4 research outputs found

    Zerk eragiten du obesitatea duen pertsona bat metabolikoki osasuntsua izatea edo ez izatea?

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    Obesitatea osasun-arazo garrantzitsua bihurtu da xxi. mendean, mundu osoan milioika pertsonei eragiten diena. Obesitatearekin batera hainbat komorbilitate agertzen direla onartuta dago, eta horiek bizi-itxaropena murriztearekin lotzen dira. Hala ere, obesitatea pairatzen duten pertsona guztiengan ez da egoera hori antzeman; izan ere, ikusi izan da hainbatek obesitatearekin lotutako asaldura kardiometabolikoen aurrean babesa erakusten dutela. Obesitatea pairatzen duten baina komorbilitaterik ez duten horiek metabolikoki osasuntsuak diren obesoak (MOO) dira. Gaur egun, MOO kontzeptuaren definizioa aldatu egiten da iturri bibliografikoen arabera; hortaz, ez da oso zehatza. Gainera, MOO identifikatzeko irizpide unibertsalik ez dagoenez, prebalentzia-datuak nabarmen aldatzen dira ikerketen artean. MOO eta metabolikoki osasuntsuak ez diren obesoen (MOEO) artean hainbat ezberdintasun fisiologiko, funtzional eta patologiko identifikatu dira: MOOek, adibidez, intsulinarekiko sentikortasunari eusten diote, eta ez dute ez hipertentsiorik ez dislipemiarik pairatzen. Gainera, MOOak 2 motako diabetesaren, gaixotasun kardiobaskularren eta beste heriotza-kausen aurrean babestuta daudela ikusi izan da. Ezberdintasun horien erantzuleetako batzuk MOOen eta MOEOen artean ezberdina den erraietako gantzaren metaketa eta gantz-ehunaren disfuntzioa direla proposatu da. Ondorioz, gorputz-masaren indizea komorbilitateen eraginez agertuko diren konplikazioen larritasunarekin zuzenki erlazionatuta egon arren, gantz-metaketaren kokalekuak eta gantz-ehunaren disfuntzioak erlazio zuzenagoa dute obesitatearekin batera etorri ohi diren komorbilitateen garapenarekin.; Obesity has become a major health problem in the 21st century, affecting millions of people around the world. It is assumed that obesity is accompanied by different comorbidities that are related to a reduction in life expectancy. However, this situation has not been seen in all people with obesity, since it has been observed that some obese people show protection against cardiometabolic disorders related to obesity, a condition known as metabolically healthy obesity (MHO). At present, the definition of MHO varies according to the bibliographic source used, so it is not very precise. Furthermore, in the absence of universal criteria for identification of MHO, prevalence data vary between investigations. Some physiological, functional and pathological differences have been identified between MHO and metabolically unhealthy obesity (MUO): individuals with MHU, for example, retain insulin sensitivity and do not suffer from hypertension or dyslipidemia compared to MUO. In addition, people with MHO are protected against type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other causes of death. Some responsible for these differences are the accumulation of visceral fat and the dysfunction of the adipose tissue. Consequently, despite the fact that the body mass index is directly related to the severity of the complications derived from obesity-related comorbidities, it can be stated that fat location and adipose tissue dysfunction are even more directly related

    Response of Horticultural Soil Microbiota to Different Fertilization Practices

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    Environmentally friendly agricultural production necessitates manipulation of microbe–plant interactions, requiring a better understanding of how farming practices influence soil microbiota. We studied the effect of conventional and organic treatment on soil bacterial richness, composition, and predicted functional potential. 16S rRNA sequencing was applied to soils from adjacent plots receiving either a synthetic or organic fertilizer, where two crops were grown within treatment, homogenizing for differences in soil properties, crop, and climate. Conventional fertilizer was associated with a decrease in soil pH, an accumulation of Ag, Mn, As, Fe, Co, Cd, and Ni; and an enrichment of ammonia oxidizers and xenobiotic compound degraders (e.g., Candidatus Nitrososphaera, Nitrospira, Bacillus, Pseudomonas). Soils receiving organic fertilization were enriched in Ti (crop biostimulant), N, and C cycling bacteria (denitrifiers, e.g., Azoarcus, Anaerolinea; methylotrophs, e.g., Methylocaldum, Methanosarcina), and disease-suppression (e.g., Myxococcales). Some predicted functions, such as glutathione metabolism, were slightly, but significantly enriched after a one-time manure application, suggesting the enhancement of sulfur regulation, nitrogen-fixing, and defense of environmental stressors. The study highlights that even a single application of organic fertilization is enough to originate a rapid shift in soil prokaryotes, responding to the differential substrate availability by promoting soil health, similar to recurrent applications.This work was supported by the Earth Microbiome Project; the METAMAHA project funded by the Basque Government’s Department of Industry, Trade, and Tourism (SAIOTEK program; S-PE13UN130); and IT1014-16 and IT1213-19 Consolidated Research Group Projects

    Comprehensive description of clinical characteristics of a large systemic Lupus Erythematosus Cohort from the Spanish Rheumatology Society Lupus Registry (RELESSER) with emphasis on complete versus incomplete lupus differences

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease characterized by multiple organ involvement and pronounced racial and ethnic heterogeneity. The aims of the present work were (1) to describe the cumulative clinical characteristics of those patients included in the Spanish Rheumatology Society SLE Registry (RELESSER), focusing on the differences between patients who fulfilled the 1997 ACR-SLE criteria versus those with less than 4 criteria (hereafter designated as incomplete SLE (iSLE)) and (2) to compare SLE patient characteristics with those documented in other multicentric SLE registries. RELESSER is a multicenter hospital-based registry, with a collection of data from a large, representative sample of adult patients with SLE (1997 ACR criteria) seen at Spanish rheumatology departments. The registry includes demographic data, comprehensive descriptions of clinical manifestations, as well as information about disease activity and severity, cumulative damage, comorbidities, treatments and mortality, using variables with highly standardized definitions. A total of 4.024 SLE patients (91% with ≄4 ACR criteria) were included. Ninety percent were women with a mean age at diagnosis of 35.4 years and a median duration of disease of 11.0 years. As expected, most SLE manifestations were more frequent in SLE patients than in iSLE ones and every one of the ACR criteria was also associated with SLE condition; this was particularly true of malar rash, oral ulcers and renal disorder. The analysis-adjusted by gender, age at diagnosis, and disease duration-revealed that higher disease activity, damage and SLE severity index are associated with SLE [OR: 1.14; 95% CI: 1.08-1.20 (P < 0.001); 1.29; 95% CI: 1.15-1.44 (P < 0.001); and 2.10; 95% CI: 1.83-2.42 (P < 0.001), respectively]. These results support the hypothesis that iSLE behaves as a relative stable and mild disease. SLE patients from the RELESSER register do not appear to differ substantially from other Caucasian populations and although activity [median SELENA-SLEDA: 2 (IQ: 0-4)], damage [median SLICC/ACR/DI: 1 (IQ: 0-2)], and severity [median KATZ index: 2 (IQ: 1-3)] scores were low, 1 of every 4 deaths was due to SLE activity. RELESSER represents the largest European SLE registry established to date, providing comprehensive, reliable and updated information on SLE in the southern European population

    Comprehensive description of clinical characteristics of a large systemic Lupus Erythematosus Cohort from the Spanish Rheumatology Society Lupus Registry (RELESSER) with emphasis on complete versus incomplete lupus differences

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease characterized by multiple organ involvement and pronounced racial and ethnic heterogeneity. The aims of the present work were (1) to describe the cumulative clinical characteristics of those patients included in the Spanish Rheumatology Society SLE Registry (RELESSER), focusing on the differences between patients who fulfilled the 1997 ACR-SLE criteria versus those with less than 4 criteria (hereafter designated as incomplete SLE (iSLE)) and (2) to compare SLE patient characteristics with those documented in other multicentric SLE registries. RELESSER is a multicenter hospital-based registry, with a collection of data from a large, representative sample of adult patients with SLE (1997 ACR criteria) seen at Spanish rheumatology departments. The registry includes demographic data, comprehensive descriptions of clinical manifestations, as well as information about disease activity and severity, cumulative damage, comorbidities, treatments and mortality, using variables with highly standardized definitions. A total of 4.024 SLE patients (91% with ≄4 ACR criteria) were included. Ninety percent were women with a mean age at diagnosis of 35.4 years and a median duration of disease of 11.0 years. As expected, most SLE manifestations were more frequent in SLE patients than in iSLE ones and every one of the ACR criteria was also associated with SLE condition; this was particularly true of malar rash, oral ulcers and renal disorder. The analysis-adjusted by gender, age at diagnosis, and disease duration-revealed that higher disease activity, damage and SLE severity index are associated with SLE [OR: 1.14; 95% CI: 1.08-1.20 (P < 0.001); 1.29; 95% CI: 1.15-1.44 (P < 0.001); and 2.10; 95% CI: 1.83-2.42 (P < 0.001), respectively]. These results support the hypothesis that iSLE behaves as a relative stable and mild disease. SLE patients from the RELESSER register do not appear to differ substantially from other Caucasian populations and although activity [median SELENA-SLEDA: 2 (IQ: 0-4)], damage [median SLICC/ACR/DI: 1 (IQ: 0-2)], and severity [median KATZ index: 2 (IQ: 1-3)] scores were low, 1 of every 4 deaths was due to SLE activity. RELESSER represents the largest European SLE registry established to date, providing comprehensive, reliable and updated information on SLE in the southern European population