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    Objective: To know the relationship between p53 expression and prostate specific antigen (PSA) serum level in prostate cancer patients. Material & method: Specimens were studied from patients with pathological diagnosis of prostate cancer in Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta during 2007 to 2008. The p53 expression was measured by immunohistochemical staining. The stains were done in Department of Anatomical Pathology and examined by a pathologist. The relationship between p53 mutated expression and PSA serum level were analyzed with correlation coefficient (rs). Results: There were 29 patients included in this study. The mean age was 66,34 ± 8,15 (50 - 83) years old. The mean PSA serum level was 165,98 ± 269,208 (1,4 – 1051) ng/ml. The mean number of p53 expression was 111,38 ± 94,30 (16 – 396). There was positive correlation between p53 expression and increasing PSA serum level in the prostate cancer patients (rs + 0,497; p = 0,006). Conclusion: P53 expression was positively correlated with increasing PSA serum level.Keywords: Prostate cancer, p53 expression, PSA serum level

    The Concept of Deradicalization in an Effort to Prevent Terrorism in Indonesia

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    Radicalism is a paradigm to make a fundamental change in accordance with the understanding of the ideology adopted and believed. In general, the government and the society believe that terrorism is a phenomenon that cannot be easily eliminated. Deradicalization program essentially comes from the assumption that radicalism is the “root” of terrorism. Therefore, a concrete action as an effort to fight against terrorism will be (more) effective through deradicalization. The essence of deradicalization is to change the understanding (re-interpretation) of the paradigm that is considered wrong and “misleading”. The prevention of terrorism through the concept of deradicalization is a proactive action and requires caution because Indonesian society is plural and vulnerable to pluralism against social conflict. Thus, its application must be equipped by knowledge and understanding of  the development and patterns of terrorism and must be guided by the applicable legislations. This descriptive-analytic study applied statute approach, conceptual approach, historical approach and philosophical approach to investigate the legal issues under study. The collected data were analyzed by using qualitative juridical analysis method and the results are then presented thoroughly, systematically and in a integrated way in order to obtain clarity of the problem. The results showed that radicalism is an extreme idea to make a fundamental change based on subjective and exclusive ideological interpretations. Meanwhile, deradicalization is a pattern of handling terrorism which is essentially a process of reinterpretation of “deviated” beliefs or paradigms through efforts to reassure radical groups not to use violence (terror) as well as to create a sterile environment from radical movements which are “the root” of the growth of terrorism in Indonesia. Konsep Deradikalisasi dalam upaya Pencegahan Aksi Terorisme di Indonesia Radikalisme merupakan paradigma untuk melakukan suatu perubahan fundamental sesuai dengan pemahaman ideologi yang dianut dan diyakini . Pemerintah dan masyarakat pada umumnya meyakini bahwa (aksi) terorisme merupakan fenomena yang tidak mudah dihilangkan begitu saja. Program deradikalisasi hakikatnya berangkat dari asumsi bahwa radikalisme merupakan “akar” dari aksi-aksi terorisme. Oleh karenanya, bentu konkrit sebagai upaya memerangi terorisme akan (lebih) efektif melalui deradikalisasi. Esensinya adalah merubah pemahaman (re –interpretasi) atas paradigma yang dianggap keliru dan sesat “menyesatkan”.  Pencegahan terorisme dengan konsep deradikalisasi adalah tindakan proaktif serta membutuhkan kehati-hatian karena masyarakat Indonesia yang plural dan rentan kemajemukan terhadap konflik sosial. Upaya pemecahan masalah dalam deradikalisasi antara lain harus mengetahui dan memahami perkembangan dan pola tindak pidana terorisme sebagai bentuk penanggulangan  terorisme serta harus berpedoman pada peraturan perundang-undangan yang ada. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitis dengan metode pendekatan yang digunakan yang digunakan untuk menjawab isu hukum dalam kajian ini adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual, dan pendekatan historis serta pendekatan filosofis. Analisis data menggunakan metode analisis yuridis kualitatif, kemudian menyusun  secara menyeluruh, sistematis dan terintegrasi demi memperoleh kejelasan masalah.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa radikalisme merupakan gagasan ekstrim yaitu melakukan suatu perubahan secara fundamental menurut interpretasi ideologi secara subjektif dan eksklusif. Deradikalisasi merupakan pola penanganan terorisme yang hakekatnya merupakan proses re-interpretasi atas keyakinan atau paradigma “menyimpang” melalui upaya meyakinkan (kembali) terhadap kelompok-kelompok radikal untuk tidak menggunakan dan meninggalkan kekerasan (teror) , serta menciptakan lingkungan yang steril dari gerakan radikal yang merupakan akar penyebab tumbuhnya gerakan radikal (terorisme) di Indonesia

    The Ideal Age of Marriage as an Effort to Establish an Ideal Family

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    Marriage is intended to meet the needs of instincts and the instruction of religion. Hence, in order to carry out this worship, mental readiness is required. Yet, in Islam, there are no provisions on the ideal age of marriage. This study aims to analyse the ideal age of marriage in Indonesia based on the provisions of the Law and to identify the deviation of the provisions of marriage age. As results, it was revealed that the law sets the legal age of marriage at 19 years old as regulated in Article 7 paragraph (1) of Law No. 1 of 1974 in conjunction with Law No. 16 of 2019 concerning Marriage. Meanwhile, if there is a violation that deviates from the provisions stated in this Law, the guardian’s parents can submit an application on marriage dispensation (diskah) to the local court in order to be able to hold a marriage. This new provision has an implication for the effort to build a harmonious and ideal family as there is no discrimination on age limit between women and men which is also a form of gender equality. Idealitas Usia Pernikahan sebagai upaya Membangun Keluarga yang Ideal Perkawinan terbentuk melalui rasa untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nalurinya, dan juga untuk memenuhi petunjuk agamanya, maka dalam rangka untuk menjalankan ibadah tersebut diperlukan kesiapan mental baik jiwa dan raganya, akan tetapi dalam islam tidak terdapat ketentuan yang mensyaratkan idealnya usia menikah. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menanalisis bagaimana idealitas usia melaksanakan pernikahan di Indonesia sesuai dengan ketentuan Undang-Undang dan bagaimana menganalisis implementasi terhadap Penyimpangan ketentuan usia nikah. Penelitian yuridis normatif, dengan spesifikasi mengkaji implementasi kaidah-kaidah dan juga norma-norma yang terdapat dalam hukum positif, yang bersifat deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa undang-undang mensyaratkan kedua mempelai harus berumur 19 tahun sesuai dengan ketentuan pasal 7 (1) Undang-undang  Nomor  1 Tahun 1974 jo Undang-undang  Nomor  16 Tahun 2019 tentang perkawinan. Dan apabila terdapat pelanggaran yang menyimpang terhadap ketentuan yang ada pada pasal tersebut maka orang tua wali dapat mengajukan permohonan dispensasi nikah (diskah) kepada pengadilan setempat agar dapat melangsungkan pernikahan, dengan adanya ketentuan baru ini berimplikasi pada upaya membangun keluarga yang harmonis dan ideal bagi masyarakat karena tidak ada diskriminasi batas usia antara perempuan dan usia laki-laki serta hal ini merupakan bentuk kesamaan gender


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan praktik/penerapan transparansi kepala sekolah dalam tata kelola sekolah untuk menganalisis kebutuhan sistem informasi tata kelola sekolah sebagai dasar penyusunan model transparansi tata kelola SDN. Menggunakan metode survei dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa angket yang diisi oleh 248 pengurus komite sekolah dari 40 sekolah dasar, diperkaya dengan diskusi terfokus dengan 40 kepala sekolah dan 40 guru. Hasil kuesioner disajikan dan dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil diskusi terfokus dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa transparansi tata kelola sekolah dasar negeri di Kota Jakarta Timur berada pada kategori cukup, namun berpotensi untuk dikembangkan melalui sistem informasi tata kelola sekolah sehingga model hipotetik sistem pemerintahan transparan di SDN dapat ditarik. Untuk itu disarankan kepada Dinas DKI Jakarta perlu memfasilitasi pengadaan sistem dengan perangkat pendukungnya, baik IT advisor maupun sumber daya operator. Sekolah harus merespon positif jika transparansi dalam tata kelola sekolah diterapkan

    Typhoid fever in children presenting to paediatric medical wards of Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital Zaria: A 13-month review

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    Typhoid fever is a systemic infection caused by the Gram-negative bacilli Salmonellae, transmitted via the feaco-oral route. It commonly affects children, leading to complications and death if untreated. This is a reportof typhoid fever admissions as seen at ABU Teaching Hospital Zaria over a 13-month period. Objectives: To describe the clinical presentation and management outcomes of children admitted with typhoid fever during a13-month period.Materials and methods: A retrospective review of demographic, clinical presentation and treatment response of children managed for typhoid fever was conducted. Results were presented as means with standard deviation, proportions, tables, figures and Chisquares with p values. The prevalence of typhoid fever admissions was obtained over the period from2008-2011.Results: A total of 779 children were admitted from 1st January 2011 to 31st January 2012, out of which 39 (4.9%) had a diagnosis of typhoid fever. There was a significant difference in prevalence of typhoid fever admissions from 2008-2010 compared to 2011 (X2 = 5.6651; p <0.019). The mean age was 7.2 (SD ± 4.3) years and 71.8% resided in the sameneighbourhood. All the children had pre-admission antibiotics, while 93.3% had abdominal pain, 64.1% had diarrhoea, 89.7% had fever and 69% had hepatomegaly. Widal test and blood cultures were positive in 46% and 10.3% respectively. Poor treatment response led to antibiotic switch for 61.1% started on chloramphenicol. Bowel perforation occurred in four(10.3%) who had laparotomy but there was no mortality, and all were discharged after recovery.Conclusion: A surge was observed in typhoid fever admissions associatedwith widespread use of preadmission antibiotics. Low rates of pathogen isolation and unaffordable costs precluded appropriate antibiotic choice for many at admission, and led to poor treatment response. Public health education should emphasize water hygiene and judicious use of antibiotics.Key words: Typhoid fever; Enteric fever; Children; Hospital admission


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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan eksistensi Adat di Indonesia yang saat ini terdapat pergeseran praktik sosial. Hal ini diperkuat pasang surutnya eksistensi Adat baik dalam memberikan kontribusinya di ranah politik pemerintahan hingga pengaruhnya di masyarakat. Penelitian ini merupakan metode kualitatif dengan studi literatur, wawancara, dan observasi. Dengan memanfaatkan data dari berbagai dokumen, literatur serta tulisan-tulisan sebelumnya untuk dianalisa serta dideskripfsikan dengan mengaitkan beberapa contoh kasus yang terjadi di beberapa daerah Indonesia. Alhasil eksistensi adat dalam bingkai demokrasi di Indonesia merupakan simbolisasi yang seringkali dimanfaatkan demi kepentingan para elit dalam ranah tertentu. Seperti pada saat pemilihan, pengambilan keputusan terkait tanah Adat dan hukum adat

    The Influence of Propolis Compress on Phelebitis Score Reduction in Hospitalized Patients

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    Phlebitis is complications of intravenous therapy. Warm compress can reduce degree of inflammation in patients with phlebitis. While propolis compress generally used to reduce the degree of dermatitis. This study aims to examine the effect of propolis compress to the score reduction of phlebitis. The study used Quasy-experimental. The independent variabel is propolis compress and dependent variable is phlebitis scores. The sample of the study are 10 respondents with phlebitis taken by Non-Randomized Sampling technique. The results showed average scores of phlebitis before treatment are an early sign of phlebitis, early stage, and moderate phlebitis stage with their respective percentage (30%). Furthemore, it's found 60% with score 0 or no phlebitis after the propolis compress treatment. Based on the test of Paired T-Test, there's different score between before and after propolis compress treatment that's marked by p-value (0,000) < α = 0,05 Furthermore, the test result of Independent T-Test showed the p-value (0,000) < α = 0,01. In conclusion, There's the effect of giving propolis compress to reduce the score of phlebitis. It's hoped to Paramedic's, especially nurses to perform alternative measures in handling the problem of nosocomial infections

    MUC1-C Oncoprotein Regulates Glycolysis and Pyruvate Kinase m2 Activity in Cancer Cells

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    Aerobic glycolysis in cancer cells is regulated by multiple effectors that include Akt and pyruvate kinase M2 (PKM2). Mucin 1 (MUC1) is a heterodimeric glycoprotein that is aberrantly overexpressed by human breast and other carcinomas. Here we show that transformation of rat fibroblasts by the oncogenic MUC1-C subunit is associated with Akt-mediated increases in glucose uptake and lactate production, consistent with the stimulation of glycolysis. The results also demonstrate that the MUC1-C cytoplasmic domain binds directly to PKM2 at the B- and C-domains. Interaction between the MUC1-C cytoplasmic domain Cys-3 and the PKM2 C-domain Cys-474 was found to stimulate PKM2 activity. Conversely, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-mediated phosphorylation of the MUC1-C cytoplasmic domain on Tyr-46 conferred binding to PKM2 Lys-433 and inhibited PKM2 activity. In human breast cancer cells, silencing MUC1-C was associated with decreases in glucose uptake and lactate production, confirming involvement of MUC1-C in the regulation of glycolysis. In addition, EGFR-mediated phosphorylation of MUC1-C in breast cancer cells was associated with decreases in PKM2 activity. These findings indicate that the MUC1-C subunit regulates glycolysis and that this response is conferred in part by PKM2. Thus, the overexpression of MUC1-C oncoprotein in diverse human carcinomas could be of importance to the Warburg effect of aerobic glycolysis
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