789 research outputs found


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    In the modern world, there is an increased need for language translation. Attempts of language translation are as old as computer themselves. Machine translation is the attempt to automate all, or part of the process of translating from one human language to another language. Machine Translation involves translating from a source natural language to a target language. Machine Translation is hard because structures in one human language often do not correspond in a simple way to structures in another. This paper represents a prototype of a Simple Malay to English Translator. This translator is developed to translate simple Malay sentence to English sentence since there is not many Malay-English translator available. The main tools that will be used for the project development are Java Language, Forte for Java 4.0 Community Edition and Microsoft Notepad version 5.1. From the research done, a dictionary that is used for a machine translator is usually being created in a notepad file for easy retrieval compared to using Microsoft Access of other database application. The ambiguity problem would not be addressed in this project. Hence, the goal of the project is to translate syntactically correct and the semantic factor is not taken into consideration

    Economic analysis and optimization for bio-hydrogen production from oil palm waste via steam gasification

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    Biomass steam gasification with in-situ carbon dioxide capture using CaO exhibits good prospects for the production of hydrogen rich gas. In Malaysia, due to abundance of palm waste, it is a good candidate to be used as a feedstock for hydrogen production. The present work focuses on the mathematical modeling of detailed economic analysis and cost minimization of the flowsheet design for hydrogen production from palm waste using MATLAB. The influence of the operating parameters on the economics is performed. It is predicted that hydrogen cost decreasing by increasing both temperature and steam/biomass ratio. Meanwhile, the hydrogen cost increases when increasing sorbent/biomass ratio. Cost minimization solves to give optimum cost of 1.9105 USD/kg with hydrogen purity, hydrogen yield, hydrogen efficiency and thermodynamic efficiency are 79.9 mol%, 17.97 g/hr, 81.47% and 79.85% respectively. The results indicate that this system has the potential to offer low production cost for hydrogen production from palm waste

    Peran Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Bumdes) Dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Perspektif Ekonomi Islam

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    Badan Usaha Milik Desa atau BUMDes adalah badan usaha yang seluruh atau sebagian besar modalnya dimiliki oleh Desa melalui penyertaan secara langsung yang berasal dari kekayaan Desa yang dipisahkan guna mengelola asset dan usaha lainnya. Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran BUMDes dalam meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat serta bagaimana peran BUMDes dalam meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat dalam perspektif ekonomi Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dan data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Data diperoleh dengan cara observasi , wawancara dan dokumentasi. Dengan populasi pengelola BUMDES Sumber Rejeki dan masyarakat yang berjumlah 1330 KK dengan sampel 130 KK. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa BUMDEs Sumber Rejeki sudah memiliki beberapa unit usaha yang perkembangannya sangat baik. Peran BUMDES Sumber Rejeki di desa Latukan sudah dapat memaksimalkan perannya dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Hal ini dikarenakan antusias pemerintahan serta masyarakat desa dalam mengembangkan unit-unit yang ada di BUMDes Sumber Rejeki itu sendiri. Dari pandangan perspektif ekonomi Islam, kesejahteraan bukan hanya diukur dari sisi materi akan tetapi juga non materi. Masyarakat Desa Latukan dapat dikatakan telah sejahtera dalam pandangan ekonomi Islam karena telah memenuhi prinsip -prinsip dalam ekonomi Isla

    The English Camps as Method of Promoting Fun English at Elementary School Level in Indonesia

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    This article aimed to promote English in elementary school students through a fun learning method, called the Fun English Camp. Several studies had been conducted to encounter the best solution to handle this issue. The researchers used PRISMA Protocol as an instrument to collect the data that has been widely used in the process of selecting relevant articles. The researchers reviewed twenty five scientific publications, related to Fun English Camp that has become an English learning approach for beginner students. Through a review of twenty five scientific publications, for instance book and journal, the researchers got scientific evidence that introduction of a learning method with the term Fun English camp has an impact on promoting language learning for elementary school children in Indonesia. Thus, the fun English camp method can be an interesting method to be applied by elementary school curriculum design in Indonesia. Keywords: English Camps, Learning Method, Fun English Learnin

    Parametric study on the heating values of products as via steam gasification of palm waste using CaO as sorbent material

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    In Malaysia, due to abundance of oil palm waste, it is a good candidate to be used as a feedstock for syngas and hydrogen production. Biomass steam gasification is one of the promising methods for syngas production. This work focuses on the steam gasification with in-situ CO2 capture using CaO as absorbent materials for hydrogen production from palm oil empty fruit bunch (EFB). Three parameters (temperature, steam/biomass ratio and sorbent/biomass ratio) has been studied on the lower heating value (LHV) and higher heating value (HHV) of product gas. The results shows that the current study gives higher value of LHV at lower temperature of 823K. The higher value of LHV is obtained due to the lower concentration of CO2 caused by using CaO as sorbent material. Furthermore, CaO materials enhanced the concentration of concentration of the CO, H2 and CH4 in the product gas. The results are also compared against published data as well

    Dynamic user-defined access control policies via programming language / Suzana Ahmad

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    Allowing data sharing activities to the right users can be determined by concerned access control through assisting every attempt made by a user, to access a resource in an application system. The interests of authorized the users, who are protected by access control, can provide a safe, secure and accessible working environment. Implementation of access control involves three important issues, which include policies, models and mechanisms. The appointed administrator has the authorization to manage the access of data sharing under every possible circumstance by specifying the model of access control as high-level requirements for policy mechanisms. Commonly, most application systems rely on an administrator to manage access control policies which may lead to conflicts between users and the administrators empowerment. Such conflicts exist due to lack of involvement from end-users in handling the access control. Another issue raised, is those of unrevised services, which occur frequently due to massive and complex policy details that need to be handled by the administrator. Additionally, most programming languages and programming environments do not naturally support implementing policy for access control. Nevertheless, the policy needs to be coded as part of the system development for managing access control. Furthermore, access control policies are high-level features, which require high cost maintenance. This thesis examines the control mechanisms in data sharing activities among collaborative users. The results of the research undertaken offers a model that allows data owners to provision access control policies in collaborative data sharing environments via a specific programming language. The model supports dynamic owner-centered empowerment of data access control policy that allows data owners to have control of their own data. The policy can change dynamically according to the data owners needs during collaborative sessions. The proposed model also facilitates explicit access control mechanisms for the data owner to secure his or her data. The investigation uses real life observation on an uncontrolled environment of public and private data sharing as a method to identify missing mechanisms for data owners access control empowerment. A banking system is selected to examine the existing access control mechanism by using an abstract scene approach. This is achieved through observation and the examination of both the existing and non-existing mechanisms, in order to accommodate the data sharing process. In addition, this research extends the experiment through a small-scale case study using a controlled variation of the rules for a modified scrabble game to uncover a list of control policy states. Both findings are modeled and prescribed in the form of language constructs to accommodate the solution and testing. Therefore, a set of language constructs are designed and implemented on an existing scripting language JACIE (Java based Authoring language for Collaborative Interactive Environments) that allows rapid prototyping on the result and testing. Major extensions on JACIE are performed to verify the model. This model will significantly accommodate a comprehensive framework of data sharing among different levels of organizations (government and private sectors) in wider perspectives

    Stress among Special Education Teachers in Malaysia

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    AbstractThis study investigates factors that contribute stress and level of occupational stress among special education teachers who are currently teaching in special education classes in the state of Penang, Malaysia. Result shows that there are five major factors that contribute to stress among special education teachers in Penang. A total of 92 special education teachers were chosen randomly to represent the population by using the cluster over cluster method. The instrument for this study was adapted from the Teacher Stress Inventory constructed by Boyle, Borg, Falzon and Baglioni (1995) and had been modified by Mokhtar (1998) and Mazlan (2002). A pilot study has been conducted and the Alpha Croncbach for the instrument was 0.982. The data have been analyzed using both descriptive (mean, frequency, and percentage) and inherency methods (Independent t-Test, Pearson Correlation, and One Way ANOVA). Result indicates that the overall stress level of respondent is at moderate. Among the five stressors, pupil misbehavior is the strongest determinant of teacher stress with a mean of 3.70. Other factors are teacher workload (mean = 3.22), time and resources difficulties (mean = 3.11), recognition (mean = 3.05), and interpersonal relationships (mean = 3.00) respectively. The workload and other factors had caused a moderate stress on the respondents. The result also indicates that there is no significant difference of work stress among the respondent based on gender, marriage status, and highest academic qualification. Furthermore, the result of this study failed to indicate a significant correlation between teacher stress and demographic factors such as age, length of teaching experience, and the respondents’ monthly salary

    Work-Family Conflict and Psychological Health Among Nurses: A Preliminary Observation

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    Nursing is a female-dominated profession and is commonly considered as a stressful and challenging job. The nature of the nurses’ work, which is highly demanding, brings about difficulties in balancing work and family life, further resulting in work-family conflict. Apart from workplace stressors, work-family conflict has been identified as one of the factors that can threaten nurses' psychological health. This literature review thus sought to identify the factors associated with nurses’ experience of work-family conflict and its consequences to their psychological health. Accordingly, this literature review found that nurses’ work characteristics, namely, shift work, job demand and individual factors, significantly influence work-family conflict, which may in turn affect their psychological health in several ways. Future research should focus on positive conditions or resource-based perspectives that can help nurses in reducing work-family conflict and enhancing their health and well-being. &nbsp

    Simple malay to english translator/ By Salmi Suzana Bt Ahmad Fadzil, TK 5105.875 .S171 2005

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