100 research outputs found

    Export-Led Growth in Malaysian Agriculture: A VAR Approach

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    This paper investigates the export-growth relationship for the Malaysian agricultural sector using a threevariable vector autoregressive (VAR) model. The model was subjected to three different causality tests procedure: Granger causality, Hsiao's technique and variance decomposition. The results indicate that growth of gross domestic product (GOP) causes exports in two of the three test procedures employed

    Export-led growth hypothesis: an empirical evidence of Malaysia

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    This paper empirically investigates export-led growth hypothesis in total Malaysian exports and exports to dynamic Asia-Pacific and non-Asia Pacific countries by using a three-variable vector autoregressive (VAR) model. The model was subjected to three different causality test procedures; Granger's causality, Hsiao's technique and variance decomposition. The results indicate that export-led growth hypothesis is supported in two out of three series used and exports to Asia-Pacific counties have helped Malaysia to enjoy a high growth rate

    Advertizing, concentration and profitability in Malaysian manufacturing revisited: A simultaneous equation approach

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    The original Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) paradigm that postulates a unidirectional relationship between concentration, advertizing and profitability had been used as the theoretical framework for many empirical works in industrial organizations before the mid seventies. Thereafter, doubts had begun to surface over the unidirectional postulate and there is new theory suggesting simultaneous interdependence. Unfortunately, not only are Malaysian studies in this area few and far between (exhaustive literature review yields only three published studies namely, Gan and Tham, 1977; Gan, 1978; and Rugayah, 1992), they also failed to incorporate the more recent theoretical development on the simultaneity of effects. This paper revisits the SCP paradigm as applied to the relationship among concentration, advertizing and profitability by conducting an empirical test that allows for simultaneous interdependence among variables. A set of three equations was estimated using three stage least squares (3SLS). The results provide considerable support to the feed forward and feedback effects between the three variables. Advertizing intensity exerts a significant influence on profit and concentration in the industry and there exists a feedback effect running from concentration to advertizing intensity. This finding suggests that advertizing does have an anti-competitive impact on the industry and therefore has a direct bearing on competition policy analysis

    Sistem Kendali Ayunan Bayi Berbasis Mikrokontroller dan Android

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    This study aims to design a prototype of a microcontroller and arduino-based baby swing control system that will be very useful for housewives who have babies. This system will automatically work to move the swing when the sound of a baby and water is detected. This system is designed using a sound sensor that functions to detect the baby's voice, a water sensor to detect water when a baby is urinating, a DC motor that functions to move the swing automatically and a mobile application that functions to monitor swings. The test results show that the tool functions as desired, where when the tool detects the sound of a baby's cry, the tool automatically moves the swing, when the tool detects the presence of water, the swing will send a notification to the smartphone, this tool also successfully displays information to the smartphone in the form of a state baby in the form of video and sensor conditions on the swing. The communication distance between the smartphone and the device is 20 meters.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah prototipe sistem kendali ayunan bayi berbasis mikrokontroller dan arduino yang akan sangat berguna bagi ibu rumah tangga yang memiliki bayi. Sistem ini akan otomatis bekerja untuk menggerakkan ayunan apabila terdeteksi suara bayi dan air. Sistem ini dirancang menggunakan sensor suara yang berfungsi untuk mendeteksi suara bayi, sensor air untuk mendeteksi air ketika bayi sedang buang air kecil, motor DC yang berfungsi untuk menggerakkan ayunan secara otomatis serta aplikasi mobile yang berfungsi untuk memonitoring ayunan. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa alat berfungsi sesuai dengan yang diinginkan, dimana ketika alat mendeteksi adanya suara tangisan bayi, maka alat secara otomatis menggerakkan ayunan, ketika alat mendeteksi adanya air maka ayunan akan mengirimkan notifikasi ke smartphone, alat ini juga berhasil menampilkan informasi ke smartphone berupa keadaan bayi dalam bentuk video dan kondisi sensor pada ayunan. Untuk jarak komunikasi antara smartphone dan alat yaitu sejauh 20 meter

    Determinants of Entry and Exit in the Malaysian Manufacturing Sector

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    This study highlights the determinants of entry and exit of fums in the Malaysian manufacturing sectors. The findings from this study will assist policy makers in formulating effective competition policy and draw more interests for future research in this area. Entry and exit are crucial determinants of market structure and performance. The existence of barriers to entry will impede the process of creating more competitive market structure and hence, lead to inefficient resource allocation. In the process, entry and exit of firms are directly measured. Determinants of entry and exit are then grouped based on incentives and impediments to entry and exit. Initially the determinants of entry and exit separately considered. Next, symmetric relationship between the two was examined since barriers to entry can also be barriers to exit. Finally, simultaneous relationship between entry and exit whereby entry forces exit and exit attracts entry was also examined. The evidence on entry and exit of firms shows that entry and exit in the Malaysian manufacturing sectors are very intense, however they occur at the bottom of the industry structure


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    Background and Purpose: Islamic finance is an important driver of the economy for the Muslim world, particularly to the developing Muslim majority countries in Southeast Asia. Scholars continue to pay close attention to Islamic finance research because it differs from conventional finance in many ways. Islamic finance research, like other fields of study, has to take a step back to evaluate what has been accomplished, who has contributed, and what the trending research topics are throughout its development. To that end, this research aims to investigate the structure of Islamic finance research by identifying its key nuances to date.   Methodology: This study uses the VOSviewer program to perform bibliometric analysis techniques, particularly the citation, bibliographic coupling, and co-word analysis, to investigate the structure of Islamic finance research. The analyses were conducted by identifying the scientific journals that have a significant impact in the field based on a sample of 1,567 articles spanning the years 1955 to 2019, or 65 years of research.   Findings: The major findings of the study are the identification of the four key nuances that form the structure of Islamic finance research and the most referred publications for each of the nuances using citation, bibliometric coupling and co-word analysis. The key nuances include:  1) Bank performance, stability, corporate governance, and risk management; 2) Customer’s patronization and satisfaction factors; 3) Islamic microfinancing and social banking; and 4) Islamic capital market products and performance.   Contributions: This study presents an easy-to-read network of research nuances useful for understanding the Islamic finance literature and supporting future research in this field. The study also provides practical contributions to Islamic financial institutions by showing the major areas of focus to improve or sustain them in the industry.   Keywords: Bibliometric analysis, Islamic finance nuances, literature review, co-word, bibliographic coupling.   Cite as: Abdullah, A. R., Abdullah, S. S., Zainuddin, S. A., Azmi, N. F., & Abdullah, T. (2023). Four nuances of Islamic finance research: A bibliometric analysis approach for exploring the structure of research. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8(1), 158-183. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol8iss1pp158-18

    Cadangan model teoritikal bagi menilai kecekapan pelaburan dalam pembangunan Tanah Rizab Melayu

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    The Malay Reserve (land) accounts for 33.55% of productive land in Malaysia. Unfortunately, several studies have shown that the owners of such a massive source of productive resource are not able to develop its full economic potential. The solution to this inefficient utilisation of resource requires a theory capable of explaining the source of the problem. Even though several ideas have been put forward to explain this phenomenon, few if any, are based on rigorous economic theory. This paper proposes a simple (but rigorous) theory to explain why economically rational owners of the Malay Reserve land make suboptimal investment for the development of their land. In doing so, the theory explains the underdevelopment of the Malay Reserve land. It was found that transaction cost and opportunism arising from multiple ownership and small numbers bargaining are the major factors contributing to underdevelopment of Malay Reserve land

    Trends in the Malaysian industrial market structures

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    Kini sektor pembllatan menyumbang lebih daripada salU pertiga ke/uarall Ilegara dan melebihi separuh daripada jumlah eksport. Malangnya. amat sedikit yang diketalwi len tang arah alirmi jangka panjang allgkubah~angkllbah struktllr pasaran sektor ini, sUllgguhpun mengikut teori ekonomi, angkllbah~al1gkllbah tersebut dapat banyak menerangkan tentang keadaaan saingan dall kecekapan industri dalam jangka pendek dan jangka panjang. Pengetahuan tentang bidang ini juga membolehkan seseorang menilai prospeks masa depan industri pembuatan di Malaysia dalam meng/iadapi liberalisasi dan globalisasi pasaran yang semakin mencabar. Kertas ini memmjukkan bahmva berlakrmya perubahan struktur pasaran perindustrian di Malaysia dan sememangnya menampakkan arah aUran yang signiJikan bagi sesetengah angkubah struktur pasaran

    Pemeliharaan maslahah di sebalik pensyariatan konsep berpakaian wanita menurut Islam

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    Tulisan ini cuba menghuraikan berkenaan konsep pemeliharaan maslahah yang diutarakan Islam dalam pensyariatan hukum-hakam Syariah. Walaupun begitu, tulisan ini hanya akan memfokuskan dalam aspek konsep pakaian wanita di hadapan lelaki bukan mahram sahaja dengan bersandarkan kepada rujukan-rujukan perpustakaan meliputi kajian terhadap teks-teks seperti tafsir al-Quran, fiqh dan sebagainya. Pemilihan fokus ini disebabkan terdapat pelbagai pandangan negatif yang dilemparkan oleh sesetengah ahli masyarakat terhadap konsep ini. Sehubungan itu, tulisan ini akan cuba mengutarakan hukum-hakam berkaitan pakaian wanita termasuk keadaan-keadaan yang diberikan kelonggaran syarak (rukhsah) beserta penjelasan berkenaan maslahah di sebaliknya. Secara umumnya, tulisan ini merumuskan bahawa pensyariatan konsep pakaian ini antara lainnya bertujuan menutup jalan yang boleh membawa kepada jenayah seksual terhadap wanita dan secara tidak langsung menyumbang kepada keharmonian hidup masyarakat. Tulisan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat yang besar kepada sumbangan ilmiah berkaitan cara hidup Isla

    Description of Nurse's Attitude in Caring for Violent Behavior Patients

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    Predisposing factors become the cause of violent behavior originating from clients such as lack of attention which usually occurs in childhood, having low emotional abilities such as someone who is easily angry, has anxiety disorders, depression, family relationships that are not going well, losing someone beloved. While precipitation factors such as hopelessness, helplessness, and lack of confidence. Interviews and observations are the methods used in this study. The attitude of nurses in caring for patients with violent behavior is included in the good category (82.5%) as evidenced by the score on the interview sheet. Based on the results of observations regarding the attitude of nurses in caring for patients with violent behavior, nurses have carried out in accordance with the theory based on the level of attitude as evidenced by the interview sheet