1,258 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium Stefan-Boltzmann law

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    We study thermal radiation outside equilibrium. The situation considered consists of two bodies emitting photons at two different temperatures. We show that the system evolves to a stationary state characterized by an energy current which satisfies a Stefan-Boltzmann-like law expressing it as the difference of the temperatures to the fourth power of the emitters . The results obtained show how the classical laws governing the thermal radiation at equlibrium can be generalized away from equilibrium situations.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. To be published in J. Noneq. Ther

    Masa Kerja, Sikap Kerja dan Kejadian Sindrom Karpal pada Pembatik

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    Sikap kerja yang tidak alamiah dan cara kerja yang tidak ergonomis dalam waktu lama dapat menyebabkan berbagai gangguan kesehatan pada pekerja salah satunya yaitu gangguan gerakan pada bagian tubuh tertentu seperti tangan atau disebut musculoskeletal, salah satunya sindrom terowongan karpal. Pembatik merupakan pekerja sektor informal, dimana pada saat membatik melakukan gerakan berulang, gerakan tangan dengan kekuatan, posisi fleksi dan ekstensi, sehingga menyebabkan stress pada jaringan disekitar terowongan karpal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan masa kerja dan sikap kerja dengan kejadian STK pada pembatik CV. Pusaka Beruang. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2011, dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian berjumlah 68 orang, dengan sampel berjumlah 22 responden. Instrument penelitian berupa kuesioner dan pengukuran tes phalen. Data dianalisis dengan uji Chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan masa kerja p=0,029 dan sikap kerja p=0,031 dengan kejadian STK. Masa kerja > 4 tahun dan level sikap kerja yang tinggi mempunyai risiko STK karena terjadi stress disekitar jaringan terowongan karpal. Simpulan pada penelitian ini ada hubungan antara masa kerja dan sikap kerja dengan kejadian STK.Work attitudes and ways of working that are not ergonomic for a long time can cause a variety of health problems in workers one of the disruption movement on certain body parts hand or musculoskeletal, are one of the sindrom terowongan karpal Batik is an informal sector workers describe or designed batik with the traditional way of working. Which time both do repetitive motion, hand movements with strength, position, position the extension and flexion, hand static, thus causing stress on the network around the carpal tunnel. The purpose of this research is to know the relation tenure and working attitude with STK batik meker in CV. Pusaka Beruang. This research uses the approach of cross sectional. The population in this research is totalling 68 peoples. Sample research amounted to 22 respondents. Research Instrument in the form of questionnaires and measurement test phalen. Data were analyzed by Chi square test. The results showed that there was a relationship tenure p = 0.029 and working attitude p = 0.031 with STK events. Tenure > 4 years and a high level of work attitudes have STK risk due to stress around the carpal tunnel syndrome network. The conclusions in this study no relationship tenure and work attitude with STK

    Analysis of the Potential for Plant Uptake of Trichloroethylene and an Assessment of the Relative Risk from Different Crop Types

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    This research expands our limited knowledge on the influence of plants on the fate and effects of trichloroethylene (TCE), providing a screening tool on which to base decisions regarding the need for actual sampling of plants. First, physicochemical properties of TCE--vapor pressure, Henry\u27s Law constant, water solubility, octanol-water partition coefficient, molecular weight, and half-life--were screened against relationships reported in literature to evaluate TCE plant uptake potential. This screening approach indicated TCE may be transferred to plants via retention by root surfaces, root uptake and translocation, and foliar uptake. Next, the PLANTX model developed by Trapp and others was applied to a representation of a soybean plant to determine minimum soil TCE concentrations which result in plant TCE levels exceeding 5 micrograms per liter of solution (ug/L). The simulations indicated that stem and root crops are most susceptible to TCE uptake and accumulation, while significantly higher soil and air TCE concentrations are required to produce leaf and fruit TCE levels of concern to human health. The above procedures were then applied to an off-site contamination situation near Hill Air Force Base, Utah. The simulations indicate that existing TCE concentrations in irrigation water from contaminated residential wells and springs do not result in plant TCE levels greater than 5 µg/L

    Dynamin- and Rab5-Dependent Endocytosis of a Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Activated K<sup>+</sup> Channel, KCa2.3

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    Regulation of the number of ion channels at the plasma membrane is a critical component of the physiological response. We recently demonstrated that the Ca2+-activated K+ channel, KCa2.3 is rapidly endocytosed and enters a Rab35- and EPI64C-dependent recycling compartment. Herein, we addressed the early endocytic steps of KCa2.3 using a combination of fluorescence and biotinylation techniques. We demonstrate that KCa2.3 is localized to caveolin-rich domains of the plasma membrane using fluorescence co-localization, transmission electron microscopy and co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP). Further, in cells lacking caveolin-1, we observed an accumulation of KCa2.3 at the plasma membrane as well as a decreased rate of endocytosis, as assessed by biotinylation. We also demonstrate that KCa2.3 and dynamin II are co-localized following endocytosis as well as demonstrating they are associated by co-IP. Further, expression of K44A dynamin II resulted in a 2-fold increase in plasma membrane KCa2.3 as well as a 3-fold inhibition of endocytosis. Finally, we evaluated the role of Rab5 in the endocytosis of KCa2.3. We demonstrate that expression of a dominant active Rab5 (Q79L) results in the accumulation of newly endocytosed KCa2.3 on to the membrane of the Rab5-induced vacuoles. We confirmed this co-localization by co-IP; demonstrating that KCa2.3 and Rab5 are associated. As expected, if Rab5 is required for the endocytosis of KCa2.3, expression of a dominant negative Rab5 (S34N) resulted in an approximate 2-fold accumulation of KCa2.3 at the plasma membrane. This was confirmed by siRNA-mediated knockdown of Rab5. Expression of the dominant negative Rab5 also resulted in a decreased rate of KCa2.3 endocytosis. These results demonstrate that KCa2.3 is localized to a caveolin-rich domain within the plasma membrane and is endocytosed in a dynamin- and Rab5-dependent manner prior to entering the Rab35/EPI64C recycling compartment and returning to the plasma membrane. © 2012 Gao et al

    From daily movements to population distributions: weather affects competitive ability in a guild of soaring birds

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    The ability of many animals to access and exploit food is dependent on the ability to move. In the case of scavenging birds, which use soaring flight to locate and exploit ephemeral resources, the cost and speed of movement vary with meteorological factors. These factors are likely to modify the nature of interspecific interactions, as well as individual movement capacity, although the former are less well understood. We used aeronautical models to examine how soaring performance varies with weather within a guild of scavenging birds and the consequences this has for access to a common resource. Birds could be divided broadly into those with low wing loading that are more competitive in conditions with weak updraughts and low winds (black vultures and caracaras), and those with high wing loading that are well adapted for soaring in strong updraughts and moderate to high winds (Andean condors). Spatial trends in meteorological factors seem to confine scavengers with high wing loading to the mountains where theyout-compete other birds; a trend that is borne out in worldwide distributions of the largest species. However, model predictions and carcass observations suggest that the competitive ability of these and other birds varies with meteorological conditions in areas where distributions overlap. This challenges the view that scavenging guilds are structured by fixed patterns of dominance and suggests that competitive ability varies across spatial and temporal scales, which may ultimately be a mechanism promoting diversity among aerial scavengers.Fil: Shepard, Emily L. C.. Swansea University; Reino UnidoFil: Lambertucci, Sergio Agustin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Patagonia Norte. Instituto de InvestigaciĂłn en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; Argentin

    Laser-plasma interactions with a Fourier-Bessel Particle-in-Cell method

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    A new spectral particle-in-cell (PIC) method for plasma modeling is presented and discussed. In the proposed scheme, the Fourier-Bessel transform is used to translate the Maxwell equations to the quasi-cylindrical spectral domain. In this domain, the equations are solved analytically in time, and the spatial derivatives are approximated with high accuracy. In contrast to the finite-difference time domain (FDTD) methods that are commonly used in PIC, the developed method does not produce numerical dispersion, and does not involve grid staggering for the electric and magnetic fields. These features are especially valuable in modeling the wakefield acceleration of particles in plasmas. The proposed algorithm is implemented in the code PLARES-PIC, and the test simulations of laser plasma interactions are compared to the ones done with the quasi-cylindrical FDTD PIC code CALDER-CIRC.Comment: submitted to Phys. Plasma

    Potensi Bangkitan Penumpang Lintas Jombang-Babat Dalam Menentukan Pemilihan Moda

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    In order to serve the movement of passengers an unravel congestion, East Java Government plans to develop its infrastructure and revive the railway lines. Jombang has been selected as the entrance of Gerbangkertosusilo area and is a suitable place for investment. This research attempts to reveal the potential and the movement of passengers that would accur from bus to train, so that the movement probability value and utility value of the bus toward train can be obtained. The survey was conduted in Jombang Kepuhsari Bus Terminal and Babat Market using analytical methods of ststed Preference with variables of Travel Expense (AX1), Travel Time (AX2) and Frequensy of Departeru (AX3). From the results, a model that influence the selevtion of transportation modes is acknowledged, namely (Y=0,403 + 0.032 (AX3). (Y=0,377 + 0,000003076 AX1 + (0,033 AX2), and (Y= 0,346 + 0.00001356 AX1 – 0.031 AX2 + 0.007 AX2). The passengers has potential to switch from bus to train of intersection of the transport system, with a differenc of IDR 6.000,00 of travel expence variable. And variable of Travel Time of 60 minutes and 2 times Frequence Departur

    Uji Viabilitas Bakteri Asam Laktat dari Usus Itik pada Media Pakan Dedak Padi dan Kombinasi Dedak Padi dengan Molases

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui viabilitas Bakteri Asam Laktat dari usus itik pada dedak padi dan kombinasi dedak padi dengan molases sebagai kandidat probiotik. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam Percobaan Rancangan Acak Kelompok yang dilakukan secara faktorial 2 x 6. Faktor A adalah 2 macam media perlakuan yaitu: media A (dedak padi) dan media B (dedak padi + molasis). Faktor B adalah lama waktu inkubasi yaitu 0 jam (kontrol), 2jam, 4jam, 6 jam, 8 jam, dan 10 jam. Masing- masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak 2 kali. Pengamatan viabilitas bakteri dilakukan dengan metode angka lempeng total untuk menentukan jumlah sel bakteri yang hidup dilanjutkan dengan menghitung viabilitas BAL. Data jumlah koloni BAL yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan isolat BAL dari usus itik pada media perlakuan dedak padi dan kombinasi dedak padi dengan molases memiliki viabilitas tertinggi pada waktu inkubasi ke- 10 jam dengan jumlah populasi sebesar Log 6,53 CFU/g pada dedak padi dan Log 6,87 CFU/g pada kombinasi dedak padi dan molases
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