83 research outputs found

    Pengetahuan dan minat terhadap kerjaya keushawanan : satu tinjauan di kalangan pelajar-pelajar bumiputera aliran kemahiran

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    Kajian ini adalah berkaitan dengan keIjaya keusahawanan di kalangan pelajar-pelajar bumiputera aliran kemahiran. Tujuan kajian ini diadakan adalah untuk melihat sarna ada pelajar-pelajar ini mempunyai pengetahuan dan minat terhadap keIjaya keusahawanan, atau tidak. Soal selidik telah diedarkan kepada 48 orang responden, dan kursus Teknologi Kejuruteraan A\\'am (Bangunan) di Institut Kemahiran Mara (l1Ovf), Manjung, Perak Darul Ridzuan. Data yang diperolehi dianalisis menggunakan pensian Srarv,·rical Package For Social Science (SPSS). Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai skor min untuk kesemua item berada pad a tahap yang memuaskan. Ini membuktikan bahawa pelajar-pelajar bumiputera aliran kemahiran sememangnya mempunyai pengetahuan dan minat terhadap keIjaya keusahawanan. \Valaupun mempunyai pengetahuan dan minat terhadap keIjaya keusahawanan, mereka masih kekurangan maklumat berkenaan prosedur memulakan pemiagaan serta badan atau organisasi yang memberi kemudahan dana kewangan. Oleh yang demikian, 'Panduall Ringkas Mellceburi Bidang Keusahawanall' dihasilkan untuk memben maklumat ten tang langkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan untuk memulakan sesuatu pemiagaan serta badan atau organisasi yang memben kemudahan dana kewangan, kepada para pelajar

    Kontribusi Financial Technology Bidang Pertanian dalam Meningkatkan Permodalan guna Meningkatkan Produktivitas Usahatani Padi di Kabupaten Bandung

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    Technological developments continue to change, one of the fields that adopt elements of technology is the financial sector which is well known as financial technology. One of the purposes of financial technology is to help the community in obtaining loans for both daily needs and business capital. Farming is a profession that often difficult to get capital assistance. Bandung District has an area of rice plantations that can increase its productivity by increasing inputs, one of which is capital. This study aimed to examine the contribution of financial technology in increasing the productivity of rice farming. This study employed a qualitative descriptive research design. The results of this study indicated that the form of contribution that can be given by financial technology in agriculture to increase the productivity of rice farming in Bandung District is by increasing capital, assistance from experts, and easy access to marketing. Perkembangan teknologi terus mengalami perubahan, salah satu bidang yang mengadopsi unsur teknologi adalah bidang keuangan yang disebut dengan financial technology. Tujuan dari financial technology adalah salah satunya membantu masyarakat dalam memperoleh pinjaman baik untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari maupun permodalan usaha. Petani merupakan profesi yang kerap kesulitan mendapatkan bantuan modal. Kabupaten Bandung yang mempunyai luas lahan tanaman padi dapat ditingkatkan produktivitasnya dengan meningkatkan input, salah satunya adalah permodalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana kontribusi financial technology dalam meningkatkan produktivitas usahatani padi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bentuk kontribusi yang dapat diberikan oleh fnancial technology bidang pertanian untuk meningkatkan produktivitas usahatani padi di Kabupaten Bandung adalah melalui peningkatan permodalan, pendampingan oleh tenaga ahli dan kemudahan akses pemasaran.

    Development of Integrated Holistic Teaching Guide Module for Technical and Vocational Education Teacher Trainees

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    The development of quality human capital is a process of transforming humans potential; knowledgeable, honorable, skilled and resilient. The failure to develop quality human capital can inhibit a lot of country potential growth. Without quality human capital, the country will turn into declined, even a civilization might be impaired. Success teachers who able to explore and disseminate knowledge, daring to try something new, creative and innovative, and have superior personal qualities, through their teaching and learning (T&L) in developing a critical mentality generation is the critical success factors in shaping a bright future generation. Therefore, through this research, the ‘Integrated Holistic Teaching (IHT) Guide Module’ had been developed to provide awareness and appreciation among Technical and Vocational (TVE) teacher trainees on the importance of IHT approach. This holistic approach focuses on the application and the instillation of the 'Belief and Devotion to God’ (BDG) value in the T&L of TVE subjects, without disturbing the existing syllabus objectives. Three modules expertise had been appointed and agreed to be responsible for checking the modules content, answer the questionnaire of module validity and lastly, give comments on module content which had been developed based on Rusell Model of Module Development 1974. Finally, data analysis was performed using the Tuckmen and Waheed validity formula which showed a high level of 94.67 %. Thus, the BDG values in T&L has been translated well in the form of modules. In other words, the development of IHT guide module meets the Malaysian National Education Philosophy (MNEP) goals, to create a balance and harmonious humans intellectual, spiritual, emotional and physical which based on the BDG values. Keywords: Teachers quality, teaching modules, Integrated Holistic Teaching Approach, ‘Belief and Devotion to God’ valu


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    This present study is intended to investigate the influence of self-efficacy and parent’s social supports on academic procrastination of students in YP GKPI junior high school, Rawamangun, Indonesia. Since the population comprising 58 students, a small number of population, this study employed a census method. The instrument involved an academic procrastination scale (34 items), self-efficacy scale (25 items), and parent’s social support scale (33 items). The result of multiple regression analysis reveals that the value of p<0.05, meaning that self-efficacy and parent’s social support altogether contribute to the academic procrastination behavior significantly. On the other hand, the variable of parent’s social support does not significantly contribute to academic procrastination of the students. This is based on the result of coefficient table that the value of p>0.05.  Article visualizations

    Stimulating Visit Intention Using Social Media Influencer: Mediating Role of Enjoyment

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    Social media influencer (SMI) has emerged as one of a powerful approach in building customer’s intention to visit a tourism destination. This research therefore tries to uncover the mechanism on how the dimensions of SMI, namely attractiveness, trustworthiness, and expertise, influence visit intention by incorporating enjoyment as mediator by applying Stimuli-Organism-Response (SOR) Theory. Using purposing sampling, 115 usable samples of those who experienced an SMI’s posts regarding Aceh tourism, are gathered online. Data were analyzed by using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). In testing the hypotheses, we conduct a Bootstrapping procedure using 5000 sub-samplings. The finding highlights that SMIs’ attractiveness and SMIs’ expertise, are found to be a strong predictor of enjoyment, of which has a significant relationship with visit intention. However, SMI trustworthiness failed to predict enjoyment. Except for SMI trustworthiness-visit intention relationship, this study also found the role of enjoyment as mediator for both SMI attractiveness and SMI expertise in predicting visit intention. Consequently, this research pinpoints two routes to obtaining visitors’ intention to visit a tourism site. They are attractiveness-enjoyment-intention and expertise-enjoyment-intention with the second pathway have bigger contribution to visit intention. The findings can be used as a guide to assist tourism destination marketers in developing effective advertising that use SMI to communicate with their visitor and differentiate themselves from the tourism destination intense competition. Keywords: social media influencers, enjoyment, visit intention, sor theory, tourism destinatio

    Knowledge of information commodity-based business towards income generation among bumiputera entrepreneurs / Nora’ayu Ahmad Uzir, Irni Eliana Khairuddin and Norliya Ahmad Kassim

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    As the world’s economy enters the information age, there are many possibilities for establishing information and knowledge-based businesses within the global information and knowledge economy. However, Bumiputera entrepreneurs have overlooked the opportunity in offering information as a commodity for income generation. This paper provides a brief review of related literature on entrepreneurs’ knowledge on information commodity-based business that leads to income generation. A novel conceptual model is developed and proposed to evaluate the information commodity resulting to income generation. The constructs of the conceptual model are based on the three dimensions namely entrepreneur opportunity, information as commodity and income generation. Exploration and exploitation on these three dimensions would lead Bumiputera entrepreneurs toward offering information as a commodity in the information industry. By adapting this model, future study will contribute to the information commodity modelling in boosting income generation among Bumiputera entrepreneurs through offering information as a commodity in the information industry

    Factors that Contribute to Students’ Attrition in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Environment: A systematic review

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    This paper presents a systematic literature review of open distance learning (ODL) research that reports empirical findings on the factors that contribute to students' attrition in the ODL setting. Several prior literature reviews identified self-regulated learning as one of the critical factors that may lead to students dropping out. However, there has been much less understanding of the factors and challenges faced by the students in ODL learning and delivery, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic years. To address this limitation, this study provides a step toward a better understanding of the critical factors contributing to dropout risk, particularly in the ODL environment. Keywords: Open distance learning; Student attrition; COVID-19. eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by E-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC  BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behavior Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioral Researchers on Asians), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behavior Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v7iSI10%20(Special%20Issue).413

    Faktor minat guru pelatih dalam bidang Perguruan Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional

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    Minat memainkan peranan penting dalam menentukan tahap usaha dan pencapaian. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji faktor minat guru pelatih dalam bidang Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional (PTV). Reka bentuk kajian gabungan ini melibatkan 15 guru pelatih semester 6, di Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Temenggong Ibrahim (IPGKTI). Persampelan adalah secara kelompok bertujuan. Data kajian dipungut melalui temubual berstruktur dan dianalisis secara manual dan menggunakan perisian Atlas.ti7. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahawa 8 responden (53.3%) menceburi bidang keguruan PTV kerana minat, 2 responden (13.3%) kerana terpaksa dan 5 responden (33.3%) kerana dipaksa. Namun begitu, setelah 6 semester mengikuti pengajian, 12 responden (80%) begitu yakin untuk berkhidmat sebagai guru PTV, 3 responden (20%) kurang yakin dan tiada guru pelatih yang tidak yakin untuk berkhidmat sebagai guru PTV. Dapatan kajian membuktikan proses latihan perguruan bidang PTV di IPG berpotensi meningkatkan keyakinan guru pelatih yang pada awalnya agak dingin dengan kerjaya guru PTV. Justeru itu, pihak yang terlibat dengan proses latihan perguruan bidang PTV di IPG perlu memastikan proses ini berlangsung mengikut perancangan yang telah distruktur dengan terkesan dan bermakna. Diharapkan kajian ini menjadi panduan kepada pihak pengurusan di Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia serta pensyarah JPTV di IPG tentang peri pentingnya proses latihan perguruan bidang PTV ke arah membentuk guru PTV berkualiti

    Antecedents and impacts of trust in mobile transactions: a case study of Malaysian consumers / Mohamad Noorman Masrek, Nora'ayu Ahmad Uzir and Irni Eliana Khairuddin

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    Just as the intensity of scientist investigating on advancing and sophisticating the mobile technologies, scholars and researchers alike have also been very active in studying the social aspect of the mobile usage. One of the most popular topics which has received much interest among IS researchers is the aspect of trust in using the mobile banking. There are two main actors in trust which are the trustor i.e. the trusting party, and the trustee which is the trusted party. In the context of mobile banking, the trustor would be the consumer of mobile banking services while the trustee would cover not only the retail banking that provides the mobile banking services but also the mobile telecommunication provider and the mobile telephone technology itself. The extant literature on the aspect of trust in mobile banking showed that most studies have been focusing on the retail banking and the mobile telecommunication provider only. The literature suggests that trust in technology is equally important in ensuring successful adoption of services rendered through the technology itself. Considering that very few studies have actually addressed the aspect of trust with all the three categories of trustee i.e. the retail banks, the mobile telecommunication provider and the mobile telephone in one single study, this study attempts to address this gap. In addition the study also seeks to investigate the impact of mobile banking utilization on satisfaction and loyalty. Adopting a survey research methodology involving 312 of mobile banking consumers in Malaysia, the findings suggest mobile banking utilization is positively correlated to satisfaction. The findings also show that mobile banking satisfaction does have bearing on loyalty. Three groups of antecedents namely the technology trust, trustworthiness and institution-based trust which are hypothesized to have significant influence on mobile banking utilization. The findings reveal that only technology trust and institution-based trust are found to have significant correlation with mobile banking utilizations. The findings of this study should be useful to both practitioners and researchers. As for the banking practitioners, the findings have empirically shown the importance of mobile banking services and its influence towards customer satisfaction. In the context of Malaysia, not all banks have implemented mobile banking. Hence this finding should alert banking practitioners that in line with the advancement of the ICT, they have no other choice but to embrace and implement mobile banking or otherwise they would risk of losing their customers. As for the researchers, besides replicating this study in countries that have implemented mobile banking, they should also consider employing a different research approach, such as qualitative approach so as to get richer and deeper understanding on the situation of mobile banking utilization among users. The framework used in the study could be used as the conceptual framework guiding such researches
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