701 research outputs found

    Effects of ruminally-protected lysine supplementation on growing and finishing performance of beef cattle

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    Master of ScienceDepartment of Animal Sciences and IndustryJames S. DrouillardThree experiments were conducted to evaluate impacts of supplementing ruminally-protected lysine (RPL) to growing and finishing cattle. In experiment 1, 448 heifers (287 ± 14.1 kg body weight (BW)) were used to evaluate backgrounding performance of cattle fed RPL (SafeGainTM, H.J. Baker & Bro. LLC., Shelton, CT). Treatments were RPL supplemented at 0, 15, 30, or 45 g/animal daily. Heifers were blocked by BW and randomly allocated to 16 blocks of 4 pens each for a total of 64 pens containing 7 heifers/pen. At the end of the 112-day backgrounding period, a subset of 12 blocks were consolidated, such that 2 pens from each backgrounding treatment were combined into one finishing pen. Cattle were weighed, relocated to finishing pens, and fed a common finishing diet (no supplemental lysine) for 95 days until harvest to evaluate carryover effects of RPL fed during backgrounding. In experiment 2, 384 steers (413 ± 29.2 kg BW) were used to evaluate effects of supplementing RPL (SafeGain, H.J. Baker & Bro.) in conjunction with a β-adrenergic agonist (BAA) on performance and carcass characteristics. Treatments were (2 x 4 factorial) 0, 20, 40, or 60 g/animal daily of RPL in conjunction with BAA during the last 42 days on feed (112 days total finishing period); and two step-up regimens: conventional 21-days without or an accelerated 10-days step-up with an oral dose of Megasphaera elsdenii probiotic (ME; Lactipro®, MS Biotec, Wamego, KS). Steers were blocked by BW and randomly allocated to one of 64 pens with 6 animals/pen. In experiment 3, 448 steers (352 ± 25 kg BW) were used to evaluate impact of ME, alone or in combination with RPL (USA Lysine, Kemin Industries Inc., Des Moines, IA), on performance and carcass characteristics. Steers were blocked by BW and randomly allocated to one of 64 pens (7 steers/pen). Treatments were arranged as a 2 x 2 factorial in a randomized complete block experiment, with treatments consisting of: RPL fed at 0 or 45 g/animal daily; and two step-up regimens as described for Exp. 2. Finishing diets were fed once daily for 144 or 172 days, ad libitum. At the end of all trials, cattle were weighed and harvested at a commercial abattoir, where carcass data were collected. In all studies, pen was the experimental unit, and block was the random effect. Backgrounding performance improved linearly in response to increasing amounts of RPL (P ≦ 0.05) in Exp. 1, and improvements realized during background were retained throughout finishing. In Exp. 2, there were no effects of RPL or ME on daily gain (ADG), dry matter intake (DMI), or gain:feed (P > 0.45); but liver abscess incidence was increased with RPL supplementation (P 0.10). In Exp. 3, no interactions between ME and RPL (P > 0.1) were observed. Steers given ME consumed less roughage compared to their counterparts without (P 0.10) among treatments. Administering ME tended to increase percentage of USDA Prime carcasses compared to control (2.7 vs 0.5% respectively; P = 0.06). Feeding RPL did not affect feedlot performance, hot carcass weight, or other carcass traits (P > 0.10) but tended to increase USDA Yield Grade (P < 0.07). Thus, supplementing RPL improved backgrounding performance, but no benefits were observed during feedlot finishing. Additionally, an accelerated step-up program with ME yielded finishing performance comparable to that of traditionally-adapted cattle

    Design of a simple monitoring system for large-scale networks

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    Actualmente, existen muchas herramientas de administración de redes que tratan de monitorizar dispositivos de diferentes casas fabricantes. Sin embargo, ninguna de ellas permite automatizar las tareas de monitoreo que se realizan en la red. Para solventar este problema, se propone un sistema a medida que verifica automáticamente los archivos de configuración de los equipos de red para que los técnicos puedan dedicar su tiempo a solucionar los fallos encontrados, lo que dará como resultado un uso más eficiente de sus días de trabajo. El sistema de monitoreo propuesto se desarrolla para la red WAN de la Corporación Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CNT EP) de Ecuador, en el cual se utiliza dos formas para el análisis automático de los registros de configuración: 1) mediante el uso interactivo de comandos que se pueden usar en cualquiera de los dispositivos, independientemente de su marca. 2) mediante el uso de los objetos MIB de Cisco, que son la mayoría de los dispositivos de la red. El sistema se desarrolló utilizando software gratuito y nuestro sistema lleva a cabo la supervisión automática de la red en 14 horas, lo que representa una reducción en el tiempo de aproximadamente el 94%.Currently, there are network management tools that try to monitor devices from different manufacturers. However, none of them allow you to automate the monitoring tasks carried out on the network. To tackle this problem, we propose a tailored system that automatically checks the networking devices’ configuration files. In this way, the technicians can spend their time resolving the faults found, resulting in a more efficient use of their workdays. The proposed monitoring system was developed for the WAN of Corporación Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CNT EP) of Ecuador, in which two forms are used for the automatic analysis of configuration records: 1) by interactive use of commands that can be used in any of the devices, independently of his brand. 2) by using the MIB objects of Cisco, which are most of the network devices. The system was developed using free software and the whole, automatic network monitoring is carried out by our system in 14 hours, which represents a reduction in time of approximately 94%

    Perspectivas do direito à moradia e sustentabilidade:ponderação entre direito à moradia digna e meio ambiente

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    O presente trabalho trata dos conflitos entre direito à moradia e sustentabilidade, principalmente  a  necessidade  de  uma  devida  ponderação  entre  a  moradia  digna  e  a preservação  do  meio  ambiente.  Tem  como  pressuposto  identificar  qual  a  maneira  que  o Poder  Público,  principalmente  o  Poder  Judiciário  resolve  os  impasse  em  relação  a  estes dois  direitos  fundamentais  presentes  na  Constituição  Federal  de  1988,  pois  se  considera que   tanto   o   direito   à   moradia   como   o   direito   ao   meio   ambiente   sustentável,   a preponderância  de  um  sobre  o  outro  deve  ser  analisado  caso  a  caso.  Analisa-se  num primeiro  momento  o  direito  à  moradia  como  direito  humano  e  direito  fundamental,  os principais  documentos  jurídicos  que  embasaram  sua  construção  teórica.  Além  mais,  o direito ao meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado e por último, analisa-se os possíveis conflitos  e  os  critérios  de  ponderação  na  análise  destes  dois  direitos  fundamentais. Utilizou-se o método hipotético-dedutivo, ademais revisão bibliográfica-documental

    Electronic Health Records Exploitation Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques

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    [Abstract] The exploitation of electronic health records (EHRs) has multiple utilities, from predictive tasks and clinical decision support to pattern recognition. Artificial Intelligence (AI) allows to extract knowledge from EHR data in a practical way. In this study, we aim to construct a Machine Learning model from EHR data to make predictions about patients. Specifically, we will focus our analysis on patients suffering from respiratory problems. Then, we will try to predict whether those patients will have a relapse in less than 6, 12 or 18 months. The main objective is to identify the characteristics that seem to increase the relapse risk. At the same time, we propose an exploratory analysis in search of hidden patterns among data. These patterns will help us to classify patients according to their specific conditions for some clinical variables.Centro de Investigación de Galicia CITIC is funded by Consellería de Educación, Universidades e Formación Profesional from Xunta de Galicia and European Union (European Regional Development Fund—FEDER Galicia 2014-2020 Program) by grant ED431G 2019/01. Partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science (Challenges of Society 2019) PID2019-104323RB-C33Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0

    Resolución de problemas de optimización combinatoria utilizando técnicas de computación evolutiva: una aplicación a la biomedicina

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    [Resumen] Cada día se genera una mayor cantidad de datos, tanto con respecto a su volumen como por el número de variables que involucran, lo cual representa un problema para las técnicas tradicionales. En muchos problemas el conjunto de soluciones posibles es tan elevado que la localización de una solución óptima es imposible en un tiempo razonable, por lo que es necesario emplear técnicas basadas en heurísticas. Se ha observado que las técnicas de computación evolutiva (CE) proporcionan resultados satisfactorios en situaciones en que técnicas tradicionales no los obtuvieron, en especial en su aplicación a datos biomédicos y relacionados con el diagnóstico de enfermedades. Así, en este trabajo se ha desarrollado un modelo basado en CE capaz de, a partir de unos datos de entrada etiquetados como sujetos sanos o enfermos, extraer expresiones con las que construir un modelo de clasificación. Este modelo ha sido validado tanto contra datos sintéticos como aplicado a un conjunto de datos clínicos reales, además de comparar sus resultados con métodos similares. Es de destacar que el modelo propuesto obtiene expresiones sencillas y que logra clasificar ambos tipos de conjuntos mejor que el resto de técnicas, resultando de gran utilidad como apoyo al diagnóstico clínico.[Resumo] Cada día xérase unha maior cantidade de datos, tanto con respecto ao seu volume como polo número de variables que involucran, o cal representa un problema para as técnicas tradicionais. En moitos problemas o conxunto de solucións posibles é tan elevado que a localización dunha solución óptima é imposible nun tempo razoable, polo que é necesario empregar técnicas baseadas en heurísticas. Observouse que as técnicas de computación evolutiva (CE) proporcionan resultados satisfactorios en situacións en que técnicas tradicionais non os obtiveron, en especial na súa aplicación a datos biomédicos e relacionados co diagnóstico de enfermidades. Así, neste traballo desenvolveuse un modelo baseado en CE capaz de, a partir duns datos de entrada etiquetados como suxeitos sans ou enfermos, extraer expresións coas que construír un modelo de clasificación. Este modelo foi validado tanto contra datos sintéticos como aplicado a un conxunto de datos clínicos reais, ademais de comparar os seus resultados con métodos similares. Compre destacar que o modelo proposto obtén expresións sinxelas e que logra clasificar ambos tipos de conxuntos mellor co resto de técnicas, resultando de gran utilidade como apoio ó diagnóstico clínico.[Abstract] Every day more data are being generated. Not only the volume of data increases, but also the number of variables does. This represents an issue for traditional techniques. Furthermore, many problems involve such a large set of possible solutions that finding the optimal solution in a reasonable amount of time is not feasible. Thus, using techniques based on heuristics becomes necessary. Evolutionary Computation (EC) has provided good results in situations in which traditional techniques did not, especially when applied to biomedical data and disease diagnosis. Therefore, in this work, a model based on EC has been developed. This model, based on an input set with data that belong to healthy or diseased subjects, is capable of extracting expressions in order to build a classification model. The model proposed in this thesis has been validated on generated data, as well as applied to real clinical data, comparing the results obtained with those of other similar techniques. It is worth pointing out that the model presented extracts simple expressions and performs better when classifying both types of data sets than other existing techniques. As a result, the model presented is expected to be very useful for clinical diagnostic support

    ATria: a novel centrality algorithm applied to biological networks

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    Background The notion of centrality is used to identify ?important? nodes in social networks. Importance of nodes is not well-defined, and many different notions exist in the literature. The challenge of defining centrality in meaningful ways when network edges can be positively or negatively weighted has not been adequately addressed in the literature. Existing centrality algorithms also have a second shortcoming, i.e., the list of the most central nodes are often clustered in a specific region of the network and are not well represented across the network. Methods We address both by proposing Ablatio Triadum (ATria), an iterative centrality algorithm that uses the concept of ?payoffs? from economic theory. Results We compare our algorithm with other known centrality algorithms and demonstrate how ATria overcomes several of their shortcomings. We demonstrate the applicability of our algorithm to synthetic networks as well as biological networks including bacterial co-occurrence networks, sometimes referred to as microbial social networks. Conclusions We show evidence that ATria identifies three different kinds of ?important? nodes in microbial social networks with different potential roles in the community

    Exploring Patterns of Epigenetic Information With Data Mining Techniques

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    [Abstract] Data mining, a part of the Knowledge Discovery in Databases process (KDD), is the process of extracting patterns from large data sets by combining methods from statistics and artificial intelligence with database management. Analyses of epigenetic data have evolved towards genome-wide and high-throughput approaches, thus generating great amounts of data for which data mining is essential. Part of these data may contain patterns of epigenetic information which are mitotically and/or meiotically heritable determining gene expression and cellular differentiation, as well as cellular fate. Epigenetic lesions and genetic mutations are acquired by individuals during their life and accumulate with ageing. Both defects, either together or individually, can result in losing control over cell growth and, thus, causing cancer development. Data mining techniques could be then used to extract the previous patterns. This work reviews some of the most important applications of data mining to epigenetics.Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo; 209RT-0366Galicia. Consellería de Economía e Industria; 10SIN105004PRInstituto de Salud Carlos III; RD07/0067/000

    Using Genetic Algorithms for Automatic Recurrent ANN Development: an Application to EEG Signal Classification

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    [Abstract] ANNs are one of the most successful learning systems. For this reason, many techniques have been published that allow the obtaining of feed-forward networks. However, fe w works describe techniques for developing recurrent networks. This work uses a genetic algorithm for automatic recurrent ANN devel opment. This system has been applied to solve a well-known problem: classi fication of EEG signals from epileptic patients. Results show the high performance of this system, and its ability to develop simple networks, with a low number of neurons and connections.Red Gallega de Investigación sobre Cáncer Colorrectal; ref. 2009/58Programa Ibeoramericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo; 209RT0366Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio; TSI-020110-2009-53Xunta de Galicia; 10SIN105004PRInstituto de Salud Carlos III; PIO52048Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD07/0067/000

    A reserva da intimidade da vida privada e as novas tecnologias no âmbito das relações laborais

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    Com o aparecimento das novas tecnologias assistimos, nos dias de hoje, a uma revolução tecnológica, quer ao nível das Organizações Internacionais, quer ao nível dos vários Estados da União Europeia. As novas tecnologias, apesar de nos trazerem inúmeras vantagens e facilidades, também colocam em causa alguns problemas relacionados com a reserva da intimidade da vida privada de cada um de nós. No que diz respeito Direito do Trabalho e à inserção das novas tecnologias no local de trabalho, verificamos que estas potenciam a criação de novas formas de controlo por parte do empregador em relação à actividade laboral prestada pelos trabalhadores. Nesse sentido, esse controlo é muitas vezes utilizado de forma abusiva, isto é, interferindo directamente com o direito à privacidade de cada trabalhador. A título de exemplo, podemos apontar como meios de controlo por parte do empregador, os meios de vigilância à distância, como as câmaras de vigilância, o controlo das chamadas telefónicas, do correio electrónico ou da internet, bem como o controlo por GPS. Perante este cenário, e com base no princípio da protecção do trabalhador, o legislador teve de combater estes possíveis abusos através de regulação legislativa nesse sentido, de forma a que os trabalhadores, pelo facto de estarem numa posição de vulnerabilidade em virtude da sua subordinação ao empregador por via do contrato de trabalho, verem os seus direitos protegidos, nomeadamente no Código do Trabalho e especialmente no novo Regulamento Geral da Protecção de Dados Pessoais (regulamento 2016/279). Face a esta revolução tecnológica, são muitas as vezes em que a lei não consegue dar resposta a determinadas situações de casos concretos, pelo que a jurisprudência tem sido fundamental nesse sentido, sendo a questão primordial mais discutida relacionada com a admissão ou não dos meios de videovigilância à distância como prova em Tribunal, em sede de processo disciplinar, para possibilidade de despedimento com justa causa, pelo que nos debruçaremos sobre essa questão.Nowadays, with the emergence of modern technologies, we are witnessing a technological revolution, not only at the level of International Organizations, but also at the level of the various States of the European Union. These innovative technologies, although bringing us numerous benefits and facilities, they also raise some issues related to the privacy of the intimacy of the private life of each one of us. Concerning Labour Law and the inclusion of modern technologies in the workplace, we can verify that they potentiate the creation of new forms of control, by the employer, in relation to the work performed by its employees. Accordingly, oftentimes this control is used abusively, directly interfering with the right to privacy of each employee. By way of example, we can indicate as means of control remote surveillance instruments, as surveillance cameras and control of telephone calls, electronic mail, internet, or GPS. Facing this reality, and based on the principle of worker protection, the legislator had to fight these possible abuses by means of legislative regulation, so that workers, since they are in a position of vulnerability because of their subordination to the employer by the work contract, can see their rights being protected, namely in the Labour Code, and especially in the new Regulamento Geral da Protecção de Dados Pessoais (Regulation 2016/279). Regarding this technological revolution, it is often the case that the law cannot respond to certain situations in concrete cases, and therefore the jurisprudence has been fundamental in this matter, with the most critical issue being related to the admission or not of the means of remote video surveillance as evidence in Court, in the course of disciplinary proceedings, for the possibility of dismissal with just cause. Thus, we will address this issue