11,657 research outputs found

    Foreign direct investment in Malaysia: Trends and prospects

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    This paper reports on a study analyzing recent trends, pattern and prospects of the foreign direct investment (FDI) in Malaysia in the post-1997 financial crisis period. Among the ASEAN-4 countries, Malaysia continues to remain as the main centre for attracting FDI.The macroeconomic variables such as GDP, exports and employment are found to be positively influenced by the growth of FDI in Malaysia. To enhance the positive effect of FDI on the growth process of the Malaysian economy the flow of FDI into export-oriented sector and use of domestic inputs by the foreign oriented firms need to be encouraged.It is suggested that for sustained flow of FDI, continual price stability, macroeconomic balances, good governance and economic liberalization reforms are crucially important in the country.In the event of declining inflows of FDI, Malaysia has to shiR towards inward looking policies and search other alternatives to sustain its growth and economic prosperity by seeking more investment oufflows as a global player

    Urgensi Kode Etik Guru dalam Membentuk Karakter Siswa: Studi Pemikiran KH. Hasyim Asy’ari

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    Abstract K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari in formulating the teacher's code of ethics, he first looked at the teacher as a profession that was very sacred and loaded with values of worship. The task of the teacher is not only limited to the activity of providing teaching, but also to provide education in the real sense. Namely directing students to have noble character and personality and noble behavior in accordance with religious and ethical norms. This paper aims to examine the code of ethics of a teacher described by KH. Hasyim Ash'ari in Chapters 5 through 8 of the book of Adab al-‘Alim wa al-Muta’allim. Using library research methods by taking several discussion points related to the purpose of writing. And among the results of this study are: 1. The Adabul Book ‘Alim Wal Muta’allim is one of the monumental works of KH Hasyim Asy’ari who talks about morals for education practitioners. 2. The author can pull some of the main substances that the author classifies into 5 important points, namely: related to the nature of the teacher; teacher as a profession; basic concepts of teaching / educating; teaching / educating methods; and the progression of KH. Hasyim Asy'ari about the teacher's code of ethics. 3. Teacher code of conduct formulated by KH. Hasyim Asy'ari has a significant level of relevance, especially regarding efforts to realize the ideals and goals of national education.   Key Words: Code of ethic, KH. Hasyim Asy’ari, Adabul Alim wal Mutaallim

    Dipeptide Structure and Dynamics

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    Classical mechanical calculations have been performed to minimize the structure of alanine dipeptide using different Amber force fields. The minimization process leads to the second lowest conformer, the C5 conformer, compared to ab initio methods and experiment which identify the C7eq conformer as the lowest energy conformer. Then, a classical molecular dynamics calculation was done to search for the structure of the C7eq conformer. Starting from the C5 conformer, the structure of the C7eq conformer was identified after 28 ps of the simulation process. Possible reasons for this behavior are discussed

    Perkembangan Sundial Pada Masyarakat Sekitar (Studi Di Masjid Qowiyuddin Jagir dan Masjid Jami’ Peneleh Surabaya)

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    Penggunaan alat tradisional pada masa sekarang dirasa kurang begitu menarik untuk dilakukan dan mengakibatkan lambat laun semakin ditinggalkan. Terutama dalam bidang Ilmu Falak adanya perkembangan teknologi yang sudah mendukung untuk menggunakan alat atau instrumen yang lebih praktis. Salah satunya pada Sundial atau Jam Matahari yang mana merupakan sebuah instrumen sederhana yang dapat menunjukkan waktu menggunakan konsep bayang-bayang Matahari. Penggunaan alat ini sudah sangat jarang ditemukan. Peneliti  melakukan penelusuran dan berhasil menemukan terkait alat tradisional ini yaitu pada beberapa Masjid tertua di Surabaya yaitu Masjid Qowiyuddin Jagir dan Masjid Jami’ Peneleh Surabaya. Kedua masjid tersebut masih menggunakan perangkat klasik dalam menentukan awal waktu shalatnya yaitu dengan menggunakan Sundial. Antara Masjid Qowiyuddin Jagir maupun Masjid Jami’ Peneleh Surabaya mempunyai nama penyebutan tersendiri untuk Sundial yang mereka gunakan. Misalnya pada Masjid Qowiyuddin menyebutnya sebagai Pandem, sedangkan Masjid Jami’ Peneneleh menyebutnya dengan istilah Bencet. Atas dasar tersebut, peneliti ingin menggali lebih dalam bagaimana perkembangan penggunaan Sundial atau Pandem ataupun Bencet pada masyarakat sekitar khususnya di Masjid Qowiyuddin Jagir dan Masjid Jami’ Peneleh Surabaya. Dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan mampu menjadi sumber ilmu pengetahuan terkait perkembangan dari penggunaan Sundial itu sendiri. Kata kunci: Sundial; Pandem; Bencet; Masjid Qowiyuddin Jagir; Masjid Jami’ Peneleh Surabaya

    Bronze mace with three rams' heads from Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford

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    The present study brings to light a new Sasanian mace in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England, acquired in 1971 from the Bomford Collection. The bronze mace head is in the shape of three ram heads, has an iron shaft, and a bronze pommel in the shape of a hand holding a ball. The mace incorporates several important decorative motifs – the ram heads which can be linked to the royal farr and to Central Asian visual language; the pearl necklace which is another symbol of the royal farr, and the triple dot motif which may have links to the star Tishtriya, to Apam Napat, or to Buddhist symbolism. In addition to these elements there is the hand motif, whose meaning is still unknown but might be linked to Asian symbolic hand gestures. The mace or scepter was an important element of royalty and of religion in Iran and Central Asia and the example in the Ashmolean museum is an important addition in the study of Iranian visual language and royal image in the specific context of Indo-Iranian mutual influence. In the present authors' opinion, the present mace is likely to date, based on relations with other objects, from the 5th - 7th Centuries and is likely to originate from Eastern-Iran or is rooted in Eastern-Iranian artistic traditio

    The relationship between counterproductive work behavior and emotional intelligence among pest control employees

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    The primary purpose of this research is to study the effect of emotional intelligence (EI) on the counterproductive work behavior (CWB) of employees in the pest control industry in Indonesia. Although the effect of EI on CWB can be analyzed using the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT), this model is not specific to employees; for this reason, EI will be measured via the Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS). Questionnaires were distributed to 585 pest control employees. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results indicate that EI has a statistically significant negative relationship with CWB and that the more emotionally intelligent employees are, the less likely they will be to act counterproductively at work. These findings can potentially reduce the level of CWB for organizations and society by enabling companies to assess the EI of workers.
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