211 research outputs found

    The Influence of Grammatical Gender in Languages to Thought

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    The article reviews the correlation between grammatical gender in languages and thought which is the core of the Sapir Whorf hypothesis Although the idea that language and thought are intertwined is ancient dating back to Plato St Augustine Immanuel Kant it is quite often linked to the writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf According to Whorf since languages differ the people who use them should vary too Cognitive development has a more profound impact on language development than the other way around and vice versa In almost every instance by numerous studies the influence of thought on language has been supported so far However the potential effects of grammatical genders on perception are among the more troubled areas of psychological research Quite a few languages are known to have grammatical gender in their noun classes including inanimate objects Russian French Spanish and Arabic are all examples of this group In French for instance coffee and salt are of masculine gender In Arabic cup desk and the calendar year are feminine Native speakers of these languages should be responsible for using right definite articles and pronouns even they alter adjectives for gender agreemen


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    After independence, the article was devoted to carrying out appropriate reforms to ensure the development of agriculture, which is one of the key areas of the economy of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. It was noted that the leadership of the autonomous republic at the same time, and then the country’s leadership, was instructed to issue the necessary orders for the development of the agrarian sector and the fulfillment of the tasks arising from these orders. In addition, the role of the agrarian sector in ensuring socio-economic development was justified, and the corresponding statistical indicators are reflected in the article. It has been shown that food security is the key to agrarian reform, which is to restrict imports by stimulating domestic production and, above all, production-driven production.

    Developing of tool for quality assurance of mental health inpacient services in Azerbaijan

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    ABSTRACT: The quality of care in mental health institutions is a serious concern in modern psychiatry. People with mental disabilities often face violation of their human rights. They often expose physical and sexual abuse, neglect, stigma, discrimination. Despite implementing the Mental Health Strategy adopted in 2011 in Azerbaijan, there is a lack of monitoring and evaluation of the provided services. The main goal of the study is to develop an instrument to monitor and evaluate the quality of mental health services in the context of human rights in Azerbaijan and to determine the reference intervals associated with good quality. The study utilized observational cross-sectional design to examine the human rights, quality of life of inpatients and their satisfaction with the services in the Psychiatric Hospital N#1. A total number of 160 participants entered the study (100 inpatients, 30 family members and 30 staff members). The WHO Quality Rights Toolkit, the Schizophrenia Quality of Life Scale-Revision 4 and the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire were used as the main tools. The results showed that the quality of services and the human rights the hospital were not fully met, precluding the provision of comprehensive and high-quality services for the persons with severe mental disorders. Unmet needs were higher in areas such as the right to exercise legal capacity, the right to personal liberty and security, and the right to live independently and to be part of the community. Some improvements were also necessary to meet needs concerning the right to an adequate standard of living, to enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment are protected and respected. Despite the level of the quality of life and satisfaction with services are average, there was a positive improvement in comparison with previous studies. The findings can be used for further improvement of the psychiatric services at Azerbeijan.RESUMO: A qualidade dos cuidados prestados nas instituições de saúde mental é uma preocupação relevante na psiquiatria moderna. As pessoas com perturbações psiquiátricas muitas vezes enfrentam violações a nível dos seus direitos humanos, incluindo abuso físico e sexual, negligência, estigma e descriminação. Apesar da implementação da Estratégia de Saúde Mental adoptada em 2011 no Azerbaijão, existe uma falta de acompanhamento e avaliação dos serviços prestados. O principal objetivo deste estudo é desenvolver um instrumento para monitorizar e avaliar a qualidade dos serviços de saúde mental no contexto dos direitos humanos no Azerbaijão e determinar os intervalos de referência associados com a boa qualidade. Foi elaborado um estudo com desenho transversal e observacional, centrado na avaliação do cumprimento dos direitos humanos e da qualidade de vida dos pacientes internados, assim como a sua satisfação com os serviços prestado no Hospital Psiquiátrico N#1. A amostra estudada foi de 160 (100 pacientes internados + 30 familiares + 30 membros do staff). Os instrumentos de avaliação foram o WHO Quality Rights Toolkit, a Schizophrenia Quality of Life Scale-Revision 4 e o Client Satisfaction Questionnaire. Os resultados mostraram que a qualidade dos serviços e os direitos humanos no hospital não estavam plenamente atendidos, impedindo por isso a prestação de serviços integrados e de alta qualidade para as pessoas com transtornos mentais graves. As necessidades não satisfeitas eram mais elevadas em áreas como o direito ao exercício da capacidade jurídica, o direito à liberdade e segurança pessoal e o direito de viver de forma independente e fazer parte da comunidade. Também se evidenciaram necessidades não-totalmente satisfeitas em áreas relativas ao direito a um nível de vida adequado, ao gozo do mais alto nível possível de estado de saúde e à ausência de tortura ou de tratamentos ou penas cruéis, desumanos ou degradantes. Apesar do nível de qualidade de vida e da satisfação com os serviços serem apenas medianos, houve uma melhora positiva em relação aos estudos anteriores. Os resultados podem ser utilizados para a melhoria dos serviços de psiquiatria no Azerbaijão

    Unmarked Methods of Word-formation in Yenisei Inscriptions

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    Yenisey's inscriptions are important written sources of Old Turkic. Semantic change, conversion, derivation, and compounding are word-formation methods in the Yenisey inscriptions language. While derivation and compounding are marked methods of word formation where new words are made by adding new affixes or words, semantic change and conversion do not have these explicit means that define them. The last two methods are based on changing meanings or forms of words without adding any new morphemes. Various types of semantic change include metaphor, metonymy, generalization, specialization, amelioration, and pejoration. Among them, metaphor, specialization, amelioration, and pejoration can be seen in Yenisei inscriptions. The words teŋri 'God', qara' ordinary people' and 'cattle', örüŋ' silver things' are formed by semantic change. Changing the parts of speech to which the words belong is called conversion. The noun bäŋgü' memorial, inscription', the adverbs tükäti 'totally', bašlayu 'firstly, to begin with, beginning', üzä 'above' and the functional parts of speech qata 'times', birlä 'with, together' are formed by conversion. Adjectives with the suffix -sïz can also become adverbs, including buŋusuz 'without a grief, happily'. The research shows that although Turkic languages are agglutinative and possess many derivational suffixes, other word-formation ways do not need adding any new morphemes to words. The products of these methods are relatively few, but they are among the words used frequently

    Convergence results for gradient flow and gradient descent systems in the artificial neural network training

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    The field of artificial neural network (ANN) training has garnered significant attention in recent years, with researchers exploring various mathematical techniques for optimizing the training process. In particular, this paper focuses on advancing the current understanding of gradient flow and gradient descent optimization methods. Our aim is to establish a solid mathematical convergence theory for continuous-time gradient flow equations and gradient descent processes based on mathematical anaylsis tools

    I have a secret: choosing the persons to whom secrets are revealed

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    Thesis (M.A.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2006This Human Science research on secrecy is focused on the choices individuals make in choosing with whom they will share a secret. Specifically, this research probes the lived experience of women regarding their decision making about secret sharing and about choosing a person with whom to share a secret. In-depth, conversational interviews were conducted with five women. Narrative analysis was used to interpret the capta, resulting in three main themes. The findings show that characteristics such as trusting the potential secret keeper, predicting their possible reaction, and what benefits might be derived from self-disclosure are important for the participants in choosing to whom they will reveal secrets


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    The purpose of the article is to introduce a strategy in the peer correction. Any correction of the mistake being reluctantly welcomed is usually accepted with a sense of disfavor. Peer correction in speaking activity is no exception. To turn this tedious process into an attractive one we have developed a relatively new strategy. Peer correction in writing activity has long been practiced. Learners enjoy discovering each other’s mistakes in essays, spelling or grammar tests, etc. But correcting speaker’s errors being rarely carried out has gradually almost been forgotten. The paper introduces a new concept in peer correction involving a point system. The students actively participating in a correction process are praised with a surplus point for a corrected mistake, which is further taken into account. The strategy has proved to be a motivating one in teaching English as a foreign language.The purpose of the article is to introduce a strategy in the peer correction. Any correction of the mistake being reluctantly welcomed is usually accepted with a sense of disfavor. Peer correction in speaking activity is no exception. To turn this tedious process into an attractive one we have developed a relatively new strategy. Peer correction in writing activity has long been practiced. Learners enjoy discovering each other’s mistakes in essays, spelling or grammar tests, etc. But correcting speaker’s errors being rarely carried out has gradually almost been forgotten. The paper introduces a new concept in peer correction involving a point system. The students actively participating in a correction process are praised with a surplus point for a corrected mistake, which is further taken into account. The strategy has proved to be a motivating one in teaching English as a foreign language

    Testing tourism-led economic growth and economic-driven tourism growth hypotheses: The case of Georgia

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    This paper empirically investigates a causal relationship between tourism and economic growth in Georgia for 1997-2018 period by employing ARDLBT approach to cointegration. Results reject economic-driven tourism growth hypothesis for Georgia and reveal that impact of tourism development over economic growth is negative in the long-run, in contrary positive in the short-run. Obtained results suggest that there is a possibility to have a tourism resource curse in the long-term in Georgia. Georgian government should build a tourism strategy to avoid crowding out of human capital from industrial production and decrease the share of imports for the needs of tourism sector