42 research outputs found


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    The objective of this research is to study the direct effects of knowledge of management, knowledge of information system, and assertiveness on transformational leadership of department head at PT Bank Syariah Mandiri Head Office. Quantitative method was used in this research as well as Survey Method. The data were obtained by distributing questionnaire and test, and were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential analysis with path analysis approach. This sample of this research were sixty respondent from the population of one hundred and fifty department head and selected by simple random sampling.The study finding are follow: (1)there is a direct effect of knowledge of management on transformational leadership capability, (2)there is a direct effect of knowledge of information system on transformational leadership capability, (3)there is a direct effect of assertivenesson transformational leadership capability, (4) there is a direct effect of knowledge of management on assertiveness, (5) there is a direct effect of knowledgeof information system on assertiveness. As a conclusion, the transformational leadership can be enhanced by knowledge of management, knowledge of information system, and assertiveness


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    The objective of this research is to study the direct effects of knowledge of management, knowledge of information system, and assertiveness on transformational leadership of department head at PT Bank Syariah Mandiri Head Office. Quantitative method was used in this research as well as Survey Method. The data were obtained by distributing questionnaire and test, and were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential analysis with path analysis approach. This sample of this research were sixty respondent from the population of one hundred and fifty department head and selected by simple random sampling.The study finding are follow: (1)there is a direct effect of knowledge of management on transformational leadership capability, (2)there is a direct effect of knowledge of information system on transformational leadership capability, (3)there is a direct effect of assertivenesson transformational leadership capability, (4) there is a direct effect of knowledge of management on assertiveness, (5) there is a direct effect of knowledgeof information system on assertiveness. As a conclusion, the transformational leadership can be enhanced by knowledge of management, knowledge of information system, and assertiveness


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Earning Per Share (EPS) dan Dividend Per Share (DPS) baik secara parsial maupun simultan terhadap harga saham pada perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 114 perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode 2011-2013. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Data yang digunakan adalah data eksternal, yang diperoleh dari Bursa Efek Indonesia. Proses analisis data yang dilakukan terlebih dahulu adalah uji asumsi klasik dan selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian hipotesis. Metode statistik yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial maupun simultan Earning Per Share (EPS) dan Dividend Per Share (DPS) berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap harga saham pada perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Nilai Adjusted R Square adalah 0,885 mengindikasikan bahwa 88,5% perubahan dalam harga saham dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel-variabel bebas yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Sedangkan sisanya 11,5% dijelaskan oleh faktor lain yang tidak dimasukkan dalam model regresi

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Tendinitis Patellaris Dekstra Di RST Dr Soedjono Magelang

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    Latar Belakang : Tendinitis Patellaris adalah nyeri atau peradangan pada bagian tendon patella yang sering terjadi pada atlet yang melibatkan gerakan melompat. Gejala awal yang terjadi adalah nyeri yang menyebabkan terjadinya gangguan pada gerakan dari lutut. nyeri menandakan adanya cedera atau perlukaan pada tendon sehingga atlet akan kesulitan dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari. Tujuan : untuk mengetahui tentang manfaat penatalaksanaan fisioterapi dalam pengurangan nyeri dan peningkatan kekuatan otot pada kasus Tendinitis Patellaris Dektra dengan menggunakan modalitas Micro Wave Diathermy (MWD), Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) dan terapi latihan. Hasil : setelah dilakukan terapi sebanyak 6 kali didapat hasil penilaian nyeri pada nyeri diam T1: 1 menjadi T6: 1, nyeri tekan T1: 3 menjadi T6: 2, nyeri gerak T1: 3 menjadi T6: 2, peningkatan kekuatan otot fleksor knee T1: 4- menjadi T6: 4, ekstensor knee T1: 4- menjadi T6: 4. Kesimpulan : Micro Wave Diathermy (MWD) dan Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) dapat mengurangi nyeri lutut kanan dalam kondisi Tendinitis Patellaris Dextra dan terapi latihan dapat meningkatkan kekuatan otot pada kondisi Tendinitis Patellaris Dextra

    Pengaruh Komposisi Campuran Pasir Besi + Al + C Terhadap Profil Temperatur, Struktur Micro Dan Fase Produk Hasil Reaksi Pembakaran Sintesis Dengan Metode Shs (Self-Propagation High-Temperature Synthesis)

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    (Self-Propagation High Temperature Synthesis) SHS merupakan salah satu metode alternatif yang sesuai untuk memproduksi bahan intermetalik, karena proses ini menghasilkan temperature tinggi dan sangat cepat. Temperature yang tinggi dan sangat cepat pada reaksi SHS dapat melebihi titik didih unsur-unsur campurannya sehingga menghasilkan produk yang lebih murni. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui profil temperatur, struktur micro dan fase produk hasil pembakaran sintesis dengan metode (Self-Propagation High-Temperature Synthesis) SHS terhadap komposisi campuran pasir besi (Fe2O3) + AL + C. Hasil penelitian diperoleh informasi pengaruh massa Al terhadap profil temperature pembakaran sintesis sebagai berikut: Semakin banyak kadar aluminium (10gr, 15gr, 20gr, 25gr, 30gr) maka waktu terjadinya reaksi pembakaran sintesis semakin cepat. Hasil pengujian SEM & EDX telah membuktikan bahwa visualisasi dari partikel produk. Bahwa produk mengalami crack dan berpori-pori yang disebabkan banyaknya oksigen yang terjebak pada saat pemanasan, serbuk aluminium dan karbon menyatu dengan warna gelap berbentuk dataran yang luas sehingga terlihat spherical (bulat atau bola) dengan ukuran butir yang diidentifikasi tida


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    This study aims to determine differences in production and FCR vannamei shrimp in ponds plastics with widely different. The method used in this study is a survey. The survey was conducted in ponds plastic BUSMETIK SUPM State Tegal, Central Java number 3 pieces pond with an area different from that plot A1 (an area of 1000 m2), plot A2 (area of 800 m2) and plot A3 (area 600 m2) for three (3) maintenance cycle. The production of vannamei shrimp with an area of different A (1000 m2), B (800 m2) and C (600 m2) for 3 cycles of maintenance in the pond BUSMETIK SUPM State Tegal indicate that the harvest vannamei shrimp highest in area ponds A (1000 m2) with average yields 2473.667 kg, followed by the pond area B (800 m2) with yields 1933.667 kg, and the yield was lowest for the vannamei shrimp pond area C (600 m2) with results 1183.667 kg. Results of analysis of variance of the data results of the study (Appendix 4), then the result is that the value of F count (103.112)> F table 5% (5.14) and F table 1% (10.92). FCR value for each area of the pond is still good enough (maximum 1.3). FCR is the smallest value occurs in the pond with an area of 1000 m2, namely (1.2), while in the pond area of 800 m2 and 600 m2 FCR is still quite good value (1,3).Keyword : Vannamei Shrimp, Busmetik, Growth, FC

    Ballistic Performance Anti-Projectile Of Alumina And Weldox 460 E with Finite Element Method

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    This research aims to determine the effect of the panel configuration which has the strongest resistance and to analyze the ballistic toughness of the Al2O3 and Weldox 460 E Steel panel configurations. The criteria to be looked for are the Depth of Penetration, Deflection and Final Projectile Length. To determine the accuracy of this study, a verification of the simulation research previously conducted by Dey et al. The method used is based on simulation with the finite element method. The software used is ANSYS/Explicit Dynamic solver AUTODYN 18.1. The modeling used in this study is simplified into 2D Axisymmetric. Alumina and Weldox 460 E steel panel configuration variations that will be used in this study. There are 7 variations of the panel configuration used, namely B12, A5B5, A5B10, A10B5, A10B10, A12B12 and A15B15. Alumina material as the front panel, while Weldox 460 E as the back panel. In calculating the mechanical behavior of the material, while the Alumina material uses the Johnson Holmquist (JH2) Strength parameter. And then, the Weldox 460 E material uses Johnson and Cook parameters. The results obtained indicate that the A12B12 and A15B15 panel configurations are able to withstand projectiles. The A12B12 panel configuration has a depth of penetration value of 23 mm, a deflection value of 4.3 mm and a Vbl value of 954.69 m/s. while the best panel configuration is A15B15 with a depth of penetration value of 21 mm, a deflection value of 1.4 mm and a Vbl value of 1345.9 m/s. then the conclusion of this study shows that the A15B15 panel configuration is the best panel configuration that is able to withstand projectiles

    Penatalaksanaan Mobilisasi Dan Stabilisasi Trunk Untuk Penguatan Back Muscle Pada Kasus Cerebral Palsy Spastik Diplegi Di YPAC Surakarta

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    Cerebral palsy is a group of permanent development and posture, which causes limited activity, which is caused by non-progressive disorders that occur in the developing fetus or baby. People with cerebral palsy may have problems taken and generally have an imbalance of the eye muscles, where the eye does not focus on the same object. The goal to be achieved is to determine the effect of trunk mobilization and stabilization given to strengthening back muscles in Diplegi Cerebral Palsy children. As for the result that have been obtained after treatment three times in spastic diplegi cerebral palsy, the results of muscle strength from T1 to T3 increased strength in the Hip T1: 3 region to T3: 4, Knee T1: 3 to T3: 4, Ankle T1: 3 to be T3: 4, when sensor reception increases visually from T1: 1 to T3: 2, Touch from T1: 1 to T3: 2, and increase in motor functional ability with GMFM T1: 64.98% to T3: 74, 27 %

    Manfaat Metode Neuro Development Treatment (Ndt) Pada Kasus Cerebral Palsy Spastik Athetoid Hemiplegi Dextra Di PNTC Karanganyar

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    Background: Cerebral Palsy Spastik Athetoid Hemiplegi Dextra is a disorder of posture and motion that is not controlled, with disorders in the brain that is non progesif when in the womb or childhood, is characterized by fluctuations in muscle tone and rigidity in some members of the right motion of the limb top and bottom. In this case the physiotherapy modalities used were the NDT (Bobath) method. Objective: to determine the benefits of the NDT method on Cerebral Palsy Spastik Athetoid Hemiplegi Dextra to decrease the level of spasticity and functional ability to walk. Result: after 6 times of treatment, the results obtained (1) the level of spasticity still remain with Asworth scale, on the right side body of the elbow region and knee T1 to T5 obtained a fixed result with value 1. (2) functional ability examination with GMFM from T1 to T5 obtained a fixed result with a value of 94.32%. Conclusion: the implementation of therapy with the method of Neuro Development Treatment on Cerebral Palsy Spastik Athetoid Hemiplegi Dextra to decrease the level of spasticity and functional ability to walk has not changed


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    In the world of the automotive industry there are still several problems that must be resolved, such as what happened in one of the workshops, there was a shortage of tools to repair bent truck frames because of the accident. One of the tools needed to repair the frame is the bending tool, with this the planning process for making the tool has a problem with the ability of the hydraulic tool to be used to repair the frame of the Mitsubishi Center 125. With the simulation method using SolidWorks software, it can be seen that the force load on the frame of the Mitsubishi center 125 will then obtain data that can be analyzed using the finite element method. In the simulation, try to use a force load of 1 ton.f to 20 ton.f at two points, namely the center and side, then can be seen that the displacement of the object that occurs. The results of the simulation are increasing the force load, the degree of change in shape is increasing along with the damage to the object and the highest change of 500 mm so it requires the ability of hydraulic tools that have a compressive capacity of more than 20 tons