76 research outputs found

    LUCRÉCIO. Sobre a natureza das coisas. Tradução de Rodrigo Tadeu Gonçalves. Belo Horizonte: Editora Autêntica, 2021, 493 pp. ISBN: 9786559280797

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    LUCRÉCIO. Sobre a natureza das coisas. Tradução de Rodrigo Tadeu Gonçalves. Belo Horizonte: Editora Autêntica, 2021, 493 pp. ISBN: 978655928079


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    Este trabalho tenciona apresentar uma tradução com notas, em versos decassílabos, de duas passagens célebres do poema De rerum natura, de Lucrécio, texto basilar da literatura latina, que visava divulgar em versos a filosofia de Epicuro. São elas o proêmio da obra (v. 1-49), que consta de um hino em honra à deusa Vênus, identificada como a força criadora de todas as coisas, e aquela que acreditamos ser a própria proposição poética do texto (I, v. 921-950), em que o poeta expõe seus ideais estéticos e artísticos sobre a função de sua poesia. A novidade, por assim dizer, de nossa proposta consiste na tentativa de realizar uma tradução em versos decassílabos do poema, retomando e atualizando uma tradição vinda do século XIX, de quando foram feitas as primeiras traduções decassilábicas do De rerum natura, em português


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    O artigo versa sobre o direito da prevenção dos riscos ocupacionais dos profissionais de saúde expostos ao COVID-19. O delineamento metodológico foi a pesquisa teórica de vertente multidisciplinar. Constata-se que a violação a autonomia e independência profissional dos médicos do trabalho apresenta-se como uma ameaça a concretização de medidas de proteção aos profissionais da saúde. Deve-se adotar uma cultura da prevenção de riscos ocupacionais, que garanta efetivamente autonomia e independência profissional aos médicos do trabalho, sob pena de dezenas de profissionais de saúde serem vitimados, cabendo responsabilização dos executivos que interferem na atuação médica, impedindo um trabalho ético e legal


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    The article deals with the impacts of the new Civil Procedure Code of 2015 on the labor process, based on neoprocessalism, valuing its interpretation with a focus on the Federal Constitution. As a general objective, the study sought to channel a questioning look at the alterations of the novel common procedural code in the labor process, reflecting on innovations and applicabilities. As for the methodology employed, this is characterized as a theoretical-documentary investigation from a doctrinal and legal perspective. At the end of the research it was concluded that the reflexes of the Code of Civil Procedure of 2015 in the labor process were significant, and it is up to labor jurisprudence to promote its improvement, in harmony with the preservation of legal security, an essential condition in a democratic society.  O artigo versa sobre os impactos do novo Código de Processo Civil de 2015 no processo do trabalho, com base no neoprocessualismo, valorizando sua interpretação com enfoque na Constituição Federal. Como objetivo geral, buscou-se com o estudo canalizar um olhar questionador a respeito das alterações advindas pelo novel código processual comum na seara do processo trabalhista, refletindo sobre as inovações e aplicabilidades. Quanto a metodologia empregada, esta caracteriza-se como uma investigação teórico-documental perante uma perspectiva doutrinária e legal. Ao final da pesquisa concluiu-se que foram significativos os reflexos do Código de Processo Civil de 2015 no processo do trabalho, cabendo a jurisprudência trabalhista promover seu aperfeiçoamento, em sintonia com a preservação da segurança jurídica, condição essencial em uma sociedade democrática. &nbsp


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    The article deals with the impacts of the new Civil Procedure Code of 2015 on the labor process, based on neoprocessalism, valuing its interpretation with a focus on the Federal Constitution. As a general objective, the study sought to channel a questioning look at the alterations of the novel common procedural code in the labor process, reflecting on innovations and applicabilities. As for the methodology employed, this is characterized as a theoretical-documentary investigation from a doctrinal and legal perspective. At the end of the research it was concluded that the reflexes of the Code of Civil Procedure of 2015 in the labor process were significant, and it is up to labor jurisprudence to promote its improvement, in harmony with the preservation of legal security, an essential condition in a democratic society

    Software Metrics and Dashboard

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    Software metrics are a critical tool which provide continuous insight to products and processes and help build reliable software in mission critical environments. Using software metrics we can perform calculations that help assess the effectiveness of the underlying software or process. The two types of metrics relevant to our work is complexity metrics and in-process metrics. Complexity metrics tend to focus on intrinsic code properties like code complexity. In-process metrics focus on a higher-level view of software quality, measuring information that can provide insight into the underlying software development process. Our aim is to develop and evaluate a metrics dashboard to support Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) software development projects. This task requires us to perform the following activities: Assess how metrics are used and which general classes/types of metrics will be useful in CSE projects. Develop a metrics dashboard that will work for teams using sites like Github, Bitbucket etc. Assess the effectiveness of the dashboard in terms of project success and developer attitude towards metrics and process. Our current focus is on identifying requirements for the metrics dashboard which include the types of metrics that will help understand and improve the software quality. We have also started the development on the metrics dashboard based on the currently identified metrics types. We plan to provide a reliable metrics dashboard which could be used by the CSE development teams to improve their software quality, this will be done by instrumenting the metrics dashboard to gather usage statistics. In this way the dashboard evolves continuously

    Towards Sustainable Digital Humanities Software

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    Our work in software quality for digital humanities was borne of an effort to address sustainable practices in scientific software development, where the speaker (Thiruvathukal) co-authored a position paper on the case for software engineering in scientific software development as part of an all-encompassing strategy to create more sustainable scientific software (an example of a well-known scientific software package is LINPACK). In this position paper, we addressed how “progress in scientific research is dependent on the quality and accessibility of software at all levels . This progress depends on embracing the best traditional--and emergent--practices in software engineering, especially agile practices that intersect with the more formal tradition of software engineering. Although this paper was about scientific software development, it could just as easily have been about any interdisciplinary software development community. Our interest in applying what we’ve learned to DH, however, comes from work Thiruvathukal and Hayward have done and/or supervised in DH, especially WoolfOnline and a Richmond Times Dispatch viewer, where more software engineering could have been helpful

    Towards meta-learning for multi-target regression problems

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    Several multi-target regression methods were devel-oped in the last years aiming at improving predictive performanceby exploring inter-target correlation within the problem. However, none of these methods outperforms the others for all problems. This motivates the development of automatic approachesto recommend the most suitable multi-target regression method. In this paper, we propose a meta-learning system to recommend the best predictive method for a given multi-target regression problem. We performed experiments with a meta-dataset generated by a total of 648 synthetic datasets. These datasets were created to explore distinct inter-targets characteristics toward recommending the most promising method. In experiments, we evaluated four different algorithms with different biases as meta-learners. Our meta-dataset is composed of 58 meta-features, based on: statistical information, correlation characteristics, linear landmarking, from the distribution and smoothness of the data, and has four different meta-labels. Results showed that induced meta-models were able to recommend the best methodfor different base level datasets with a balanced accuracy superior to 70% using a Random Forest meta-model, which statistically outperformed the meta-learning baselines.Comment: To appear on the 8th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS

    Metas Empresariais, Dano Existencial e as Violações a Saúde dos Trabalhadores

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    The article aims to analyze the limits of the employment authorities in developing business goals and controls that constitute existential damage, as opposed to the employee's protection of his rights of personality and your health. The methodology consisted of dogmatic juridical analysis. Unfair business goals can lead to existential damage and occupational diseases. Pervades the study by the harvest of the requirement for recognition by workers and the analysis of the medical sector corporate responsibility with damage occurring to workers. Seeks the effectiveness of fundamental labor rights in the reality of the democratic rule of law.O artigo objetiva analisar os limites do poder empregatício no estabelecimento de metas e controles empresariais que configurem dano existencial, em contraponto com a proteção do empregado em seus direitos da personalidade e de sua saúde. A metodologia consistiu em análise jurídico-dogmática. As metas empresariais abusivas podem levar ao dano existencial e doenças ocupacionais. Perpassa o estudo pela seara da exigência do reconhecimento por parte dos trabalhadores e da análise da responsabilidade do setor médico das empresas com os danos ocorridos aos trabalhadores. Busca-se a efetividade dos direitos fundamentais do trabalho na concretude do Estado Democrático de Direito

    Proposta de Ações de Extensão como parte da curricularização da extensão: um relato de experiência no Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas

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    O Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE), lançado no ano de 2014, determina diretrizes, metas e estratégias para a política educacional dos próximos dez anos. Este trabalho apresenta um relato de experiência de algumas ações de extensão desenvolvidas no Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas (ADS) durante o ano de 2017 em diferentes ações de extensão com a comunidade na região do IFSC – Gaspar, juntando teoria e prática referentes a área de TI e o mercado de trabalho.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.35700/ca.2019.ano6n10.p108-112.252