208 research outputs found

    Analisis manejemen risiko pada pengelolaan bisnis Enje Mart di Pesantren Nurul Jadid

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    Pesantren Merupakan suatu perubahan sosial, yang tidak hanya bertitik pada aspek mendalami ilmu saja, melainkan juga aspek perkembangan ekonomi. Dalam membangun perkembangan ekonomi pesantren tidak hanya sebatas mempelajari tentang ilmu agama saja, melainkan pesantren dituntut untuk memberikan peran terhadap kebutuhan universal, terutama pada risiko-risiko bisnis yang tidak dapat di tebak. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya enje mart di pedantren nurul jadid dengan slogan Produk Nurul Jadid Go Publik yang di tangani oleh Badan Usaha Milik Pesantren (BUMPes) Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid.  Tujuan penilitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa yang menjadi tolak ukur dan bagaimana cara mengantisipasi dan siapa yang mengendalikan manejemen risiko di enje mart pesantren nurul jadid. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian lapangan (survey) deskriptif kualitatif dengan cara pengamatan (observasi), wawancara, studi pustaka dan dokumentasi. Hasilnya adalah Risiko merupakan suatu peluang (kemungkinan) terjadinya suatu bencana atau kerugian yang mana tidak dapat di hindari oleh setiap Perusahaan atau bisnis yang di jalani, sedangkan di enje mart pesantren nurul jadid terdapat 3 risiko yang terjadi, diantaranya adalah: risiko persediaan, risiko sumber daya manusia dan risiko pengelolaan keuangan

    Effects of Environment and Socioeconomics on Salmonella Infections

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    Objectives:Salmonella is a major public health concern particularly in areas of low socioeconomic status (SES) and high temperature. In this chapter, we examined several socioeconomic and environmental factors that may increase the spread of Salmonella in the southern states of the USA


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    Durian waste is the basic ingredient of making this briquette and just piling up into waste in the neighborhood where it sells and can not provide economic value. Now the material we used to call environmental waste will turn into alternative fuels. Through the process of processing, durian waste will be fuel in the form of briquettes and this product will have a fairly high selling value. The briquettes also smell good when used, making them suitable for the food industry, both large and large scale. Because of these several advantages, durian leather briquettes have wide open market potential in both local, domestic and export markets. The method implemented is to socialize the utilization of durian skin by spreading knowledge with the manufacture and processing of durian skin so as to produce the outcome of durian briquette product as a substitute of fuel in the era of expensive energy

    Influence of Al2O3/ Y-TSZ Mixture as Filler Loading on the Radiopacity of PMMA Denture Base Composites

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    AbstractThe radiopacity of alumina/yttrium stabilizer zirconia (Al2O3/Y-TSZ) particles with nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) dispersed in PMMA denture base material has been investigated. PMMA matrix without filler was prepared from PMMA powder with 0.5% benzoyl peroxide (PBO) as the control material. The similar PMMA matrix was mixed with Al2O3/Y-TSZ (1:1) together with NBR particles as the reinforcement. The amount of NBR was fixed at 7.5wt %, however, Al2O3/Y-TSZ varied from 1 to 10wt %, respectively. Samples with 4mm thickness for each composition were irradiated using 60 KV, 10mA, 0.4 s to examine their radiopacity. This radiopacity was compared to radiopacity of aluminum plate which having the same thickness. The result shows that the radiopacity (i.e. the lower optical density the higher radiopacity) of reinforced PMMA matrix slightly increased from 1.40 to 1.05, respectively, with the increased of filler loading compared to unreinforced PMMA matrix


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    Kontekstualisasi konsep Jihad mengacu pada pemahaman yang lebih luas dan menyeluruh tentang arti dan makna Jihad dalam Islam. Jihad bukan hanya sekadar berperang atau menggunakan kekerasan, melainkan juga meliputi usaha untuk meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan, memperjuangkan kebaikan, dan keadilan sosial. Tantangan Islamophobia juga perlu diperhatikan dalam konteks ini, karena seringkali Jihad disalahartikan dan dianggap sebagai tindakan kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh kaum Muslim. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan studi pustaka (literature review) yang diharapkan dapat memberi pemahaman yang tepat tentang konsep Jihad perlu ditekankan, serta perlu dilakukan upaya untuk mengatasi Islamophobia agar tidak memengaruhi pandangan masyarakat terhadap umat Muslim secara keseluruhan


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    Pada penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi potensi dan kendala serta persepsi dan harapan dalam pengembangan urban heritage tourism di Kota Makassar dan untuk merumuskan strategi pengembangan urban heritage tourism di Kota Makassar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah gabungan metode kualitatif dan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan analisisnya menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis skoring. Dalam melihat potensi pengembangan urban heritage tourism di Kota Makassar menggunakan indikator 4A yaitu, Atraksi, Aksesbilitas, Amenitas dan Ancillary (Kelembagaan). Dengan melihat kekurangan-kekurangan dalam penanganan objek wisata sebagai barometer dalam peningkatan pemeliharaan. Hasil Analisa menunjukkan dari 11 objek wisata budaya yang berpotensi untuk mengembangkan urban heritage tourism di Kota Makassar dapat dikelompokkan menjadi 3 kelas potensi, yaitu potensi utama, potensi berkembang dan potensi pendukung. Berdasarkan faktor internal dan eksternal, maka melalui matriks SWOT diketahui bahwa posisi pengembangan urban heritage berada pada kuadran I (Growth) yaitu strategi SO yang menggunakan kekuatan dan memaksimalkan peluang. Strategi tersebut adalah Strategi Pengembangan Daya Tarik Wisata Budaya dengan 4 alternatif pengembangan, yaitu (1) Penataan Kawasan objek wisata budaya dan inventarisasi daya tarik wisata, (2) Pengembangan Sarana prasarana objek wisata, (3) Pengembangan produk-produk ekonomi kreatif di kawasan wisata budaya, dan (4) Penguatan Implementasi kebijakan pemerintah terhadap objek wisata budaya

    Synthesis of Ag@Polycarbazole Nanocomposite using Ferric Acetate as an Oxidant

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    Silver nanowires and Ag@polycarbazole nanocables have been effectively fabricated. Polyol-reduction and ion adsorption process were used to fabricate pure silver nanowires and Ag@polycarbazole nanocomposite by using an oxidant (iron acetate). Ions of oxidant were adsorbed on the surface of pure silver nanowires to oxidize carbazole monomers for efficient polymerization. The morphology of nanowires and Ag@PCz composite were characterized by using SEM, FT-IR and photoluminescence analysis. The SEM shows the presence of a smooth polymeric sheath. FT-IR and photoluminescence analysis shows dominant peaks that indicate the presence of silver nanowires and polycarbazole (PCz) with a smooth polymeric coating. Nanoparticle analyzer was used to determine z-average and actual size of sample. UV-visible spectrum shows two bands that were dominant at 345 and 410 nm. These are π to π* transitions that indicates the presence of polycarbazole nanocables

    Conventional Electrode Materials for Microbial Fuel Cells

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    The use of microbial fuel cells (MFCs) has gained a lot of attention as a means to combat both energy shortages and water pollution. Despite their best efforts, MFCs are unable to produce substantial amounts of energy or effectively remove pollutants due to a number of difficulties, one of which being the electrode. One of the most significant components of an MFC is the electrode. Different types of electrode materials have recently been developed to boost pollutant removal rates and energy production efficiency. Carbon-based materials have been used as the most often used electrode material in MFCs. A wide range of potentials is now accessible for use in the manufacturing of electrode materials, which can significantly reduce current issues such as the demand for high-quality materials and their cost. In the present chapter, the conventional electrode material is briefly discussed with their influence and role in MFC operation and performance. A brief discussion of the current issues and future views of electrode materials is also included

    The tensile evaluation of the Epoxy/Keratin short fibre as new composites / Ahmad Zafir Romli, Mohd Hanafiah Abidin and Hazizan Md Akil

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    Production of bio-composites using biodegradable filler/fibre or matrix has been increasing steadily for the past decade. In the case of fibre reinforced polymer composites, natural fibres such as jute, hemp and kenaf have been widely reported. Apart from cellulosic based natural fibre, there are other potential fillers from animal based by-products such as keratin from chicken feathers. In this study, an epoxy/keratin composite has been produced using a pressure assisted hand lay-up technique to form flat homogenized board. The percentage feather content by weight was varied accordingly (i.e. 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 %). The board underwent standard tensile strength testing at 5mm.min-1 and elucidated that the ultimate tensile strength and strain decreases as the feather composition percentage increases. The Young’s modulus indicated little effect with increasing feather composition percentage. A fractured piece of sample produced from the tensile testing was evaluated with respect to fracture behaviour using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The tensile testing indicates that the composite with the maximum feather composition percentage (50 %) has the potential to be used in non-structural applications

    Synthesis by ATRP of Polystyrene-b-Poly(4-vinylpyridine) and Characterization by Inverse Gas Chromatography

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    A linear diblock copolymer [Polystyrene-b-Poly(4-vinyl-pyridine)] (PS-b-P4VP) was successfully prepared through Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP). This synthesis is performed in two successive steps: using the (1-bromoethyl) benzene as initiatorand and Hexamethyl tris [2(dimethylamino)ethyl] amine as ligands in a protic solvent. The first step of the synthesis allows the realization of block polystyrene having a terminal function; however, Bromine (Br) permits the grafting of the second successive block P4VP. RMN -1H demonstrates that the P4VP block has been grafted onto the PS block. The molecular weight of PS-b-P4VP is determined by size exclusion chromatography, and its thermal stability is examined by TGA. The surface and the thermodynamic properties of this copolymer are studied by inverse gas chromatography (IGC). The new Hamieh Model shows that the synthesized copolymer PS-P4VP has an amphoteric behavior with rather very basic character that is six times stronger than acidic character (in Lewis terms), reflected the presence of acidic and basic groups in the structure of the PS-P4VP copolymer, more particularly the presence of benzenic, methyl and vinylpyridine groups
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