26 research outputs found


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    Abstract. Oligosaccharides are a group of sugar polymers with degree of polymerisation of 2 to 10 monosaccharides linked by glycosidic bonds. Oligosaccharides are grouped according to their monomer components and linkages; fructooligosaccharides, maltooligosaccharides, xylooligosaccharides, galactooligosaccharides and etc. Plant oligosaccharides are found naturally in some fruits and vegetables but certain oligosaccharides such as xylooligosaccharides can be industrially manufactured from agricultural byproducts. Oligosaccharides that cannot be digested by human digestive system but selectively fermented in the colon had been proven to be a prebiotic ingredient. The addition of prebiotic oligosaccharides to food enhances functional properties beneficial for the body including bowel function, calcium absorption and lipid metabolism, prevention of dental caries, protection against cardiovascular disease and decrease in the risk of colon cancer due to the formation of short-chain fatty acids. The global xylooligosaccharides market is valued at 88.09 million USD in 2016 and is expected to reach 119.62 million USD by the end of 2022. Due to global demand of xylooligosaccharides and availability of agricultural byproducts from oil palm plantation and palm oil industry, Malaysia and Indonesia should play important role as manufacturers of xylooligosaccharides


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    This study discusses the memory to the mothers in Disney’s fairy tale movies. This study aimed to analyze the princesses’ remembrances to their mothers and the effects of those remembrances by using the nostalgia theory by Linda Hutcheon. Three Disney movies, Cinderella, Beauty and The Beast, and Frozen II were studied using descriptive qualitative methods. The result of this study shows that the princesses remember their mothers due to adversities faced in their lives, and this memory is accessed through several media such as mother’s words, the mother’s old dress, the Lullaby, and places. It is also found that those remembrances empower the princesses and have many positive and significant effects on the princesses’ life, such as drawing strength and motivation, knowing the truth, reconstructing their identity, and maintaining self-identity. This positive effect occurs when the princesses have positive perspectives on the memory to past events. It means that it may have a negative effect if the past was taken as trauma or negative events. Furthermore, even though the late mothers can no longer have an influence on their children, their influence remains in the memory of the princesses. Keywords:Penelitian ini membahas tentang memori ibu di dalam film fairy tale Disney. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis alasan para puteri dalam mengingat ibu mereka dan efek dari ingatan tersebut dengan menggunakan teori nostalgia dari Linda Hutcheon. Peneliti mengambil tiga film Disney, Cinderella, Beauty and The Beast, dan Frozen II. Tiga film Disney, Cinderella, Beauty and The Beast, and Frozen II dipelajari dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa puteri mengingat ibu mereka karena kesulitan yang dihadapi dalam hidup mereka, dan akses memori ini melalui beberapa media seperti kata-kata ibu, baju tua ibu, Lullaby, dan beberapa tempat. Ditemukan juga bahwa kenangan-kenangan tersebut menguatkan para puteri dan memiliki banyak efek positif dan signifikan bagi kehidupan para puteri, seperti menarik kekuatan dan motivasi, mengetahui kebenaran, merekosntruksi identitas mereka dan mempertahankan identitas diri. Efek positif ini terjadi ketika para puteri memiliki perspektif positif untuk mengingat perisitwa masa lalu. Itu artinya dapat berdampak negatif jika masa lalu dianggap sebagai trauma atau peristiwa negatif. Lebih jauh lagi, meskipun mendiang ibu tidak dapat lagi memberikan pengaruh pada anak-anaknya, pengaruh mereka tetap ada dalam ingatan para puteri

    قصة سيدنا يوسف عليه السلام بين الأدبين العربي والملايوي: دراسة مقارنة = The story of Prophet Yusuf between Arabic & Malay literature: a comparative study

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    أجريت هذه الدراسة المقارنة لكشف أوجه الاتفاق والاختلاف بين المخطوطتين العربية والملايوية وهما ’حكاية نبي يوسف‘ و ’زهر الكمام في قصة يوسف عليه السلام‘. كتب محمد لاباي ’حكاية نبي يوسف‘ في عام 0314 ، ولا تزال هذه المخطوطة الجاوية مخزنة في المكتبة البريطانية وترجمها إلى الخط الجاوي بواسطة أرشاد مختار )أرشاد مختار، 4103 (، بينما كتب ’زهر الكمام في قصة يوسف عليه السلام‘ سراج الدين أبي حفص عمر بن إبراهيم بن عمر الأنصاري الأوسي، هذه المخطوطة هي أكمل سرد لقصة النبي يوسف منذ بداية حلمه حتى تحقق، والجوانب الأدبية التي ستتم مقارنتها من خلال هاتين المخطوطتين هي الشخصية، والحبكة، والبيئة المكانية، والأسلوب واللغة

    Application Of Exact String Matching Algorithms Towards SMILES Representation Of Chemical Structure.

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    Bioinformatics and Cheminformatics use computer as disciplines providing tools for acquisition, storage, processing, analysis, integrate data and for the development of potential applications of biological and chemical data. A chemical database is one of the databases that exclusively designed to store chemical information

    Development of a novel fermented pumpkin-based beverage inoculated with water kefir grains: a response surface methodology approach

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    Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) is well known for its health and nutritional benefits and is recommended for daily consumption. This is the first report on optimization and development of fermented pumpkin-based water kefir beverage. Optimum pumpkin puree and brown sugar concentrations were found at 22.28 and 9.07% w/v, respectively, were made into a pumpkin-based beverage and fermented with water kefir grains for 24 h at 32 �C. The optimized fermented pumpkin-based water kefir beverage was found to be non-alcoholic, achieved good overall acceptability and high Lactobacillus, acetic acid bacteria and yeast cell viability of approximately 1012, 109 and 109 CFU mL-1, respectively. Overall, the optimized product attained superb technological characteristics and has the potential for industrial exploitation as a refreshing water kefir drink

    Prevalence of Salmonella spp. from Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) by using improvement isolation methods

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    Abstract. Catfish is an important freshwater fish used in food supply may be infected by pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella spp. Due to its public health implications; an enhanced method of isolation of Salmonella spp. is desirable. A total of 60 samples (15 of whole-body of catfish, 15 of gills, 15 of intestines and 15 of water samples) collected from wet market in Penang (Malaysia) were examined. The aim of this study was to compare a pellet method to the conventional method (non-pellet method) of isolation of Salmonella spp. from different parts of catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) and water samples. In this study, the pellet method was assessed and compared to conventional method (non-pellet method). Three selective agars, Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD), Xylose-Lysine-Tergitol 4 (XLT4), Bismuth Sulfite Agar (BSA), were used. Pellet method found to show significant difference (p<0.05) on a total of 15 catfish samples. Higher prevalence obtained in pellet method was 53.33%, 80%, 40% growth on XLD, XLT4 and BSA, respectively. By using non-pellet method, the prevalence was 46.67%, 53.33%, 13.33% on XLD, XLT4 and BSA, respectively. Salmonella spp. presented on whole-body of catfish, gills, intestine and water for 80%, 40% 20% and 6.67%, respectively. This result indicates that the pellet method can isolate Salmonella sp. higher compared to non-pellet method

    3D Free-standing graphene: influence of etching solution and etching time on chemical vapor deposition on the graphene/nickel foam

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    Three-dimensional (3D) structures made of graphene sheets have been developed recently, and have resulted in the development of a new class of graphene materials known as 3D graphene materials. High-quality free-standing 3D graphene foam has been synthesized by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on nickel foam followed by a chemical etching process to remove the nickel foam as a template. Field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD), and Raman spectroscopy measurements were performed to investigate the morphologies, crystal phase, and the structure of nickel foam (NF), graphene/nickel foam (Gr/NF), and 3D graphene (3D Gr). In this study, the influence of etching solution and etching time on Gr/NF to produce free-standing 3D Gr was investigated. XRD spectroscopy showed that the mixed solutions of 1M FeCl3:1M HCl at 80 °C for 3 h can significantly remove the NF and no peaks of NF are observed, thus indicating a high crystal quality of 3D Gr was obtained. In addition, XRD spectroscopy revealed that by increasing the etching time beyond 3 h, the intensity of diffraction peaks decreases, thus degrading graphene quality. This research emphasizes the significance of proper selections of etching solution and etching time in removing the NF to maintain the characteristic, quality, and surface morphology of 3D Gr after the etching process

    Optimization of recovery of esterase from Serratia marcescens using combination of the solvent impregnated resin and aqueous two-phase extraction techniques

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    The performance of tunable aqueous polymer phase impregnated resins (TAPPIR) which is the combination of the solvent impregnated resin principle and an aqueous two-phase system for the separation of esterase from Serratia marcescens was evaluated in this study. Different molecular weight of polyethylene glycol (PEG) (2000, 4000 and 6000) at concentration ranging from 5% to 20% (w/w) and potassium citrate were used to construct the aqueous phase in TAPPIR technology. Optimum composition of PEG and salt for esterase partitioning was determined using response surface methodology. The optimum condition for the purification of esterase was impregnation of 25% (w/w) of PEG 2000 into 4 mm porous glass beads and extraction of esterase using 15% (w/w) potassium citrate at pH 8 containing 12% (w/w) crude loading with the addition of 4% (w/w) NaCl. Esterase from S. marcescens was successfully purified by the TAPPIR technology up to 5.32 of purification factor with a yield of 75.98%