18 research outputs found

    Application of industry 4.0 technologies to the design and manufacturing of handicraft products

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    Considering as a starting point the principles that characterize the artisanal and industrial production systems, this article explore the mechanisms to promote interdisciplinary relationship between industrial designers, industrial manufacturers and artisans; the main objective is to enhance the knowledge for the development and consolidation of the craft activity. We propose a methodology which industrial facilitators 4.0 are incorporated into the craft technics using methods of engineering design, technological solutions of production and innovations respecting the identity values of craftsmanship. The best available techniques in the industry and emerging trends as Industry 4.0 or Factories of the future were analyzed; this analysis shows that some fundamentals, concepts and strategic plans can be applied to craft processes. These factors support a viable proximity between the three centers of industrial production, technological innovation and craftsmanship. The proposal, seeking to have an open, holistic approach, was developed through analysis and intervention phases, through enabling technologies 4.0. This methodology is structured in five phases, which sequenced the processes of analysis and intervention. This model allows the definition of a strategic plan for restructuring of the activity, providing the artisan upgrade skills to new media and industrial technologies, allowing the need to adapt theirs work to current market demands. The proposal has been validated through a qualitative research with collaborative tools conducted in the field of crafts of wicker in Madeira, Portugal.Considerando como punto de partida los principios que ca racterizan el sistema productivo artesanal e industrial, en este artículo se exploran mecanismos que promuevan la relación in terdisciplinar entre la artesanía y las ingenierías del diseño y de fabricación; el objetivo principal es potenciar los conocimientos para el desarrollo y la consolidación de la actividad artesanal. Se propone una metodología que incorpora los facilitadores industriales 4.0 a la artesanía junto con técnicas de ingeniería del diseño, producción y las innovaciones tecnológicas respetando los valores identitarios de las actividades artesanales. Del análisis de las mejores técnicas disponibles en la industria y de sus tendencias emergentes como la Industria 4.0 o Fábricas del Futuro, se iden tifican fundamentos, conceptos y planes estratégicos que pued ser aplicados: estos factores sustentan una proximidad viable en tre los tres núcleos de la producción industrial, la innovación tec nológica y la artesanía. La propuesta se formula con un enfoque abierto y holístico, permitiendo potenciar los principios característicos de la actividad artesanal adaptando para esta los procedimientos de desarrollo industrial a través de facilitadores digitales 4.0; la metodología está estructurada en cinco fases que secuencian los procesos de análisis e intervención. Este modelo permite la definición de un plan estratégico de re-estructuración de la actividad, proporcio nando al artesano las facultades de actualización a través de los nuevos medios y tecnologías industriales, facilitando su adapta ción a las exigencias de mercado actuales. La propuesta ha sido validada a través de un proyecto piloto teniendo en cuenta una investigación cualitativa mediante metodologías participativas en el sector de la artesanía del mimbre en Madeira, Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dirt is in the Eye of the Beholder: The World Bank Air Pollution Intensities for Mexico

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    This paper identifies a number of errors and inconsistencies in a series of air pollution intensities for Mexico that were recently created by the World Bank. Because these data are being used to conduct public policy analysis and advice for Mexico and countries at similar levels of development, knowledge of the limits of these data is of utmost importance. In addition to identifying the problems with these data, this paper makes a series of adjustments to offer a corrected dataset. These newly corrected data are available on the World Bank's New Ideas in Pollution Regulation (NIPR) web page

    Sistema y metodo de vigilancia selectiva de velocidad para medios de transporte.

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    Sistema y método de vigilancia selectiva de velocidad para medios de transporte.La presente invención tiene por objeto un sistema y un método de vigilancia de velocidad que se instala en un medio de transporte. Lo constituye 1) una antena de sistema de p

    The Phylogeographic Diversity of EBV and Admixed Ancestry in the Americas–Another Model of Disrupted Human-Pathogen Co-Evolution

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is an etiological agent for gastric cancer with significant worldwide variations. Molecular characterizations of EBV have shown phylogeographical variations among healthy populations and in EBV-associated diseases, particularly the cosegregated BamHI-I fragment and XhoI restriction site of exon 1 of the LMP-1 gene. In the Americas, both cosegregated variants are present in EBV carriers, which aligns with the history of Asian and European human migration to this continent. Furthermore, novel recombinant variants have been found, reflecting the genetic makeup of this continent. However, in the case of EBV-associated gastric cancer (EBV-associated GC), the cosegregated European BamHI-“i„ fragment and XhoI restriction site strain prevails. Thus, we propose that a disrupted coevolution between viral phylogeographical strains and mixed human ancestry in the Americas might explain the high prevalence of this particular gastric cancer subtype. This cosegregated region contains two relevant transcripts for EBV-associated GC, the BARF-1 and miR-BARTs. Thus, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) or targeted sequencing of both transcripts may be required to clarify their role as a potential source of this disrupted coevolution

    Determination of acute toxicity of ammonium in juvenile Patagonian blenny (Eleginops maclovinus)

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    Deionized ammonium (NH3) acute toxicity (LC50-96h) in Patagonian blenny juveniles (Eleginops maclovinus) was assessed. Concentrations of deionized ammonium in salt water were prepared by using 24.09 +/- 2.1 g ammonium chloride (NH4Cl). Fish were exposed in triplicates to different ammonium concentrations: 0.05; 0.094; 0.175; 0.325 and 0.605 mg NH3 L-1. Additionally, a control group was included. Experimental fish were kept at a photoperiod of 16:8h. Average temperatures were 16.24 +/- 1.40 degrees C. Oxygen concentration was 7.16 +/- 0.40 mg L-1. Water pH was 7.89 +/- 0.2. LC50-96h, was estimated by using Probit statistical method (95% intervals) using EPA software (1993). Juveniles of E. maclovinus showed a LC50-96h of 0.413mg NH3 L-1 value, different from most marine species. This study presents the first record of ammonium toxicity in marine species of Chile