44 research outputs found

    The fungus Aspergillus niger consumes sugars in a sequential manner that is not mediated by the carbon catabolite repressor CreA

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    In nature, the fungus Aspergillus niger degrades plant biomass polysaccharides to monomeric sugars, transports them into its cells, and uses catabolic pathways to convert them into biochemical building blocks and energy. We show that when grown in liquid cultures, A. niger takes up plant-biomass derived sugars in a largely sequential manner. Interestingly, this sequential uptake was not mediated by the fungal general carbon catabolite repressor protein CreA. Furthermore, transcriptome analysis strongly indicated that the preferential use of the monomeric sugars is arranged at the level of transport, but it is not reflected in transcriptional regulation of sugar catabolism. Therefore, the results indicate that the regulation of sugar transport and catabolism are separate processes in A. niger.Peer reviewe

    Transcriptome analysis of Aspergillus niger xlnR and xkiA mutants grown on corn Stover and soybean hulls reveals a highly complex regulatory network.

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    BACKGROUND:Enzymatic plant biomass degradation by fungi is a highly complex process and one of the leading challenges in developing a biobased economy. Some industrial fungi (e.g. Aspergillus niger) have a long history of use with respect to plant biomass degradation and for that reason have become 'model' species for this topic. A. niger is a major industrial enzyme producer that has a broad ability to degrade plant based polysaccharides. A. niger wild-type, the (hemi-)cellulolytic regulator (xlnR) and xylulokinase (xkiA1) mutant strains were grown on a monocot (corn stover, CS) and dicot (soybean hulls, SBH) substrate. The xkiA1 mutant is unable to utilize the pentoses D-xylose and L-arabinose and the polysaccharide xylan, and was previously shown to accumulate inducers for the (hemi-)cellulolytic transcriptional activator XlnR and the arabinanolytic transcriptional activator AraR in the presence of pentoses, resulting in overexpression of their target genes. The xlnR mutant has reduced growth on xylan and down-regulation of its target genes. The mutants therefore have a similar phenotype on xylan, but an opposite transcriptional effect. D-xylose and L-arabinose are the most abundant monosaccharides after D-glucose in nearly all plant-derived biomass materials. In this study we evaluated the effect of the xlnR and xkiA1 mutation during growth on two pentose-rich substrates by transcriptome analysis. RESULTS:Particular attention was given to CAZymes, metabolic pathways and transcription factors related to the plant biomass degradation. Genes coding for the main enzymes involved in plant biomass degradation were down-regulated at the beginning of the growth on CS and SBH. However, at a later time point, significant differences were found in the expression profiles of both mutants on CS compared to SBH. CONCLUSION:This study demonstrates the high complexity of the plant biomass degradation process by fungi, by showing that mutant strains with fairly straightforward phenotypes on pure mono- and polysaccharides, have much less clear-cut phenotypes and transcriptomes on crude plant biomass

    Temporal transcriptome analysis of the white-rot fungus Obba rivulosa shows expression of a constitutive set of plant cell wall degradation targeted genes during growth on solid spruce wood

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    The basidiomycete white-rot fungus Obba rivulosa, a close relative of Gelatoporia (Ceriporiopsis) subvermispora, is an efficient degrader of softwood. The dikaryotic O. rivulosa strain T241i (FBCC949) has been shown to selectively remove lignin from spruce wood prior to depolymerization of plant cell wall polysaccharides, thus possessing potential in biotechnological applications such as pretreatment of wood in pulp and paper industry. In this work, we studied the time-course of the conversion of spruce by the genome-sequenced monokaryotic O. rivulosa strain 3A-2, which is derived from the dikaryon T241i, to get insight into transcriptome level changes during prolonged solid state cultivation. During 8-week cultivation, O. rivulosa expressed a constitutive set of genes encoding putative plant cell wall degrading enzymes. High level of expression of the genes targeted towards all plant cell wall polymers was detected at 2-week time point, after which majority of the genes showed reduced expression. This implicated non-selective degradation of lignin by the O. rivulosa monokaryon and suggests high variation between mono- and dikaryotic strains of the white-rot fungi with respect to their abilities to convert plant cell wall polymers.Peer reviewe

    Comparative Analysis of Enzyme Production Patterns of Lignocellulose Degradation of Two White Rot Fungi: Obba rivulosa and Gelatoporia subvermispora

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    The unique ability of basidiomycete white rot fungi to degrade all components of plant cell walls makes them indispensable organisms in the global carbon cycle. In this study, we analyzed the proteomes of two closely related white rot fungi, Obba rivulosa and Gelatoporia subvermispora, during eight-week cultivation on solid spruce wood. Plant cell wall degrading carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) represented approximately 5% of the total proteins in both species. A core set of orthologous plant cell wall degrading CAZymes was shared between these species on spruce suggesting a conserved plant biomass degradation approach in this clade of basidiomycete fungi. However, differences in time-dependent production of plant cell wall degrading enzymes may be due to differences among initial growth rates of these species on solid spruce wood. The obtained results provide insight into specific enzymes and enzyme sets that are produced during the degradation of solid spruce wood in these fungi. These findings expand the knowledge on enzyme production in nature-mimicking conditions and may contribute to the exploitation of white rot fungi and their enzymes for biotechnological applications

    Deletion of either the regulatory gene ara1 or metabolic gene xki1 in Trichoderma reesei leads to increased CAZyme gene expression on crude plant biomass.

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    BackgroundTrichoderma reesei is one of the major producers of enzymes for the conversion of plant biomass to sustainable fuels and chemicals. Crude plant biomass can induce the production of CAZymes in T. reesei, but there is limited understanding of how the transcriptional response to crude plant biomass is regulated. In addition, it is unknown whether induction on untreated recalcitrant crude plant biomass (with a large diversity of inducers) can be sustained for longer. We investigated the transcriptomic response of T. reesei to the two industrial feedstocks, corn stover (CS) and soybean hulls (SBH), over time (4 h, 24 h and 48 h), and its regulatory basis using transcription factor deletion mutants (Δxyr1 and Δara1). We also investigated whether deletion of a xylulokinase gene (Δxki1) from the pentose catabolic pathway that converts potential inducers could lead to increased CAZyme gene expression.ResultsBy analyzing the transcriptomic responses using clustering as well as differential and cumulative expression of plant biomass degrading CAZymes, we found that corn stover induced a broader range and higher expression of CAZymes in T. reesei, while SBH induced more pectinolytic and mannanolytic transcripts. XYR1 was the major TF regulating CS utilization, likely due to the significant amount of d-xylose in this substrate. In contrast, ARA1 had a stronger effect on SBH utilization, which correlates with a higher abundance of l-arabinose in SBH that activates ARA1. Blocking pentose catabolism by deletion of xki1 led to higher expression of CAZyme encoding genes on both substrates at later time points. Surprisingly, this was also observed for Δara1 at later time points. Many of these genes were XYR1 regulated, suggesting that inducers for this regulator accumulated over time on both substrates.ConclusionOur data demonstrates the complexity of the regulatory system related to plant biomass degradation in T. reesei and the effect the feedstock composition has on this. Furthermore, this dataset provides leads to improve the efficiency of a T. reesei enzyme cocktail, such as by the choice of substrate or by deleting xki1 to obtain higher production of plant biomass degrading CAZymes

    Identification of a gene encoding the last step of the L-rhamnose catabolic pathway in Aspergillus niger revealed the inducer of the pathway regulator

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    In fungi, L-rhamnose (Rha) is converted via four enzymatic steps into pyruvate and L-lactaldehyde, which enter central carbon metabolism. In Aspergillus niger, only the genes involved in the first three steps of the Rha catabolic pathway have been identified and characterized, and the inducer of the pathway regulator RhaR remained unknown. In this study, we identified the gene (lkaA) involved in the conversion of L-2-keto-3-deoxyrhamnonate (L-KDR) into pyruvate and L-lactaldehyde, which is the last step of the Rha pathway. Deletion of lkaA resulted in impaired growth on L-rhamnose, and potentially in accumulation of L-KDR. Contrary to Delta lraA, Delta lrlA and Delta lrdA, the expression of the Rha-responsive genes that are under control of RhaR, were at the same levels in Delta lkaA and the reference strain, indicating the role of L-KDR as the inducer of the Rha pathway regulator.Peer reviewe

    Comparative Analysis of Enzyme Production Patterns of Lignocellulose Degradation of Two White Rot Fungi: Obba rivulosa and Gelatoporia subvermispora

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    The unique ability of basidiomycete white rot fungi to degrade all components of plant cell walls makes them indispensable organisms in the global carbon cycle. In this study, we analyzed the proteomes of two closely related white rot fungi, Obba rivulosa and Gelatoporia subvermispora, during eight-week cultivation on solid spruce wood. Plant cell wall degrading carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) represented approximately 5% of the total proteins in both species. A core set of orthologous plant cell wall degrading CAZymes was shared between these species on spruce suggesting a conserved plant biomass degradation approach in this clade of basidiomycete fungi. However, differences in time-dependent production of plant cell wall degrading enzymes may be due to differences among initial growth rates of these species on solid spruce wood. The obtained results provide insight into specific enzymes and enzyme sets that are produced during the degradation of solid spruce wood in these fungi. These findings expand the knowledge on enzyme production in nature-mimicking conditions and may contribute to the exploitation of white rot fungi and their enzymes for biotechnological applications

    Revisiting a 'simple' fungal metabolic pathway reveals redundancy, complexity and diversity

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    Next to d-glucose, the pentoses l-arabinose and d-xylose are the main monosaccharide components of plant cell wall polysaccharides and are therefore of major importance in biotechnological applications that use plant biomass as a substrate. Pentose catabolism is one of the best-studied pathways of primary metabolism of Aspergillus niger, and an initial outline of this pathway with individual enzymes covering each step of the pathway has been previously established. However, although growth on l-arabinose and/or d-xylose of most pentose catabolic pathway (PCP) single deletion mutants of A. niger has been shown to be negatively affected, it was not abolished, suggesting the involvement of additional enzymes. Detailed analysis of the single deletion mutants of the known A. niger PCP genes led to the identification of additional genes involved in the pathway. These results reveal a high level of complexity and redundancy in this pathway, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive understanding of metabolic pathways before entering metabolic engineering of such pathways for the generation of more efficient fungal cell factories.Peer reviewe