23,242 research outputs found

    Asymmetry in zeta Auriage chromospheres

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    Asymmetry in the ultraviolet spectra of zeta-Aur, similar to that reported in optical observations, was studied using IUE data. A plot of the integrated flux of zeta Aurigae from 1625 to 1675 A as a function of absolute phase shows no significant difference between the ingress and egress phases. A plot of the integrated flux from 1625 to 1675 A for 22 Vul as a function of absolute phase for both ingress and egress confirms that the atmospheric eclipse is asymmetric in 22 Vul. The eclipse in 22 Vul begins symmetrically but departs from symmetry at a phase greater than 0.05. The pronounced dip at ingress suggests a feature in the chromosphere

    Probing the gateway to superheavy nuclei in cranked relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory

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    The cranked relativistic Hartree+Bogoliubov theory has been applied for a systematic study of the nuclei around 254No, the heaviest nuclei for which detailed spectroscopic data are available. The deformation, rotational response, pairing correlations, quasi-particle and other properties of these nuclei have been studied with different relativistic mean field (RMF) parametrizations. For the first time, the quasi-particle spectra of odd deformed nuclei have been calculated in a fully self-consistent way within the framework of the RMF theory. The energies of the spherical subshells, from which active deformed states of these nuclei emerge, are described with an accuracy better than 0.5 MeV for most of the subshells with the NL1 and NL3 parametrizations. However, for a few subshells the discrepancy reach 0.7-1.0 MeV. The implications of these results for the study of superheavy nuclei are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the Conference on Frontiers of Nuclear Structure, Berkeley, California, July 29th - August 2nd, 2002, UC Berkeley, Clark Kerr Campus, in pres

    CENP-C unwraps the human CENP-A nucleosome through the H2A C-terminal tail

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    Centromeres are defined epigenetically by nucleosomes containing the histone H3 variant CENP-A, upon which the constitutive centromere-associated network of proteins (CCAN) is built. CENP-C is considered to be a central organizer of the CCAN. We provide new molecular insights into the structure of human CENP-A nucleosomes, in isolation and in complex with the CENP-C central region (CENP-C-CR), the main CENP-A binding module of human CENP-C. We establish that the short alpha N helix of CENP-A promotes DNA flexibility at the nucleosome ends, independently of the sequence it wraps. Furthermore, we show that, in vitro, two regions of human CENP-C (CENP-C-CR and CENP-C-motif) both bind exclusively to the CENP-A nucleosome. We find CENP-C-CR to bind with high affinity due to an extended hydrophobic area made up of CENP-A(V)(532) and CENP-A(V)(533). Importantly, we identify two key conformational changes within the CENP-A nucleosome upon CENP-C binding. First, the loose DNA wrapping of CENP-A nucleosomes is further exacerbated, through destabilization of the H2A C-terminal tail. Second, CENP-C-CR rigidifies the N-terminal tail of H4 in the conformation favoring H4(K20) monomethylation, essential for a functional centromere

    Identifikasi Variabel Berpengaruh terhadap Jalur Evakuasi Bencana Banjir di Kecamatan Widang, Kabupaten Tuban

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    Kecamatan Widang merupakan salah satu Kecamatan di Kabupaten Tuban yang paling rawan terhadap bencana banjir. Pada tahum 2008 dan 2009, hampir satu kecamatan Kecamatan Widang terdampak bencana banjir akibat dari luapan sungai Bengawan Solo. Namun sampai saat ini penyediaan jalur evakuasi masih belum optimal. Maka dari itu diperlukan jalur evakuasi yang memiliki waktu evakuasi paling optimal. Penelitian ini diawali dengan mengidentifikasi variabel-variabel yang berpengaruh dengan menggunakan content analysis. Selanjutnya, jalur evakuasi ditentukan berdasarkan variabel berpengaruh. 4 tahapan penentuan jalur evakuasi adalah menentukan kawasan terdampak banjir, menentukan lokasi evakuasi, menentukan rute evakuasi dengan menggunakan network analysis, dan menentukan jalur evakuasi. Kata Kunci—Bencana Banjir, Kecamatan Widang, Content Analysis, Jalur Evakuasi

    Keragaman Pranata Agama dan Budaya Serta Implikasinya Bagi Penguatan Kegiatan Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa

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    The focus of this study was to map out how the dimensions of religious diversity in a rural area of environment has implications for community economic empowerment process. These dynamics is an interesting study, where the level of religious institutions as a symbol of a part in accelerating economic activity. The diversity of religious institutions, it becomes an attractive tourist icons that further increase the income of people in the village. The results of this study obtained data related to how the diverse aspects of religious institutions to support capacity for the process of strengthening community economic activities. Village Wonosari, Wonosari district, Malang regency is a tourist icon with the diversity of religious rituals such as Islam, Confucianism, as well as the ethnic diversity of Java, Madura and Tionghoa. Tourist icons is supported by the harmonization of diverse religious and social institutions that build a positive image in which the symbols of the religious activities are not separate, as well as limitless. This unique example, “makam Kyai Zakaria/Eyang Jugo” is an Islamic scholar but also the Confucian pilgrimage. This of course can not be separated from the stigma that continues to grow in some communities that “ngalap berkah” and Gunung Kawi as a place for "Pesugihan"

    Aspek Keselamatan Operasi Penyimpanan Sementara Bahan Bakar Nuklir Bekas

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    Facility of Instalation Storage for Spent Fuel (ISFSF) designed to be able to place Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) as result of 25 years Versatile Reactor – G. A. Siwabbesy added by 1 core unload. In normal operation, there is change of 8 SNF and there is 7 cycles in a year with storage capacity is 1448 SNF elements including used element control rod. Until the end of 2011, real situation of ISFSF has only 245 SNF and normal operation has 6 times change SNF each cycles and 4 cycles in a year, therefore storage capaccity of ISFSF can reach 60 operational years. After SNF moved from reactor fuel to ISFSF emits heat 42,10 watt each elements and heat total is 6 kW. ISFSF completed with cooler system to hold on water temperation not more than 35 ÂșC and VAC hold on air temperation not more than 25 ÂșC. Heat transfer in ISFSF shows the increasing 0,057 ÂșC of water temperature each day in non operational cooler system and VAC operates into 67 ÂșC abnormal temperature limit for 560 days. While in non opeartional cooler system condition and VAC, there is increasing 0,25 ÂșC each day for water temperature with the achievement limitation 128 days and the air temperature becomes 35 ÂșC each day in 2 hours 11 minutes. Value of radiation exposure in ISFSF between 0,14 – 0,77 ÎŒSv each hour is safe for workers and the environment. While surface contamination value of alpha from 0.00 to 0.00 Bq/cm2, beta from 0.00 to 0.02 Bq/cm2 and air contamination alpha values from 0.00 to 0.00 Bq/cm2, beta from 0,00 to 0.23 Bq/cm2, included into the low contamination areas and is still below the level of contamination

    Kebijakan Pangan Pasca Ratifikasi Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) - WTO

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    In its journey, AoA ratification become a threat for developing countries in food sustainability, such as Indoensia. Liberations that implies in AoA have given more beneficial for major countries instead developing countries. It was clear, were the problematic raise issues, that local farmers could not competed with imported agriculture products because its cheaper than local. By doing qualitative method, through secondary data and neo-liberalism policy that was promoted by Reagan and Margareth Thatcher, Indonesia have to be brave to makes decision because Indonesia agriculture is not about commodities, trading product nor exported product. Therefore, agriculture should stay in the hand of Indonesia people, used to fulfill national food security, and for Indonesia welfare
