186 research outputs found

    Human parechovirus type 5 neurological infection in a neonate with a favourable outcome: A case report

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    The majority of parechovirus A type 5 (PeV-A5) infections have been reported in patients with gastrointestinal syndromes. In contrast, a sepsis-like illness associated with PeV-A5 infection has been reported only anecdotally. Herein, we report the first case in Italy of a PeV-A5 neurological infection presenting in a neonate with a sepsis-like syndrome. The patient, a healthy male infant born at 41 weeks of gestation, was highly distressed and inconsolable, and had been crying persistently, with poor breastfeeding, since the previous day. From day 2 to day 4, the newborn was feverish with mild irritability; breastfeeding was preserved and regularly supported. His clinical condition progressively improved, with defervescence on day 4. He was discharged after 7 days, and neurological examination results indicated only mild impairment in visual fixation and vertical eye tracking and mild axial hypotonia. The Italian PeV-A5 strain was phylogenetically related to three strains detected in Denmark in 2012, as well as to one detected in Australia and one in Greece in 2015, with an average nucleotide identity of 97.9% (range 95.9–100.0%). Enterovirus/PeV infection in the newborn should be ruled out in cases of infants with unexplained fever and/or a sepsis-like syndrome and/or meningoencephalitis. An aetiological diagnosis is essential to avoid the unnecessary administration of antibiotics and to plan long-term follow-up until schooling. Keywords: Neonatal infections, Human parechovirus type 5, CSF, Molecular characterization, CNS infection, Phylogenetic analysi

    Breastfeeding and COVID-19 vaccination: position statement of the Italian scientific societies

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    The availability of a COVID-19 vaccine has raised the issue of its compatibility with breastfeeding. Consequently, the Italian Society of Neonatology (SIN), the Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP), the Italian Society of Perinatal Medicine (SIMP), the Italian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (SIGO), the Italian Association of Hospital Obstetricians-Gynecologists (AOGOI) and the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (SIMIT) have made an ad hoc consensus statement. Currently, knowledge regarding the administration of COVID-19 vaccine to the breastfeeding mother is limited. Nevertheless, as health benefits of breastfeeding are well demonstrated and since biological plausibility suggests that the health risk for the nursed infant is unlikely, Italian scientific societies conclude that COVID-19 vaccination is compatible with breastfeeding

    Early-life fecal microbiome and metabolome dynamics in response to an intervention with infant formula containing specific prebiotics and postbiotics

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    This study examined fecal metabolome dynamics to gain greater functional insights into the interactions between nutrition and the activity of the developing gut microbiota in healthy term-born infants. The fecal samples used here originate from a randomized, controlled, double-blind clinical study that assessed the efficacy of infant formula with prebiotics and postbiotics (experimental arm) compared with a standard infant formula (control arm). A group of exclusively breast-fed term infants was used as a reference arm. First, conventional targeted physiological and microbial measurements were performed, which showed differences in fecal Bifidobacterium levels and corresponding activity (e.g., lactate levels). Next, the overall fecal microbiota composition was determined by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. The microbiota composition profiles showed several bacterial groups in the experimental arm to be significantly different from the control arm and mostly closer to the levels observed in the reference arm. Finally, we applied an untargeted UPLC-MS/MS approach to examine changes in the fecal metabolome. Fecal metabolome profiles showed the most distinct separation, up to 404 significantly different metabolites, between the study arms. Our data reveal that infant formula with specific prebiotics and postbiotics may trigger responses in the intestinal microbiota composition that brings the ensuing fecal metabolite profile of formula-fed infants closer toward those observed in breast-fed infants. Furthermore, our results demonstrate a clear need for establishing an infant gut metabolome reference database to translate these metabolite profile dynamics into functional and physiologically relevant responses. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Untargeted metabolomics techniques can provide a ???snapshot??? of an ecosystem in response to environmental stimuli, such as nutritional interventions. Our analyses of fecal samples from infants demonstrate the potential of phenotyping by metabolomics while deciphering the complex interactions of early-life nutrition and gut microbiome development

    A case of cardiotoxicity following intramuscular injection of tropicamide and phenylephrine ophthalmic solution in a drug-addicted young woman

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    We report the case of a 40-year-old woman with a history of an opioid use disorder who presented to our emergency department complaining of palpitations, chest pain, and headache after the intramuscular injection of an ophthalmic solution containing tropicamide and phenylephrine (Visumidriatic Phenylephrine® 100 mg/mL + 5 mg/mL, Visufarma S.p.A., Italy) a few hours earlier for a voluntary purpose. She developed cardiac toxicity with hypertension, tachycardia, and high levels of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I, which required continuous cardiac monitoring for 48 hours with complete resolution of the cardiac damage without complications. Based on the current literature, this is the first reported case of cardiotoxicity induced by an ophthalmic solution of tropicamide and phenylephrine used intramuscularly for voluntary purposes

    A case of vocal cord dysfunction in the emergency department

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    We describe the case of a 78-year-old woman admitted to our emergency department for an acute onset of severe dyspnoea with inspiratory wheezing-like sounds. She denied fever, cough, voice change and pain. She referred a similar but less severe episode occurred spontaneously one year before, with complete resolution in few minutes without sequelae. On examination upper airway obstruction was firstly excluded. She was initially treated as having asthma, without response. Parenteral high dose corticosteroids and antihistamines provided no benefit. Point-of-care-ultrasound resulted normal. Flexible laryngoscopy during the episode showed paradoxical vocal cord movement with adduction during both inspiration and expiration. This demonstrated that her dyspnoea was from Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD). VCD completely solved after administration of intravenous benzodiazepines

    A sabbath in the emergency room or a case of anticholinergic toxicity?

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    We report the case of a 32-year-old Italian man admitted to our emergency room for visual disturbances with blurred vision, anisocoria and temporal headache suddenly occurred in absence of other neurological symptoms. A diagnosis of Datura stramoniuminduced anticholinergic toxicity was done. With our work, we want to highlight the importance of a meticulous clinical examination, including papillary diameter and reflexes, combined with a detailed history of the patient in the emergency room. Anticholinergic toxicity is a medical emergency. The diagnosis is always clinical, and it can represent a challenge for the emergency clinicians because it can mimic several neurological diseases, including acute stroke and seizures, but early diagnosis is crucial to avoid severe complications and management errors

    Impairment of T cell development and acute inflammatory response in HIV-1 Tat transgenic mice

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    Immune activation and chronic inflammation are hallmark features of HIV infection causing T-cell depletion and cellular immune dysfunction in AIDS. Here, we addressed the issue whether HIV-1 Tat could affect T cell development and acute inflammatory response by generating a transgenic mouse expressing Tat in lymphoid tissue. Tat-Tg mice showed thymus atrophy and the maturation block from DN4 to DP thymic subpopulations, resulting in CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells depletion in peripheral blood. In Tat-positive thymus, we observed the increased p65/NF-ÎşB activity and deregulated expression of cytokines/chemokines and microRNA-181a-1, which are involved in T-lymphopoiesis. Upon LPS intraperitoneal injection, Tat-Tg mice developed an abnormal acute inflammatory response, which was characterized by enhanced lethality and production of inflammatory cytokines. Based on these findings, Tat-Tg mouse could represent an animal model for testing adjunctive therapies of HIV-1-associated inflammation and immune deregulation

    COVID-19-associated Guillain-Barré syndrome in the early pandemic experience in Lombardia (Italy)

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    Objective To estimate the incidence and describe clinical characteristics and outcome of GBS in COVID-19 patients (COVID19-GBS) in one of the most hit regions during the frst pandemic wave, Lombardia. Methods Adult patients admitted to 20 Neurological Units between 1/3–30/4/2020 with COVID19-GBS were included as part of a multi-center study organized by the Italian society of Hospital Neuroscience (SNO). Results Thirty-eight COVID19-GBS patients had a mean age of 60.7 years and male frequency of 86.8%. CSF albuminocytological dissociation was detected in 71.4%, and PCR for SARS-CoV-2 was negative in 19 tested patients. Based on neurophysiology, 81.8% of patients had a diagnosis of AIDP, 12.1% of AMSAN, and 6.1% of AMAN. The course was favorable in 76.3% of patients, stable in 10.5%, while 13.2% worsened, of which 3 died. The estimated occurrence rate in Lombardia ranges from 0.5 to 0.05 GBS cases per 1000 COVID-19 infections depending on whether you consider positive cases or estimated seropositive cases. When we compared GBS cases with the pre-pandemic period, we found a reduction of cases from 165 to 135 cases in the 2-month study period in Lombardia. Conclusions We detected an increased incidence of GBS in COVID-19 patients which can refect a higher risk of GBS in COVID-19 patients and a reduction of GBS events during the pandemic period possibly due to a lower spread of more common respiratory infectious diseases determined by an increased use of preventive measures

    An Italian Multicenter Study on the Epidemiology of Respiratory Syncytial Virus During SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in Hospitalized Children

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    Since the beginning of 2020, a remarkably low incidence of respiratory virus hospitalizations has been reported worldwide. We prospectively evaluated 587 children, aged <12 years, admitted for respiratory tract infections from 1 September 2021 to 15 March 2022 in four Italian pediatric hospitals to assess the burden of respiratory viruses during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. At admission, a Clinical Respiratory Score was assigned and nasopharyngeal or nasal washing samples were collected and tested for respiratory viruses. Total admissions increased from the second half of October 2021 to the first half of December 2021 with a peak in early November 2021. The respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) incidence curve coincided with the total hospitalizations curve, occurred earlier than in the pre-pandemic years, and showed an opposite trend with respect to the incidence rate of SARS-CoV-2. Our results demonstrated an early peak in pediatric hospitalizations for RSV. SARS-CoV-2 may exhibit a competitive pressure on other respiratory viruses, most notably RSV
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