594 research outputs found

    Characterisation of Eucalyptus grandis SWEET and SWI/SNF proteins during symbiosis with Pisolithus microcarpus

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    Eucalyptus grandis, an economically important bioenergy tree, is constantly bombarded by different fungal lifestyles seeking to acquire photosynthetically fixed sugar. How the plant immune system filters beneficial fungi from pathogenic is poorly understood. This thesis investigates two aspects of plant immunity: shuttling of sugar and interference by fungal effectors. Plant sugars are known to play a dual role in plant-microbe interactions: they can either feed the microbe with growth-limiting carbon or they can act as fuel for plant secondary metabolism and, subsequently, plant defence. In my first study I consider how hexose SWEET transporters respond at the transcriptomic level in E. grandis roots during challenge by different microbes covering the fungal lifestyles from pathogenic through mutualistic. Further, I characterise four E. grandis SWEET proteins that share sequence homology to previously identified SWEET proteins and determine their cellular localization, their sugar transport capabilities and their role in shuttling carbon during plant-microbe interactions. In the second part of my thesis, I investigate how a mutualistic fungus attempts to manipulate plant defences through the use of effector like proteins. Specifically, I characterise the role of Pisolithus albus MiSSP9.7, a highly induced secreted fungal protein of unknown function. I demonstrate that it interacts with a member of the SWI/SNF protein complex previously identified as being responsible for the regulation of plant hormone signalling pathways used in immune responses against microbes. Increased expression of SWI3D in E. grandis roots is tied to the colonisation process and may regulate a key aspect of plant immunity towards mutualistic fungi. Taken together, my work provides a better understanding of the controls used by plants to modulate plant-microbe interactions and the counter-measures utilized by fungi to overcome host immunity

    Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle Controller with PID Stability Regulation

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    The earth’s oceans and rivers remain widely unexplored. Hobbyists and companies across the globe invest money and resources into remotely operated vehicles (ROV) to further expand underwater knowledge. Each ROV includes a controller that operates motors and monitors other crucial system vitals. The ROV Controller project makes the process of designing an ROV simpler and more affordable by providing a multi-purpose programmable controller. The ROV controller features programmable digital inputs/outputs and analog inputs. The controller processes control signals from analog joysticks, digital signals from a gyroscope and utilizes a MUX to expand the analog input capabilities of the Arduino. The digital output ports feature pulse width modulation for controlling motors and servo motors


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    En el Ecuador los sitios arqueológicos denominados como pukarás han sido atribuidos a la cultura Inca. Este  artículo demuestra que culturas antecesoras y milenarias a la cultura Inca, como la Kañari, concibieron, construyeron y utilizaron estas arquitec- turas  como  una  manera de  expresar su  propia  identidad, conocimiento y sabiduría ancestral. Tomando como  referencia la descripción arquitectónica del Hatun  Pukará del Puñay (Hatun  = el más  grande, importante, principal / Pukará = puka:rojo  y ray:celebración), se  analiza sintéticamente el proceso histórico  y arqueológico del sitio, y se realiza  una  comparación cuali- tativa con otros pukarás en el Ecuador.  Palabras claves: Pukarás, arqueológicos, ancestral  ABSTRACT  In Ecuador archaeological sites known as pukarás have been attributed to the Inca culture. This paper demonstrates that cultures and ancient predecessors to the Inca culture, like the Kañari, designed, built and used these architectures as a way to express their own identity,  knowledge and  ancestral wisdom.  Referencing the  architectural description of the  Puñay Pukará Hatun (Hatun = largest, major, principal / Pukara = puka: red and ray: celebration), the process of the historical and archaeological site is analyzed synthetically, and a qualitative  comparison with other  pukarás in Ecuador is performed.  Keywords: Pukarás, archaeological, ancestral &nbsp

    La imposición de la familia heternormada en la sociedad y legislación ecuatoriana

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    El control del cuerpo y la sexualidad de los seres humanos han generados patrones sistemáticos de apropiación estereotipada de los de modelos de familia desde una estructura del poder hegemónico patriarcal-heteronormado. El resultado de estos sistemas ha sido la construcción de prejuicios y estereotipos que vulneran a la población LGBTI que a su vez han tenido consecuencias jurídicas que reflejan esta realidad. En el caso de la identidad familiar LGBTI en América Latina y especialmente en Ecuador, estos modelos conservadores y prejuiciosos de la familia han logrado la limitación y vulneración de derechos de las parejas del mismo sexo y de sus hijos e hijas. La noción única de familia en Ecuador responde a dos fenómenos sociales: el primero relativo a la perduración de los modelos sociales de control del cuerpo y la sexualidad; mientras que la segunda es la crisis del concepto de familia patriarcal-heteronormado.Eje 8. Familias y diversidades.Facultad de Trabajo Socia

    Malnutrición proteico-energético en niños entre los 2 y 10 años en la zona costera del oriente de El Salvador

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    La mal nutrición es un estado anormal capaz de producir enfermedades que consisten en el exceso o deficiencia, absoluto relativo, de uno o más nutrimientos en la célula que se manifiesta como obecidad o desnutrición