47 research outputs found

    Relationship of Self Concept, Problem Solving and Self Adjustment in Youth

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    This study aims to find a relationship between self-concept and problem solving with adapting to adolescents. The research subjects were 138 teenagers in class VII of SMP Negeri 3 Banyuwangi. Data collection is done by using the scale of self-concept, problem solving scale and scale of adjustment in adolescents that are compiled by researchers themselves. These three scales use a Likert model consisting of 5 alternative answers. Data were analyzed using regression analysis. The results of the study show (1) There is a significant relationship between self-concept and problem solving with adjustment variables in adolescents; (2) There is a very significant positive relationship between self-concept and adjustment in adolescents; and (3) There is a very significant positive relationship between problem solving and adjustment in adolescents. Effective contributions from self-concept variables and problem solving together have an effect of 40.5% on adapting to adolescents, so there are 59.5% of other variables that influence adolescents' adaptation in addition to the two X variables studied


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    Banyuwangi Regency has a relatively unique area because it consists of coastalareas, plains and mountains. The population has ethnic diversity namely Osing(indigenous ethnic Banyuwangi), Javanese, Madurese, Bugis and Balinese. Thisis an indication of naming a place that has its own characteristics. Blimbingsarisub-district and Bangorejo sub-district are part of Banyuwangi district whichhas historical origin from the time of the ancestors. The study was conductedwith descriptive methods carried out with the planned research phase is the firstphase of the topology study consisting of 24 sub-districts. Of the 24 sub-districts,2 sub-districts were taken, namely Blimbingsari and Bangorejo Districts. Datacollection was carried out by interviews conducted by 1 researcher accompaniedby 1 survey worker. Information on the results of the interviews is then arrangedin the form of categories and analyzed using the triangulation method.Keywords: Blimbingsari District, Bangorejo District, Toponomi, Banyuwang


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    Domination kiai make a power clerics absolute and irrefutable. All the policies that have been made by clerics both in line and not in line with the educational institution shaded by state-owned institution is obligatory implemented. Domination is stronger when kiai politics and became a member of the board. Mutak all his power to the institution which he founded

    Perception Fishermen Community about the Importance of 12 Years of Formal Education

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    This study aims to determine how people's perceptions fishermen about the importance of 12 years formal education and how the implications of the fishing community's perception of the importance of 12 years formal education. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling and snowball sampling and the data collection techniques used are documentation, semi-structured interviews and observation. Field data findings show that the fishing community in Kedungrejo Village is a heterogeneous, consumptive community and based on interviews found that community perceptions about the importance of 12 years of formal education are as a provision for diplomas to look for work as land laborers. The meaning of 12 years of formal education in the form of maturity has not yet been felt by the community from the number due to environmental and social factors which are seen from the number of 2292 elementary school students who continue to the first level only 30% ie 308 who reached the top education level. so the 12-year formal education function that has a role to develop the community's potential is indisputable because of the social stratum between the skipper fisherman and the fisherman laborers. It is here that the important function of 12 years formal education is completely collided with the perception of the fishing community in Kedungrejo Village, Muncar District


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    ABSTRACTIdentification of the emergence of a nationality village in Patoman village needs tobe done, this is done because Patoman village has the potential of various types ofheterogeneous communities in terms of religion, culture or ethnicity. So it needs tobe traced and further studies need to be done on the identification of villages that areincluded in the elements of nationalism village. This becomes important and servesas a basis for reference to the grouping of villages that have an element of pluralismand will later be designated as a nationality village. On the other hand can be usedas a reference and input by local governments in providing policies regarding theexistence of a nationality village. Besides that, support from the local governmentrelated to the promotion of the potential / superiority of culture, ethnicity, villagesand regions in Banyuwangi is very intensively carried out, as evidenced by the manyfestivals that are held and scheduled every one year. This research is to identifyvillages that have the potential to become nationality villages in which there arevarious criteria or elements that have been fulfilled, one of which is the compositionof religion, culture, ethnicity and the form of tolerance that is maintained andsustainability, from the results of its study can be used as foothold for policy makers,especially the Banyuwangi local government and related ministries. This researchuses a qualitative approach with a case study design and uses a phenomenologicalperspective. The selection of respondents using snowball sampling, namely thevillage and district government in Blimbingsari, community leaders, religiousleaders, Banyuwangi National Mixing Forum and cultural figures. From the resultsof the research it can be seen that the tolerance value of patoman society and itsdiversity is very close and very good in community relations can be seen from theimplementation of mutual values and religious tolerance.Keywords: Identification, village, patoman nationalit


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) Jenis koleksi Museum Blambangan yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber belajar sejarah bagi siswa SMA, (2) Cara memanfaatkan koleksi Museum Blambangan sebagai sumber belajar sejarah bagi siswa SMA, (3) Apresiasi siswa SMA terhadap Museum Blambangan sebagai sumber belajar sejarah siswa SMA dan (4) Kendala-kendala yang dihadapi siswa dan guru dalam memanfaatkan Museum Blambangan sebagai sumber belajar sejarah. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Banyuwangi, fokus pada koleksi museum yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber belajar sejarah siswa SMA. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan strategi studi kasus terpancang tunggal. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi pada kegiatan pembelajaran sejarah di kelas dan museum Blambangan, wawancara informan dilakukan dengan guru, siswa dan petugas museum, serta analisis dokumen dengan inventarisasi koleksi museum dari Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, silabus dan RPP. Sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dan time sampling. Untuk mencari validitas data digunakan trianggulasi data dan metode. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis interaktif, yaitu proses analisis yang bergerak di antara tiga komponen yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, verifikasi/penarikan berinteraksi dengan pengumpulan data secara siklus. Simpulan penelitian ini: (1) Jenis koleksi yang dapat digunakan sebagai sumber belajar sejarah SMA adalah keramologika (buli-buli), filologika (pedang), historika (pakaian bupati), etnografika (kapak persegi), arkeologika (naskah lontar), teknologika (gramofon) dan seni rupa (bata berelief dan miniatur seni gandrung), (2) Sesuai dengan standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar cara memanfaatkan museum sebagai sumber belajar sejarah adalah melalui metode karya wisata dan pemberian tugas oleh guru kepada siswa, (3) Apresiasi siswa dalam memanfaatkan museum Blambangan sebagai sumber belajar sejarah SMA sangat positif, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan munculnya tulisan artikel atau karya tulis siswa berkaitan dengan koleksi museum Blambangan dan dituangkan di majalah dinding, (4) Kendala-kendala yang dihadapi siswa dan guru dalam memanfaatkan Museum Blambangan sebagai sumber belajar sejarah adalah waktu, dana, perijinan dan SDM museum yang menguasai subtansi koleksi museum Blambangan. Agar pemanfataan Museum Blambangan dapat terlaksana secara optimal diperlukan kerjasama antara pihak sekolah, museum dan Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda dan Olahraga secara sinergis


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    HIV-AIDS in East Java is in a stage of concern with the development oftransmission. From 1989 to September 2016, PLHIV in East Java were 54,275people. Of these, those with HIV reached 36,881. While those convicted of AIDSwere 17,394 people and in 2017 reached 118,426 inhabitants. In Banyuwangi,the Banyuwangi Regency AIDS Commission, currently there are 3,260 HIVsufferers in Banyuwangi, 999 cases of AIDS sufferers, and 315 of them dead.Community service on HIV-AIDS prevention and prevention training was carriedout at the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of the PGRI BanyuwangiUniversity in October 2017. In this activity the service team trained students inovercoming and preventing HIV / AIDS. The service activity received a very goodresponse from students at PGRI Banyuwangi University.Keywords: Prevention, HIV, AID

    The Effect Of Gadgets On The Development Of Youth In Genteng Banyuwangi

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    Teenagers are facilitated in accessing the world of information and have a lot of influence on human life and child development. The use of gadgets has a positive impact on human life, but if used excessively it will have a negative impact, especially for children. The positive impact of using gadgets for children, including in the mindset of children, namely: being able to help children in regulating the speed of their play, processing strategies in games, and helping to improve the ability of the child's right brain while under good supervision. On the other hand, the negative impacts of using gadgets for children include: children become difficult to socialize, unstable in emotional control, slow in motor development, the emergence of a sense of laziness, waste, significant behavioral changes to changes in academic achievement at school.The target audience of this service activity are PKK Korsda women at the Banyuwangi Tile Irrigation Service. The women of PKK Korsda of the Banyuwangi Tile Irrigation Service became the target audience because there was a request from the head of the PKK Korsda of the Banyuwangi Irrigation Service at the Banyuwangi PGRI University who needed resource persons in the activities of the PKK Korsda women of the Tile Irrigation Service. The activity is carried out every month, so that the service activities carried out by the PGRI Banyuwangi University service team are adjusted to the needs

    Rekontruksi Bangker Jepang Sebagai Obyek Pariwisata Melalui Sarana Olahraga (Studi Kasus Gumok Kantong Kecamatan Muncar Kabupaten Banyuwangi)

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    Penelitian tentang rekontruksi peninggalan sejarah melalui pariwisata dengan metode sarana olahraga telah dimulai sejak tahun 1970-an dan dari penelitian ini telah membuktikan bahwa even olahraga memiliki dampak yang besar pada sektor pariwisata. Namun di Indonesia, hanya sedikit masyarakat dan pemerintah yang peduli dengan pelaksanaan even olahraga bagi pariwisata dan pelestarinan peninggalan sejarahnya. Padahal dengan adanya penyelenggaraan even olahraga dan sarana  sangatlah berpengaruh pada bidang ekonomi, politik, dan pariwisata dan pelestarian sejarah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merekonturksi Banker Jepang sebagai Obyek wisata baru melalui sarana olahraga. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Dalam penelitian ini, ada dua jenis data yang digunakan, data primer diambil dengan menggunakan metode dokumenter, yaitu data tentang peluang yang bisa di ambil dari pendapat masyarakat dan opini pemuka masyarakat, dan data sekunder dengan menggunakan wawancara untuk  para pedagang  yang berada di sekitar daerah tujuan wisata serta semua pihak yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan rekontruksi. Selain itu, data sekunder juga berasal para wisatawan untuk mengetahui alasan mereka datang tempat tersebut. Penelitian ini diharapakan bisa digunakan sebagi reverensi bagi dinas yang terkait baik dinas pariwisata maupun pemerintah daerah, kebarauan dari penelitin ini masih belum ada peneliti yang melakukan penelitian ini sehingga secara teoritis ini saying penting untuk dilakukan agar bisa menumbuhkan ekonomi dari sector pariwisata melalui pelestarian sejarah dengan metode sarana olahraga

    Behavioral Counseling Effectiveness Behavior Contract Technique to Decrease Behavior Academic Procrastination of Students

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    In this study aims to: (1) determine the effectiveness of behavioral counseling behavior contract techniques in reducing the academic procrastination behavior of class XII IPS MAN 2 Banyuwangi students; (2) find out the differences between students of class XII IPS MAN 2 Banyuwangi between the experimental group and the control group that did not receive treatment. The design used is non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group. The sample of this study was 20 students of class XII IPS MAN 2 Banyuwangi which were divided into 2 groups. Academic procrastination behavior was measured using an academic procrastination behavior questionnaire. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results showed that: (a) first, the tcount at the output showed the number 27,976 this meant a decrease. If t arithmetic> T table, then H0 is rejected. Which means 27,976> 1,833, thus because H0 is rejected, Ha is accepted, where Ha reads "Behavior Counseling Behavior Contract technique is effective against decreasing academic procrastination behavior of students of class XII IPS MAN 2 Banyuwangi," (b) The results of both studies indicate t-KE ≠ tcount KK (31,771 ≠ 10,801). Therefore, because H0 was rejected, Ha was accepted, where Ha reads "There is a difference in effectiveness between the experimental group that received treatment and the control group that did not receive treatment in reducing the behavior of students' academic procrastination". So it can be concluded that between the experimental group with the control group there are very differences. The final results of this study indicate that the Behavior Counseling Behavior Contract technique can reduce and prevent students' academic procrastination behavior with an increase of 27%