9 research outputs found

    Potential Use of Student’s Travel Pattern for Integrated Transportation System Planning in Yogyakarta

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    Yogyakarta is known as an education city because it has many high-rank universities, it leads to the high number of students living in Yogyakarta. The student who lives in Yogyakarta makes a significant contribution to the economy. However, the differences in activities and movement among the students causing high and varied transportation needs, leading to an increase in the number of vehicles that while the road capacity is still stagnant. This phenomenon is unavoidable because there is no effective and reachable mass transportation system. Identifying the pattern of weekly student trips can be used as one of the main considerations for this study. Identification of travel patterns can explain the flow, characteristic, and needed of commuters, so it can be used as a basic but precise reference to create a transportation system that suits their needs with high efficiency and occupancy rate

    Kualitas Fisik Telur Ayam Petelur pada Tingkat Pelaku Usaha di Kabupaten Manokwari Provinsi Papua Barat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas fisik, lama penyimpanan dan rantai pemasaran telur ayam ras pasok pada distributor dan pengecer di Kabupaten Manokwari Provinsi Papua Barat. Sampel telur diambil dari tiga distributor dengan lama penyimpanan 12 hari dari pengecer yaitu pasar tradisional dan pasar moderen untuk masing-masing lama penyimpanan 17 hari dan 22 hari. Kualitas fisik yang diukur adalah kedalaman kantong udara, indeks albumin dan indeks yolk serta lama penyimpanan telur yang meliputi 12 hari, 17 hari dan 22 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa telur ayam ras pasok yang beredar di Kabupaten Manokwari telah mengalami penurunan kualitas fisik. Setelah lama penyimpanan 17 hari, berdasarkan badan standar nasional telur ayam ras pasok tidak layak dikonsumsi sehingga seharusnya tidak dipasarkan


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    Nilai ambang batas erosi (T) sebagai salah satu batasan utama belum menjadi fokus studi yang utama, padahal di negara maju telah memiliki standar nilai T (Adi, 2003 ; Duan et al.,2009; Arsyad, 2010; Mandal & Sharda, 2011). Metode Modified Productivity Index (MPI) merupakan suatu metode baru, dan dapat menjadi alternatif metode perhitungan nilai T di Indonesia. Perhitungan nilai T dilakukan di DAS Bompon dengan memanfatkan metode MPI oleh Duan et al (2009). Satuan pemetaan disusun atas bentuklahan yang didetilkan dengan informasi vegetasi. Nilai indeks produktivitas (IP) di DAS bompon tergolong rendah rata-rata hanya sebesar 0,02. Nilai IP yang rendah juga berpengaruh terhadap nilai T yang rata-rata sebesar 15,91 Ton/Ha/Tahun. Nilai T terukur di DAS Bompon lebih rendah dibanding nilai T di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia, karena adanya perbedaan metode dan pendekatan. Uji sensitivitas menunjukkan parameter paling sensitif untuk IP adalah kandungan lempung, dan untuk nilai T adalah erosi aktual

    Use of Physical Characteristic Data for Landuse Planning in Agriculture Activities: Conceptual Design

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    The absence of standard parameters in land use planning threaten the quality of land resources and leads to a decline in agricultural productivity, especially in Indonesia. Identification of erosion process, productivity index, and slope conditions could be considered for land use planning, especially for agriculture. Since 2018, the Indonesian government has provided a national seamless Digital Elevation Model, called DEMNAS, which has 8,5 meters resolution for development planning purposes, including environmental research. This paper aims to design a conceptual framework for utilizing the physiographic conditions, erosion identification, and projecting the productivity with productivity index values as a basis for land-use planning. The concept is formulated by using available data and literature studies, related to land resource management. The conceptual design from this study can be helpful for land use planning purposes, especially if the good quality of data provided

    Revitalization of Winong Spring as a Generator of Ecotourism Activities to Promote Local Economic Development in Giripurno Village as One of Borobudur Buffer Zones

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    Establishing the National Tourism Strategic Area of Borobudur leaves challenges related to the surrounding villages. Most areas surrounding the Borobudur Temple, especially those in Menoreh Hills, have a high potential as a natural tourist destination. The main attractions are related to sightseeing and spring tourism. These potential attractions, however, have yet to be managed optimally due to the lack of resources of the surrounding villages, materially or socially. Our primary purpose is to reactivate the tourism potential in Giripurno Village by developing a new tourist attraction Winong Spring. We developed the new tourist attraction by structuring the current Winong Spring using lightweight, flexible, yet solid designs and building materials. We also revitalized abandoned fish ponds to become an integral Winong Spring tourist attraction feature. The tourist attraction developed at Winong Spring area becomes a new economic potential for Giripurno Village. The community receives the prospective tourist attraction of Winong Spring, which is also reflected in the high community participation in its development. It is also responding to the rising trending river tourism in Indonesia. Properly managed, the new prospective tourist attraction will benefit both ecosystem and economy. Thus, capacity building for tourism management and fish cultivation must be done. In addition, cohesive coordination from all stakeholders is required to guarantee the sustainability of the new potential tourist attraction


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    ABSTRAK   Sambodo, Ahmad Priyo. 2015. Analisis Sistem Pengendalian Internal Prosedur Pencairan Dana Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT) Pada BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Kantor Cabang Malang. Tugas Akhir, Jurusan Akuntansi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: Diana Tien Irafahmi, S.Pd., M.Ed.   Kata Kunci: BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, jaminan hari tua   BPJS ketenagakerjaan adalah badan hukum publik yang  bertanggung jawab kepada presiden dan berfungsi menyelenggarakan program jaminan hari tua, jaminan pensiun, jaminan kematian dan jaminan kecelakaan kerja bagi seluruh pekerja Indonesia. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut diperlukan adanya analisis sistem pengendalian internal prosedur pencairan Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT) pada BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Kantor Cabang Malang. Salah satu analisis sistem pengendalian internal yang dibutuhkan yaitu mengenai prosedur pencairan dana jaminan hari tua (JHT). Penulisan Tugas Akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prosedur pencairan dana jaminan hari tua dan sistem pengendalian internal yang terdapat pada prosedur tersebut. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi, metode interview dan observasi. Sedangkan metode pemecahan masalah menggunakan metode perbandingan dengan teori tentang unsur-unsur sistem pengendalian internal dan melakukan interview pada bidang pelayanan. Dari hasil pengamatan Tugas Akhir ini, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa secara garis besar prosedur prosedur pencairan dana Jaminan Hari Tua yang dilakukan oleh BPJS ketenagakerjaan sudah cukup baik. Namun masih perlu diperbaiki pada pemberian informasi data pendukung yang diperlukan dan perlu menambah unsur sistem pengendalian internal praktik yang sehat. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan ini disarankan kepada BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Kantor Cabang Malang untuk memberikan sosialisasi terhadap calon peserta dalam melampirkan data pendukung untuk pencairan dana Jaminan Hari Tua. Selanjutnya perlu menambahkan unsur sistem pengendalian internal tentang praktik yang sehat pada pengambilan cuti dan pembentukan tim pengawas sistem pengendalian internal

    Application of Landform Arrangement and Slope Classes on Detailed Soil Resources Mapping in Transitional Volcanic Landscape. Case Study: Bompon Watershed, Magelang Regency, Central Java

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    Thesis (M.Sc. (Earth System Science))--Prince of Songkla University, 2021Detailed soil resources data is very importance for a development. In many sectors, information regarding the soil conditions is important, whether for civil engineering, mining, and especially agriculture. Unfortunately, despite the long history of soil studies, the cost to obtain a good soil data through soil mapping is still considerably expensive. Use of grid method for soil mapping is the reason behind the expensive cost of detailed soil mapping. In order to reduce the cost while increasing the efficiency of soil mapping, this study tries to use geomorphometry approach to simplify the soil mapping process. For this study, the geomorphology complex area, transitional volcanic landform was chosen. Transitional volcanic landform has unique soil characteristic, which are rich in clay, high erodibility, and have a depth for more than two meters. The result of this study shows that the slope has a statistical significance to the soil pH level, but the R2 value is still low due to many human activities that potentially alter the soil conditions beyond the natural rate. Despite the low R2 value, the time and cost needed to finish the soil survey is 70% lower than using a grid method. Those results shows that the geomorphometry approach still have a challenge to be implemented widely as a standard approach for soil mapping but have a great potency

    Increasing the Efficiency of Detailed Soil Resource Mapping on Transitional Volcanic Landforms Using a Geomorphometric Approach

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    For developing countries, detailed soil resource data and maps are essential in land-use planning. Unfortunately, obtaining detailed soil data for mapping is expensive. Detailed soil studies and mapping in developing countries often use the grid method. In addition to being time-consuming, the grid method needs a lot of sample points and surveyors. Geomorphometry can be a less expensive alternative for detailed soil mapping. Geomorphometry uses computationally measured terrain characteristics to describe other hard-to-measure terrain and soil properties. In our study, landform arrangements and slopes were analyzed together to create a map of soil pH. Bompon watershed, Indonesia, was used as a case study. Soil mapping units with potentially similar soil pH were created based on a classification system of the two geomorphometric parameters. Soil samples were taken from each of the units. The samples' soil pH was measured and compared to the geomorphometric predicted result. Regression tests were performed to see the significance of geomorphometric parameters on soil pH conditions. Regression tests show that the results of p value of the four soil layers are 0.046, 0.019, 0.037, and 0.047, respectively, on a 5% confidence level. According to the test result, landform arrangements and slopes can indicate soil pH conditions in Bompon. Our estimate suggests that our geomorphometric method is cheaper than the grid method by a factor of seven. The ability to use geomorphometric parameters to describe other soil properties could enable a cheap and fast production of detailed soil maps for developing countries

    Exploring the role of social determinants in the risk reduction of landslide-prone settlements: a case study of Giripurno Village in Central Java, Indonesia

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    Abstract Background The world population is still growing. The growing population caused a changes in the trend of selecting settlements location. Due to the limited flat land, people were starting to form settlements in a hilly or mountainous area which is prone to landslide. The community used to move from place to place to avoid landslides, however, it is no longer possible to implement those actions. While a lot of research has been conducted to assess the vulnerability and risk of settlements to disasters, there needs to be more research on developing settlements in landslide-prone area and their impact on disaster management. Results High social influences can be found in the development of landslide-prone settlements of Giripurno Village. The community shows a high consideration on relatives in deciding their settlement location. Moreover, high consideration of kinship and social activity affects the arrangement of spaces in the house and directly affects the amount of space occupancy. Layout of houses in Giripurno Village were found to have large living room to accommodate family and community gatherings. Although high social dependences of one community can be beneficial in the disaster emergency response and recovery, it can also hinder the disaster mitigation effors by allowing development in an unsafe area, thus increase the risk of disasters. Conclusion This paper discuss about how the social factors can relate to the disaster management with an emphasis on the development of settlements. This paper also highlight the aspects of space occupancy which is rarely being discussed in the disaster management related research. The result obtained by this study could provide important insight into the future disaster management in the landslide-prone settlements area