440 research outputs found

    Business Owner’s Expertise and Business Performance of the Finalists of the Young Entrepreneurs Competition and the Role of Employee Skills Training as a Moderating Variable

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    The problem of unemployment is still a crucial issue in Indonesia. Lack of jobs that exist today is the main reason of the increasing unemployment in this country. This condition can be reduced if all job seekers try to create jobs rather than looking for a job. Entrepreneurship is an attractive option, but the presence of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in December 2016 is also a challenge for businesses in Indonesia. Competition does not only occur among domestic businesses, but also businesses throughout ASEAN. Enactment of AEC decreases the chance of SMEs to survive. This study explores the relationship between business owner’s expertise, employee skills training, and the business performance of finalists of the Mandiri Young Entrepreneurs Competition in Indonesia. The sample collection is done by giving questionnaires to 31 finalists of the competition. This study uses Partial Least Square as statistical tool. The results of this study show the existence of significant relationship and direct influence of business owners’ expertise on business performance. The significant results are also obtained with moderating effect of employee skills training on the relationship between the business owners’ expertise and business performance.     Keywords: business owners’ expertise, business performance, employee skills trainin

    Model Pembelajaran Inquiry Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran produk kreatif dan kewirausahaan pada Kompetensi Dasar (KD) ) 4.3. Memresentasikan hak atas kekayaan intelektual dengan model pembelajaran Inquiry. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas dengan model Kemmis dan Mc Taggart merupakan penelitian tindakan yang dipandang sebagai suatu siklus spiral dari penyusunan perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, pengamatan observasi, dan refleksi yang selanjutnya mungkin diikuti dengan siklus spiral berikutnya untuk memperoleh data hasil belejar aspek kognitif, aspek psikomotor dan aspek apektif di siklus ke I karena belum berhasil maka siklus diulang untuk memperoleh data data hasil belejar pada aspek kognitif, aspek psikomotor danaspek  apektif  di siklus ke II. Hasil peneleitian di siklus ke I pada aspek kognitif nilai rata-rata 60,53 dengan ketuntasan belajar sebesar 36,67%  dan disiklus ke II pada aspek kognitif nilai rata-rata sebesar 79,33 dengan ketuntasan belajar sebesar 90,00%. Aspek psikomotor di siklus ke 1  sebesar 36,67%  dan hasil belajar pada aspek psikomotor di siklus II sebesar  90,00%. Hasil belajar pada aspek afektif dianalisis dari hasil observasi teman sejawat termasuk dalam katagori baik. Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu model pembelajaran Inquiry dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik SMK

    The Use of Production-based Learning Models to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in the Study of Carving Working Techniques on Skill Competence

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    This research was carried out in two cycles. Data were obtained through observations using observation sheets, questionnaires, and tests. The results of the study show an increase in learning outcomes at the end of the cycle. From cycle I which reached the classical completeness 36.67% increased to 90.32%. The results of observations on the activities of students’ activities during the learning process also showed an increase of 60.27 scores in the first cycle with the category quite active and 97 at the second meeting or cycle with a very high category. For the observation activities, teacher activities in cycle I became 67 with the category of ckup and in the second cycle it increased by a very high category with a score of 99. This proves that the production-based learning model can improve learning outcomes.     Keywords: production-based learning, learning outcomes, carving work technique

    Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Snowball Throwing Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Dalam Membuat Produk Kria Kayu Dengan Peralatan Manual

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan perbaikan dalam proses pembelajaran, mengetahui hasil belajar siswa dan melakukan pengembangan keterampilan guru melalui model pembelajaran snowball throwing yang dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa di SMK Negeri 14 Bandung. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan bersifat kualitatif dengan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan hasil pembelajaran, aktivitas siswa dan kinerja guru di akhir siklus. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa model pembelajaran Snowball Throwing dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar


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    Sosis jamur tiram merupakan produk emulsi minyak dalam air (oil in water atau o/w). Produk pangan olahan jamur tiram (Pleurotus ostreatus) ini memiliki kandungan protein yang tinggi, namun bahan baku produk ini memiliki kandungan lemak yang rendah. Dalam produk emulsi, kandungan minyak, air, dan pengemulsi harus seimbang agar terbentuk sistem emulsi yang stabil sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui jumlah penambahan minyak nabati terbaik secara fisik dan organoleptik.Minyak nabati yang ditambahkan dalam pembuatan sosis jamur tiram dan telah melewati proses pengukusan bisa mengalami perubahan kandungan asam lemak. Oleh karena itu, perlu diketahui derajat ketidakjenuhan asam lemaknya dan mempelajari komposisi asam lemak sosis jamur tiram dengan derajat kejenuhan tertinggi (bilangan iod terendah) sehingga dapat diketahui efeknya bagi kesehatan. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 tahap penelitian. Penelitian tahap I untuk mengetahui jumlah penambahan minyak terbaik. Penelitian tahap II untuk mengetahui derajat kejenuhan asam lemak dan mengetahui komposisi asam lemak sosis jamur tiram yang mengandung asam lemak jenuh tertinggi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam tahap II, yakni Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola faktorial yang terdiri dari 2 faktor,yakni jenis minyak nabati (minyak goreng curah, minyak kelapa sawit, dan minyak kedelai) dan lama pengukusan(30 menit, 45 menit, dan 60 menit) dengan 3 kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian tahap I menunjukkan bahwa sosis jamur tiram dengan penambahan jumlah minyak 44% (b/b) memiliki aroma (5,05/agak suka), warna (5,62/suka), dan rasa (5,57/suka) serta stabilitas emulsi terbaik (80%). Hasil penelitian tahap II menunjukkan bahwa interaksi antara perlakuan jenis minyak dan lama pengukusan memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap derajat kejenuhan asam lemak sosis jamur tiram.Sosis jamur tiram dengan penambahan minyak goreng curah dan mengalami pengukusan selama 60 menitmerupakan sosis dengan bilangan iod terendah atau memiliki derajat ketidakjenuhan terendah. Kandungan asam lemak tak jenuh sosis tersebut sebesar 49,208%, sedangkan kandungan asam lemak jenuh sebesar 50,694% dan kandungan asam lemak trans sebesar 0,515%. Sosis jamur tiram dengan bilangan iod terendah ini masih memenuhi standar angka referensi diet (DRV) untuk asam lemak sehingga masih baik untuk dikonsumsi. Kata Kunci: Asam lemak jenuh, asam lemak tak jenuh, sosis jamur tiram, pengukusa

    Factors Associated with The Uptake of Visual Inspection Acetic Acid among Women in Sidoarjo, East Java

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    Background: Cervical cancer continues to be a major public health problem in the absence of wide spread organized cervical screening programs. Visual inspection of the cervix with acetic acid (VIA) is an effective, inexpensive screening test that can be combined with simple treatment procedures for early cervical lesions, provided by trained health workers. This study aimed to determine factors associated with the uptake of VIA among women in Sidoarjo, East Java. Subjects and Method: This was a cross sectional study conducted at Puskesmas (Community Health Center) Buduran, Sidoarjo, East Java. A sample of 77 women of reproductive age was selected for this study by simple random sampling. The dependent variable was VIA uptake. The independent variables were age, education level, employment, parity, knowledge, attitude, information access, family support, and health worker support. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by chi-square test with OR is a measure of association. Results: VIA uptake was positively associated with working outside the house (OR= 4.92; 95% CI= 1.14 to 21.28; p= 0.044), good knowledge (OR= 6.87; 95% CI= 1.59 to 29.56; p= 0.008), information access (OR= 0.04; 95% CI= 0.01 to 0.21; p= 0.000), family support (OR= 1.26; 95% CI= 1.09 to 1.47; p= 0.011), health worker support (OR= 0.04; 95% CI= 0.01 to 0.17; p<0.001). Conclusion: VIA uptake is positively associated with working outside the house, good knowledge, information access, family support, and health personal support. Keywords: visual inspection acetic acid, working outside the house, knowledge, information access, family support, health personal support

    Peran Inkubator Bisnis Perguruan Tinggi Dalam Meminimalkan Resiko Kegagalan Bagi Wirausaha Baru Pada Tahap Awal (Start-up)

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    In the early days of business (start-up) found many new entrepreneurs have crisis in managingbusinesses and potentialy retreat. On the other hand, more entrepreneurs are owned by a country,can stronger economy and welfare. One of the strategic alternatives to print the new entrepreneurs isthrough business incubator. Higher Education through research institutes can exploit, commercializethe results of research and business development assistance for new entrepreneurs through theestablishment of university business incubators. University business incubator services such as service,support, skill development, seed capital, and synergy in the form of marketing research, training andcoaching, development, establishment of new business unit with the aim to develop new business andpotential small businesses into independent business, thereby successfully face international competitionor local. In the management of business incubators in universities encountered problems in managingthe incubating tenants and problems experienced by tenants themselves. There are a few things towatch out for the successful management of business incubators in universities reached.Key Words : University Business Incubator, New Entrepreneurs, Time Start-up, Tena

    Factors Associated with the Integrated Family Health Post Utilization in Sidoarjo, East Java

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    Background: Nutrition is an important public health problem in Indonesia. As many as 37.2% of children under five had stunting. Nutritional status affects morbidity, mortality, and quality of human resources. Therefore, nutritional status needs to be monitored. The nutritional status of infants at the integrated family health post (posyandu) can be monitored by looking at the number of children weighed/ the number of all children (D/ S) coverage. Based on health data of 2014, the coverage of D/ S in Sidoarjo regency was 60.4%, in the work area of ​​Puskesmas Kepadangan was 68.8%, and in Jiken village was 53.1%. One of the causes of the low numbers was the low utilization of posyandu by mothers and children under five. The purpose of the study was to analyze factors associated with the utilization of posyandu by mothers and children under five. Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with a cross-sectional design. The data was conducted at Jiken Tulangan village, Sidoarjo, East Java, from November 2016 to April 2017. The source population was 112 mothers who had children aged 6 to 59 months. A sample of 88 children under five and their mothers was selected by purposive sampling. The dependent variable was posyandu utilization. The independent variables were age, education, employment status, knowledge, attitude, distance to posyandu, maternal and child health monitoring book ownership, family support, health personnel role, and community health worker’s (CHWs) role. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by Chi-square test. Results: Posyandu utilization increased with higher maternal knowledge (OR= 4.28; 95%CI=1.69 to 10.86; p= 0.003), employed mothers (OR= 4.18; 95% CI= 1.68to 10.44; p= 0.003), positive maternal attitude (OR= 3.70; 95% CI= 1.53to 8.95; p= 0.006), maternal and child health monitoring book ownership (OR= 3.01; 95% CI= 1.26 to 7.21; p= 0.022), strong family support (OR= 3.80; 95% CI= 1.57 to 9.23; p= 0.005), CHW’s role (OR=8.82; 95% CI= 2.90 to 26.79; p< 0,001), health personnel support (OR=4.56; 95% CI= 1.85 to 11.16; p= 0.002), and close distance to posyandu (OR= 2.78; 95% CI= 1.13 to 6.81; p= 0.041). Conclusion: Posyandu utilization is affected by knowledge, employment status, positive attitude, maternal and child health monitoring book ownership, strong family support, CHW’s role, health personnel support, and distance to posyandu. Keywords: posyandu utilization, knowledge, attitude, family support, CHW’s role, health personnel support, distance, children under fiv

    Kesantunan Berbahasa Minangkabau Dalam Tindak Tutur Direktif Antara Anak Dan Orang Tua Di Ikur Koto Kecamatan Koto Tangah Padang

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    The purpose of this study were (1) describe the form of directive speech acts are used between children and parents at the hands of Ikur Koto Koto Padang District, (2) describes the strategy used in the recalled directive speech acts between children and parents in Ikur Koto Koto district hands of Padang, (3) describe the context of the situation tells that the use of strategies used in the directive speech acts between children and parents at the hands of Ikur Koto Koto Padang District. The data of this study is a form of directive speech act, speak strategies, and context of the situation said the children and parents at the hands of Ikur Koto Koto district. Source of research data is speech between children and parents who are natives of the area. Data was collected using the methods and techniques refer to the record and advanced engineering techniques as noted. The study's findings, namely directive speech acts between children and parents
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