore, it is important to examine utilisation trends of LLTs and how PCSK9Is have affected Kuwaiti healthcare spending when there is lack of data in this regard. Methods: This retrospective study used an electronic system of the Central Medical Store to extract aggregated data for the consumption and costs of LLTs between 2012 and 2022. Oral LLTs of interest include statins (atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, simvastatin, and pitavastatin), cholesterol absorption inhibitor (ezetimibe), fibrates (fenofibrate, gemfibrozil, bezafibrate), and bile acid sequestrant (cholestyramine). Injectable LLTs include PCSK9Is (evolocumab and alirocumab). Data were analysed using Microsoft Excel. Results: Among oral LLTs, statins were highly utilised in 2012 (93%) and in 2022 (86%). The overall utilisation of oral LLTs increased by 75% and the total costs increased by 92% over the study period. For PCSK9Is, evolocumab was highly utilised in 2022 (79%) compared to alirocumab. The overall utilisation of PCSK9Is increased by 105 times in 2022, and the total costs increased from £229,635 in 2016 to £11,730,339 in 2022 (+5008%). Conclusion: The increasing use of LLTs is expected but will eventually lead to more costs. It is imperative to control the pharmaceutical expenditure through assessing rational prescribing
Impact of COVID-19 on primary percutaneous coronary intervention centres in the UK: a survey
During the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the British Cardiovascular Society/British Cardiovascular Intervention Society and the British Heart Rhythm Society recommended to postpone non-urgent elective work and that primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) should remain the treatment of choice for patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). We sought to determine the impact of COVID-19 on the primary PCI service within the United Kingdom (UK).
A survey of 43 UK primary PCI centres was performed and a significant reduction in the number of cath labs open was found (pre-COVID 3.6±1.8 vs. post-COVID 2.1±0.8; p<0.001) with only 64% of cath labs remained open during the COVID-19 pandemic. Primary PCI remained first-line treatment for STEMI in all centres surveyed
National assessment of prescribing practice of antibiotic prophylaxis among obstetrics and gynaecological surgeries in Kuwait
Antimicrobial resistance has become a significant global health concern, primarily resulting from excessive and inappropriate use of antimicrobials. A significant portion of antibiotics prescribed within hospitals is for surgical patients as prophylaxis (AP) to prevent surgical site infections. Thus, AP must be used judiciously to reduce antibiotic resistance. Proper infection control and judicious use of antibiotics are crucial. This research aims to explore and assess the appropriateness of AP prescribing practice for all obstetrics and gynaecological surgeries in Kuwait. Methods: A national multicentre point prevalence survey (PPS) based on the Global PPS and WHO PPS methodology. The PPS was conducted in all Kuwait governmental and some private hospitals. The PPS was conducted once in every OBS/GYN ward after the day of the most surgical interventions. All patient files were reviewed for AP usage from the past 24 hours to assess the appropriateness of AP against local and international AP guidelines. Results: preliminary results included 208 patients. Antibiotic usage among them was 98%. Only 53% of the patients received antibiotics before surgery, and only 11% were fully appropriate in terms of timing and selection. 85% of the patient received antibiotics for more than 24 hours. This research is still ongoing and requires further analysis. Conclusion: This study is a benchmark for AP utilisation in Kuwait, which helps in the establishment of antibiotic surveillance for surgical prevention as well as the development of ASP and recommendations for national guidelines tailored for the Kuwaiti healthcare system
Availability and price changes of potential medicines and equipment for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 among pharmacy and drug stores in Bangladesh; findings and implications
Objective: There are concerns with increased prices and drug shortages for pertinent medicines and personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent and treat COVID-19 enhanced by misinformation. Community pharmacists and drug stores play a significant role in disease management in Bangladesh due to high co-payments. Consequently, a need to review prices and availability in the pandemic. Materials and Methods: Multiple approach involving a review and questionnaire among pharmacies and stores early March to end May 2020. Results and Discussion: 170 pharmacies and drug stores took part, giving a response rate of 63.9%. Encouragingly, no change in utilization of antimalarial medicines in 51.2% of stores despite global endorsements. However, increased utilisation of antibiotics (70.6%), analgesics (97.6%), vitamins (90.6%) and PPE (over 95%). Encouragingly, increases in purchasing of PPE. No increase in prices among 50% of the stores for antimalarials, with a similar situation for antibiotics (65.3%), analgesics (54.7%), and vitamins (51.8%). However, price increases typically for PPE (over 90% of stores). Shortages also seen for medicines and PPE, again greater for PPE. Conclusions: The pandemic has impacted on the supply and prices of medicines and PPE in Bangladesh. Key stakeholder groups can play a role addressing misinformation, with enhanced local production helping address future shortages and prices
Initiatives to increase the prescribing of low cost generics : the case of Scotland in the international context
Getting the most out of the pharmaceutical budget is critical across all countries as the financial pressures on healthcare systems intensify. In this paper, we review global practice on encouraging the use of low costs generics versus branded pharmaceuticals, including patented products in the same class where care is not compromised across countries to guide future practice. Our review ranges widely across European countries as well as other high income countries, including Abu Dhabi, Japan and the USA, and other low and middle income Countries. There is a particular focus on Scotland, building on previous publications. We conclude based on multiple publications, including several case studies, that achieving efficiency in pharmaceutical spending is possible in virtually all environments, although there are examples of technologies where generic or therapeutic substitution should not be encouraged. However, there is no magic bullet to achieving full and appropriate use of generics. Countries have to be prepared to use a number of different education, economic, engineering and enforcement methods including prescribing restrictions to achieve success. Similarly, different approaches to achieve low prices for good quality generics given the considerable price differences that currently exist. The combination of low prices and increased use of generics will help achieve or attain universal healthcare, benefiting all key stakeholder groups. We conclude with a call for greater cross-country learning in pursuit of what should be a common goal for all health systems
Rapid assessment of price instability and paucity of medicines and protection for COVID-19 across Asia : findings and public health implications for the future
Background: Countries have introduced a variety of measures to prevent and treat COVID-19 with medicines and personal protective equipment (PPE), with some countries adopting preventative strategies earlier than others. However, there has been considerable controversy surrounding some treatments. This includes hydroxychloroquine where the initial hype and misinformation lead to shortages, price rises and suicides. Price rises and shortages have also been seen for PPE. Such activities can have catastrophic effects on patients where there are high co-payment levels and issues of affordability. Consequently, there is a need to investigate this further. Objective: Assess changes in the availability, utilization and prices of relevant medicines and PPE during the pandemic among a range of Asian countries. Our approach: Narrative literature review combined with interviews among community pharmacists to assess changes in consumption, prices and shortages of medicines and PPE from the beginning of March 2020 until end of May 2020. In addition, suggestions on ways to reduce misinformation. Results: 308 pharmacists took part from five Asian countries. There was an appreciable increase in the utilization of antimicrobials in Pakistan (in over 88% of pharmacies), with lower increases or no change in Bangladesh, India, Malaysia and Vietnam. Encouragingly, there was increased use of vitamins/immune boosters and PPE across the countries, as well as limited price rises for antimicrobials in India, Malaysia and Vietnam, although greater price rises seen for analgesics and vitamin C/immune boosters. Appreciable price increases were also seen for PPE across some countries. Conclusion: Encouraging to see increases in utilization of vitamins/immune boosters and PPE. However, increases in the utilization and prices of antimicrobials is a concern that needs addressing alongside misinformation and any unintended consequences from the pandemic. Community pharmacists can play a key role in providing evidence-based advice, helping to moderate prices, as well as helping address some of the unintended consequences of the pandemic
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