10 research outputs found

    Spatial Distribution and Morphology Character of Podang Mangoes (Mangifera indica L.) from Five Sub-district in Kediri Regency, East Java, Indonesia

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    This study obejctives to determine the distribution maps and identify the morphological character of local Mangga Podang at five sub-districts in Kediri. This research used purposive sampling method for collecting data. Coordinate of local mango wasanalyzed using QGIS software version 3.6. Morphological characters are examined by observing the morphology. Microclimate factors that were measured are altitude, intensity, temperature and moisture of soil and air, soil pH, and soil nutrient. Morphological characterswere analyzed for homogenity by statistical test. The results showed that Mangga Podang distribution has spread in residential areas and has different altitude factors between 85-459 meters above sea level. The total population(individu/400m2) found in this study were Mojo10(11.2%), Banyakan 17 (19.1%), Grogol8 (9%), Semen 3 (3,4%)and Tarokan51 (57.3%). Mangga Podangof Kediri Regency generally have homogenous morphological characters, but there were the special character which differs each other, they are the number of flowers in 1 panicle, the weight of ripe fruit and exocarp color of ripe fruits. This morphological variation dependent to light intensity, altitudinal, the velocity of wind and soil nutrient factors

    Alpha-Mangostin as an Antiviral Candidate: A Mini Review

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    This mini review aims to explore the potential of alpha-mangostin as an antiviral candidate. Alpha-mangostin is a natural compound found in the fruit of the Garcinia mangostana tree. Over the years, it has attracted considerable attention due to its diverse pharmacological properties, including antiviral activity. This review provides an overview of the current literature on the antiviral effects of alpha-mangostin, focusing on its mechanisms of action and its efficacy against various viral infections. The potential application of alpha-mangostin as a therapeutic agent against viral diseases is discussed, along with future research directions and challenges in the development of alpha-mangostin-based antiviral therapies

    A mini review of Curcuma longa: Antimicrobial properties

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    This review discusses the antimicrobial potential of Curcuma longa, a plant traditionally recognized for its medicinal properties. The emerging concern over antimicrobial resistance, coupled with the adverse effects of synthetic drugs, necessitates an exploration of plant-based natural antimicrobials. Curcuma longa, commonly known as turmeric, provides a compelling case with its broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. The review first delves into the phytochemical composition of Curcuma longa, focusing on its primary bioactive compounds, the curcuminoids, with curcumin being the most prominent. These compounds, along with essential oils and polysaccharides, contribute significantly to the antimicrobial properties of the plant

    Alpha-Mangostin as an antiviral candidate: A mini review

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    This mini review aims to explore the potential of alpha-mangostin as an antiviral candidate. Alpha-mangostin is a natural compound found in the fruit of the Garcinia mangostana tree. Over the years, it has attracted considerable attention due to its diverse pharmacological properties, including antiviral activity. This review provides an overview of the current literature on the antiviral effects of alpha-mangostin, focusing on its mechanisms of action and its efficacy against various viral infections. The potential application of alpha-mangostin as a therapeutic agent against viral diseases is discussed, along with future research directions and challenges in the development of alpha-mangostin-based antiviral therapies

    Bioactive compounds screening of Rafflesia sp. and Sapria sp. (Family: Rafflesiaceae) as anti-SARS-CoV-2 via tetra inhibitors: An in silico research

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    Context: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has rapidly spread, causing a global pandemic with diverse symptoms and increased risk of mortality. Various symptoms and comorbidities contribute to a higher likelihood of death in patients. Additionally, existing antiviral drugs have shown incomplete efficacy. Rafflesia sp. and Sapria sp. are parasitic plants with potential medical applications as anti-SARS-CoV-2 agents. Aims: To evaluate the bioactive compounds derived from Rafflesia sp. and Sapria sp. as dual inhibitors against SARS-CoV-2. Methods: Ligand samples were obtained from the PubChem database. Target proteins essential for SARS-CoV-2 entry were obtained from the RCSB PDB. The antiviral potential of the bioactive compounds was evaluated using the Pass Online webserver. The bioactivity and inhibitory potential of selected ligands were analyzed using the SwissADME and Molinspiration web servers. In addition, a specific docking method was performed using PyRx software to determine binding activity and molecular interactions. Results: Computational analysis revealed that leucoanthocyanidin, ellagic acid, and catechin functioned as dual inhibitors, targeting angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), transmembrane protease serine 2 (TMPRSS2), furin, and cathepsin L for antiviral activity. However, valrubicin and diminazene, serving as control drugs for ACE2 and furin, respectively, demonstrated the most effective results through this mechanism. Further studies are required to validate these findings. Conclusions: The combination of bioactive compounds derived from Rafflesia sp. and Sapria sp. shows potential antiviral activity through a dual inhibitor mechanism involving leucoanthocyanidin, ellagic acid, and catechin, which target SARS-CoV-2 proteins, namely ACE2, TMPRSS2, furin, and cathepsin L

    A mini review of Curcuma longa: Antimicrobial properties

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    This review discusses the antimicrobial potential of Curcuma longa, a plant traditionally recognized for its medicinal properties. The emerging concern over antimicrobial resistance, coupled with the adverse effects of synthetic drugs, necessitates an exploration of plant-based natural antimicrobials. Curcuma longa, commonly known as turmeric, provides a compelling case with its broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. The review first delves into the phytochemical composition of Curcuma longa, focusing on its primary bioactive compounds, the curcuminoids, with curcumin being the most prominent. These compounds, along with essential oils and polysaccharides, contribute significantly to the antimicrobial properties of the plant

    Garcinoxanthones from Garcinia mangostana L. against SARS-CoV-2 infection and cytokine storm pathway inhibition: A viroinformatics study

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    Context: Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is used in traditional medicine as an antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory. Aims: To determine the molecular mechanism and potential of garciniaxanthone derivate compounds from G. mangostana as SARS-CoV-2 antiviral and prevent cytokine storm through in silico approach. Methods: Ligand and protein samples were obtained from databases such as PubChem and Protein Databank, then drug-likeness analysis using Lipinski, Ghose, Veber, Egan, and Muege rules on SwissADME server, prediction of antiviral probability through PASSOnline server. Furthermore, molecular docking simulation with PyRx v1.0 software (Scripps Research, USA) with an academic license, identification of interactions and chemical bond positions of ligands on the target by PoseView server, 3D visualization of PyMOLv.2.5.2 software (Schrödinger, Inc., USA) with an academic license, molecular dynamics simulation for molecular stability prediction by CABS-flex v2.0 server, target prediction of antiviral candidate compounds by SwissTargetPrediction server, pathway analysis through STRING v11.5 database, and toxicity by ProTox-II server were used. Results: Garciniaxanthone C from G. mangostana was found to be a drug-like molecule with low toxicity. This can be a candidate for SARS-Cov-2 antiviral through inhibitor activity on two viral enzymes consisting of Mpro and replicase with a binding affinity value that is more negative than other garciniaxanthone derivates and is stable. Garciniaxanthone C is predicted to bind and inhibit pro-inflammatory proteins that trigger cytokine storms, such as NFKB1 and PTGS2. Conclusions: Garciniaxanthone derivative compounds from G. mangostana may be candidates for SARS-CoV-2 antiviral and preventing cytokine storm through garciniaxanthone C activity

    Evolusi Molekuler dan biogeografi pisang raja di pulau jawa berdasarkan Gen rbcl (large subunit ribulose 1,5 biphosphat carboxylase/oxygenase)

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    INDONESIA: Pisang raja merupakan pisang kultivar yang umum dikonsumsi di Indonesia. Pisang kultivar pada mulanya merupakan keturunan dari 2 jenis pisang liar yang melalui banyak proses yang berperan dalam evolusi tanaman pisang. Evolusi ini menghasilkan kultivar pisang dengan beberapa tingkat ploidi dengan variasi kombinasi genom dari dua spesies tetua. Dari 200 jenis kultivar pisang di Indonesia, hanya 10% yang dimanfaatkan untuk ekspor, hal ini disebabkan salah satunya karena kurangnya data biogeografi pisang yang dapat digunakan para petani untuk acuan dalam budidaya pisang. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif eksploratif kualitatif dan studi literatur tentang pisang Raja, dengan sampel yang digunakan adalah 7 janis pisang Raja yang berasal dari Pulau Jawa yang digunakan sebagai sampel ingroup dan 2 spesies dari genus Ensete dari genbank yang digunakan sebagai sampel outgroup. Gen rbcl sampel ingroup yang berhasil dibaca urutan basa nukleotidanya kemudian dibuat pohon filogenetik dengan menggunakan metode Maximum parsimony (MP), Neighbor joining (NJ), dan Maximum likelihood (ML) dan Bayesian. Analisis biogeografi dilakukan berdasarkan analisis haplotype menggunakan software network v.2.0. Hubungan kekerabatan antar kultivar pisang Raja yang paling menggambarkan keadaan pisang adalah pohon berdasarkan metode Bayesian, NJ, dan ML. Raja Bali dari Bantul dan Raja Lini dari Gunungkidul berkerabat dekat dengan Raja Kisto yang berasal dari Banyuwangi. Raja Delima yang berasal dari Malang berkerabat dekat dengan R. Kutuk dari Purworejo, R. Brentel dari Sukoharjo, dan R. Gareng dari Temanggung. Pengelompokan klad tersebut diduga berdasarkan ketinggian daerah asal masing-masing pisang Raja. R. Delima, R. Kutuk, R. Brentel, dan R. Gareng yang berasal dari daerah dataran tinggi, sedangkan R. Lini, R. Bali, dan R. Kisto yang berasal dari daerah dataran rendah. Dataran tinggi memiliki suhu lingkungan yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan dataran rendah, hal ini diduga menyebabkan enzim rubisco terpacu untuk beradaptasi agar kebutuhan energi yang dihasilkan selama fotosintesis tercukupi. Adaptasi enzim rubisco diduga dilakukan dengan cara mutasi pada gen rbcl yang mengkode enzim ini. Mutasi yang terjadi menyebabkan terjadinya evolusi pada enzim rubisco pada tanaman pisang Raja. Namun, mutasi yang terjadi pasa urutan DNA sangat sedikit karena kesamaan peran enzim ini pada tumbuhan tingkat tinggi. ENGLISH: Pisang Raja is a banana cultivar commonly consumed in Indonesia. Banana cultivars are originally descended from two types of wild bananas through many processes that play a role in the evolution of banana. This evolution produces banana cultivars with multiple ploidy levels that causes variations of genomic combinations. In Indonesia, there are about 200 types of banana cultivars, but only 10% are used for export comodity, this is due to lack of biogeographic data of bananas that farmers can use for reference in banana cultivation. This research is descriptive explorative qualitative and literature study about pisang Raja. Seven kinds of pisang Raja from Java island as a ingroup sample and 2 species of genus Ensete from genbank as outgroup sample. The rbcl gene from ingroup samples which was successfully read the nucleotide base sequence was then reconstruction phylogenetic tree with Maximum parsimony (MP), Neighbor joining (NJ), and Maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian methods. Biogeographic analysis was performed based on haplotype analysis using network software v.2.0. That best description of relationship between pisang Raja cultivars are a tree based on Bayesian, NJ, and ML methods. The R. Bali from Bantul and R. Lini from Gunungkidul are closely related to R. Kisto from Banyuwangi. The R. Delima from Malang is closely related to R. Kutuk from Purworejo, R. Brentel from Sukoharjo, and R. Gareng from Temanggung. Grouping of the klad is allegedly based on the altitude of origin location of each pisang Raja. R. Delima, R. Kutuk, R. Brentel, and R. Gareng from plateau, while R. Lini, R. Bali, and R. Kisto came from lowland areas. Highlands have a lower environmental temperature than the lowlands, it is thought to cause the enzyme Rubisco to adapt so that the requirements of the energy that produced during photosynthesis will fulfilled. Adaptation of Rubisco enzyme allegedly by a mutation in the rbcl gene that codes for this enzyme. Mutations lead to the evolution of Rubisco enzyme in banana plants King in a long time. However, mutations that occur pasa very little because the DNA sequence similarity role of this enzyme in higher plants

    Revealing Potency of Bioactive Compounds as Inhibitor of Dengue Virus (DENV) NS2B/NS3 Protease from Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Leaves

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    This study aims to identify the potency of bioactive compounds of sweet potato leaf as inhibitory agent to dengue virus (DENV) NS2B/NS3 protease by using computational study. The 3D structure of NS2B/ NS3 protease was collected from PDB and the 2D structure of several bioactive compounds of sweet potato leaf were obtained from PubChem. The visualization and data analysis were performed by using the PyMol software. According to the in silico analysis, result demonstrated that dehydroabietinol had the lowest free energy binding. However, based on the protein-ligand analysis, all the compounds showed the hydrogen bond and hydrophobic interaction. All the compounds with hydrogen bond could not be interacted with catalytic domain, but hydrophobic interaction could be interacted to the target domain via Ser135 by δ-Selinene and His51 by α-Caryophyllene. In summary, we conclude that δ-Selinene and α-Caryophyllene might have potencies as a therapeutically drug for dengu

    Natural Products Isolated from Various Parts of Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) as Therapeutic Agent: A Review

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    This review provides a comprehensive analysis of the therapeutic potential of natural products derived from mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.). Mangosteen, a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia, has long been valued for its medicinal properties. The review focuses on the isolation and characterization of bioactive compounds from different parts of the plant, including the fruit, rind, and leaves. The bioactive compounds identified in mangosteen exhibit a diverse range of therapeutic activities, making them promising candidates for the development of various therapeutic agents. These compounds include xanthones, flavonoids, tannins, and phenolic acids, among others. Xanthones, in particular, have shown potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antimicrobial, and neuroprotective properties. Additionally, they have been reported to have beneficial effects on various chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, and obesity. This review highlights the mechanisms of action underlying the therapeutic effects of mangosteen-derived compounds. Keywords: drug discovery, herbs, secondary metabolite, therap