408 research outputs found


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    The Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law (MJSL) Volume 11, Issue 2 for 2023, presents a diverse collection of sixteen articles that explore various dimensions of Syariah and Law. This issue features sixteen diverse articles traversing critical dimensions within the domains of Syariah and Law. The illuminating scholarship inquiries into conflicts surrounding land development legislation in Malaysia as a case study, intersections between self-determination and terrorism under international law, innovative Islamic financing mechanisms, preventative health policies in religious institutions, issues impacting the elderly, variations in Shariah governance models, dynamics shaping traditional governance structures, legal and political considerations around foreign investments, extremism affecting the Islamic community and ethical foundations guiding the Islamic finance industry. The Commentaries section discusses specific issues within the focus towards leveraging Islamic finance principles for poverty alleviation, the constitutionality of Section 498 of the Penal Code at the intersection of Islamic teachings, personal law, and morality in Malaysia and emerging technologies to transform intellectual property security. Collectively, these articles underscore MJSL’s emergence as a leading platform for discourse surrounding Islamic jurisprudence, legislation, finance, ethics and contemporary challenges at the intersection of syariah and law. These articles collectively contribute to a global perspective on legal discourse, reflecting MJSL\u27s commitment to high editorial standards and impactful research dissemination. The inclusion of MJSL in Scopus beginning in July 2023, with content retrospective to 2019, signifies a significant milestone that emphasizes the journal\u27s worldwide significance and dedication to academic distinction


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    Volume 11, Issue 1 (2023) of the Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law (MJSL) showcases a diverse collection of articles and case studies that make significant contributions to the international scholarly community. The articles delve into crucial topics such as the treatment of uncontrollable children, offering a comparative analysis of international and Malaysian legal frameworks. Another article examines cultured meat through the lenses of fiqh and Sufism, providing valuable insights into its compatibility with Islamic principles. The study on punitive labor in Oman analyzes its application within the Omani legal system, considering its alignment with international standards. Additionally, the volume addresses the challenges of controlling territorial borders during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on maritime areas. The use of gelatin in halal pharmaceutical products is explored, ensuring compliance with Islamic dietary regulations. The volume also includes studies on the application of non-ratified international treaties, offering new perspectives on their judicial implementation. Furthermore, the contextualization of Maqasid al-Shariah according to the objectives of the individual, family, society, and humanity is thoroughly examined. A comparative analysis of social solidarity in Islam and contemporary economic systems contributes to the discourse on economic justice. The case studies within this volume provide insights into the constitutional position of the continental shelf in Malaysia, shedding light on the legal provisions and implications surrounding its resources. Additionally, protocols for validating the status of illegitimate children in Syariah law are presented, offering valuable guidance in teaching and learning approaches for this area of study. Lastly, an intellectual dialogue with an esteemed professor in peace and conflict studies enriches the scholarly conversation. A book review on advancing the legal status of women in Islamic law provides critical insights into this significant subject. The contributions within this volume deepen our understanding of these topics, stimulate further scholarly exploration, and foster the advancement of knowledge in the field of Syariah and Law

    Peak Flow Attenuation Using Dry Pond For Existing Housing Schemes

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    Pengurusan Saliran Bandar di Malaysia sejak 1975 adalah berdasarkan Manual Rekabentuk Saliran Bandar yang mencakupi perencaan, asas rekabentuk, luahan banjir, rekabentuk saluran terbuka, struktur, storan, dan kawalan hakisan dan endapan. Stormwater management In Malaysia has been largely based on 1975 DID Urban Drainage Design Manual that covers essentially the planning, basis of design, flood discharge, hydraulic design of open channel

    Analytical studies of the behaviour of semi-rigid non-sway frames with tubular columns.

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    This thesis reports the research investigation on the behaviour of non-sway frames with SHS columns taking into consideration the influence of semi-rigid flowdrill connections. The aim of the studies was to investigate the behaviour of the non-sway frames in the elastic and inelastic ranges, the acceptability of the flowdrill connections for low-rise non-sway frames and to develop a simplified semi-rigid design that is suitable for daily design routine. The analytical studies were conducted using an existing finite element program which was modified to work with frames employing tubular columns. The program is able to simulate the response in the elastic and inelastic ranges taking into account the semi-rigid connections, the geometrical and material nonlinearities and the development of spread yield. The program has been validated against the experimental results and can reasonably predict the true frame behaviour. The results of the parametric studies show several important observations;one of which is the phenomenon of moment shedding. This phenomenon causes the relaxation of the detrimental moment at the column top end which in turn causes the moment redistribution to the neighbouring members. Eventually, the detrimental column moment diminishes and sometimes acts as restraining moments. As a consequence, at ultimate load, the columns behave in the general form of axially loaded compression members and the beams as simply supported with a certain degree of end restraint. Knowing that restrained beam-columns can be treated as axially loaded, extensive parametric studies on different frame configurations were conducted to determine the ultimate strength of beam-columns. The studies were conducted on low rise multi-storey non-sway frames. The principal parameters varied are the column slenderness, connection types and the magnitude of beam loads. The values of ultimate strength of restrained beam-columns are compared directly against the strength of pin ended columns as specified by the BS 5950 and EC3 codes. The results show that in many cases, the ultimate strength of restrained beam-columns are in excess to the strength of axially loaded pin ended column as specified by BS 5950 and EC3. Based on the results of the parametric studies, a simplified design for simple, semi-rigid and rigid frames is developed. The columns are designed as axially loaded compression members without any consideration of eccentricity or partial fixity moments. The beams for simple construction are designed as simply supported with pin ends; whereas, the beams for semi-rigid and rigid construction are designed as simply supported with a certain amount of end restraint moment to take into account the effect of semi-rigid and rigid connections. The design of strength for beams and columns can be carried out individually and is not dependent on the stiffnesses of the M-0 of the connections, beams and columns. Finally, general conclusions and recommendations for further work are also included


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    A novel design of roof top transverse axis wind turbine had been proposed for application along the coastlines of east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Preliminary experimental results indicated that this particular design could potentially operate in the low speed wind condition with wind direction varying as much as 60 degrees from the prevailing wind main direction. However, the wind turbine rotation speed varies according to the angle of prevailing wind. Hence, this paper will cover the process on performance optimization of a roof top transverse axis wind turbine through design enhancement. The performance optimization through design enhancement focuses on modeling a component called ‘End Cap’, analysis and study of several designs of ‘End Cap’ that will optimize the transverse axis wind turbine mounted on a rooftop performance

    Bank Risks, Shock Event and Profitability in Islamic Banks: Adoption of Panel Data Approach

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    In the current business environment banks are exposed to many risks while having its operation. These risks are stated to be directly linked to what banks do and why bank fails. The Islamic banks are also unexceptional to be affected by the bank risks. Thus, this study tries to examine the impact of bank risks and shock event in the variation of profitability in Islamic banks. Using 16 Islamic banks spanning from 2009 to 2016 in Malaysia this study has employed panel data analysis to test for the hypotheses. Results illustrated that there are substantial influence of both credit risks and liquidity risks credit risks on profitability in Islamic banks. Both shows the higher risks will lead to the lower profit of the Islamic bank. While, the shock event which is represented by financial crisis is found to be following the expected magnitude but has insignificant influences on the changes of Islamic bank profitability. This result gives a clear indication to Islamic banks that undertaking risks will let to the losses in the profitability of the banks. Finding also supports the claim that the profitability of Islamic banks is unharmed by the shock event.     Keywords: Liquidity risks, Credit risk, Profitability, Islamic banks, financial crisi

    Pembangunan Perisian Multimedia Berasaskan Proses Pembelajaran Berasaskan Masalah dalam Subjek Sains Komputer

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    Pembelajaran Berasaskan Masalah (PBL) merupakan satu inovasi yang signifikan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam bidang seperti perubatan, kejuruteraan, sains komputer dan undang-undang. Masalah dunia sebenar akan dikemukakan kepada pelajar di mana ianya akan menjadi pemandu utama ke arah pembelajaran pelajar. Proses pembelajaran menggunakan kaedah ini nampaknya menunjukkan hasil penyelidikan yang memberangsangkan mengikut para penyelidik yang telah menggunakannya. Proses ini juga telah cuba diterapkan dengan penggunaan komputer sebagai satu wadah untuk menjadikan proses pembelajaran lebih menarik dan signifikan. Beberapa model telah dicadangkan untuk membentuk satu proses yang kukuh ke arah pembangunan perisian multimedia berasaskan proses PBL ini. Ia turut mengaitkan ciri-ciri utama proses PBL dan teknik pembangunan perisian komputer. Proses penilaian formatif dan sumatif dalam mengumpul data kualitatif dan kuantitatif dijalankan untuk memastikan objektif yang ditetapkan akan dicapai. Kertas kerja ini bertujuan menerangkan proses pembangunan perisian multimedia berasaskan proses PBL dalam subjek sains komputer

    Enhancing Design for Aesthetics Based on Product Platform Architecture

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    Traditionally, most people buy a product based on performance and cost, but recently appearances, comfort and aesthetic are preferred. Customers are now becoming more complex and require not only good product performance but also appearance. To enhance product appearance, product platform has been proposed as new approach to the design for aesthetics. In this work, a platform is identified based on component sharing among the product variants. Then the aesthetic rules are applied to the platform. A Product Family Aesthetic Index (PFAI) was developed to measure the product performance. The evaluation is based on component commonality and aesthetic aspect. The result indicates that the Product Family Aesthetic Index had increased through redesigning several components in the product. A case study of the fan family was conducted to verify the methodology

    Moderation in Fatwas and Ijtihad: An Analysis of Fatwas Issued by the MKI Malaysia Concerning the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Certain muftis reject the moderation method when giving fatwas. They are more prone to extremism or dereliction approaches. This rejection occurs due to various causes and, if left unaddressed, will have a detrimental impact on the fatwa institutions, muftis, and mustaftis. This research discussed the notion of moderation in Islam and how it is applied in the realm of a fatwa. Given that Malaysia is currently dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and that the MKI (Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam) has issued several fatwas on it, this research will look into the fatwas and the features of moderation inherent within it. Using Bowen's document analysis methodology, this study was performed qualitatively by gathering pertinent data from primary and secondary documents. The retrieved data from both documents were analyzed using content analysis methodology to get valuable information and rearrange it to produce meaning that could be understood and digested. The findings demonstrate that moderation is a symbol of Islam and that one of Islam's virtues is to conduct religious affairs and issue rulings with moderation. In fatwas, the notion of moderation centers on facilitating Muslims' religious experiences. In the context of the MKI fatwas, this study discovered that five fatwas were issued on Islamic affairs during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the findings of this study, each fatwa has its features of moderation.   AbstrakBeberapa mufti tertentu menolak menerapkan moderasi saat memberikan fatwa. Mereka lebih rentan terhadap pendekatan ekstremisme atau kelalaian. Penolakan ini terjadi karena berbagai sebab. Hal itu jika dibiarkan akan berdampak merugikan bagi lembaga fatwa, mufti, dan para mustafti. Untuk itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk membahas pengertian moderasi dalam Islam dan bagaimana penerapannya dalam konteks fatwa. Mengingat bahwa Malaysia saat ini sedang berurusan dengan pandemi COVID-19 dan bahwa MKI (Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia) telah mengeluarkan beberapa fatwa yang berkaitan hal tersebut. Penelitian ini akan melihat fatwa-fatwa tersebut dan bentuk moderasi yang melekat di dalamnya. Untuk menjelaskan rumusan masalah dan tujuannya, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan data terkait dari dokumen primer dan sekunder menggunakan metodologi analisis dokumen Bowen. Data yang diperoleh dari kedua jenis dokumen tersebut dianalisis menggunakan metodologi analisis isi untuk mendapatkan informasi yang berharga dan disusun kembali untuk menghasilkan makna yang dapat dipahami dan dicerna. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa moderasi adalah simbol Islam, dan bahwa salah satu keutamaan Islam adalah moderasi saat menjalankan urusan agama dan mengeluarkan aturan. Dalam fatwa, gagasan moderasi berpusat pada prinsip memfasilitasi umat Islam dalam menjalankan urusan agamanya. Dalam konteks fatwa MKI saat ini, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa lima fatwa yang dikeluarkan berkaitan dengan urusan Islam dalam krisis pandemi COVID-19. Temuan penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa setiap fatwa memiliki ciri moderasinya sendiri

    Springback Optimization of Dissimilar Thickness AA6061-T6 Blank Joint with Double Butt-Lap (DBL) Using Taguchi Method and ANOVA

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    This study focuses on investigating the effect of welding parameters, specifically spindle speed, feed rate, and tool tilt angle, on the springback of double-butt lap joints blank. To optimise springback of friction stir welded AA6061-T6 blanks with different thicknesses, a Taguchi L9 orthogonal design experiment was utilized. The responses of springback from lines perpendicular and parallel to the welding line were observed, and the optimal parameter combination for each type of springback was determined. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) revealed that the tilt angle contributed the most to springback (parallel to the weld line) with 50.43%, while the spindle speed contributed the most to springback (perpendicular to the weld line) with 52.53%. Through confirmation testing, the optimal FSW parameters were validated