24 research outputs found

    Aplicación de los principios de economía circular a un proceso de fabricación de papel

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    Treballs Finals de Màster d'Enginyeria Química, Facultat de Química, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2022-2023. Tutora: Maria Alicia CardeteThis work is based on the importance of water consumption by paper industries. It has been known by media and physical results which can be observed that it is present a water-stressed in our country. Physically it can be seen that some river levels have reduced their capacity over the last years and MITECO (2022) provides information to quantify the capacity of the global Spanish water reserve which is about an 39,2%. Therefore, it has been studied the water consumption and wastewater that is removed from a wrapping manufacturing process, presented as a case study. Hence, the objective of this work is to apply novel technologies to a wrapping paper manufacturing process in order to reduce the water consumption by the implementation of circular economy principals. This objective will be accomplished by four milestones. First a paper manufacturing process will be defined and represented, secondly water consumers, quantities and qualities will be identified, thirdly wastewater streams, quantities and qualities will be identified and finally it will be presented a wastewater treatment and regeneration operations which the goal of reuse this kind of water in the paper process. The selected wrapping manufacturing process is based on three processes, which are: recycle pulp, wood pulp and papermaking processes. The raw material to produce paper is pulp which will be conform by a 70% or recycled pulp, being the rest from wood. Water is required to different points of the case study presented as demineralized water with high quality, the amount is approximately 12,2m3 of water per paper tonne produced. The principal characteristic of demineralized water is the lower presence of minerals and salts dissolved thus, TDS and TSS should have reduced levels (Vogelzang, 2007 % Real Decreto 1960/2700) in order to have a conductivity less than 1μs/cm (The Distillate Water Company), and the principal bacteria escherichia coli should not be present (Real Decreto 1960/2700. While wastewater represents 10,7m3 per paper tonne being collected from the papermaking process. This kind of water has high amount of organic matter, being the main source wood fibres and/or lignin derivates and hemicelluloses, which is measured by COD and BOD while it has lower impurities of TDS and TSS (Dagar, 2022). Therefore, wastewater is the major concern in this case study in order to have a circular process. Thus, it has been suggested a process to obtain demineralized water from wastewater for a recirculation system. To reach the mentioned process demineralized water treatment will be studied having as input the raw water, supplied by a river Wastewater treatment follows the three phases of a typical WWTP, it will be treated by a clarifier, then by a novel technology, the MBBR system followed by the MF and finally a chlorination. While the demineralized treatment has more operations starting from the chlorination, sand filtration, MF and RO, membrane degasification and finally the mixed bed resin. The RO is a system that can remove a 98% of major contaminants (Advanced Water Filters) mentioned while the MBBR system can remove with a high efficiency the biological matter (Veolia, 2022). The MF system is presented in both treatments allowing to optimize the whole water process. This is possible because it has been found that once the treated water leaves the MBBR system will have lower levels of TSS, COD and BOD, being suitable for the MF system of the demineralized treatment. Furthermore, the residual chlorine will remove the biological matter from the wastewater treatment. By the other side, the wastewater produced in the mixed bed resin in the demineralized treatment is introduced into the MBBR system of the wastewater treatment as the TDS and TSS is assumed to be lower at that point, allowing to avoid the clarifier of the wastewater treatment. Thus, as the main process of paper is based on a recycled one, the wastewater volume will be less than a conventional process. Moreover, the exact number of the reused water has not been possible to know as the information of suppliers and industries is highly confidential. Because of that this work is based on a conceptual manner. Furthermore, the suggested water process can be applied to any paper industry because the main processes are always present, with some variations, and also it can be applied to other non-paper industries that consumes high volumes of water

    Should Biomedical Research with Great Apes be Restricted? A Systematic Review of Reasons

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    Background The use of great apes (GA) in invasive biomedical research is one of the most debated topics in animal ethics. GA are, thus far, the only animal group that has frequently been banned from invasive research; yet some believe that these bans could inaugurate a broader trend towards greater restrictions on the use of primates and other animals in research. Despite ongoing academic and policy debate on this issue, there is no comprehensive overview of the reasons advanced for or against restricting invasive research with GA. To address this gap, we conducted a systematic review of the reasons reported in the academic literature on this topic. Methods Seven databases were searched for articles published in English. Two authors screened the titles, abstracts, and full texts of all articles. Two journals specialized in animal ethics, and the reference lists of included articles were subsequently also reviewed. Results We included 60 articles, most of which were published between 2006 and 2016. Twenty-five articles argued for a total ban of GA research, 21 articles defended partial restrictions, and 14 articles argued against restrictions. Overall, we identified 110 reason types, 74 for, and 36 against, restricting GA research. Reasons were grouped into nine domains: moral standing, science, welfare, public and expert attitudes, retirement and conservation, respect and rights, financial costs, law and legal status, and longer-term consequences. Conclusion Our review generated five main findings. First, there is a trend in the academic debate in favor of restricting GA research that parallels worldwide policy changes in the same direction. Second, in several domains (e.g., moral standing, and respect and rights), the reasons were rather one-sided in favor of restrictions. Third, some prominent domains (e.g., science and welfare) featured considerable engagement between opposing positions. Fourth, there is low diversity and independence among authors, including frequent potential conflicts of interests in articles defending a strong position (i.e., favoring a total ban or arguing against restrictions). Fifth, scholarly discussion was not the norm, as reflected in a high proportion of non-peer-reviewed articles and authors affiliated to non-academic institutions. Background Historically, the debate over the use of animals in biomedical research has been divided between those who argue that animal research is necessary for medical progress and therefore justified, and those who favor restricting or even banning animal research. But even among proponents of animal research, there is growing concern regarding animal welfare. Indeed, many countries have introduced regulations aimed at improving the conditions under which animals are used in research. Perhaps the most notable development in the field of animal research regulation concerns the use of great apes (chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans).Footnote1 In 2015, the (U.S.) National Institutes of Health joined the governments of Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and the European Union (E.U.) in banning or severely limiting experiments on chimpanzees [1]

    El debate en torno a prohibir o restringir más severamente la investigación con primates. Aprendizajes y estrategias

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    En l'actualitat, la recerca en grans simis ha deixat de realitzar-se en pràcticament tothom. En aquest context, cal preguntar-se si és que ha arribat el temps de prohibir o restringir severament la recerca amb tota classe de primats no humans. Una manera d'abordar aquesta pregunta és avaluant si és que les raons que van ser esgrimides—amb èxit—en favor de restringir la recerca amb grans simis, poden ser esteses al cas dels altres primats no humans. Tenint com a base una recent revisió del debat sobre la restricció de la recerca amb grans simis (Aguilera, Perez Gomez, i DeGrazia, 2021), el present article duu a terme aquesta tasca, analitzant dominis de raons relacionats amb l'estatus moral, la ciència, el benestar animal, les actituds dels experts i el públic, la conservació i el retir dels primats, els costos financers, i l'atribució de respecte i drets als primats no humans. D'aquesta manera, es pretén il·luminar el debat entorn de la restricció de la recerca amb tota classe de primats no humans, aportant eines estratègiques, persuasives i filosòfiques per als qui desitgin avançar en aquesta direcció.Currently, research on great apes has been phased out in practically all the world. In this context, the question arises as to whether it is time to ban or restrict research on all non-human primates. One way to address this question is to assess whether the reasons that were successfully put forward in favor of restricting research on great apes can be extended to other non-human primates. Based on a recent review of the debate on the restriction of research with great apes (Aguilera, Perez Gomez, y DeGrazia, 2021), the present article carries out this task, analyzing domains of reasons related to moral status, science, animal welfare, attitudes of experts and the public, conservation and retirement of primates, financial costs, and the attribution of respect and rights to non-human primates. This way, the aim is to shed light on the debate around the restriction of research with all types of non-human primates, offering strategic, persuasive, and philosophical tools for those who would like to move forward in this direction.En la actualidad, la investigación en grandes simios ha dejado de realizarse en prácticamente todo el mundo. En este contexto, cabe preguntarse si es que ha llegado el tiempo de prohibir o restringir severamente la investigación con toda clase de primates no humanos. Una manera de abordar esta pregunta es evaluando si es que las razones que fueron esgrimidas—con éxito—en favor de restringir la investigación con grandes simios, pueden ser extendidas al caso de los demás primates no humanos. Teniendo como base una reciente revisión del debate sobre la restricción de la investigación con grandes simios (Aguilera, Perez Gomez, y DeGrazia, 2021), el presente artículo lleva a cabo esta tarea, analizando dominios de razones relacionados con el estatus moral, la ciencia, el bienestar animal, las actitudes de los expertos y el público, la conservación y el retiro de los primates, los costos financieros, y la atribución de respeto y derechos a los primates no humanos. De esta manera, se pretende iluminar el debate en torno a la restricción de la investigación con toda clase de primates no humanos, aportando herramientas estratégicas, persuasivas y filosóficas para quienes deseen avanzar en esta dirección

    Reducción de aerosoles en la atención odontopediátrica mediante Técnica de Hall: Revisión sistemática

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    Objective: To determine the effectiveness and survival of primary teeth treated with metal crowns installed using the Hall technique (HT).  Materials and methods: A bibliographic search was carried out using the DeCS terms: "Dental Caries, Hall technique, Crown and Child" in the PubMed / MEDLINE and Scopus databases. Articles published in the last 5 years were included, with no language restriction, with study subjects between 0-13 years of age, without underlying pathologies or malocclusions.  Results: 111 articles were obtained, of which 48 corresponded to duplicates, 1 had no access to the full text, and 50 articles did not refer to the variables considered in the study. Finally, 12 studies were selected, of which 6 corresponded to clinical trials, 4 were cohort studies. Among these, 2 were retrospective and 2 prospective, 1 was a systematic review, and 1 monograph. Deep carious lesions treated with preformed metal crowns using HT had a higher survival rate and success than conventional techniques.  Conclusion: The Hall technique appears to be a minimally invasive, effective, and long-lasting caries management option, besides being a more economical procedure and well received by patients.  Objetivo: determinar la efectividad y supervivencia de dientes primarios tratados con coronas metálicas instaladas mediante Tecnica de Hall (TH).Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica con términos DeCS: “Dental Caries, Hall technique, Crown and Child” en las bases de datos PubMed/MEDLINE y Scopus. Se incluyeron artículos con antigüedad no superior a 5 años, sin restricción de idioma, con sujetos de estudio entre 0-13 años, sin patologías de base ni maloclusiones. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 111 artículos, de los cuales 48 correspondían a duplicados, 1 sin acceso al texto completo, 50 artículos no referían las variables consideradas en el estudio. Finalmente 12 estudios fueron seleccionados, de los cuales 6 correspondieron a ensayos clínicos4-9, 4 estudios de cohorte2,3,10,11 entre estos 2 eran retrospectivos y 2 prospectivos, 1 revisión sistemática12 y 1 monografía13. Principalmente las lesiones cariosas profundas selladas con coronas metálicas preformadas utilizando TH presentaron mayor tasa de éxito y supervivencia que las técnicas convencionales. Conclusión: La técnica de Hall parece ser una opción de manejo de caries mínimamente invasiva, efectiva y duradera, además de ser un procedimiento más económico y con buena recepción por parte de los pacientes

    Leadership style in nursing professionals within a public healthcare system

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    Artículo original[ES] Introducción: El liderazgo implica influir, motivar y organizar a otros para alcanzar metas y objetivos de manera efectiva. En el ámbito de la salud, se requiere enfermeros líderes flexibles que fomenten la participación en la toma de decisiones y conduzcan discusiones. Objetivo: Identificar el estilo de liderazgo de los profesionales de enfermería del sector público de la región de Ñuble, 2022.Método: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. La muestra fueron 62 enfermeros el sector público de la región de Ñuble Se aplicó un cuestionario sociodemográfico y otro que describe la conducta del supervisor elaborado por investigadores de la Universidad de Ohio. Fue autorizado por el Comité Ético Científico de la Universidad Adventista de Chile. Se aplicaron frecuencias absolutas y tablas dinámicas en Microsoft Excel. Resultados: El estilo de liderazgo predominante es delegar, con un 33,9 %, y el menos utilizado es dirigir, con un 14,5 %. La muestra fue constituida mayoritariamente por mujeres de 23 a 33 años que realizan trabajo diurno y presentan una alta motivación laboral. Conclusiones: Se notó un predominio del liderazgo delegativo, posiblemente relacionado con el nivel de madurez de los profesionales de enfermería, destacando que este estilo está estrechamente ligado al nivel más bajo de ma-durez, como se evidencia en la muestra mayoritaria de individuos de 23 a 33 años. [EN] Introduction: Leadership involves influencing, motivating, and organizing others to achieve goals and objectives effectively. In the healthcare field, flexible nursing leaders are required to encourage participation in decision-mak-ing and lead discussions.Objective: To identify the leadership style of nursing professionals in the public sector of the Ñuble region in 2022. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 62 nurses in the public sector of the Ñuble region. A sociodemographic questionnaire and another describing supervisor behavior, developed by re-searchers from the University of Ohio, were administered. The study was authorized by the Scientific Ethics Committee of the Adventist University of Chile. Absolute frequencies and pivot tables were applied using Microsoft Excel. Results: The predominant leadership style is delegation, at 33.9%, and the least used is directing, at 14.5%. The sample consisted mainly of women aged 23 to 33 who work during the day and exhibit high work motivation. Conclusions: A predominance of delegative leadership was observed, possibly related to the maturity level of nurs-ing professionals. This style is closely linked to the lowest level of maturity, as evidenced by the majority of individ-uals in the sample aged 23 to 33.N

    Characterization of individuals at high risk of developing melanoma in Latin America: bases for genetic counseling in melanoma

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    PURPOSE: CDKN2A is the main high-risk melanoma-susceptibility gene, but it has been poorly assessed in Latin America. We sought to analyze CDKN2A and MC1R in patients from Latin America with familial and sporadic multiple primary melanoma (SMP) and compare the data with those for patients from Spain to establish bases for melanoma genetic counseling in Latin America. METHODS: CDKN2A and MC1R were sequenced in 186 Latin American patients from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Uruguay, and in 904 Spanish patients. Clinical and phenotypic data were obtained. RESULTS: Overall, 24 and 14% of melanoma-prone families in Latin America and Spain, respectively, had mutations in CDKN2A. Latin American families had CDKN2A mutations more frequently (P = 0.014) than Spanish ones. Of patients with SMP, 10% of those from Latin America and 8.5% of those from Spain had mutations in CDKN2A (P = 0.623). The most recurrent CDKN2A mutations were c.-34G>T and p.G101W. Latin American patients had fairer hair (P = 0.016) and skin (P < 0.001) and a higher prevalence of MC1R variants (P = 0.003) compared with Spanish patients. CONCLUSION: The inclusion criteria for genetic counseling of melanoma in Latin America may be the same criteria used in Spain, as suggested in areas with low to medium incidence, SMP with at least two melanomas, or families with at least two cases among first- or second-degree relatives.Genet Med 18 7, 727-736

    Revelar y no ocultar: Omote, la máscara del Teatro Nō

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    Distancia de género en la ciudadanía chilena : 1988-2001

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    De acuerdo a los planteamientos teóricos más modernos de la distancia de género, en sociedades avanzadas las mujeres están participando más que los hombres en actos electorales, y votando más que ellos hacia la izquierda. En contraste, una sociedad no moderna e industrializada como la latinoamericana se caracterizaría por una distancia de género similar a la descrita por la perspectiva clásica, es decir, donde los hombres participan más que las mujeres en actos electorales, y éstas tienden más a votar por partidos de derecha. La presente investigación utilizará esta perspectiva teórica, que vincula el grado de modernización de las sociedades con una determinada distancia de género, para describir, analizar y poner a prueba algunas de las premisas del comportamiento político femenino - especialmente las vinculadas a la orientación del voto - que han provenido de los distintos autores de la perspectiva clásica. De forma específica, estas premisas aluden a que serían las mujeres quienes presentarían los menores niveles de concurrencia electoral, especialmente las de menores ingresos y quienes habitan en zonas rurales. En materia de orientación del voto, serían las mujeres quienes manifiestarían una mayor tendencia a votar por partidos de derecha, y resultarían más indiferentes que los hombres respecto al voto de clase, acentuándose esto también en las de menores ingresos y las de zonas rurales. Para poner a prueba estos estereotipos de género planteados por los estudios clásicos sobre la materia, se ha elegido a Chile en el período 1988-2001, haciendo uso de la posibilidad única que entrega este país de resultados electorales desagregados según sexo

    Desarrollo de una gama de pintalabios y su proceso de fabricación

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Química, Facultat de Química, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2019-2020, Tutora: Alicia Maestro GarrigaThe development of a formulated product is based on the needs of the consumers that have been found by a search and in a transformation of these into a commercial product. This work has been done to develop three cosmetics products, a lip balm with sun protection, a solid lipstick and a fluid lipstick, these last two with colour pigment. These kinds of cosmetics have been and are nowadays very important to people. The three products are destinated as decorative for skin lips, because of that to have a well-looking appearance people used them. The sun protection lip balm consists on moisturize lips and at the same time protect them again UVA and UVB radiation from the sun and from extreme cold weather, which also can burn the skin. The other two products, the solid and fluid lipstick have functions as creamy, long lasting wearing and obviously they colour lips with red pigment. The big difference between the last two, is that they have different consistencies, but all of them are suspensions. It has been proposed three formulations with its required quantity of each ingredient and to make easier the manufacturing process they have many ingredients in common. To ensure that the three products will be a successful some quality factors must be achieved. These factors have been proposed based on the search made about the needs of consumers. As the three cosmetics have differences between them these factors will be different on some points and the same in others, like all of them must be creamy but the effectiveness of the sun protection will be done only on the lip balm. The manufacturing process has been carried out with a production by batches of 400 kg of the lip balm with sun protection and of the solid lipstick while the fluid lipstick will be done by batches of 800 kg. Three batches of each product will be finished at the end of each month. Moreover, to make this process, different flowsheets have been proposed and equipment units have been selected for each product, explaining each operation that will be done. Furthermore, some of these equipment units can do different operations because they are machine lines with different zones of working processe