1,333 research outputs found

    Conceptual Metaphor Related to Emotion

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    Metafora Konseptual yang berkaitan dengan Emosi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji apakah terdapat konsep metafora yang terjadi dalam bahasa Inggris yang mewakili emosi secara keseluruhan pada British National Corpus (BNC). Penelitian ini menganalisis tanda-tanda yang digunakan orang untuk mengekspresikan emosi, menelisik fungsi sosial dan budaya secara emosional di seluruh dunia. Penelitian ini, lebih jauh lagi, dilakukan untuk menemukan aturan konseptualisasi emosi dan konsep abstrak yang membantu orang memahami beberapa aspek yang sulit, memberi warna, dan megembangkannya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif kualitatif mengikuti Causation Concepts dan Force Dynamics principle. Metode analisis digunakan untuk menemukan beberapa metafora konseptual yang berasal dari ekspresi linguistik metafora di mana mereka muncul sebagai fenomena linguistik alami dalam cara pandang dan konsep emosi manusia. Data tersebut dalam bentuk wacana tertulis dikutip dari BNC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwaterdapat beberapa metafora konseptual di dalamnya. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan berbicara, merasakan, berpikir, dan mengidentifikasi merupakan suatu proses yang saling berkaitan dan menunjukkan bagaimana emosi seperti kebahagiaan, kesedihan, kemarahan dan rasa cinta melekat pada bahasa. Secara formal dan fungsional, konsep metafora muncul bersamaan dengan proses pemikiran manusia, dan sebagian besar tidak disadari. Hal ini merupakan struktur dasar dari penalaran bahwa pikiran digunakan untuk memahami aspek abstrak yang rumit.Kata kunci: Konsep , metafora konseptual , emosi , ekspresi linguistik metaforaAbstract Conseptual Metaphor related to Emotion. This study investigates whether there are conceptual metaphors occuring in English representing emotion as a whole in British National Corpus (BNC). It analyzes the signals people use to express emotion, looking at the social and cultural functions of emotional language around the world. This study, furthermore, has an arrangement to find the rule of conceptualizing emotion and abstract concept which helps people grasp some difficult aspect, give colour, and make it move.The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative following the Causation Concepts and Force Dynamics principle. The method of analysis is to locate some conceptual metaphors deriving from metaphorical linguistic expressions where they appeared as natural linguistic phenomenon in the way people view and conceptualize the emotion. The data are in the form of written discourse cited from BNC. Results show that there are some conceptual metaphors in it. The study demonstrates that speaking, feeling, reflecting, and identifying are interrelated processes and shows how emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger and love are attached to language. Formally and functionally, the conceptual metaphors come out with the human thought processes, and are largely unconscious. It is a fundamental structure of reasoning that the mind utilizes to make sense of more complicated abstract aspect

    Theurapeutic Effectiveness of Rat Bone Marrow Stem Cells in Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome Mice Model on Folliculogenesis, TGF-β, GDF-9 Expression, and Estrogen, TNF- and Androgen Levels

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    Objectives: to identify therapeutic effectiveness of Rat Bone Marrow stem cell in PCOS rats model on folliculogenesis, TGF-beta and GDF-9 expression and on estrogen, TNF-a and androgen levels.Material and Methods: this study is a laboratory experimental research with using animal testing. PCOS was induced by the administration of testosterone propionate hormone into 30 mice. The subjects of this study are divided into 2 groups: stem cell group and control group. The mice were injected with testosterone then vaginal swab was performed to determine the mice cycle. After determining mice in anestrous cycle, stem cell was injected. TNF-a was measured with immunohistochemistry and androgen was examined using ELISA. The data was measured by student t-test.Result: The average number of TNF-a expression in control group was lower than stem cell group (5.35 vs 2.34; p= 0.0026). The average androgen level for stem cell group was lower than mean for control group (2.31 vs 0.40; p= 0.0026).Conclusion: In this study of polycystic model mice, stem cell decreased the expression of TNF-a and androgen leve

    Identifikasi Tahapan Dan Faktor-faktor Sosial Pembangunan Hutan Rakyat Di Sekitar Kawasan Hutan Lindung

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    Development of private forests was thought to have good impact on the security of protected forest. The development could increase the ability of farmers in managing degraded lands, especially on private lands around the protected forest, so the disruption to the forest is reduced. The study was conducted in Sajang Village, East Lombok District and Bentek Hinterland, North Lombok District. Social factors were collected, such as education of farmers, forest ownership, local perceptions, and perception farmers towards forests, local institutions and the characteristics of the management of protected forest. Interview was conducted on 50 respondents for each location. Analysis data was done through correlation test, factor selection, and regression test. At 95% confidence level, was elected four factors associated with the ownership of private forests by farmers, namely: age of farmers, local institutional goals, pressure to local institutions and knowledge of farmers about the benefits of protected forest. Based on the four factors, the changes in the activity of local communities from depending on forest resources to building private forest was occured gradually over a long time, but it could be accelerated by increasing the independence of local institutions, and by the efforts to increase understanding of farmers in the benefits of protected forest

    Keanekaragaman Hayati Flora Di Indonesia

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    Indonesia merupakan negara kepuluauan seluas sekitar 9 juta km2 yang terletak diantara dua samudra dan dua benua dengan jumlah pulau sekitar 17.500 buah yang panjang garis pantainya sekitar 95.181 km. Kondisi geografis tersebut menyebabkan negara Indonesia menjadi suatu negara megabiodiversitas walaupun luasnya hanya sekitar 1,3% dari luas bumi. Dalam dunia tumbuhan, flora di wilayah Indonesia termasuk bagian dari flora dari Malesiana yang diperkirakan memiliki sekitar 25% dari spesies tumbuhan berbunga yang ada di dunia yang menempati urutan negara terbesar ketujuh dengan jumlah spesies mencapai 20.000 spesies, 40%-nya merupakan tumbuhan endemik atau asli Indonesia. Negara Indonesia termasuk negara dengan tingkat keterancaman dan kepunahan spesies tumbuhan tertinggi di dunia. Saat ini tercatat sekitar 240 spesies tanaman dinyatakan langka, diantaranya banyak yang merupakan spesies tanaman budidaya. Selain itu, sekitar 36 spesies pohon di Indonesia dinyatakan terancam punah, termasuk kayu ulin di Kalimantan Selatan, sawo kecik di Jawa Timur, Bali Barat, dan Sumbawa, kayu hitam di Sulawesi, dan kayu pandak di Jawa serta ada sekitar 58 spesies tumbuhan yang berstatus dilindungi

    The Contribution of Research to Human Resources on Health

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    Aplikasi Persediaan Barang PT. CAD Solusindo Menggunakan Metode Waterfall

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    The development of media technology in the delivery of information faster and faster and accurate. For that manage information technology is needed either because the information is of great value to a company. The system inventory information is a very important for a company, by implementing a web based information system for running the collection of goods to the company, makes it all work, for data processing of goods, the data became more organized and information about the inventory becomes easier until seen everywhere through the internet. PT. CAD Solusindo is a company engaged in the repair service in communication tools. In the process of recording and calculations performed by PT CAD Solusindo until today still use the program Microsoft Excel, starting from the receipt of goods, goods out and preparing reports addressed to the leader. Designing the system described by UML modeling. The programming language used is PHP and MYSQL database. It is expected that these applications can help the PT. CAD Solusindo to help users to further improve supervision of the stocks held in the company so that the quality of reports resulted more accurately, quickly, and precisely when required as annual audits

    Overall Policy Formulation Processes and Implementation Method with a Special Focus on Human Resources for Health: a Learning Experience of Indonesia Case

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    Penelitian ini merupakan studi explorasi yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi mekanisme proses pengembangan dan implementasi kebijaksanaan bidang kesehatan khususnya dititik beratkan pada bidang pengembangan tenaga kesehatan. Data dan informasi dikumpulkan dengan melakukan diskusi intensif dengan para pengambil kebijaksn di lingkungan Departemen Kesehatan yang ada kaitannya dengan mekanisme pengembangan ketenagaan bidang kesehatan tersebut. Subjek penelitian adalah para Eselon I, II dan Ill di lingkungan Sekretariat Jenderal Depkes, khususnya Biro Perencanaan, Biro Kepegawaian, Pusat Pendidikan Tenaga Kesehatan (Pusdiknakes), dan Pusat Pendidikan dan Latihan Pegawai (Pusdiklat), serta di lingkungan Inspektorat Jenderal, khususnya Inspektorat Kepegawaian

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Dalam Memenuhi Kewajiban Membayar Pajak Di Surabaya

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    Untuk mempermudah pemungutan pajak, Direktorat Jenderal Pajak memberlakukan sistem self assessment. Dari sistem self assessment, wajib pajak diberikan kepercayaan penuh untuk mendaftarkan diri ke Kantor Pelayanan Pajak, menghitung sendiri, menyetorkan, serta melaporkan sendiri kewajiban pajaknya. Dengan sistem self assessment, fungsi pemerintah, dalam hal ini Direktorat Jenderal Pajak, hanya memfasilitasi agar sistem self assessment berjalan dengan baik, sedangkan pelaksanaanya sangat tergantung pada kepatuhan wajib pajak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh faktor kesadaran perpajakan, sikap fiskus, hukum pajak, dan sikap rasional terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak di Surabaya.Dari hasil analisis regresi linier berganda dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor kesadaran perpajakan, sikap fiskus, hukum pajak, dan sikap rasional secara simultan dan secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak di Surabaya.To ease the procedures of tax collection, General Directorate of Taxes (Direktorat Jendral Pajak – DJP) established self assessment system. In this self assessment system, tax payers are fully trusted to enroll themselves to the Tax Service Office (Kantor Pelayanan Pajak), to count, to pay, and to report tax obligations by themselves. With this self assessment system, government\u27s role, in this case Genera Directorate l of Taxes, only to facilitate so self assessment system may run well, while the execution depends on the tax payers\u27 compliance. The aim of this research was to discover the impact of tax awareness, service from the tax staff, tax law, tax payers\u27 rational attitude to private tax payer\u27s compliance in Surabaya.From this multiple linear regression analysis, it can be concluded that tax awareness, service from the tax staff, tax law, tax payer\u27s rational attitude simultaneously and partially give significant effect to taxpayer\u27s compliance in Surabaya

    Identifikasi Tahapan dan Faktor-Faktor Sosial Pembangunan Hutan Rakyat di Sekitar Kawasan Hutan Lindung

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    Development of private forests was thought to have good impact on the security of protected forest. The development could increase the ability of farmers in managing degraded lands, especially on private lands around the protected forest, so the disruption to the forest is reduced. The study was conducted in Sajang Village, East Lombok District and Bentek Hinterland, North Lombok District. Social factors were collected, such as education of farmers, forest ownership, local perceptions, and perception farmers towards forests, local institutions and the characteristics of the management of protected forest. Interview was conducted on 50 respondents for each location. Analysis data was done through correlation test, factor selection, and regression test. At 95% confidence level, was elected four factors associated with the ownership of private forests by farmers, namely: age of farmers, local institutional goals, pressure to local institutions and knowledge of farmers about the benefits of protected forest. Based on the four factors, the changes in the activity of local communities from depending on forest resources to building private forest was occured gradually over a long time, but it could be accelerated by increasing the independence of local institutions, and by the efforts to increase understanding of farmers in the benefits of protected forest
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