98 research outputs found

    Une observation d’un goitre sur dysgénésie thyroïdienne pré-sternale

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    L'hétérotopie thyroïdienne est une localisation anormale de tissus thyroïdiens normaux coexistant avec un organe normal et de localisation normale. Elle se distingue de l'ectopie thyroïdienne et d'une métastase du cancer de la thyroïde. Nous rapportons un cas d'hétérotopie thyroïdienne pré-sternale chez une femme de 65 ans afin de discuter le mécanisme de la migration de la thyroïde, le problème diagnostique et thérapeutique posé par cette topographie exceptionnelle. L'origine thyroïdienne de la masse est confirmée par l'histologie. Dans les lieux isolés, la chirurgie d'exérèse reste le seul moyen pour avoir le diagnostic et pour traiter les patients

    Softly Broken A_4 Symmetry for Nearly Degenerate Neutrino Masses

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    The leptonic Higgs doublet model of neutrino masses is implemented with an A_4 discrete symmetry (the even permutation of 4 objects or equivalently the symmetry of the tetrahedron) which has 4 irreducible representations: 1, 1', 1'', and 3. The resulting spontaneous and soft breaking of A_4 provides a realistic model of charged-lepton masses as well as a nearly degenerate neutrino mass matrix. Phenomenological consequences at and below the TeV scale are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, no figur

    Supersymmetric economical 3-3-1 model

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    The supersymmetric extension of the economical 3-3-1 model is presented. The constraint equations and the gauge boson identification establish a relation between the vacuum expectation values (VEVs) at the top and bottom elements of the Higgs triplet χ\chi and its supersymmetric counterpart χ\chi^\prime. Because of this relation, the exact diagonalization of neutral gauge boson sector has been performed. The gauge bosons and their associated Goldstone ones mix in the same way as in non-supersymmetric version. This is also correct in the case of gauginos. The eigenvalues and eigenstates in the Higgs sector are derived. The model contains a heavy neutral Higgs boson with mass equal to those of the neutral non-Hermitian gauge boson X0X^0 and a charged scalar with mass equal to those of the WW boson in the standard model, i. e. mϱ1=mW m_{\varrho_1} = m_W. This result is in good agreement with the present estimation: mH±>79.3m_{H^\pm} > 79.3 GeV, CL= 95 %. We also show that the boson sector and the fermion sector gain masses in the same way as in the non-supersymmetric case.Comment: 33 page

    Higgs phenomenology of supersymmetric economical 3-3-1 model

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    We explore the Higgs sector in the supersymmetric economical 3-3-1 model and find new features in this sector. The charged Higgs sector is revised i.e., in difference of the previous work, the exact eigenvalues and states are obtained without any approximation. In this model, there are three Higgs bosons having masses equal to that of the gauge bosons--the W and extra X and Y. There is one scalar boson with mass of 91.4 GeV, which is closed to the ZZ boson mass and in good agreement with present limit: 89.8 GeV at 95% CL. The condition of eliminating for charged scalar tachyon leads to splitting of VEV at the first symmetry breaking, namely, www \simeq w^\prime. The interactions among the standard model gauge bosons and scalar fields in the framework of the supersymmetric economical 3-3-1 model are presented. From these couplings, at some limit, almost scalar Higgs fields can be recognized in accordance with the standard model. The hadronic cross section for production of the bilepton charged Higgs boson at the CERN LHC in the effective vector boson approximation is calculated. Numerical evaluation shows that the cross section can exceed 35.8 fb.Comment: 33 pages, 1 figur

    Supersymmetric Model of Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment and Neutrino Masses

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    We propose the novel lepton-number relationship Lτ=Le+LμL_\tau = L_e + L_\mu, which is uniquely realized by the interaction (ν^eμ^e^ν^μ)τ^c(\hat \nu_e \hat \mu - \hat e \hat \nu_\mu) \hat \tau^c in supersymmetry and may account for a possibly large muon anomalous magnetic moment. Neutrino masses (with bimaximal mixing) may be generated from the spontaneous and soft breaking of this lepton symmetry.Comment: 10 pages, including 2 figure

    Anomalous Neutrino Interaction, Muon g-2, and Atomic Parity Nonconservation

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    We propose a simple unified description of two recent precision measurements which suggest new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle interactions, i.e. the deviation of sin2θW\sin^2 \theta_W in deep inelastic neutrino-nucleon scattering and that of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. Our proposal is also consistent with a third precision measurement, i.e. that of parity nonconservation in atomic Cesium, which agrees with the Standard Model.Comment: 9 pages, including 1 figure, latest muon g-2 information adde

    The seesaw mechanism at TeV scale in the 3-3-1 model with right-handed neutrinos

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    We implement the seesaw mechanism in the 3-3-1 model with right-handed neutrinos. This is accomplished by the introduction of a scalar sextet into the model and the spontaneous violation of the lepton number. We identify the Majoron as a singlet under SUL(2)UY(1)SU_L(2)\otimes U_Y(1) symmetry, which makes it safe under the current bounds imposed by electroweak data. The main result of this work is that the seesaw mechanism works already at TeV scale with the outcome that the right-handed neutrino masses lie in the electroweak scale, in the range from MeV to tens of GeV. This window provides a great opportunity to test their appearance at current detectors, though when we contrast our results with some previous analysis concerning detection sensitivity at LHC, we conclude that further work is needed in order to validate this search.Comment: about 13 pages, no figure

    Lepton masses in a supersymmetric 3-3-1 model

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    We consider the mass generation for both charginos and neutralinos in a 3-3-1 supersymmetric model. We show that R-parity breaking interactions leave the electron and one of the neutrinos massless at the tree level. However the same interactions induce masses for these particles at the 1-loop level. Unlike the similar situation in the MSSM the masses of the neutralinos are related to the masses of the charginos.Comment: RevTex, 11 pages incluing 2 .eps figures. Extended published versio

    Seesaw tau lepton mass and calculable neutrino masses in a 3-3-1 model

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    In a version of the 3-3-1 model proposed by Duong and Ma the introduction of the scalar sextet for giving mass to the charged leptons is avoided by adding a singlet charged lepton. We show that in this case the τ\tau lepton gains mass through a seesaw--like mechanism. Besides we show how to generate neutrino masses at the tree and at the 1-loop level with the respective Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata leptonic mixing matrices.Comment: revtex, 5 pages and one eps figure. Published versio

    Search for the lepton-family-number nonconserving decay \mu -> e + \gamma

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    The MEGA experiment, which searched for the muon- and electron-number violating decay \mu -> e + \gamma, is described. The spectrometer system, the calibrations, the data taking procedures, the data analysis, and the sensitivity of the experiment are discussed. The most stringent upper limit on the branching ratio of \mu -> e + \gamma) < 1.2 x 10^{-11} was obtained