2,398 research outputs found


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    Setiap tindakan anestesi harus memperhatikan kondisi pasien karena tindakan anestesi ini bisa menimbulkan efek pada semua sistem pada tubuh, antara lain terjadinya perubahan hemodinamik pada tubuh pasien. Salah satu teknik anestesi regional yang sering digunakan ialah anestesi spinal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuktikan bahwa terjadi perubahan hemodinamik pada penderita dengan seksio sesarea yang dioperasi dengan menggunakan teknik anestesi spinal. Penelitian ini bersifat observasi analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Sampel didapat dari 33 penderita yang menjalani operasi seksio cesaria elektif dan cyto dengan anestesi spinal di Instalasi Bedah Sentral Rumah Sakit Dr. Zaenal Abidin. Dari 33 sampel tersebut dibandingkan keadaan hemodinamik sampel sebelum, selama dana sesudah tindakan. Data diolah dengan menggunakan program SPSS versi 17. Uji statistik dilakukan untuk membuktikan hipotesis dengan uji t berpasangan. Nilai


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    Abstrak Pembagunan gedung bertingkat memerlukan alat berat yang cocok untuk memindahkan serta mengangkat material. Alat berat yang cocok dalam hal ini adalah tower crane. Tower crane merupakan faktor penting di dalam proyek-proyek konstruksi bangunan bertingkat dengan sekala yang besar dan diharapkan pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi tercapai. Penempatan tower crane yang tepat akan menghasilkan produktivitas yang efisien dan meminimalisir biaya operasional tower crane. Produktivitas tower crane didapatkan dari waktu siklus tower crane dan volume material yang diangkut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis produktivitas alat berat tower crane dan biaya operasional yang dikeluarkan dalam penggunaan tower crane. Penelitian ini dilakukan di proyek Puncak Central Business District Surabaya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara mengamati tower crane A, B, C selama 20 hari tiap alat dengan disertai pengisian angket penelitian yang diisi oleh pengamat disertai dengan data lapangan tiap harinya. Dari pengumpulan data, baik produktivitas tower crane dan angket pengamatan dilakukan proses pengolahan data dengan bantuan komputer program Microsoft Excel 2016. Dari analisis data yang telah dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa besarnya produktivitas rata-rata tower crane pada proyek pembangunan Puncak Central Business District Surabaya adalah TC A sebesar 10001,12 kg/ jam , TC B sebesar 9941,30 kg/jam , TC C sebesar 9620,49 kg/jam. Biaya operasional proyek Puncak Central Business Distrist didapatkan dari pehitungan berdasarkan data di lapangan dengan biaya operasional tower crane A sebesar Rp. 686,772. 38 perjam, tower crane B sebesar Rp. 682, 164. 38 dan tower crane C sebesar Rp. 682,164.38. Kata Kunci : Pembangunan, Produktivitas, Tower crane, Biaya operasional. Abstract The construction of a skyscraper needs some heavy tools for moving and lifting the materials. One of the proper tools is tower crane. Tower crane is an important factor in a big project construction of skyscraper and it is hoped that the project’s implementation can be achieved. The proper placing of tower crane will make the efficient productivity and minimize the operating costs of the tower crane. The tower crane productivity can be obtained from the tower crane cycle times and the volume of the transported materials. This study aimed to analyze the tower crane productivity and the operating costs of using tower crane. This study is done in the top project of Surabaya Central Business District and it used an observation in tower crane A, B, C for 20 days in every tools accompanied by a questionnaire and the research data filled by the observer in every day. Microsoft Excel 2016 was used in the process of collecting the data of the tower crane productivity and the questionnaire. The results showed that the mean of tower crane productivity in in the top project of Surabaya Central Business District is 10001,12 kg/ jam for TC A, 9941,30 kg/jam for TC B, and 9620,49 kg/jam for TC C. The operating costs of Surabaya Central Business District’s top project was obtained from the calculation based on the field data with the operating costs for about 729.535, 71 rupiahs per hour for Tower crane A, 715.497,71 rupiahs for tower crane B and dan 715.497,71 rupiahs for tower crane C. Keywords: Development, Productivity, Tower Crane, Operational cost

    Pengaruh Waktu Tinggal Hidrolik terhadap Alkalinitas, Asam Volatil dan PH dalam Pengolahan Sludge Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) Pulp dan Kertas Menggunakan Bioreaktor Hibrid Anaerobik

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    Pulp and paper industries growth significantly especially in Indonesia that in their operations generate potential waste to contaminate the environment. Type of waste that generated by pulp and paper industries mostly liquid that could be processed in wastewater treatment installation (WWTI). WWTI still generate amount volume of sludge waste, so it need to be in special handling. One of the alternative that can be reduce volume of sludge waste is anaerobic hybrid bioreactor. This technology use suspended and settle microorganism that integrated in bioreactor system. This research aim to determine the influence of hydraulic retention time (HRT) toward alkalinity, volatile acid and pH in processing of sludge waste from pulp and paper wastewater treatment installation using anaerobic hybrid bioreactor. This research start from seeding time that 100 ml/day sludge waste added to 1 Litre of cows's feces extract for 10 days. Next stage is acclimatisation with throw and put methode and continued with start up where sludge waste flewed in to bioreactor with 5 days HRT. Last stage is variate HRT for 4 days; 3 days and 2 days. Result of this experiment show that average optimum pH operations is 6,6. Alkalinity 2010 mg/L otherwise volatile acid concentration is 43 mg/L. Bioreactor have high stability with value 0,026 in optimum 4 days HRT

    Study of health status and etiological factors of mentally challenged children in a school for mentally challenged in rural Maharashtra

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    The mental health of the child affects his physical health and the learningprocess. The present study was conducted to study the health status and etiological factors among 58 mentally challenged children in a school for the mentally challenged at Sangamner. Majority of mentally challenged children (68.0%) were in 5-9 years age group. Most of them had moderate retardation (43.0%). Down’s syndrome (17.23%) was commonest, followed by Fragile X syndrome (6.89%). In 70.68% children no clinical syndrome was associated with mental retardation. 60.35% children were offspring of consanguineous marriages. In 63.8% children the causes for mental retardation were idiopathic, and genetic causes were found in 29.31% children. For mentally challenged children better quality of life should be provided by disability limitation and suitable rehabilitation.KEY WORDS: Mentally challenged; Consanguineous marriag

    Pengaruh Waktu Ageing dan Kecepatan Pengadukan pada Sintesis Hidroksiapatit dari Cangkang Telur dengan Metode Presipitasi

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    Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is one of the calcium phosphate compounds are used as biomaterials because of the ceramic material which has a stable properties. The purpose of this study is to study the effect of ageing time and stirring rate of the HAp obtained. HAp from eggshells has been successfully synthesis using precipitation method with variation of ageing time and stirring rate. Eggshells were calcined at 1000 oC for 5 hours to produce calcium oxide (CaO). CaO was dissolved into nitric acid (HNO3) to obtain (Ca(NO3)2), and then mixed slowly into a diamonium hydrogen phosphate solution which was already dissolved into aquabidest. After mixing process is complete, the solution was settling with the variation of ageing time 0 hour, 12 hours, 36 hours and 48 hours and the best condition continued in the second variation of the stirring rate 200 rpm, 250 rpm, 350 rpm and 400 rpm. HAp produced at the ageing time 12 hours is the optimum condition. Bonds of PO43- and OH- shown HAp compounds, also it contained tricalcium phosphate (TCP) and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) compounds. Morphology of HAp particles had a granular form with a increasing particle size of HAp with the ageing time in the range 60-48 nm, whereas the faster rate of stirring had been produced the particle in the range 47-44 nm

    Pengaruh Laju Alir Umpan terhadap PH, Alkalinitas dan Asam Volatil dalam Bioreaktor Hibrid Anaerob Dua Tahap pada Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Sagu

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    In producing sago becomes sago flour be required 20,000 liters of water per ton of sago, where 94% of the water be liquid waste. If the liquid waste which has a high content of organic material is directly dumped into waters, it is very potentially pollute theenvironment. One of the liquid waste processing sago is using by hybrid anaerobic bioreactor two stages. Bioreactor performance is influenced by pH, alkalinity and volatile acid. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of flow rate feedback of pH, alkalinity and volatile acid in hybrid anaerobic bioreactor two stages and determine the stability of the bioreactor. This research was conducted by using hybrid anaerobic bioreactor two stages with stone as a medium for growth of microorganisms. The volume of work being used is equal to 10 liters in the first stage biorector and 20 liters in thesecond stage bioreactor with variated flow rate feedback in the second stage bioreactor, 2.86 liters/day, 4 liters/day and 6.67 liters/day. The results showed that the optimum of flow rate feedback obtained at 2.86 liters/day with an average pH of 6.8, alkalinity of 2341 mg/L, volatile acid of 38,67 mg/L and the stability of bioreactor of 0.0118


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan proses pengimplementasian manajemen pendidikan pada fungsi (planning), pengorganisaisan (organizing), pelaksanaan (actuating), pengawasan (controlling) dalam peningkatan mutu madrasah tsanawiyah negeri MTsN yang ada dikota Bandar Lampung. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskriptif naratif yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi (pengamatan), interview (wawancara), dokumentasi dan gabungan dari ketiganya. Proses pengimplementasian manajemen pendidikan dalam peningkatan mutu MTsN kota Bandar Lampung pada fungsi perencanaan (planing) ialah dengan membentuk panduan implementasi manajemen di madrasah berdasarkan standar nasional pendidikan. Pada fungsi pengorganisasian (organizing) dalam peningkatan mutu madrasah, MTsN Kota Bandar Lampung melibatkan seluruh stakeholder yang ada di madrasah dalam peningkatan mutu yang diwujudkan dalam keputusan bersama berupa bentuk surat keputusan (SK) dan hubungan kerjasama dunia usaha dan industri (agreement). Pada fungsi pelaksanaan (actuating) dalam peningkatan mutu madrasah, MTsN Kota Bandar Lampung menekankan kepada Peran kepemimpinan kepala MTsN dalam fokus peningkatan mutu madrasah untuk mencapai 8 standar nasional pendidikan. Untuk fungsi pengawasan (controlling), MTsN Kota Bandar Lampung melakukan kegiatan supervisi internal dan external

    Sports/energy drinks consumption among young athletes in Kano, Nigeria

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    Little is known about the prevalence and motives of sport drinks use among adolescents and young adult athletes who exercise on regular basis in most football and other games pitches. Therefore, the current study was performed to assess information regarding the use of sport drinks among 440 athletes (23.5±4.62 years of age) in Kano Nigeria. Data were collected using a selfadministered, structured and pretested  questionnaire. The results indicated that the frequency of sport drinks  consumption was higher among male athletes and in those who did not have breakfast on a regular basis, ever smoked cigarettes and drank alcoholic beverages compared with their female counterparts. Athletes who had ‘ever’ tried a sport drink were significantly higher (p<0.05) than those who had ‘never’ tasted the drink. Main reasons for using such drinks for regular users varied across the selected groups of athletes and included obtaining energy and boosting performance while doing sport. Most athletes claimed to be aware of the ingredients of sport drinks or their potential hazardous health effects, and that they could distinguish between sport and energy drinks. This study discovered that energy drinks were consumed by the athletes rather than sport drinks and that sport drinks are still alien to the study community as they are not commonly available in the market. This stands in strong contrast to the assumption that  athletes consumed sport drinks. Therefore, increased awareness among the athletes of the discrepancies, ingredients and potential health hazards of both sport and energy drinks should be sustained.Keywords: Sport drinks, consumption, adolescents, young adults, athlete
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