140 research outputs found


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    This research provides an insight of how the procurement process can be organized in a better way. Since, companies are now trying to outsource parts and material from external suppliers in order to focus on their core competencies. Therefore, critical success factors are also identified to successfully manage the procurement process. The understanding and identification of critical success factors in the procurement process enables the organization to improve the efficiency of the procurement process and successfully manage the whole project. A lot of risk and pressure is involved in the case of outsourced engineering and manufacturing projects therefore, it is necessary to carefully handle the procurement activities to ensure the best outcome. The aim of this study is to characterize the phases of procurement process and its critical success factors in the procurement activities to ensure the effectiveness and operational excellence of the procurement process as a whole. This study is based on data triangulation in which facts and evidences are gathered from various sources. The information is collected from company’s archival record, literature and open-ended interviews/discussions from the benchmark companies to analyze and understand the procurement process. This study contributes to the businesses associated with engineering and manufacturing solutions in which there are crucial components that are considered critical for the functioning of large power plant solutions therefore, comprehensive planning is necessary. The results are generated by considering As-Is of the case company and outcomes from this research to formulate the To-Be process by incorporating the essential CSFs. Quality gates, parts approval process and logistic control tools and approaches are considered vital for the whole process. However, effective communication, top management support and collaborative partnership are also closely linked with the success of the whole procurement process. Professionals working in the field of procurement can use the outcome of this research for the better understanding and successful completion of the project that lies the way procurement activities are performed.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Working Capital Management Efficiency and Corporate Governance in Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan

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    Efficiency in “Working Capital Management” (WCM) has been the key factor of many profitable firms. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of characteristics of corporate governance on the WCM efficiency of firms in context of Pakistan. A total of 40 firms listed at Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX, previously known as Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE)) are selected for the period of 5 years which lead to a total of 200 observations. Cash conversion cycle and current ratio are the main measures of WCM efficiency whereas Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Tenure, CEO Duality, Audit Committee and Board Size are the main measure of corporate governance characteristics. The results state that governance characteristics have significant impact on WCM efficiency. Except CEO Duality, all other independent variables have significant role in explaining WCM efficiency. This paper suggests the management to set policies that favors maintaining the optimal level of working capital. Firms can create value for the shareholders by reducing the investments, however improving efficiency, in working capital. Keeping appropriate size of the board and audit committee, management can improve the WCM efficiency. The findings of this study are also beneficial to investors, company stake holders, and other key intermediaries

    Working Capital Management Efficiency and Corporate Governance in Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan

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    Efficiency in “Working Capital Management” (WCM) has been the key factor of many profitable firms. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of characteristics of corporate governance on the WCM efficiency of firms in context of Pakistan. A total of 40 firms listed at Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX, previously known as Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE)) are selected for the period of 5 years which lead to a total of 200 observations. Cash conversion cycle and current ratio are the main measures of WCM efficiency whereas Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Tenure, CEO Duality, Audit Committee and Board Size are the main measure of corporate governance characteristics. The results state that governance characteristics have significant impact on WCM efficiency. Except CEO Duality, all other independent variables have significant role in explaining WCM efficiency. This paper suggests the management to set policies that favors maintaining the optimal level of working capital. Firms can create value for the shareholders by reducing the investments, however improving efficiency, in working capital. Keeping appropriate size of the board and audit committee, management can improve the WCM efficiency. The findings of this study are also beneficial to investors, company stake holders, and other key intermediaries

    Efficiency enhancement strategy implementation in hybrid electric vehicles using sliding mode control

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    Introduction. Hybrid electric vehicles are offering the most economically viable choices in today's automotive industry, providing best solutions for a very high fuel economy and low rate of emissions. The rapid progress and development of this industry has prompted progress of human beings from primitive level to a very high industrial society where mobility used to be a fundamental need. However, the use of large number of automobiles is causing serious damage to our environment and human life. At present most of the vehicles are relying on burning of hydrocarbons in order to achieve power of propulsion to drive wheels. Therefore, there is a need to employ clean and efficient vehicles like hybrid electric vehicles. Unfortunately, earlier control strategies of series hybrid electric vehicle fail to include load disturbances during the vehicle operation and some of the variations of the nonlinear parameters (e.g. stator’s leakage inductance, resistance of winding etc.). The novelty of the proposed work is based on designing and implementing two robust sliding mode controllers (SMCs) on series hybrid electric vehicle to improve efficiency in terms of both speed and torque respectively. The basic idea is to let the engine operate only when necessary keeping in view the state of charge of battery. Purpose. In proposed scheme, both performance of engine and generator is being controlled, one sliding mode controllers is controlling engine speed and the other one is controlling generator torque, and results are then compared using 1-SMC and 2-SMC’s. Method. The series hybrid electric vehicle powertrain considered in this work consists of a battery bank and an engine-generator set which is referred to as the auxiliary power unit, traction motor, and power electronic circuits to drive the generator and traction motor. The general strategy is based on the operation of the engine in its optimal efficiency region by considering the battery state of charge. Results .Mathematical models of engine and generator were taken into consideration in order to design sliding mode controllers both for engine speed and generator torque control. Vehicle was being tested on standard cycle. Results proved that, instead of using only one controller for engine speed, much better results are achieved by simultaneously using two sliding mode controllers, one controlling engine speed and other controlling generator torque.Вступ. Гібридні електромобілі пропонують найбільш економічно доцільний вибір у сучасній автомобільній промисловості, надаючи найкращі рішення для дуже високої економії палива та низького рівня викидів. Швидкий прогрес та розвиток цієї галузі підштовхнули людей до переходу від примітивного рівня до дуже високого індустріального суспільства, де мобільність була фундаментальною потребою. Однак використання великої кількості автомобілів завдає серйозної шкоди довкіллю та життю людини. Нині більшість транспортних засобів покладаються на спалювання вуглеводнів задля досягнення потужності руху на провідних колесах. Отже, необхідно використовувати чисті та ефективні транспортні засоби, такі як гібридні електромобілі. На жаль, раніше стратегії управління серійним гібридним електромобілем не враховували збурення навантаження під час роботи автомобіля і деякі зміни нелінійних параметрів (наприклад, індуктивність розсіювання статора, опір обмотки і т.д.). Новизна запропонованої роботи заснована на розробці та реалізації двох надійних контролерів ковзного режиму (SMC) на серійному гібридному електромобілі для підвищення ефективності з точки зору швидкості та моменту, що крутить, відповідно. Основна ідея полягає в тому, щоб дозволити двигуну працювати тільки тоді, коли це необхідно з урахуванням стану заряду акумулятора. Мета. У пропонованій схемі контролюються характеристики як двигуна, так і генератора, один контролер ковзного режиму регулює швидкість двигуна, а інший регулює крутний момент генератора, а потім результати порівнюються з використанням режимів 1-SMC і 2-SMC. Метод. Силова установка серійного гібридного електромобіля, що розглядається в даній роботі, складається з акумуляторної батареї та установки двигун-генератор, яка називається допоміжною силовою установкою, тяговим двигуном та силовими електронними схемами для приводу генератора та тягового двигуна. Загальна стратегія заснована на роботі двигуна в області оптимальної ефективності з урахуванням рівня заряду акумуляторної батареї. Результати. Математичні моделі двигуна та генератора були прийняті до уваги для розробки регуляторів ковзного режиму як для керування частотою обертання двигуна, так і для керування крутним моментом генератора. Транспортний засіб випробовувався за стандартним циклом. Результати показали, що замість використання лише одного регулятора частоти обертання двигуна набагато кращі результати досягаються при одночасному використанні двох регуляторів ковзного режиму, один з яких керує частотою обертання двигуна, а інший - моментом, що крутить, генератора

    Efficiency enhancement strategy implementation in hybrid electric vehicles using sliding mode control

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    Introduction. Hybrid electric vehicles are offering the most economically viable choices in today's automotive industry, providing best solutions for a very high fuel economy and low rate of emissions. The rapid progress and development of this industry has prompted progress of human beings from primitive level to a very high industrial society where mobility used to be a fundamental need. However, the use of large number of automobiles is causing serious damage to our environment and human life. At present most of the vehicles are relying on burning of hydrocarbons in order to achieve power of propulsion to drive wheels. Therefore, there is a need to employ clean and efficient vehicles like hybrid electric vehicles. Unfortunately, earlier control strategies of series hybrid electric vehicle fail to include load disturbances during the vehicle operation and some of the variations of the nonlinear parameters (e.g. stator’s leakage inductance, resistance of winding etc.). The novelty of the proposed work is based on designing and implementing two robust sliding mode controllers (SMCs) on series hybrid electric vehicle to improve efficiency in terms of both speed and torque respectively. The basic idea is to let the engine operate only when necessary keeping in view the state of charge of battery. Purpose. In proposed scheme, both performance of engine and generator is being controlled, one sliding mode controllers is controlling engine speed and the other one is controlling generator torque, and results are then compared using 1-SMC and 2-SMC’s. Method. The series hybrid electric vehicle powertrain considered in this work consists of a battery bank and an engine-generator set which is referred to as the auxiliary power unit, traction motor, and power electronic circuits to drive the generator and traction motor. The general strategy is based on the operation of the engine in its optimal efficiency region by considering the battery state of charge. Results .Mathematical models of engine and generator were taken into consideration in order to design sliding mode controllers both for engine speed and generator torque control. Vehicle was being tested on standard cycle. Results proved that, instead of using only one controller for engine speed, much better results are achieved by simultaneously using two sliding mode controllers, one controlling engine speed and other controlling generator torque.Вступ. Гібридні електромобілі пропонують найбільш економічно доцільний вибір у сучасній автомобільній промисловості, надаючи найкращі рішення для дуже високої економії палива та низького рівня викидів. Швидкий прогрес та розвиток цієї галузі підштовхнули людей до переходу від примітивного рівня до дуже високого індустріального суспільства, де мобільність була фундаментальною потребою. Однак використання великої кількості автомобілів завдає серйозної шкоди довкіллю та життю людини. Нині більшість транспортних засобів покладаються на спалювання вуглеводнів задля досягнення потужності руху на провідних колесах. Отже, необхідно використовувати чисті та ефективні транспортні засоби, такі як гібридні електромобілі. На жаль, раніше стратегії управління серійним гібридним електромобілем не враховували збурення навантаження під час роботи автомобіля і деякі зміни нелінійних параметрів (наприклад, індуктивність розсіювання статора, опір обмотки і т.д.). Новизна запропонованої роботи заснована на розробці та реалізації двох надійних контролерів ковзного режиму (SMC) на серійному гібридному електромобілі для підвищення ефективності з точки зору швидкості та моменту, що крутить, відповідно. Основна ідея полягає в тому, щоб дозволити двигуну працювати тільки тоді, коли це необхідно з урахуванням стану заряду акумулятора. Мета. У пропонованій схемі контролюються характеристики як двигуна, так і генератора, один контролер ковзного режиму регулює швидкість двигуна, а інший регулює крутний момент генератора, а потім результати порівнюються з використанням режимів 1-SMC і 2-SMC. Метод. Силова установка серійного гібридного електромобіля, що розглядається в даній роботі, складається з акумуляторної батареї та установки двигун-генератор, яка називається допоміжною силовою установкою, тяговим двигуном та силовими електронними схемами для приводу генератора та тягового двигуна. Загальна стратегія заснована на роботі двигуна в області оптимальної ефективності з урахуванням рівня заряду акумуляторної батареї. Результати. Математичні моделі двигуна та генератора були прийняті до уваги для розробки регуляторів ковзного режиму як для керування частотою обертання двигуна, так і для керування крутним моментом генератора. Транспортний засіб випробовувався за стандартним циклом. Результати показали, що замість використання лише одного регулятора частоти обертання двигуна набагато кращі результати досягаються при одночасному використанні двох регуляторів ковзного режиму, один з яких керує частотою обертання двигуна, а інший - моментом, що крутить, генератора

    Exploring relationship among factors of virtual communities, trust and buying in Pakistan

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    Currently the world is experiencing a tremendous growth in the use of social networking sites (SNS). Virtual communities is Increasing day by day, there is still a lack of studies analyze on role of virtual community in impulse buying on the base of trust. Dramatic change in the technology it play role for the virtual communities. Virtual community is a group of people who share common interest and practices, who tend to communicate to each other on the regular base over internet via a common mechanism or location (e.g. social networking websites). Generally, virtual communities serve discussion forums where people communicate with each other and sharing common interest via an electronic media. Virtual communities play role both the retailer and consumer to communicate and discuss information regarding various product of interest

    Exploring Relationship among Factors of Motivation and Performance: Analysis from Private Schools in Khyber Pakhtoon Khawa

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    The aim of this study is to investigate how to employee performance impact on reward in private school. The study also aims to show how to employee improve the performance has in reward system. This study is qualitative in nature and the main theme of this study is to develop hypotheses for future studies. Most of the organizations implement rewards system to increase the job performance and job satisfaction. By reviewing the different finding that the reward and employee performance. The contribution of this paper is to look at how to finding the effective solution of employee performance will be in reward system inter-organizational and school. The study of this paper is exploratory is qualitative study of research. Keywords: Extrinsic rewards; intrinsic rewards; Job Performance

    Identification and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profile of Bacterial Pathogens Isolated From Wound Infections in a Teaching Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan

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    Background: The resistance profile of bacteria causing wound infections may vary from time to time in a given geographical location. The key objective of this study was to determine the prevalent aerobic and or facultative anaerobic bacterial types and their antibiogram to commonly prescribed antibiotics.Methods: Pus, drainage or wound swabs from various body parts of 200 patients were aseptically collected from Khyber Teaching Hospital (KTH) and processed by standard microbiological techniques for identification of bacterial isolates and later antimicrobial susceptibility profile was determined as per Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) guidelines by using Kirby-Bauer method.Results: Out of 200 clinical wound specimens processed, Staphylococcus aureus was the most common bacterial pathogen isolated (n=100, 50%), followed by Escherichia coli (n=45, 22.5%),Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n=35, 17.5%), Enterobacter species (n=14, 7%), Proteus species (n=5, 2.5%) and Morganella species (n=1, 0.5%). Staphylococcus aureus (n=100) showed highest resistance to amoxicillin (82%), followed by ofloxacin (80%), sparfloxacin (78%), ciprofloxacin (71%), levofloxacin (46%) and Gentamicin (34%). Out of 100 S. aureus isolates methicillin and vancomycin resistance was found to be in 1.5 and 2% of the isolates, respectively. Among Gram negative isolates (n=100) the vast majority were resistant to augmentin, followed by cephalosporins, quinolones and almost fairly susceptible to carbapenems, cefoperazone + sulbactam and aminoglycosides.Conclusion: There is a need for judicious use of antibiotics in clinical setup. The periodic monitoring of bacterial pathogens and their susceptibility profile is very helpful in understanding the resistance phenotypes in a given area which ultimately help physicians in selecting suitable empirical therapy

    Traversable wormholes in the extended teleparallel theory of gravity with matter coupling

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    This study explores the Gaussian and the Lorentzian distributed spherically symmetric wormhole solutions in the f(τ,T)f(\tau, T) gravity. The basic idea of the Gaussian and Lorentzian noncommutative geometries emerges as the physically acceptable and substantial notion in quantum physics. This idea of the noncommutative geometries with both the Gaussian and Lorentzian distributions becomes more striking when wormhole geometries in the modified theories of gravity are discussed. Here we consider a linear model within f(τ,T)f(\tau,T) gravity to investigate traversable wormholes. In particular, we discuss the possible cases for the wormhole geometries using the Gaussian and the Lorentzian noncommutative distributions to obtain the exact shape function for them. By incorporating the particular values of the unknown parameters involved, we discuss different properties of the new wormhole geometries explored here. It is noted that the involved matter violates the weak energy condition for both the cases of the noncommutative geometries, whereas there is a possibility for a physically viable wormhole solution. By analyzing the equilibrium condition, it is found that the acquired solutions are stable. Furthermore, we provide the embedded diagrams for wormhole structures under Gaussian and Lorentzian noncommutative frameworks. Moreover, we present the critical analysis on an anisotropic pressure under the Gaussian and the Lorentzian distributions.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Phytotoxic, Antibacterial and Haemagglutination activities of the aerial parts of Myrsine africana L.

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    The crude methanolic extract and various fractions derived from the aerial parts of Myrsine africana were screened in vitro for possible phytotoxic, antibacterial and haemagglutination activities. Moderate phytotoxic activity (31.25 %) was observed against Lemna minor L at 1000 μg/ml by chloroform fraction (CHCl3). The crude methanolic extract and CHCl3 fraction showed good antibacterial activity against Klebsiella pneumoniae (MIC50 = 2.45 and 2.1 mg/ml respectively). The crude methanolic extract and other fractions showed moderate activity against tested bacterial strains. The CHCl3 and aqueous fractions showed no activity against Escherichia coli. Similarly, the ethyl acetate (EtOAc) and butanol (BuOH) fractions were found to be non active against Bacillus pumilus and Enterobacter aerogenes, respectively. Moderate haemagglutination activity was observed against human red blood cells (RBCs) of blood group AB- by crude methanolic extract and CHCl3 fraction and against AB+ by aqueous fraction, respectively. The plant specie can be a source of antibacterial agent(s) and phytolectins.Keywords: Myrsine africana, phytotoxicity, haemagglutination, antibacterial and MIC5