181 research outputs found

    La incidencia de los incendios forestales en España

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    Este trabajo forma parte del número monográfico de la revista "Serie Geográfica" dedicado a Incendios forestales (No. 7, 1997-1998).[EN] Forest fíre incidence is a severe environmental problem in Spain. This paper analyses the problem through the study of the available fíre statistics. Most relevant factors affecting fíre incidence in Spain are also reviewed. The main factors of fíre occurrence are analysed as well as the situation of Spain in the European context. Special emphasis is provided on large fíres (above 500 hectares), which are the most destructive from both an environmental and economical point of view.[ES] La incidencia de incendios forestales en nuestro país constituye un problema ambiental de primera magnitud. En el presente articulo se realiza un análisis del fenómeno a través del estudio de las estadísticas más recientes. Se evalúan igualmente los principales factores de incidencia y la situación de España en el contexto europeo. Se hace especial hincapié en los grandes incendios, que son los más catastróficos, tanto desde el punto de vista ambiental como económico.Peer reviewe

    Regulation of various proteolytic pathways by insulin and amino acids in human fibroblasts

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    AbstractIntracellular protein degradation is a regulated process with several proteolytic pathways. Although regulation of macroautophagy has been investigated in some detail in hepatocytes and in few other cells, less is known on this regulation in other cells and proteolytic pathways. We show that in human fibroblasts insulin and amino acids reduce protein degradation by different signalling pathways and that this inhibition proceeds in part via the mammalian target of rapamycin, especially with amino acids, which probably increase lysosomal pH. Moreover, the regulatory amino acids (Phe, Arg, Met, Tyr, Trp and Cys) are partially different from other cells. Finally, and in addition to macroautophagy, insulin and amino acids modify, to different extents and sometimes in opposite directions, the activities of other proteolytic pathways

    Fundamentos y utilización de índices meteorológicos de peligro de incendio

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    Presentamos en este trabajo una seríe de reflexiones acerca de la importancia de los índices meteorológicos de peligro de incendio en la prevención de incendios forestales. Se presentan los principales sistemas de peligro utilizados actualmente, tanto en Norteamérica como en Europa. Asimismo, se plantean las fases que se deben considerar en el momento de utilizar un índice de peligro y los problemas derivados de la espacialización de dichos índices. Frente a los métodos más tradicionales en la prevención de incendios forestales se apunta la posibilidad de utilizar las imágenes de satélite para estimar el peligro de incendio.The importance of meteorological fire danger rating indices in fire prevention and presuppression is underlined. Fire danger rating systems currently used in North America and Europa are briefly illustrated. In addition, the main steps and issues to the addressed when operationally setting up a fire danger rating system are commented, with special stress on spot data spatialisation problems. As an alternative to the traditional methods of assessing fire danger level, the possible use of satellite images is also discusse

    Fundamentos y utilización de índices meteorológicos de peligro de incendio

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    Presentamos en este trabajo una seríe de reflexiones acerca de la importancia de los índices meteorológicos de peligro de incendio en la prevención de incendios forestales. Se presentan los principales sistemas de peligro utilizados actualmente, tanto en Norteamérica como en Europa. Asimismo, se plantean las fases que se deben considerar en el momento de utilizar un índice de peligro y los problemas derivados de la espacialización de dichos índices. Frente a los métodos más tradicionales en la prevención de incendios forestales se apunta la posibilidad de utilizar las imágenes de satélite para estimar el peligro de incendio.The importance of meteorological fire danger rating indices in fire prevention and presuppression is underlined. Fire danger rating systems currently used in North America and Europa are briefly illustrated. In addition, the main steps and issues to the addressed when operationally setting up a fire danger rating system are commented, with special stress on spot data spatialisation problems. As an alternative to the traditional methods of assessing fire danger level, the possible use of satellite images is also discusse

    Global assessment and mapping of ecological vulnerability to wildfires

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    Fire is a natural phenomenon that has played a critical role in transforming the environment and maintaining biodiversity at a global scale. However, the plants in some habitats have not developed strategies for recovery from fire or have not adapted to the changes taking place in their fire regimes. Maps showing ecological vulnerability to fires could contribute to environmental management policies in the face of global change scenarios. The main objective of this study is to assess and map ecological vulnerability to fires on a global scale. To this end, we created ecological value and post-fire regeneration delay indices on the basis of existing global databases. Two ecological value indices were identified: biological distinction and conservation status. For the post-fire regeneration delay index, various factors were taken into account, including the type of fire regime, the increase in the frequency and intensity of forest fires, and the potential soil erosion they can cause. These indices were combined by means of a qualitative cross-tabulation to create a new index evaluating ecological vulnerability to fire. The results showed that global ecological value could be reduced by as much as 50 % due to fire perturbation of poorly adapted ecosystems. The terrestrial biomes most affected are the tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forest, tundra, mangroves, tropical and subtropical coniferous forests, and tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests.This research has been supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (grant no. RTI2018- 097538-B-I00) and the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (grant no. PRE2019-089208)

    Online reputation of 4- and 5-star hotels

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    Purpose – The aim of this research is to analyse how hotels incorporate their online reputation on their official websites, the characteristics of that information, as well as the variables that may influence it. Design/Methodology/Approach – We analysed 503 websites of 4- and 5-star hotels in Andalusia (Spain). It was verified on a case-by-case basis whether the hotel publicized its online reputation, the type (numerical or non-numerical) and the source of its reputation (internal or external). In addition, a general profile was established for each establishment. After a descriptive analysis, possible dependent relationships between the online reputation and characteristics of the establishment were analysed. Findings – Over half of the hotels opted to publicize their online reputation on their own websites, and a little over half of those used the external online reputation sources. Both circumstances were related to factors such as modality and the hotel size. TripAdvisor ratings were a reference point among the hotels under analysis. Originality of the research – This study provides insight into the manner in which hotels are reflecting their online reputation on their official websites, the variables that may influence this behaviour and the extent to which the third-party reviews are visible on their websites

    COVID-19 y el sector del alojamiento: primeras medidas y estrategias de comunicación en línea. Un estudio de casos múltiples en una provincia española

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on the accommodation sector by looking at the measures in place, prospects and future strategies. Using a multiple-case-study methodology, an electronically self-administered questionnaire was sent to the managers of 10 establishments located in the province of Huelva (Spain), between March and June 2020. Additionally, a thematic analysis was performed to compare the messages posted on social media over the same four-month period in both 2019 and 2020. The results showed that those establishments belonging to large chains diversified their strategies to obtain better chances of success. Also, reactions to the COVID-19 crisis appeared to differ by type of accommodation. An important change in the online communication strategy during the lockdown in relation to the same period in 2019 was observed. It was not just the different themes of the messages that were in different proportions, but so too were the levels of engagement expressed in each one. This study provides a snapshot of the effect that the economic shutdown had on Spain’s tourist accommodation and contributes to the thematic social media strategies deployed by the accommodation sector in situations of natural disasters and global pandemics.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar los efectos de la crisis de COVID-19 en el sector del alojamiento, las medidas adoptadas, las perspectivas y las estrategias futuras. Se utilizó una metodología de estudio de casos múltiples para examinar 10 establecimientos de la provincia de Huelva (España), de marzo a junio de 2020. Para ello se envió un cuestionario auto administrado electrónicamente a los directivos de los alojamientos seleccionados. Además, se realizó un análisis temático para comparar los mensajes publicados en las redes sociales en el mismo periodo de 2019 y 2020. Los resultados mostraron que los establecimientos pertenecientes a grandes cadenas diversificaron sus estrategias para obtener mejores posibilidades de éxito. Asimismo, las reacciones a la crisis del COVID-19 parecen ser diferentes según el tipo de alojamiento. Se observó un cambio importante en la estrategia de comunicación online durante el periodo confinamiento, en relación con el mismo periodo de 2019. Los diferentes temas de los mensajes no sólo estaban en diferentes proporciones, sino también los niveles de interacción alcanzados en cada uno de ellos. Este trabajo proporciona una instantánea del efecto que el parón económico tuvo en los alojamientos turísticos españoles y contribuye a la investigación sobre las estrategias temáticas en medios sociales desplegadas por el sector del alojamiento en situaciones de catástrofes naturales o pandemias

    Ethical implications of digital advertising automation: The case of programmatic advertising in Spain

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    La falta de eficacia de los métodos tradicionales de planificación en la publicidad tradicional, la creciente saturación publicitaria de los medios digitales y la influencia transformadora de los actores digitales en el sector han motivado la necesidad de desarrollar nuevos métodos y herramientas de publicidad para explotar de forma viable los recursos digitales que ofrece la Internet ubicua. La publicidad programática es actualmente considerada una de las formas más eficientes de automatización en este nuevo entorno de la publicidad digital, destacando su implantación en mercados publicitarios como los de EUA y Reino Unido. En el caso de España quedan aún importantes cuestiones por dilucidar, especialmente en lo relativo al grado de implementación tanto a escala nacional como regional y a las implicaciones éticas derivadas de la implementación de esta tecnología. Para arrojar luz sobre estos interrogantes hemos desarrollado una investigación cualitativa en un panel sobre una muestra de expertos con experiencia contrastada en el uso cotidiano profesional de esta tecnología. Los resultados subrayan la necesidad de capacidades de adaptación en un entorno rápidamente cambiante como el de la publicidad online, en el que las tecnologías posibilitan nuevos procesos con importantes implicaciones éticas y de reputación. A partir de la delimitación de una contradicción relevante entre las percepciones de los profesionales y los usuarios, el uso responsable de estas herramientas y la capacidad de observar las consecuencias derivadas de este uso se perfilan como un importante desafío profesional y funcional. Abstract Ineffective traditional advertising planning methods, the growing advertising saturation of digital media, and the disrupting influence of the digital players in the advertising sector have created a need for new methods and tools for advertising in today’s ubiquitous Internet. Programmatic advertising is currently considered one of the most efficient forms of automation the new online advertising environment and is excelling in major advertising markets like the US and United Kingdom. In Spain, however, there are still some important unaddressed questions regarding the level of implementation on a national and regional scale and the ethical implications derived from the implementation of this new technology. To address these points we have carried out qualitative research using a panel of experts with relevant background on the use of programmatic buying technology on a daily basis. The results stress the need for adapting capabilities in a rapidly evolving advertising sector, in which new technologies give rise to new complex processes with important ethical and reputational implications. We have identified a major contradiction between professionals’ views and users’ perceptions; the responsible use of these tools and the ability to identify the consequences of them appear to be a professional and functional challenge