41 research outputs found

    Agroecosystem energy transitions in the old and new worlds: trajectories and determinants at the regional scale

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    Energy efficiency in biomass production is a major challenge for a future transition to sustainable food and energy provision. This study uses methodologically consistent data on agroecosystem energy flows and different metrics of energetic efficiency from seven regional case studies in North America (USA and Canada) and Europe (Spain and Austria) to investigate energy transitions in Western agroecosystems from the late nineteenth to the late twentieth centuries. We quantify indicators such as external final energy return on investment (EFEROI, i.e., final produce per unit of external energy input), internal final EROI (IFEROI, final produce per unit of biomass reused locally), and final EROI (FEROI, final produce per unit of total inputs consumed). The transition is characterized by increasing final produce accompanied by increasing external energy inputs and stable local biomass reused. External inputs did not replace internal biomass reinvestments, but added to them. The results were declining EFEROI, stable or increasing IFEROI, and diverging trends in FEROI. The factors shaping agroecosystem energy profiles changed in the course of the transition: Under advanced organic and frontier agriculture of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, population density and biogeographic conditions explained both agroecosystem productivity and energy inputs. In industrialized agroecosystems, biogeographic conditions and specific socio-economic factors influenced trends towards increased agroecosystem specialization. The share of livestock products in a region's final produce was the most important factor determining energy returns on investment

    Quid: observatorio de medios

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    El informe está dividido en cuatro apartados: “Derecho a la información y transparencia”, “La televisión mexicana”, “Empresas y prácticas periodísticas” y “Los que se fueron”. En el primero de ellos se presenta un texto que ayuda a entender cuál es el momento en el que se encuentran las propuestas legislativas para regular a los medios y las telecomunicaciones en México, y una evaluación de los primeros cinco años del Instituto de Transparencia e Información Pública de Jalisco. El segundo apartado del informe es ecléctico, pues se compone de artículos que trabajan distintas temáticas de la televisión:la estructura y oferta de la televisión en nuestro país (en particular en la ciudad de Guadalajara), la televisión por cable (enfatizando el caso de Megacable), un recuento de cómo se gestó el Canal 44 y de sus prospectivas en 2011, y los mundiales de futbol. La tercera parte del informe documenta algunas de las situaciones más importantes que se viven en el periodismo local: estos trabajos presentan sistemas en crisis (alta vulnerabilidad de los periodistas mexicanos ante un clima de violencia que lejos de disminuir va en aumento, y la participación, por acción u omisión, del Estado mexicano en la sistemática violación de los derechos de quienes dedican su vida al trabajo periodístico. Los siguientes artículos tratan sobre las transformaciones de las empresas periodísticas, particularmente las del sector de la prensa escrita: la rápida e inexorable desaparición de los suplementos culturales, y una radiografía sobre las formas de producción de algunas secciones internacionales de los periódicos tapatíos. Al final se presentan las semblanzas de José Galindo, Raúl Mora Lomelí, S.J., Tomás Eloy Martínez y Juan Pablo Rosell.ITESO, A.C

    Overview of the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys

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    The DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys (http://legacysurvey.org/) are a combination of three public projects (the Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey, the Beijing–Arizona Sky Survey, and the Mayall z-band Legacy Survey) that will jointly image ≈14,000 deg2 of the extragalactic sky visible from the northern hemisphere in three optical bands (g, r, and z) using telescopes at the Kitt Peak National Observatory and the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory. The combined survey footprint is split into two contiguous areas by the Galactic plane. The optical imaging is conducted using a unique strategy of dynamically adjusting the exposure times and pointing selection during observing that results in a survey of nearly uniform depth. In addition to calibrated images, the project is delivering a catalog, constructed by using a probabilistic inference-based approach to estimate source shapes and brightnesses. The catalog includes photometry from the grz optical bands and from four mid-infrared bands (at 3.4, 4.6, 12, and 22 μm) observed by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer satellite during its full operational lifetime. The project plans two public data releases each year. All the software used to generate the catalogs is also released with the data. This paper provides an overview of the Legacy Surveys project

    Comparison of Oil Content and Fatty Acids Profile of Western Schley, Wichita, and Native Pecan Nuts Cultured in Chihuahua, Mexico

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    Two different extraction processes, Soxhlet and ultrasound, were used to obtain the oil extracts of Western Schley, Wichita, and Native pecan nuts cultured in Chihuahua, Mexico. The aspects evaluated in this study were the extraction yield of the processes and fatty acids’ profile of the resulting extracts. Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to identify and determine the composition percentage of fatty acids present in pecan nuts oils extracted. The results obtained show that higher oil extraction yields were obtained by Soxhlet method with hexane (69.90%) in Wichita varieties. Wichita, Western Schley, and Native pecan nuts from Chihuahua are rich in PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) and MUFA (monounsaturated fatty acids) and have low levels of SFA (saturated fatty acids). The predominant fatty acid present in all pecan nuts oils was linoleic acid followed by oleic acid. Myristic acid, palmitic acid, and linolenic acid were also identified in representative quantities. The results from this study suggest that there are statistically significant differences in the chemical composition of the pecan nuts oils extracted from the varieties cultured in Chihuahua, Mexico, and those cultivated in other regions of the world

    Biochemical and histopathological effects of dietary oxidized cholesterol in rats

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    Cholesterol oxidation products (COPs) have been associated with the genesis of chronic degenerative diseases, such as atherosclerosis. The purpose of this work was to study the histological changes by toxic effects of dietary COPs in liver and kidney. Five-week old male Wistar albino rats were randomly divided into three groups of ten rats each. Standard rat chow was supplemented with either 1% (w/w) pure cholesterol or 1% oxidized cholesterol and fed to the rats for 8 weeks. Control animals were fed standard rat chow. At the end of the treatment period, the serum lipids profile was determined. The aorta, liver and kidneys were excised immediately, frozen with liquid nitrogen, and held at -70\ub0C. The histological study was carried out using conventional hematoxylin-eosin staining, and histochemical red oil \u201cO\u201d was applied. COPs were analyzed by gas chromatography. Intake of dietary COPs altered biochemical parameters involved in lipid metabolism, which are associated with atherogenesis in rats: total cholesterol, triacylglycerols, and low density lipoproteins in serum. COPs detected in the liver and kidneys, modified the organ original structure, caused an inflammatory process and promoted atherogenesis and athropy of the tissue

    Four Jovian planets around low-luminosity giant stars observed by the EXPRESS and PPPS

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    We report the discovery of planetary companions orbiting four low-luminosity giant stars with M⋆ between 1.04 and 1.39 M⊙. All four host stars have been independently observed by the EXoPlanets aRound Evolved StarS (EXPRESS) program and the Pan-Pacific Planet Search (PPPS). The companion signals were revealed by multi-epoch precision radial velocities obtained in nearly a decade. The planetary companions exhibit orbital periods between ~1.2 and 7.1 yr, minimum masses of mpsin i ~ 1.8–3.7 MJ, and eccentricities between 0.08 and 0.42. With these four new systems, we have detected planetary companions to 11 out of the 37 giant stars that are common targets in the EXPRESS and PPPS. After excluding four compact binaries from the common sample, we obtained a fraction of giant planets (mp ≳ 1– 2 MJ) orbiting within 5 AU from their parent star of f\,{=}\, 33.3^{+9.0}_{-7.1} \%. This fraction is slightly higher than but consistent at the 1σ level with previous results obtained by different radial velocity surveys. Finally, this value is substantially higher than the fraction predicted by planet formation models of gas giants around stars more massive than the Sun