215 research outputs found

    The Development of COLESTVIAModel as An Effort of Internanalization of Character Values in Social Studies

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    ABSTRACT Purpose: This research is based on a condition of Social Studies instruction in Junior High schools in Surakarta that is still far from the expectation. It focuses on the cognitive aspect and lack of affective aspects. Therefore, it is important to develop an instruction throughCOLESTVIA Model by combining STAD type, Tournament and VIA as an effort in internalization of character values in Social Studies instruction. The development of character values is concerned with cognitive development and the result of social interaction. It is believed that by integrating the character values, it can strengthen the character and personality for the Junior High school students in Surakarta. Method:The Developmentof COLESTVIA Model is done through development research by three main steps, namely Preliminary Study, Development, and Model Pilot. The data was collected through Observational Technique, Interview, Questionaire and Doccumentation. The Data Analysis for the Preliminary Study uses qualitative, while the Model Pilot was by means of experiment using quantitative Approach as to answer the research questions, namely : (1) How is the performance of the Social Studies instruction of the grade VIII of Junior High School students in Surakarta, (2) How is the development of COLESTVIA Model that can integrate the character values, and (3) How is the effectiveness of The DevelopmentCOLESTVIA Model as an attempt of the internalization of the character values in Social Studies instruction in grade VIII Junior High school.T- test was used to know the difference between the model of COLESTVIA instruction and conventional model. Findings: The result of the research shows after performing the try out in SMP 19 through Classroom Action Research (CAR); the larger scaled-trial in SMP 2 and private Junior High School A, (experiment), SMP 3 and private Junior High School B (control), and the effectiveness of trial in SMP 19, SMP 24 and private Junior High School C (experiment) and SMP 10, SMP 25 and private Junior High School D (contol), proved that thatCOLESTVIA instruction is able to improve the competency and the SMP students’ character values in various groups of schools. The conclusion of the research is that the model of COLESTVIA instruction fulfill the principles and proves significantly the increase of the SMP students’ character values in Surakarta compared with the various conventional models of instruction


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    This exploratory study aims to: 1) determine objectives, materials, methods, media and evaluation of teaching high school history, 2) identify the factors supporting and inhibiting high school history lessons, 3) exploit the understanding of high school history teachers to models learning history, and 4) create a model for teaching History-Based Character Education. Research subjects high school history teachers Solo Raya. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, document analysis, questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion. The method of data analysis using an interactive model of qualitative analysis. The results showed: 1) the purpose of teaching history inculcate the spirit of nationalism, love of nation and homeland; materials in accordance with the Content Standards; methods varied lectures, power point media, film and Liquid Crystal Display, while the evaluation is still a lot to cognitive aspects, 2) factors history of the learning support innovative learning models, factors inhibiting book BSE minimal, and the discriminatory subjects, 3) the majority of high school teachers have understood the learning models, and 4) completion of a model Critical, Creative, Chain and character (KKBB). Keywords: teaching of history, the history teacher, high school and character education. Penelitian eksploratif ini bertujuan: 1) mengetahui tujuan, materi, metode, media, dan evaluasi pembelajaran Sejarah SMA; 2) mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat pembelajaran Sejarah SMA; 3) mengeksploitasi pemahaman guru-guru Sejarah SMA terhadap model-model pembelajaran Sejarah, dan 4) menyusun model Pembelajaran Sejarah Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter. Subjek penelitian guru-guru Sejarah SMA Solo Raya. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, analisis dokumen, angket dan Focus Group Discussion. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis kualitatif model interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) tujuan pembelajaran Sejarah menanamkan semangat kebangsaan, cinta bangsa dan tanah air; materi sesuai dengan Standar Isi; metode ceramah bervariasi, media power point, film dan Liquid Crystal Display, sedangkan evaluasinya masih banyak ke aspek kognitif; 2) Faktor pendukung pembelajaran Sejarah adalah adanya model-model pembelajaran inovatif, faktor penghambatnya buku BSE yang minim, dan adanya diskriminatif mata pelajaran; 3) sebagian besar guru-guru SMA telah memahami model-model pembelajaran, dan 4) tersusunnya model Kritis, Kreatif, Berantai dan berkarakter (KKBB). Kata kunci: pembelajaran Sejarah, guru Sejarah, Sekolah Menengah Atas dan pendidikan karakter

    Implementasi Model Pembelajaran IPS Terpadu (Suatu Studi Evaluatif di SMP Kota Surakarta)

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    This study aims to determine the implementation of integrated learning model at the junior high school social studies Surakarta, identify limiting factors, and know the efforts made by social studies teachers in enhancing professionalism. This study is an evaluation study using qualitative research methods deskrptif. Form of research tends to use a single case study research subjects are social studies teachers at SMP / MTs Surakarta. Techniques and tools of data collection used were interviews, observation, and archival records and documents. The results showed that the first, in its implementation, teaching social studies at the SMP / MTs there are many differences; there is a learning IPS implement a fully integrated, semi integrated, and not integrated. Secondly, the barriers faced by, among others, (a) lack of understanding / mastery of the material outside the field (b) lack of knowledge and understanding of learning models Integrated IPS (c) the difficulty in applying the concept of Integrated IPS learning, and (d) the attitude skeptical of their own social studies teachers. Third, efforts made in improving the social studies teacher professional competence, among others: (a) ask the other social studies teachers, (b) reading the reference books on social studies, (c) the training, socialization, workshop, seminar, workshop, and (d) sharing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi model pembelajaran IPS Terpadu di SMP Kota Surakarta, mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor penghambat, dan mengetahui upaya-upaya yang dilakukan oleh guru IPS dalam meningkatkan profesionalisme. Penelitian ini merupakan studi evaluasi dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskrptif kualitatif. Bentuk penelitiannya cenderung menggunakan studi kasus tunggal Subyek penelitian adalah guru-guru IPS di SMP/MTs Kota Surakarta. Teknik dan alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan mencatat arsip serta dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, dalam implementasinya, pembelajaran IPS di SMP/MTs masih terdapat banyak perbedaan; ada yang melaksanakan pembelajaran IPS terpadu secara penuh, setengah terpadu, dan tidak terpadu. Kedua, hambatan yang dihadapi antara lain, (a) kurang pemahaman/penguasaan terhadap materi di luar bidangnya (b) kurangnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman model-model pembelajaran IPS Terpadu; (c) kesulitan dalam menerapkan konsep pembelajaran IPS Terpadu; dan (d) sikap skeptis dari guru IPS sendiri. Ketiga, upaya yang dilakukan guru IPS dalam meningkatkan kompetensi profesionalnya, antara lain : (a) bertanya kepada guru IPS yang lain ; (b) membaca buku-buku referensi tentang IPS ; (c) mengikuti pelatihan, sosialisasi, workshop, seminar, semiloka, dan (d) sharing


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    Adolfo Nicols, former superior general of the Society of Jesus, presented his elaboration on Ignatian leadership before the superiors and the directors of works in Valladolid, Spain in May 6, 2013. In his narrative style he focused on three characters of Ignatian leadership: spiritual, apostolic and heroic. It is spiritual, because Ignatian leadership works on the base of discernment both personal and communal. It is apostolic because the integrity of Ignatian leadership consists in its function to serve. Service is the final and most basic criteria to evaluate Ignatian leardeship. With regard to the third character Adolfo Nicols elaborated heroic leadership reffering to Ignatian spirit of magis, choosing and doing more for the service and glory of God as well as for the common good of people. Heeding a tendency of being resistant to criticism from within the Church and without, he pointed to a habit of reflection as a crucial point in Ignatian leadership. It is indeed a prayerful aspect of leadership that protects leadership from becoming a mere management of power. He also mentioned preferential option for the poor as one constitutive point in the Jesuit life that should mark an Ignatian leadership


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    Republic of Korea, known as South Korea is a country in East Asian which is located in south of Korea Peninsula. Republic of Korea borders on North Korea in north. Both united until 1948. It borders on Japan Ocean in the east, East Cina Ocean in the south, and Yellow Ocean in the west. In August 22 th 1910, Japan occupied Korea based on Aneksasi Agreement. The crisis of the World War II porced Japan looked for the help from founding father of Korea. So that, Japan could occupy the Korea territory more Korea asked Japan to allow it to prepare the independence. The preparation was well done. So, in August 15 th 1945 Korea was independent. The liberalism and communism divided Korea in 38 0 of north latitude. The interferences of both countries divided Korea. In 1950 until 1953, Korea War broken the relationship. Based on the background about the research problems of the study are identified as follows: (1) How p olitics carrier a President Kim Dae Jung ?; (2) How the background of reunification Korea in 1998 ?; (3) How President Kim Dae Jung’s policy to reunificated Korea in 1998-2003 ? The aims of the research are to identify: (1) Politics carrier a President Kim Dae Jung; (2) The background of reunification Korea in 1998; (3) President Kim Dae Jung’s policy to reunificated Korea in 1998-2003. Key words: reunification, South Korea, Sunshine Polic

    Agricultural Loss Caused by 2007 Sidoharjo’s Flood and its House-hold Impact

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    Flood is an undeniable reality that threaten Sidoharjo Village, as part of Sragen District. It is affected by the presence of Mungkung River, the tributary of Solo River, which crosses in the area. It is certainly going to be one of the factors inhibiting the development and economic growth in the region, given the agricultural sector is one of the backbones of the economy potentially disturbed by the flood. The information about the flood and its impacts specifically related to agriculture are needed to determine the precise policies. The research focuses on 2007-flood mapping, agricultural production loss assessment, and farmer resilience, as expressed in their ability to continue the next cropping after being hitten by the 2007-flood. The flood map was built by integrating the local knowledge and the Digital Terrain Model (DTM). The information about 2007 flood was collected by interviewing the local people. The DTM was built by interpolating the detailed spot height directly measured in the field. As the result of the integration, the depth of the flood immersing the paddy fields reaches approximately 3 meters.  Beside the flood depth, the growth stage of rice also determines the paddy vulnerability. It refers to the plant height and the sensitivity to the water immersion.  There are three stages i.e. vegetative, generative, and graining phases. The vulnerabilities were constructed based on the synthetic data obtained via Focus Group Discussion (FGD).  The production loss of paddy of the research area was counted based on the vulnerability. A grid-based GIS method is used in the loss calculation which produces a value of Rp. 1,137,350,000.00 (about USD 100,000.00). The losses influence the farmer ability to continue the cultivation in the next season, which in this study is defined as farmer resilience. To investigate the resilience level, 32 respondents were proportionally randomized to each flood zone. There are three zones created based on the flood depth. The influencing factors and their weights and scores were determined by the farmer representatives via FGD. Meanwhile, the socioeconomic data were collected by using the questionnaires. The results show that most of the farmers in the area (56.3%) are categorized in moderate resilience level

    Analisis Penerimaan Terhadap Augmented Reality Dalam Desain Kapal Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

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    Perkembangan teknologi digital menuntut semua sektor untuk ikut menghadapinya, termasuk bidang perkapalan. Ini menciptakan peluang untuk inovasi dalam penggunaan teknologi augmented reality. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui penerimaan penggunaan teknologi augmented reality pada desain kapal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode TAM untuk melihat penerimaan teknologi augmented reality pada aplikasi AR Kapal melalui 4 variabel yaitu persepsi kemudahan, kemanfaatan, sikap dalam menggunakan dan niat untuk menggunakan. Responden penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Konstruksi Kapal Politeknik Negeri Batam. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penggunaan augmented reality pada aplikasi AR Kapal memiliki penerimaan yang positif yang memiliki nilai yang sangat baik pada aspek kemudahan, kemanfaatan serta sikap dalam menggunakan, meskipun niat untuk menggunakan masih berada di bawah aspek lainnya yaitu dengan nilai baik. Promosi, penyesuaian dengan kebutuhan, serta peningkatan pengetahuan tentang augmented reality dinilai dapat meningkatkan adopsi penggunaan augmented reality pada bidang desain kapal

    "HOMO SOMATICUS": Persoalan Manusia dan Tubuhnya

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    Homo somaticus is the primary reality of human beings. Humans are recognized as such through their bodies and interact with both others and the world using their bodies. This article aims to argue for the existential importance of the human body. The article explores the nature and functions of the human body through the lens of phenomenology. Homo somaticus acknowledges that the human body possesses uniqueness among other creatures. As homo somaticus, humans have five fundamental body functions. Firstly, the worldly body signifies that humans are “beings-in-the world,” integrating with the world through their bodies. Secondly, the epistemological body indicates that humans acquire, assimilate, and convey knowledge through their bodies. Thirdly, the economic body suggests that the body becomes a determinant of possession, assuming the existence of a body. Fourthly, the ascetical body highlights the necessity of engaging in human activities to cultivate valuable virtues. Fifthly, the sexual body identifies the experiences shared by men and women, enabling biological reproduction and shaping social relationships. Homo somaticus underscores that the spirit is embodied, with the spirit being manifested through the body in the world. Nevertheless, the body is an integral part of human existence in the worl
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