366 research outputs found

    CFD Simulation and Wind Tunnel Test of NACA 4412 Airfoil Wing Section at Different Angles of Attack

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    Airfoil can be defined as a body shape so that lift can be generated as fluid flow through it. The study of thin aerofoil by changes in a few characteristic such as different angle of attack, α would provide changes in lift, drag, and pitching moment coefficients. In order to identify the changes, Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulation has been applied by using ANSYS, FLUENT and GAMBIT software and followed by experiments conducted in a low speed wind tunnel to obtain measurement results. Shape of the body is important in achieving the desired result. NACA 4412 airfoil, which is high lift wing type, was chosen as the airfoil shapes in the present work. It was identified along the entire project. The aerodynamics characteristics of this airfoil have been shown by the plot of the coefficient graph lift and drag. This results obtained by both CFD and wind tunnel test. Although there is a little differences between results of these two methods, but, the general trend is the same. The results were compared with previous experimental results and they are in good agreement. It can be concluded that Reynolds Number values are affecting the characteristic of the airfoil and this is the reason for the small differences of recent results from others. However, a few recommendations have been outlined for further investigation

    Perbedaan Hasil Belajar IPA (Biologi) Siswa Pada Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Team Games Tournament (TGT) dengan Tipe Numbered Head Together (NHT)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar IPA Biologi Siswa pada Penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT dengan NHT di kelas VIIà MTsN 2 Mataram Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua siswa kelas VII MTsN 2 Mataram berjumlah enam kelas dengan jumlah siswa 226 orang. Sampel diperoleh dengan teknik purposive sampling sehingga diperoleh kelas VII C sebagai eksperimen 1 dan VII D sebagai kelas eksperimen 2. Kelas VII C menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT, sedangkan kelas VII D menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT. Perolehan data dengan menggunakan tes untuk melihat hasil belajar aspek kognitif dan lembar observasi untuk mengetahui aktifitas siswa dan keterlaksanaan RPP. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji t polled varian karena data terdistribusi normal dan bersifat homogen. Hasil Post-testà thitung = 5,28 dan harga Kritik ttabel= 2,02 sehingga hasil uji hipotesis yang diperoleh menyatakan Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima sehingga terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar IPA Biologi siswa antara yang menggunakan model TGT dengan NHT. Hasil belajar ranah kognitif menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT lebih tingg

    Kesetaraan Dalam Memilih Pasangan Untuk Membangun Keharmonisan Rumah Tangga Perspektif Maqashid Syari’ah

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    Abstract : The aims of this study are: First, to analyze equality in selecting partners from the maqasid shari'ah perspective. Second, analyze the equality of partners in building household harmony from the perspective of maqashid syari'ah. Research using the method of literature. Sources of data were obtained from books or legal materials related to Islamic family law and maqasid shari'ah. In analyzing these data, the writer used a descriptive research method. This study concludes: First, equality in the household in terms of the maqasid shari'ah aspect is in the context of creating comfort and peace of mind in living together in the household, maintaining selfrespect, getting offspring, working together in facing life's difficulties and exercising rights family rights. Islam has regulated that in choosing a partner one should pay attention to lineage, wealth, position, physique and religion. However, in choosing a partner, religion must be the main consideration. The goal is to maintain the strength of the lineage and to ensure the continuity and continuity of this noble lineage, especially with the orders of Allah SWT and His Messenger, equality must be given more attention, emphasized and maintained as best as possible. Second, the maqashid syari'ah of equality in building household harmony is in the context of creating comfort and tranquility in living together in the household, maintaining self-respect, having children, working together in facing life's difficulties and exercising family rights.Keywords: Equality, Maqhasid Syari'ah Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah : Pertama, menganalisis kesetaraan dalam memilih pasangan perspektif maqashid syari’ah. Kedua, menganalisis kesetaraan pasangan dalam membangun keharmonisan rumah tangga perspektif maqashid syari’ah. Penelitian menggunakan metode kepustakaan. Sumber data diperoleh dari bukubuku atau bahan hukum yang berkaitan dengan hukum keluarga Islam dan maqasid syari’ah. Dalam menganalisis data-data tersebut, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan : Pertama, kesetaraan dalam rumah tangga ditinjau dari aspek maqashid syari’ah adalah dalam rangka menciptakan kenyamanan jiwa dan ketenangan hidup dengan bersama-sama dalam rumahtangga, menjaga kehormatan diri, mendapatkan keturunan, bekerja sama dalam menghadapi kesulitan hidup dan melaksanakan hak-hak keluarga. Islam telah mengatur bahwa dalam memilih pasangan hendaklah diperhatikan nasab, harta, kedudukan, fisik dan agama. Namun dalam memilih pasangan tersebut, agamalah yang harus menjadi pertimbangan utama. Tujuannya adalah menjaga kokohnya keturunan dan demi terjaminnya kelangsungan serta kesinambungan nasab yang mulia tersebut, lebih-lebih dengan adanya perintah Allah Swt dan Rasul-Nya, kesetaraan harusnya lebih diperhatikan, ditekankan serta dipertahankan sebaik mungkin. Kedua, maqashid syari’ah dari kesetaraan dalam membangun keharmonisan rumahtangga adalah dalam rangka menciptakan kenyamanan jiwa dan ketenangan hidup dengan bersama-sama dalam rumah tangga, menjaga kehormatan diri, mendapatkan keturunan, bekerja sama dalam menghadapi kesulitan hidup dan melaksanakan hak-hak keluarga.Kata Kunci : Kesetaraan, Maqhasid Syari’a


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan guna mengetahui mengapa Bupati Aceh Selatan dan partai pengusung belum mengusulkan calon Wakil Bupati periode 2018-2023 untuk dipilih dalam rapat Paripurna DPRK/DPRA dan bagaimana ketentuan Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2006 terhadap kekosongan Jabatan Wakil Kepala Daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan yuridis empiris. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, kemudian dianalisis dengan deskriptif-analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 2 (dua) faktor penghambat proses pengusulan Wabup Aceh Selatan yaitu faktor politis terhadap keadaan pandemi Covid-19 serta miskomunikasi antara partai pengusung dan Bupati Aceh Selatan dalam penentuan nama calon yang ingin diusulkan. Kemudian faktor lemahnya aturan undang-undang (yuridis) mengenai pengisian Wakil Kepala Daerah sehingga terjadi kelalaian dalam proses pengusulan. Pada akhirnya, proses untuk pengisian kekosongan jabatan Wakil Bupati Aceh Selatan tidak terselesaikan. Kekosongan jabatan Wakil Bupati Aceh Selatan menyalahi Pasal 54 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2006 tentang Pemerintahan Aceh (UUPA).&nbsp

    CFD Simulation and Wind Tunnel Test of NACA 4412 Airfoil Wing Section at Different Angles of Attack

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    Airfoil can be defined as a body shape so that lift can be generated as fluid flow through it. The study of thin aerofoil by changes in a few characteristic such as different angle of attack, α would provide changes in lift, drag, and pitching moment coefficients. In order to identify the changes, Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulation has been applied by using ANSYS, FLUENT and GAMBIT software and followed by experiments conducted in a low speed wind tunnel to obtain measurement results. Shape of the body is important in achieving the desired result. NACA 4412 airfoil, which is high lift wing type, was chosen as the airfoil shapes in the present work. It was identified along the entire project. The aerodynamics characteristics of this airfoil have been shown by the plot of the coefficient graph lift and drag. This results obtained by both CFD and wind tunnel test. Although there is a little differences between results of these two methods, but, the general trend is the same. The results were compared with previous experimental results and they are in good agreement. It can be concluded that Reynolds Number values are affecting the characteristic of the airfoil and this is the reason for the small differences of recent results from others. However, a few recommendations have been outlined for further investigation

    Dimensi amalan etika profesion

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    A crisis of confidence in the society is partly due to the reason that the society increasingly feels that their interests are not served by the professions. The situation if allowed to continue will not only adversely affect the professions, but will also destabilize the society. This study aims to identify the dimensions of ethical practices among the teaching profession at a public institute of higher learning. Quantitative data were collected from 147 lecturers to determine the basic concept of ethics, while qualitative data were collected through interviews to understand ethical practices. Results from the quantitative study indicate that the respondents opined that ethics can be learned and attitudes were the determinants of ethical practices. Ethical practices were based on spiritual intelligence developed through education at home and the workplace. Qualitative findings showed that the dimensions of ethical practices are founded on religion and values, followed by epistemological foundations and competencies, and practiced through operational and contextual fundamentals. These three dimensions are interrelated and influence each other. Dilemmas on ethical decision making are addressed through strong principles and practiced at each of these dimensions. The implications are directed toward formal and non-formal training of lecturers on spiritual aspects throughout the career of the lecturers


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    Law enforcement against non-Muslims who commit violations of jinayat law tends to use the penalties stipulated in the Qanun Hukum Jinayat compared to other criminal statutory provisions. This phenomenon is interesting to study because non-Muslims who commit criminal acts (Jarimah) are given the choice of choosing to use Qanun or other Criminal Law which is regulated outside the Qanun. This study aims to analyze how the enforcement of jinayat law against Jarimah is carried out by non-Muslims, why non-Muslims are more likely to choose jinayat law than the provisions of other criminal laws and regulations outside of the Qanun and which penalties are imposed more dominantly by syar'iyah court judges. The author uses the empirical juridical research method with the aim of describing concrete facts about jinayat law enforcement for non-Muslims. The primary legal materials used are Qanun Hukum Jinayat Qanun Hukum Procedural Jinayat. Secondary legal materials, namely through books, journals and research results. Primary data was obtained through interviews with non-Muslims who had been sentenced according to qanun, judges and Wilayatuh Hisbah (WH). The results showed that enforcement of jinayat law for non-Muslims must first seek approval from the suspect to use qanuns or criminal laws other than qanuns. Then the investigator takes action according to the choice set by the suspect. Non-Muslims tend to choose qanuns due to several factors: first, the punishment is more instantaneous than the KUHP which carries a prison sentence. Second, the people who witnessed the execution of the caning were not all citizens who knew him. The more dominant punishments handed down by judges were ta'zir flogging and actions in the form of revoking their business license

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru Di Mtsn Rukoh Banda Aceh

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    : Leadership Principal is a manager who mengorganizir using prinsif " Team Work " , which was entrusted to lead the institution , all the resources of the school to influence , motivate workers, encourage , organize , mobilize and drive to achieve school goals . Leadership is one aspect of determining a discipline . The ability of teachers to improve discipline in performing their duties mainly influenced by the style of school leadership . This study aims to find a clear picture of : ( 1 ) The work program MTsN Rukoh principals in improving teacher performance motivation ,(2) Implementation of the program MTsN Rukoh principals in motivating teachers to implement effective learning , (3) How MTsN Rukoh principals to evaluate teachers' work program . This study uses descriptive and qualitative approach . Data collected through the guidelines for observation , interview , and documentation . Subjects in this study were principals and teachers MTsN Rukoh Banda Aceh.Teknik data analysis in this study by using data reduction ,data display and draw conclusions . The results of this study indicate that : ( 1 ) leadership principals MTsN Rukoh Banda Aceh in improving teachers' commitment through regular activities in accordance with the empowerment of the field ( 2 ) principals MTsN Rukoh Banda Aceh using a democratic style , and the efforts made by the school head can be seen with their teachers prepare a work plan , implement KKG , supervision / classroom visits , helping to propose promotions , rewards , and pay attention to the needs of teachers . ( 3 ) the principal MTsN Rukoh Banda Aceh have a bottleneck in improving the discipline of school teachers . This is commonly seen with the work ethic of teachers who are still weak , different educational backgrounds , so the lack of control of orderly administration , teachers and the administration both class administratio
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