66 research outputs found

    Learning Style of MBTI Personality Types in History Learning at Higher Education

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    This study aims to identify the dominant type of learning style in history education students at Higher Education. Types of learning styles used in this study are the learning style according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI). These are Extrovert, Introvert, Sensing, Intuition, Thinking, Feeling, Judging and Perceiving. The sample of this study involving a total of 600 students at a second year (2013) and third year (2012) upon history education major from two universities of education are in Jember and Bandung, Indonesia. Statistic analyses used in this study is descriptive statistic upon SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science 22.0). The result showed that the dominant learning style is in judging the type of learning style aspect. Implications of this study showed that teacher should comprehend a type of learning style for evoking an effective learning

    Research student supervision : an approach to good supervisory practice.

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    Good supervisory practices help students fulfill their potential and contribute to the University’s research profile. At many universities, the terms of a supervisory relationship are left almost entirely to the discretion of individual research students and supervisors. While this approach usually works well, it occasionally proves unsatisfactory. A lack of clarity between student and supervisor with regard to expectations and responsibilities can adversely affect progress towards the completion of the degree. This article reviews the literature on research/graduate student supervision. It describes best practices in research student supervision, and setd out the rights and responsibilities of both students and their supervisors. It is intended to provide some useful guidelines for research students and supervisors in a critically important part of graduate education: the supervision of students’ thesis writing and research. Therefore, a review of literature concerning research student supervision is hoped to assist all participants in the supervisory process to articulate their expectations clearly, and thereby to reduce potential problems and to facilitate the creative process of thesis preparation

    Vocational Education and Skills Training for Indigenous Community in Malaysia

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    This paper discusses the participation of Indigenous community in the field of Technical and Vocational education (TVE) and in the specialized programs in Skills Training Institutions (STI) in Malaysia. Marginalization of Indigenous youth in terms of education and employment in Malaysia is critical and needs to be addressed.  High unemployment among the Orang Asli youth may be attributed to their lack of proper skills required by the employers.  Thus, vocational training is needed to ensure the competitiveness of these people in the era of globalization to live a more comfortable life and have a better socio-economic status (SES). This paper also deliberates on the developmental history of TVE, the aims and the objectives of its implementation in the education system. Apart from these, the training and skills programs for the Indigenous youth who are drop-outs and have completed schooling were also discussed. This paper also presents the conclusion and recommendations to improve the participation of Indigenous community in the TVE and STI. If the recommendations are taken positively by the relevant authorities in-charge of the Indigenous people, the future of Indigenous youth will be brighter because it will improve their employment prospects and enhance their social mobility and status. Keywords: technical and vocational education, skills training, indigenous people, Malaysi

    Kepelbagaian Pelajar dan Sekolah: Satu Kajian Kes di Negeri Pahang

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    Kepelbagaian pelajar ialah asas untuk menginklusifkan sekolah supaya keperluan semua pelajar dapat diberi layanan untuk mengoptimumkan pembelajaran mereka. Kajian ini adalah bertujuan untuk melihat perspektif pelajar terhadap kepelbagaian sekolah. Domain dari School Directory Inventory (Gottfredson & Jones 2001) digunakan. Kepelbagaian sekolah dari aspek pelajar adalah merujuk kepada faktor jantina, kaum, kawasan tempat tinggal dan pendapatan keluarga. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah kaedah tinjauan dengan menggunakan kaedah soal selidik. Kajian ini adalah merupakan satu kajian kes yang melibatkan seramai 335 orang pelajar dari daerah Temerloh, Maran, dan Kuantan di negeri Pahang. Data dianalisis menggunakan SPSS (Statiscal Package For The Social Science Versi 15) menggunakan kaedah deskriptif dan inferensi iaitu min, ujian-t dan ANOVA. Melalui kajian rintis yang dilakukan di dapati kebolehpercayaan alat kajian berdasarkan Cronbach Alfa adalah di tahap yang tinggi iaitu 0.803. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tahap min perspektif pelajar terhadap kepelbagaian sekolah adalah di tahap yang sederhana iaitu 2.70. Analisis ujian-t pula menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan signifikan di bawah aras 0.5 bagi perspektif pelajar terhadap kepelbagaian sekolah berdasarkan jantina dan kaum. Berdasarkan analisis Anova, perspektif pelajar terhadap kepelbagaian sekolah berdasarkan kaum, pendapatan keluarga dan kawasan tempat tinggal menunjukkan perbezaan signifikan. Situasi ini menunjukkan latar belakang pelajar mempunyai hubungan terhadap tahap penerimaan kepelbagaian sekolah. Implikasi kajian menunjukkan pelbagai pihak khususnya Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia seharusnya berusaha untuk meningkatkan tahap penerimaan kepelbagaian sekolah dalam kalangan pelajar bagi menjamin kualiti pendidikan bagi semua rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira latar belakang dan keupayaan pelajar ke arah slogan “Satu Malaysia

    Kesedaran pendidikan dalam kalangan masyarakat Orang Asli

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    Kajian ini membincangkan tentang kesedaran masyarakat orang asli terhadap pendidikan, pencapaian akademik anak-anak mereka di sekolah dan mengenalpasti faktor-faktor keciciran sebahagian daripada mereka. Kajian ini dijalankan di tiga tempat iaitu Gombak, Janda Baik dan Bangsar dengan menggunakan kaedah soal-selidik, temubual dan pemerhatian. Dapatan daripada kajian menunjukkan bahawa kesedaran di kalangan anak-anak orang asli ini telah lama wujud tetapi pengaruh budaya telah mnenyempitkan mentaliti mereka untuk mengubah gaya dan taraf hidup. Bahkan ibu bapa mereka juga turut menyedari hakikat kepentingan pendidikan. Oleh kerana kebanyakan ibubapa pelajar-pelajar orang asli mempunyai taraf pendidikan yang rendah, menyebabkan mereka tidak mampu untuk membantu dalam pelajaran anak-anak. Hal ini mendorong mereka menghantar anak-anak belajar di bandar dan menyerahkan segala tanggungjawab mendidik kepada pihak sekolah. Semoga kajian ini akan memberi inspirasi kepada pihak yang terlibat dengan perancangan dan pembangunan masyarakat orang asli di Malaysia

    Participants' assessment towards Human Development Adult Education Program in Malaysia

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    Adult education has been sidelined by mainstream educational researchers in Malaysia. The purpose of this article was to survey the effect of Society Development Department (KEMAS) adult education from the participants’ perspectives. The focus was on the participants’ achievements in cognitive, affective, and skill in the KEMAS programs especially in Human Development. Human intellectual is an important resource to develop a country. Thus, this study was used to focus on human development through continuous learning to fulfill the objectives. Based on Hammond theory (1973) that emphasized on the importance of participants’ input in program evaluation. The total participants in this study comprised 1,563 adults who participated in the Civic Development Program in four states in Malaysia - Pahang (502 adults), Perak (512 adults), Negeri Sembilan (302 adults) and Johor (247 adults). The survey showed that the participants have higher achievement in skill in the Human Development Program. Human Development Program can also emphasize on universality issues which include the relationship between knowledge and social. Besides that, society accountability should take into account. It is suggested that a comprehensive assessment should be focus more on andragogy

    Kesedaran pendidikan di kalangan masyarakat orang asli di Malaysia

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    Kajian ini membincangkan tentang kesedaran masyarakat orang asli terhadap pendidikan, pencapaian akademik anak-anak mereka di sekolah dan mengenalpasti faktor-faktor keciciran sebahagian daripada mereka. Kajian ini dijalankan di tiga tempat iaitu Gombak, Janda Baik dan Bangsar dengan menggunakan kaedah soal-selidik, temubual dan pemerhatian. Dapatan daripada kajian menunjukkan bahawa kesedaran di kalangan anak-anak orang asli ini telah lama wujud tetapi pengaruh budaya telah mnenyempitkan mentaliti mereka untuk mengubah gaya dan taraf hidup. Bahkan ibu bapa mereka juga turut menyedari hakikat kepentingan pendidikan. Oleh kerana kebanyakan ibubapa pelajar-pelajar orang asli mempunyai taraf pendidikan yang rendah, menyebabkan mereka tidak mampu untuk membantu dalam pelajaran anak-anak. Hal ini mendorong mereka menghantar anak-anak belajar di bandar dan menyerahkan segala tanggungjawab mendidik kepada pihak sekolah. Semoga kajian ini akan memberi inspirasi kepada pihak yang terlibat dengan perancangan dan pembangunan masyarakat orang asli di Malaysia

    Analisis Biaya Kemacetan Akibat Pengaruh Hambatan Samping (Studi Kasus: Ruas Jalan Letjen Hertasning Kota Makassar)

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    Padatnya aktivitas lalu lintas menyebabkan penumpukan kendaraan dititik tertentu yang mengakibatkan kemacetan, khususnya pada Ruas Jalan Letjen Hertasning Kota Makassar yang merupakan daerah komersial. Kemacetan lalu lintas membuat waktu yang dihabiskan pengguna jalan menjadi lebih lama, sehingga biaya yang dikeluarkan pengguna jalan menjadi lebih besar. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat hambatan samping, mengetahui pengaruh hambatan samping terhadap tingkat pelayanan jalan, untuk memperoleh besaran biaya kemacetan yang diakibatkan adanya hambatan samping, untuk memperoleh solusi peningkatan pelayanan jalan. Pengolahan data menggunakan metode Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) 1997 untuk analisis kinerja ruas jalan, metode PCI (Pacific Consultant International) 1979 untuk Biaya Operasional Kendaraan (BOK), serta simulasi penanganan kemacetan menggunakan software PTV Vissim. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini diketahui tingkat hambatan samping berada antara sedang dan tinggi dengan tingkat pelayanan ruas jalan rata-rata berkisar antara C dan D. Rata-rata biaya kemacetan untuk jenis kendaraan ringan yaitu sebesar Rp. 4.255.962,03 perhari dan Rp. 1.553.426.142,00 pertahun, sedangkan kendaraan berat sebesar Rp.127.921,46 perhari dan Rp. 46.691.334,00 pertahun. Adapun rekomendasi yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini yaitu melakukan pelebaran badan jalan menggunakan lahan median jalan sehingga terjadi perubahan tingkat pelayanan jalan menjadi B dan C

    Computer usage and achievement among adults in rural area Malaysia

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    Problem Statement: Previous study showed that most of the adults especially from rural area they are not expert and do not have any knowledge in using computer. Besides that, they cannot afford to buy a computer at home. Due to this problem, Ministry if Rural Development organized the Computer Literacy Program to increase adult’s knowledge and skills in using computer. Therefore, the purpose of this article was to study the achievement of adult learners towards Computer Literacy Program which organized by Ministry of Rural Development in Malaysia to increase quality of life among adults in rural communities. Approach: A survey was carried out in Selangor state of Malaysia. A total number of 120 adults from the program were involved; 42 male adults and 78 female adults. Results: The survey showed that the participants have higher achievement in computer usage in the Computer Literacy Programme. Conclusion: It is suggested that a comprehensive assessment should be conducted by Ministry of Rural Development in order to increase quality of life among adults in rural area. The implications of these findings showed that participants have higher achievement in the aspect of knowledge, skills and motivation in computer usage

    Socio-educational Support and Arabic Language Practices among Secondary School Students

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    ABSTRACT This study aimed to identify how the social environment in school and family affect the usage of Arabic language among Muslim students. This study also aimed to identify students' competency in Arabic language communication skills, Arabic language speaking practices and the usage of Arabic language among Muslim students in secondary schools. The study utilized survey method where questionnaires were administered to 100 secondary school students who learned Arabic language. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistic. Findings indicated that most students had a low level of Arabic language competency. Majority of the respondents have limited Arabic language vocabulary. Findings also suggest that Arabic language speaking practice among them is moderate. Many respondents received low socio-educational support in learning Arabic language at a school level. Findings also showed that the weakness in the social support system in learning Arabic language has affected the Arabic language speaking practices. Therefore, the schools are suggested to arrange activities that could encourage the usage of Arabic language among the students. Re-strategizing the current support and practice to improve students' ability in using Arabic language is needed