238 research outputs found

    Hubungan di antara pengetahuan dan sikap pensyarah terhadap penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran atas talian

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    Pembelajaran atas talian merupakan satu kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang pada keseluruhannya disampaikan melalui internet dan berinteraksi dalam mod pembelajaran jarak jauh. Kepentingan pembelajaran atas talian terhadap kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran telah ditekankan dalam pelbagai kajian lepas. Walaubagaimanpun,tahap penerimaan dan pengaplikasian platform ini masih berada pada tahap yang membimbangkan, terutamanya di peringkat Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT). Lantaran itu, tujuan utama kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mengkaji pengetahuan dan sikap pensyarah terhadap penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran atas talian. Kajian tinjauan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan soal selidik sebagai instrumen ini melibatkan seramai 234 orang pensyarah yang terdapat di enam buah fakulti di UTHM. Kaedah statistik yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah statistik deskriptif iaitu min dan statistik inferensi melalui kolerasi Pearson untuk mengkaji hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap pensyarah terhadap penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran atas talian. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tahap pengetahuan dan sikap pensyarah terhadap penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran atas talian adalah tinggi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat hubungan signifikan positif yang kuat antara pengetahuan dan sikap pensyarah terhadap penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran atas talian (r=.739, p 0.00,p>0.05). Kesimpulannya, kajian ini berpotensi menjadi rujukan untuk penambahbaikan perlaksanaan pembelajaran atas talian bagi merealisasikan hasrat KPM untuk meningkatkan kualiti penyampaian atas talian yang bertaraf global

    The Under-age Marriage during the Pandemic: The Best Interest of the Child Principle

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    This article focuses on juvenile marriages that took place during the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, the causes of child marriage, its negative consequences, and the preservation of children in the family and marriage is seen as an application of the principle in placing the child’s best interests first? This research is descriptive-analytic in nature, describing the facts about child marriage that occurred in the pandemic era and analyzing why this phenomenon occurs. Several factors, including education, a lack of understanding of reproductive health in adolescents that leads to risky sexual behavior among children, economic factors (poverty), cultural factors (traditions/customs), and matchmaking, were found to influence child marriage in this study

    Real-Time High Jump Wearable Device with ESP8266 for High-Performance and Low-Injury

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    In the world of sports, the injury is unavoidable, however, the performance is the first priority. The percentage of the athletes to get injured is very high due to the fallibility of athlete jumping themselves. Therefore, this study presents the design and implementation of high-performance and low-injury real-time high jump wearable device by using ESP8266 microcontroller. The proposed wearable device is built because of there is no device to monitor this sport during training. There are three (3) parts have been integrated to build this wearable device – input, process and output. The input consists of global positioning system (GPS) sensor that attached to the waist and force sensing resistor (FSR) sensor was placed at the bottom of the ankle as a wireless input for data captured. These data were then being processed by ESP8266 microcontroller hardware device with an embedded wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) module on the same chip that has been programmed and results obtained were displayed via the mobile app. Graphical user interface (GUI) of the wearable device has been designed using C language code using OpenHAB software and data from the wearable device were also available in log formats. The outcomes obtained have shown encouraging results since all data can be visualised and monitored in real-time, history of the training can be retrieved and the benchmark data acts as a guide to the other athlete to improve the performance

    Solidaritas Sosial Dayak Bahau dalam Roman Legenda Lubang Undan Karya Johansyah Balham Kajian Sosiologi Sastra

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    Solidaritas sosial adalah perasaan atau ungkapan dalam sebuah kelompok yang dibentuk oleh kepentingan, aturan, dan kepercayaan bersama. Solidaritas sosial dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu solidaritas sosial organik dan mekanik. Perbedaan solidaritas sosial mekanik dan organik dapat dilihat dari sistem kerja, kepadatan dinamis, hukum refresif dan restitutif, normal dan patologis, serta keadilan.       Penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian kepustakaan dengan pendekatan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Data berupa kata, frasa, atau kalimat, dan sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah sebuah roman Legenda Lubang Undan Karya Johansyah Balham. Menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data dengan teknik baca dan catat, data dianalisis menggunakan metode penafsiran melalui unsur intrinsik roman berdasarkan teori-teori solidaritas sosial Emile Durkheim.       Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suku Bahau di dalam roman Legenda Lubang Undan karya Johansyah Balham mempunyai bentuk solidaritas sosial mekanik, yaitu bersatu karena semua orang adalah generalis. Ikatan di antara orang-orang ialah karena mereka terlibat di dalam kegiatan-kegiatan yang mirip dan mempunyai tanggung jawab yang mirip. Suku Bahau mempunyai (a) tanggung jawab yang mirip yaitu mata pencaharian mereka adalah berladang, berburu, dan mencari sumber daya alam di dalam hutan; (b) hukum refresif yaitu hukum yang harus dipatuhi oleh masyarakat; (d) mereka memiliki moralitas yang kuat mengenai baik dan tidak baik melalui panutan mereka dari seseorang yang disebut kepala adat; (e) keadilan yang dipersatukan karena memiliki pengalaman yang sama yaitu adanya upacara kematian yang diurus bersama-sama, pesta panen, dan juga upacara pernikahan. Solidaritas organik suku Bahau adalah (a) kepadatan dinamis, yaitu terjadinya peningkatan pertumbuhan penduduk dan munculnya pembagian kerja dalam masyarakat.


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    Skripsi ini berjudul : “ KONSEP BAI’AH DALAM AL-QUR’AN MENURUT MUFASSIRIN ” (Pendekatan Tafsir Maudhu’i). Adapun yang melatar belakangi penelitian ini ialah bahwa diketahui ungkapan bahasa AlQur’an penuh dengan keunikan, semakin digalinya semakin nampak kemukjizatannya. Gaya bahasanya yang tinggi dan penempatannya bukanlah ditempatkan Allah SWT begitu saja. Salah satu keunikannya adalah penggunaan kata bai’ah yang di dalam Al-Qur’an kata bai’ah diulang sebanyak 5 kali pada 2 surat. Penggunaan kata bai’ah merupakan satu konsep yang banyak digunapakai dalam sistem pemerintahan, baik sistem khalifah Islam maupun sistem politik Islam bermula dari zaman Rasulullah SAW hingga ke saat ini, selain itu bai’ah juga banyak digunapakai dalam sesebuah gerakan atau organisasi Islam, baik dalam satu persatuan Islam, partai politik Islam, gerakan thariqat dan lain-lain. Bai’ah adalah satu cara untuk menunjukkan ketaatan kepada Imam atau pemimpin, namun masih ramai individu dan masyarakat tidak mengetahui apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan bai’ah? Apakah yang dipahami tentang bai’ah tersebut dan apakah ia suatu perkara yang disyariatkan Allah SWT didalam Al-Qur’an maupun As-Sunnah. Inilah yang membuat penulis merasa terpanggil untuk menelitinya lebih mendalam, apakah ada pensyariatannya dalam Al-Qur’an dan apakah yang dimaksudkan pada makna kata bai’ah di dalam Al-Qur’an menurut mufassirin (ahli tafsir). Kajian ini penulis tumpukan terhadap pendapat Imam Ibnu Katsir, Imam Al-Qurthubi, Ahmad Musthafa Al-Maraghi, Sayyid Quthb dan Buya Hamka untuk melihat bagaimana penafsiran mereka terhadap ayat yang berbicara tentang bai’ah dalam Al-Qur’an.Penelitian ini merupakan library research (Penelitian Pustaka) jadi untuk pengumpulan data penulis merujuk kepada AlQur’an Al-Karim, Tafsir Ibnu Katsir, Al-Qurthubi, Al-Maraghi, Fi- Zilal AlQur’an, dan Tafsir Al-Azhar sebagai data primer. Kemudian didukung oleh data dari literature yang ada kaitannya dengan penulisan ini. Data tersebut dikumpulkan seterusnya diklasifikasikan menurut kelompoknya kemudian digambarkan data-data tersebut dengan setepat mungkin dengan pendekatan metode tafsir Maudhu’i. Setelah penulis mengadakan penelitian dapatlah disimpulkan bahwa bai’ah menurut sebagian mufassirin pada asalnya berarti akad yang diucapkan seseorang terhadap dirinya sendiri untuk melakukan ketaatan kepada seorang imam dan untuk menunaikan suatu janji yang ia bertekad untuk melaksanaknnya. Sebagian mufassir yang lain berpendapat bahwa bai’ah, ialah menyatakan janji di depan Rasulullah S.a.w. dengan memegang tangan beliau, yang dalam janji itu dinyatakan kesetian dan kepatuhan, terutama tidak akan melanggar mana yang dilarang dan tidak akan melalaikan mana yang diperintahkan. Kemudian bai’ah itu telah berlaku di saat-saat penting, terutama di saat pengangkatan khalifah-khalifah, sejak Abu Bakar sampai seterusnya. Sebab itu bai’ah selalu dilakukan di saat-saat genting dan penting. Sepakat juga mufassirin bahwa bai’ah yang dibicarakan dalam Al-Qur’an adalah pensyariatan bai’ah pertama oleh Allah kepada Nabi terhadap para sahabat beliau. Bai’ah ini dikenal sebagai Baitur Ridhwan yang terjadi di Hudaibiyah

    Design and Implementation of Computing-based Air Conditioner (AC) (ComBAC) – A Preliminary Work

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    Computing-based air conditioner (ComBAC) highlights the concept of spot cooling that helps to reduce energy consumption without sacrificing consumer comfortability, while the conventional air conditioner (AC) cooling down the entire space regardless of occupancy. In this study, National Instruments (NI) myRIO has been explored as a hardware solution, and the advantage of graphical-based programming in LabVIEW has been fully used to design the graphical user interface (GUI) as well as for data acquisition programming. For the input, web camera C170 is used to detect the presence of human/object in a room, while the value of current is being measured using current sensor and later being analysed by NI myRIO to exhibit the energy consumed of an AC. NI myRIO also acts to control the AC, to divert the air flow according to the spot cooling concept and visualisation of energy consumed available via liquid crystal display (LCD). To evaluate the proposed system, ComBAC has been prototyped into a wallmounted AC unit with 2.5 meter height within a 3 3 square meter room floor area. An evaluation for objects/humans detection and dynamic tracking mechanism has been conducted and results obtained shown promising results. The proposed system has successfully captured the presence of object/human in a room, analyse the data and finally portray the value of energy consumption of the AC

    Study on turbulent characteristics of flow boiling in a micro gap under the influence of surface roughness and micro fins

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    Micro gap heat sinks with internal micro fins are potential candidates for evaporative cooling of miniature electronic devices. Generation of turbulence during flow boiling in a micro gap is an important issue in two-phase heat transfer analysis. Surface roughness and fins play important role in turbulence generation. In this paper, effects of micro gap height, surface roughness and fin spacing on turbulence generation during flow boiling of pure water in this particular heat sink have been investigated by numerical simulation. Commercial software FLUENT 14.5 release has been used for simulation purpose. Volume of Fluid (VOF) model along with Renormalization Group Theory (RNG) based k − ε turbulence model has been used for fluid flow and heat transfer modeling. Simulation results demonstrate that turbulent kinetic energy increases in the flow direction due to large pressure drop inside micro gap. As pressure drop decreases with the increment of gap height, turbulent kinetic energy also declines. For the same reason, it has been found that generation of turbulent kinetic energy is lower for larger fin spacing. On the other hand, effect of surface roughness on turbulent kinetic energy is dominated by flow scale. For same Reynolds number, turbulence in larger fluid domains is more sensitive to surface roughness than smaller flow fields

    Historical influences to present legal setting of planning law in Malaysia

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    Malaysia is a federation of thirteen states and three federal territories. Thus, it is a challenge to achieve uniformity of laws among the states. Presently, there are four sets of planning laws applicable in Malaysia. This paper looks at the historical factors that led to the non-uniformity of planning law in Malaysia. By using historical research methodology, this study found that the emergence of individual states back in the year 1400 AD is among the historical factors contributing to this non-uniformity of law. Additionally, the colonisation and the British influence over Malay Peninsula and the Borneo region, the formation of the Malaya Federation and the creation of federal territories also have strong implications in terms of administration and law uniformity. Despite the states eventually united under the essence of federation in 1963, this did not entail uniformity of laws among them. Additionally, states also have no obligation to adopt laws enacted by the Federal Government. Nevertheless, efforts to harmonise planning in the country have been undertaken. These include the amendment of planning laws and the establishment of national level planning committee

    A conceptual framework of Maqasidic human wellbeing index

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    Amongst the 57 members of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) countries, Malaysia was rated as number one in the Islamicity Index, Islamic Index of Wellbeing and Global Muslim Travel Index studies. In Malaysia, the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM), Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM), and the Institute of Community and Peace Studies (PEKKA) have also published their own Islamic oriented wellbeing indexes. However, these Indexes lack the integration of Maqasid al-Shari’ah (the objectives of Islamic laws) concept, which is based on the preservation of five essentials namely faith, self, intellect, posterity and property. Hence, to address this gap, this study proposes a conceptual framework of human wellbeing index in the context of Maqasid al-Shari’ah. This study is exploratory in nature employing rigorous library research and content analysis technique. The three basic principles of Iman (faith), Islam (submission) and Ihsan (benevolence) are discussed in relation to the five essentials of Maqasid al-Shari’ah. Their application at the three levels of the social structure i.e. individual, family and community is elaborated to establish a maqasidic approach for human wellbeing. This approach is then linked to the five established themes of human wellbeing domains notably politics and governance, economy, social and culture, environment, and infrastructure. Finally, a conceptual framework of human wellbeing index is proposed to provide the maqasidic foundation for the measurement of human wellbeing

    A conceptual framework of Maqasidic human wellbeing index

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    Amongst the 57 members of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) countries, Malaysia was rated as number one in the Islamicity Index, Islamic Index of Wellbeing and Global Muslim Travel Index studies. In Malaysia, the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM), Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM), and the Institute of Community and Peace Studies (PEKKA) have also published their own Islamic-oriented wellbeing indexes. However, these Indexes lack the integration of Maqasid al-Shari’ah (the objectives of Islamic laws) concept, which is based on the preservation of five essentials namely faith, self, intellect, posterity and property. Hence, to address this gap, this study proposes a conceptual framework of human wellbeing index in the context of Maqasid al-Shari’ah. This study is exploratory in nature employing rigorous library research and content analysis technique. The three basic principles of Iman (faith), Islam (submission) and Ihsan (benevolence) are discussed in relation to the five essentials of Maqasid al-Shari’ah. Their application at the three levels of the social structure i.e. individual, family and community is elaborated to establish a maqasidic approach for human wellbeing. This approach is then linked to the five established themes of human wellbeing domains notably politics and governance, economy, social and culture, environment, and infrastructure. Finally, a conceptual framework of human wellbeing index is proposed to provide the maqasidic foundation for the measurement of human wellbeing