5 research outputs found


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    This study discusses the responses of respondents about the game "Battle Kanji". The method used is ADDIE. The data were taken through from a questionnaire given to 17 students from the Japanese Literature Study Program of UNIKOM academic year 2018/2019. The results showed that the respondents agreed with the "Battle Kanji" as an alternative media to learn kanji basic level with an attractive appearance, content that is easy to understand, and easy operation with 83,7% percentage value. This study is expected by the growing number of researchers to create media that can make it easier and more engaging learners in learning Japanese kanji, especially at a basic level. Keywords: Alternative Media, ADDIE, Battle Kanji, Gam

    Stabilization of Peat Soil with Vegegrout

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    A common issue in the construction industry is peat soil. Peat soil is very soft soil  with a very low bearing capacity and is quickly compressible if the load is acting on it. Peat soil can produce significant ground settlement when loaded. This study added bacteria-producing vegetable waste to peat soil in order to assess how this addition affected the compressive strength of the peat soil. Vegetable waste is sourced from traditional markets in the city of Pekanbaru, while the original peat soil was acquired from Kualu Nenas Village, Kampar Regency, Province Riau. CaCl2 and urea are the additives that are employed. The variants of Vege waste to the specimen in the amounts of 0%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%, the shear strength test was conducted. Results testing the physical properties of the original peat soil found that the soil originated from the village location Buana Makmur km 55, Dayun District, Siak Regency, is a type of peat soil with a water content of 351.092% and specific weight (Gs) = 1.530. the highest shear strength value is found in the addition of 20 % vege waste of 0,98 kg/cm

    Keefektifan Perlakuan Air Panas terhadap Nematoda Ditylenchus destructor pada Umbi Bawang Putih

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    The Effectiveness of Hot Water Treatment Against Nematode  Ditylenchus destructor on Garlic BulbsThe high importation of garlic increases the risk of entry and spread of Ditylenchus to Indonesia. The hot water treatment (HWT) has the potential to be developed as an effective and safe method for elimination Ditylenchus in garlic. The aim of the current research was to examine effectiveness of HWT application on imported garlic to eliminated Ditylenchus. The research consisted of garlic sampling, nematode identification and determination of population abundance, and HWT. Samples were taken from traditional markets. The range of HWT temperature tested was 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, and 55 °C for 20 minutes and control. Optimization of treatment time was carried out at 49–51 °C for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 minutes and control. The results showed that based on morphological characters the parasitic nematodes that infect imported garlic from China were D. destructor. Nematode populations are varied in the sample, the highest number was 508 nematodes per 50 g of garlic. Hot water temperature at 41–51 °C did not affect the quality of garlic, and the temperature of 49–55 °C caused 100% nematode mortality. Hot water at 49 °C for 20–30 minutes or 51 °C for 20–25 minutes effectively eliminated Ditylenchus in garlic without affecting the garlic quality. The research confirmed the presence of D. destructor in imported garlic imported from China, so it is recommended to tighten inspection at a port of entry and monitoring its potential spread in Indonesia

    Analisis Kinerja Struktur Gedung Bertingkat Sistem Ganda Berdasarkan SNI 1726-2019

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    Indonesia merupakan negara yang berada di wilayah rawan gempa. Sesuai dengan peraturan gempa yang berlaku di Indonesia yaitu SNI 1726-2019, Kota Jakarta merupakan salah satu daerah dengan tingkat resiko gempa yang tinggi. Saat ini mulai diperkenalkan konsep untuk menilai kinerja bangunan struktur terhadap pengaruh gempa kuat yaitu konsep desain berbasis kinerja (pushover analysis). Pada penelitian ini akan dievaluasi struktur bangunan bertingkat yaitu Rumah Susun dengan sistem struktur ganda yang berada di Kota Jakarta dengan total 11 lantai dan memiliki ketinggian 36,5 m. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk menentukan level kinerja pada struktur bangunan gedung, serta memperlihatkan posisi sendi plastis yang terjadi dari hasil perhitungan pemodelan perilaku non linear. Untuk mengetahui kinerja struktur pada bangunan tinggi bertingkat banyak dan bangunan-bangunan yang memerlukan ketelitian yang sangat besar, maka diperlukan analisis response spektrum yang selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis berbasis kinerja untuk mengetahui level kinerja struktur bangunan dalam memperkirakan gaya maksimum, deformasi yang terjadi, dan memperoleh informasi posisi terjadinya sendi plastis. Pada penelitian desain berbasis kinerja ini, akan digunakan metode spektrum kapasitas (ATC-40), dan koefisien perpindahan (FEMA 440). Hasil yang didapat dari analisis data adalah level kinerja struktur bangunan Rumah Susun menurut ATC-40 dan FEMA 440 adalah tingkat Immediately Occupancy (IO) yaitu bila terjadi gempa, hanya sedikit kerusakan struktural yang terjadi, sehingga bangunan aman dan dapat langsung dipakai. Akan tetapi, mayoritas posisi sendi plastis terjadi pada elemen kolom kemudian terjadi pada elemen balok, keadaan ini tidak memenuhi konsep desain strong column weak beam atau dengan kata lain kolom pada struktur dalam keadaan lemah

    Studi tentang produk kriya logam sekolah menengah kejuruan negeri 5 Yogyakarta tahun 1999-2002

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    Proses produksi kriya logam di SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta di pengaruhii faktor internal yakni iniasiatif dalam sumber daya manusia, kualitas prosuk dan kemampuan. Serta faktor eksternal yaitu, pasar, pesaing, kemampuan iptek