230 research outputs found

    Tracking Control of Quadrotors

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    In this thesis, the tracking control problem of a 6 DOF quadrotor is considered, and different control method is proposed considering optimal control, parametric and nonparametric uncertainty, input saturation, and distributed formation control. An optimal control approach is developed for single quadrotor tracking by minimizing the cost function. For uncertainties of the dynamic system, a robust adaptive tracking controller is proposed with the special structure of the dynamics of the system. Considering the uncertainty and input constraints, a robust adaptive saturation controller is proposed with the aid of an auxiliary compensated system. Decentralized formation control method for quadrotors is presented using a leader-follower scheme using proposed optimal control method. Virtual leader is employed to drive the quadrotors to their desired formation and ultimately track the trajectory defined by the virtual leader. Sliding mode estimators have been implemented to estimate the states of the virtual leader. The control method is designed considering switching communication topologies among the quadrotors. Simulation results are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed approaches

    Impact of Intelligent Transportation Systems on Parallel Hybrid Electric Heavy Duty Vehicles

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    A hybrid electric vehicle uses multiple sources of energy that can be independently or all together used to propel the wheels. In the presented work, the vehicle propulsion controller (VPC) for a parallel heavy duty hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) model has been modified to manage the alternative power source in advance based on the forthcoming traffic information. The goal is to prepare the powertrain for the next power event by making more energy storage capacity to capture free energy via regenerative braking or store more energy for expected need. The method of preparation will be by managing the battery state of charge (SOC), which is a metal hydride battery for this study, to take advantage of opportunistic regeneration. Autonomie software was used to simulate parallel HEV models.;The results revealed that the proposed looking-ahead control strategy for a class 8 parallel hybrid heavy duty vehicle with an engine power of 410 kW had a substantial contribution in preparing the system for forthcoming power demand. The looking-ahead strategy employed in this study improved fuel economy from 0.5% on flat terrain to about 3% on mountain terrain. Moreover, a looking-ahead strategy can contribute significantly to maintaining adequate power for the vehicle on different terrain types. The engine power can be downsized (with looking-ahead strategy) therefore improving fuel economy up to 13% while maintaining adequate power over different terrain types. The battery energy capacity can be downsized (with looking-ahead strategy) by half while maintaining nearly the same benefits (i.e. fuel economy and adequate power) compared to the hybridization system without looking-ahead strategy. Since different routes types (i.e. flat, hilly and mountain terrains) were used to investigate the impact of the looking-ahead strategy on heavy duty parallel HEV, these results can generally be applied to many terrain and traffic situations

    Coronavirus Disease Diagnosis, Care and Prevention (COVID-19) Based on Decision Support System

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    تم عمل نظام دعم القرار السريري الآلي (CDSS) كنموذج جديد في الخدمات الطبية. بحيث يتم استخدام CDSSs لمساعدة الأخصائيين (الأطباء) في اتخاذ قراراتهم المحيرة. ولهذا السبب ، تم بناء DSS اعتمادًا على معرفة الأطباء وباستخدام استخراج البيانات لمساعدة خلية الازمة الطبية للسيطرة على جائحة فيروس COVID-19 ، وبشكل عام ، لتحديد الفئة من العدوى وتقديم علاج بروتوكول مناسب حسب أعراض المريض. في البداية لتشخيص المرض تم الاعتماد على ثلاث اعراض اولية هي ( الحمى, التعب والسعال الجاف) لمعرفة الشخص المصاب وعند تحديد أي من هذه الاعراض يتم تقسيم الاشخاص المصابين الى اربعة اصناف حسب مناعة الاشخاص ( اصابة طفيفة , اصابة عالية , اصابة شديدة جدا و طبيعي). وايضا يتم التشخيص باستخدام عاملين هما ( عمر المريض و الامراض المزمنة للمريض مثل السكر ومشاكل القلب وضغط الدم ) ثم يتم تقدير حالة المصاب حيث توجد ستة مستويات للاشخاص المصابين بفيروس كورونا 2019 وتحتاج الى عناية حسب حالة المصاب. عندما يكون الفحص موجب واعتمادا على عمر المريض والامراض المزمنة يتم تحديد في أي مستوى من المستويات الستة يكون المريض حسب الاعراض . وبذلك يتم تحديد درجة حالة المريض من الدرجات الاربع ثم يتم اقتراح اربعة بروتوكولات للعلاج ويتم اختيار الانسب حسب اختيار الاطباء وايضا يوفر النظام معلومات كاملة عن الوقاية وتجنب الوباء واخيرا يتم ارسال ايميل يحتوي جميع المعلومات من مركز السيطرة لللاشخاص المسؤولين . تم اعتماد خوارزمية C4.5  في شجرة اتخاذ القرار لبناء هذا التطبيق.                                                                                                                                              Automated clinical decision support system (CDSS) acts as new paradigm in medical services today. CDSSs are utilized to increment specialists (doctors) in their perplexing decision-making. Along these lines, a reasonable decision support system is built up dependent on doctors' knowledge and data mining derivation framework so as to help with the interest the board in the medical care gracefully to control the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) virus pandemic and, generally, to determine the class of infection and to provide a suitable protocol treatment depending on the symptoms of patient. Firstly, it needs to determine the three early symptoms of COVID-19 pandemic criteria (fever, tiredness, dry cough and breathing difficulty) used to diagnose the person being infected by COVID-19 virus or not. Secondly, this approach divides the infected peoples into four classes, based on their immune system risk level (very high degree, high degree, mild degree, and normal), and using two indices of age and current health status like diabetes, heart disorders, or hypertension. Where, these people are graded and expected to comply with their class regulations. There are six important COVID-19 virus infections of different classes that should receive immediate health care to save their lives. When the test is positive, the patient age is considered to choose one of the six classifications depending on the patient symptoms to provide him the suitable care as one of the four types of suggested treatment protocol of COVID-19 virus infection in COVID-19 DSS application. Finally, a report of all information about any classification case of COVID-19 infection is printed where this report includes the status of patient (infection level) and the prevention protocol. Later, the program sends the report to the control centre (medical expert) containing the information. In this paper, it was suggested the use of C4.5 Algorithm for decision tree

    Improving energy efficiency and quality of service in an integrated wireless-optical broadband access network

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    Exponential growth in the volume of wireless data, boosted by the growing popularity of mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets, is forcing telecommunication industries to rethink network design, and focus on developing high capacity mobile broadband networks. Accordingly, researchers have undertaken developmental work for an integrated wireless-optical broadband access network (WOBAN). Passive optical networks (PONs) and fourth generation (4G) wireless networks are two major candidate technologies for the WOBAN. PON is a wired access technology, well-known for its high capacity, whereas 4G is a wireless broadband access technology, popular for its ease of deployment and ability to offer mobility. Integration of PON and 4G technologies, as a wireless-optical broadband access network, offers advantages such as extension of networks in rural areas, support for mobile broadband services, and rapid deployment of broadband networks. However, these two technologies have different design architectures for handling broadband services which require Quality of Service (QoS), for example, 4G networks use traffic classification for supporting different QoS demands whereas PON does not differentiate between traffic types. This integrated network must also be energy efficient, as a green broadband access network, without hindering QoS. While these technologies both use sleep mode, they differ in their power saving mechanisms. This thesis first addresses a QoS solution for the incompatibility between these technologies. Service class mapping is proposed in Chapter 3 for the integrated WOBAN, based on the M/G/1 queuing model supported by an innovative priority scheduler. Once class mapping is deployed, a power saving mechanism can be devised by exploiting traffic differentiation. Specifically, a class-based strategy is proposed which helps optimise the sleep period for the terminal units of the optical network, without compromising QoS. Since the optical network involves control and terminal nodes, both of which consume power, this thesis proposes an energy efficient mechanism that involves both components. In contrast, other published strategies (Chapter 2) have only considered the terminal units. Chapter 4 presents the mechanism for enabling global sleep (control and terminal nodes) and local sleep (terminal nodes), based on the available traffic\u27s class structure. This mechanism enables sleep for different components within the bandwidth allocation by adapting the switching between predefined polling cycle lengths. As the WOBAN is comprised of both wireless and optical parts, a dynamic resource management mechanism is needed which responds to changing daily traffic patterns across a green integrated network. Consequently, Chapter 5 proposes a mechanism which dynamically adapts the polling cycles, of the optical and wireless parts of the network, to the changing traffic volume and class composition. Tailored sleep durations for the components of the WOBAN are facilitated within the resource management regime, as these components differ in their ability to function efficiently if management of the sleep periods is not responsive to the changing traffic volumes and class composition. This dissertation creates new knowledge by seamlessly integrating the two parts of WOBAN and introducing differentiated, class-based sleep for the components of the hybrid network to help realise a green WOBAN

    An Assessment of Translating Rhetorical Devices in King Abdullah II’s Political Speeches into English: Metonymic Expressions as a Case Study

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    Rhetorical devices are certain means of aesthetic and considerable values added to texts in general, and to both expressive and vocative in particular. The general concept and purpose of rhetorical devices are commonly shared between English and Arabic; yet, the subclassifications and branches of rhetoric as a unique discipline are not equal. Their mismatch makes the assessment of rendering those concerned devices in the text thorny and not quite an easy task. In addition, the study sheds light on the act of translating such texts taking into account how the aesthetic value and equivalent effect are maintained in the TLTs. The study hypothesizes that translating rhetorical devices is a thorny task to translators, due to their different types. Also, translators are not consistent with certain methods of translation as far as rendering such rhetorical devices is concerned. The model adopted to make the translation quality assessment is that of Reiss (1971/2000) who submits a thorough method of assessment and considers text type a focal point in conducting a specific approach to translation. As for procedure and data collection concerning this study, (5) texts compising metonymic expressions have been selected to be analyzed and discussed in accordance with criteria of the model adopted. The study comes up with certain concluded points which almost verify the relevent hypotheses of the study

    Optimization grid scheduling with priority base and bees algorithm

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    Grid computing depends upon sharing large-scales in a network that is widely connected within itself such as the Internet. Therefore, many grid computing researchers and scholars have focused on task scheduling, which is considered one of the NP-Complete issues. The main aim of this current research to propose an optimization of the initial scheduler for grid computing using the bees algorithm. Modern algorithms informed this research. The suggested procedure means that a newly developed algorithm can implement the schedule grid task while accounting for priorities and deadlines to decrease the completion time required for the tasks. The average waiting time of the grid environment can be minimized, and this minimization, in turn, creates an increase in the throughput of the environment


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    Throughout the past few years, several researchers have introduced various methods and various algorithms for a precise and dependable sketch-based image retrieval system. In this paper, a proposed sketch-based image retrieval system is introduced. The framework goes over two phases: creating the sketch dataset phase and implementing SIFT (scale invariant feature transform) algorithm. The sketch dataset was created by selecting 100 colored image passed through canny edge detection operator. The system tends to enter a line-based/hand-drawing sketch and applies the SIFT algorithm to match between the input sketch and all sketches in the dataset. SIFT is one of the main efficient algorithms that are used to make description and matching, since it works on large keypoints. This system retrieves images depending on sketch image, and the result of matching will retrieve images that are approximate the entered sketch. The proposed system is assessed according to the measures that are utilized in detection, description and matching grounds, which are precision, recall and accuracy measures. The system showed (96 %) accuracy for line based sketches and (84%) for hand drawing where the detection was identical

    Mobile cloud computing for emergency healthcare model:framework

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    There has been recently acceptance of traditional emergency, although there are weaknesses like an wasting time for serving emergency cases and this may threaten a patient’s life, information and communication technologies (ICT) have become more important in human life after its development for more than half a century with the great advantages of computing system like scalability of resources and reliability it is avoiding the system being a down if the server had issues or any bug, this paper will present Mobile cloud computing for emergency health care model (MCCEH) model using a cloud computing server, MCCEH model providing services related to healthcare in emergency cases and aim to reduce response time to save the patient's life. When a person is exposed to a health problem or a traffic accident is occurs, MCCEH model will allow users to search for the nearest medical center or nearest specialists related to specific specialization and the results will show the availability timetable for every specialist and whether he is available at this time or not, the user will be able to choose specialist / medical center based on previous experiences may able to read previous feedback and opinions

    Investigations of HSC punching shear capacity in flat slabs

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    Slabs punching shear capacity for normal strength concrete (NSC) and high strength concrete has been investigated in this paper. Due to the significance of concrete technology in the construction industry, more attention has been paid to high strength concrete in this paper. Then, detailed comparison is carried to evaluate the outcome by referring to several existing standards. Slabs punching tests have been collected from the reported results in the literature. Forty-seven tested slab specimens have been grouped from the available published information. In this work, the collected specimens are studied thoroughly, and a conclusion has been drawn from the preliminary investigation that punching shear failure is a common feature in the forty-seven specimens. The collected concrete slab specimens have diversified cylinder compressive strength ( ) ranged from 14.4 MPa to 119 MPa. However, the application of ( ) in existing codes is restricted to a limit as mention hereafter. American Concrete Institute (ACI-14) limits the practical application of to 69MPa, while The Australian Concrete Structures Standard (AS-94) limits to 50 MPa. The recent evolvement in concrete technology has made the production of HSC with much greater than the aforementioned values affordably reachable. Therefore, the present research attempts to bridge this gap and goes beyond the standards restrictions. This has been achieved by proposing a new design equation for punching shear through applying a regression analysis. The accuracy of the proposed equation and the existing equations have been examined by utilizing statistical analysis [Arithmetical mean ( ), Variation (VAR), Standard Deviation (SD) and Coefficient of Variation (COV)] to the punching shear failure strength values. The proposed method results for , VAR, SD and COV are 1.575, 0.364, 0.1299 and 23.128% respectively, and these are smaller when compared with the other 6 existing code methods

    The Analytical Solution and Numerical Simulation for Ytterbium-Doped Silica Glass Fiber Laser Output Power

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    In this paper as the first the rate equations in end pump fiber laser have been solved analytically with negligible the scattering loss and the output power versus input power has been derived. The result were applied for a single and double clad Yb3+- doped silica glass fiber laser, for lasing transition it acts  as a quasi-four-level system the effect of the, type concentration core radius fiber length output  reflectivity, pump power and figure of inner cladding on the output lasing power have been studied. Keywords: Rare-Earth; Fiber Laser; Rate Equation; Quasi four levels