116 research outputs found

    Educación y Documentación

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    A rigorous derivation of the asymptotic wavenumber of spiral wave solutions of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation

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    In this work n-armed Archimedian spiral wave solutions of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation are considered. These solutions are showed to depend on two characteristic parameters, the so called twist parameter and the asymptotic wavenumber. The existence and uniqueness of the value of the asymptotic wavenumber, depending on the twist parameter, for which n-armed Archimedian spiral wave solutions exist is a classical result, obtained back in the 80s by Kopell and Howard. In this work we deal with a different problem, that is, the asymptotic expression of the asymtptotic wavenumer for small values of the twist parameter. Since the eighties, different heuristic perturbation techniques, like formal asymptotic expansions, have conjectured an asymptotic expression of which is exponentially small with respect to the twist parameter. However, the validity of this expression has remained opened until now, despite of the fact that it has been widely used for more than 40 years. In this work, using a functional analysis approach, we finally prove the validity of the asymptotic formula, providing a rigorous bound for its relative error

    Dynamics of spiral waves in the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation in bounded domains

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    Multiple-spiral-wave solutions of the general cubic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation in bounded domains are considered. We investigate the effect of the boundaries on spiral motion under homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions, for small values of the twist parameter qq. We derive explicit laws of motion for rectangular domains and we show that the motion of spirals becomes exponentially slow when the twist parameter exceeds a critical value depending on the size of the domain. The oscillation frequency of multiple-spiral patterns is also analytically obtained


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    Measuring glucose content in the aqueous humor

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    Many diabetics must measure their blood glucose levels regularly to maintain good health. In principle, one way of measuring the glucose concentration in the human body would be by measuring optically the glucose content of the aqueous humor in the eye. Lein Applied Diagnostics wish to assess whether this is feasible by a linear confocal scan with an LED source, or by supplementing such a system with other measurements

    Maximum IR-drop in On-Chip Power Distribution Networks of Wire-Bonded Integrated Circuits

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    A compact IR-drop model for on-chip power distribution networks in wire-bonded ICs is presented. Chip dimensions, metal coverage and piecewise distribution of the IC consumption are taken into account to obtain closed form expressions for the maximum IR-drop as well as its place. Comparison with simulations shows an error as small as 2% in most the cases.Postprint (published version

    Interaction of spiral waves in the general complex Ginzburg-Landau equation

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    Molts sistemes físics tenen la propietat que la seva dinàmica ve definida per algun tipus de difussió espaial en competició amb un fenòmen de reacció, com per exemple en el cas de dos components químics que reaccionen al mateix temps que es difon l'un en el si de l'altre. La presència d'aquests dos fenòmens, la difusió i la reacció, sovint dóna lloc a patrons no homogenis de gran riquesa. Els models matemàtics que descriuen aquest tipus de comportament són normalment equacions en derivades parcials les solucions de les quals representen aquests patrons. En aquesta tesi s'analitza l'equació de Ginzburg-Landau complexa general, que és una equació en derivades parcials de reacció-difusió que s'utilitza sovint com a model matemàtic per a descriure sistemes oscil·latoris en dominis extensos. En particular estudiem els patrons que sorgeixen en el pla quan s'imposa que el grau de Brouwer de la solució no sigui nul. Aquests patrons estan formats per ones de rotació en forma d'espirals, és a dir, les corbes de nivell de la solució formen espirals que emanen dels punts on la funció s'anul·la. Quan la solució s'anul·la només en un punt i per tant només hi ha una espiral, tota la dependència temporal apareix en el terme de freqüència. Així doncs, la funció solució es pot expressar com a funció del radi polar i en termes del seu grau topològic i la freqüència de l'ona. Per tant, aquestes solucions es poden expressar en termes d'un sistema d'equacions diferencials ordinàries. Aquestes solucions només existeixen per una certa freqüència que depèn unívocament dels paràmetres de l'equació i, com a conseqüència i degut a la relació de dispersió entre el nombre d'ones i la freqüència, el nombre d'ones a l'infinit, l'anomenat nombre d'ones asimptòtic, ve també determinat unívocament pels paràmetres. Quan les solucions tenen més d'un zero aïllat la condició sobre el grau de la funció fa que de cada zero sorgeixi una espiral diferent i aquestes es mouen en el pla mantenint la seva estructura local. En aquest treball s'usen tècniques d'anàlisi asimptòtica per trobar equacions del moviment per als centres de les espirals i es troba que aquesta evolució temporal és lenta. En concret, per la distàncies relatives grans entre els centres de les espirals, l'escala de temps per a la seva dinàmica ve donada pel logaritme de l'invers d'aquesta distància. Es demostra que aquestes equacions del moviment són diferents en funció de la relació entre els paràmetres de l'equació de Ginzburg-Landau complexa i la separació entre els centres de les espirals, i que la forma com es passa d'unes equacions a les altres és molt singular. També es demostra que el nombre d'ones asimptòtic per al cas de sistemes amb diverses espirals també està unívocament determinat pels paràmetres però no obstant, el cas de sistemes amb diverses espirals es diferencia del cas d'una única ona en què deixa de ser constant i evoluciona al mateix ritme que la velocitat dels centres de les espirals.Many physical systems have the property that its dynamics is driven by some kind of spatical diffusion that is in competition with a reaction, like for instance two chemical species that react at the same time that there is a diffusion of each of them into the other. This interplay between reaction and diffusion produce non-homogeneous patterns that can sometimes be very rich. The mathematical models that describe this kind of behaviours are usually nonlinear partial differential equations whose solutions represent these patterns. In this thesis we focus on an especific reaction-diffusion equation that is the so-called general complex Ginzburg-Landau equation that is used as a model for oscillatory systems in extended domains. In particular we are interested in the type of patterns in the plane that arise when the solutions have a non-vanishing Brouwer degree. These patterns have the property that they exhibit rotating waves in the shape of spirals, which means that the contour lines arrange in the shape of spirals that emerge from the points where the solution vanishes. When the solution vanishes only at one point all the time dependence appears as a frequency term so the solutions can be expressed as a function of the polar radius and in terms of the topological degree of the solution and the frequency of the wave. Therefore, these solutions can be expressed in terms of a system of ordinary differential equations. These solutions do only exist with a given frequency, and as a consequence and due to the existence of a dispresion relation, the wavenumber far from the origin, the so-called asymptotic wavenumber, is also unique. When the solutions have more than one isolated zero, the condition on the degree of the function has the effect of producing several spirals that emerge from the different zeros of the solution. These spirals evolve in time keeping their structure but moving around on the plane. In this work we use asymptotic analysis techniques to derive laws of motion for the centres of the spirals and we show that the time evolution of these patterns is slow and, for large relative separations of the centres of the spirals, the time scale for the their dynamics is logarithmic in the inverse of this distance. These laws of motion are different depending on the relation between the parameters of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation and the relative separation of the spirals. We show that the way these laws change as the spirals separate or approach is highly singular. We also show that the asymptotic wavenumber in the case of multiple spirals is as well unique and that it evolves in time at the same rate as the velocity of the centres

    Mathematical modelling of fibre coating

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    Tecnical document resulting from the 158th European Study Group with Industry (ESGI)In this report we formulate and analyse a mathematical model describing the evo- lution of a thin liquid film coating a wire via an extrusion process. We consider the Navier-Stokes equations for a 2D incompressible Newtonian fluid coupled to the standard equation relating the fluid surface tension with the curvature. Taking the lubrication theory approximation and assuming steady state, the problem is reduced to a single third-order differential equation for the thin film height. An approximate analytical solu- tion for the final film height is derived and compared with a numerical solution obtained by means of a shooting scheme. Good agreement between the two solutions is obtained, resulting in a relative error of around 5%. The approximate solution reveals that the key control parameters for the process are the initial film height, the fluid surface tension and viscosity, the wire velocity and the angle of exit at the extruder.Preprin

    A mathematical model for the energy stored in green roofs

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    A simple mathematical model to estimate the energy stored in a green roof is developed. Analytical solutions are derived corresponding to extensive (shallow) and intensive (deep) substrates. Results are presented for the surface temperature and energy stored in both green roofs and concrete during a typical day. Within the restrictions of the model assumptions the analytical solution demonstrates that both energy and surface temperature vary linearly with fractional leaf coverage, albedo and irradiance, while the effect of evaporation rate and convective heat transfer is non-linear. It is shown that a typical green roof is significantly cooler and stores less energy than a concrete one even when the concrete has a high albedo coating. Evaporation of even a few millimetres per day from the soil layer can reduce the stored energy by a factor of more than three when compared to an equivalent thickness concrete roof