31 research outputs found

    Measurements of uncertainty in macrophyte metrics used to assess European lake water quality

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    Uncertainty is an important factor in ecological assessment, and has important implications for the ecological classification and management of lakes. However, our knowledge of the effects of uncertainty in the assessment of different ecological indicators is limited. Here, we used data from a standardized campaign of aquatic plant surveys, in 28 lakes from 10 European countries, to assess variation in macrophyte metrics across a set of nested spatial scales: countries, lakes, sampling stations, replicate transects, and replicate samples at two depth-zones. Metrics investigated in each transect included taxa richness, maximum depth of colonisation and two indicators of trophic status: Ellenberg’s N and a metric based on phosphorus trophic status. Metrics were found to have a slightly stronger relationship to pressures when they were calculated on abundance data compared to presence/absence data. Eutrophication metrics based on helophytes were found not to be useful in assessing the effects of nutrient pressure. These metrics were also found to vary with the depth of sampling, with shallower taxa representing higher trophic status. This study demonstrates the complex spatial variability in macrophyte communities, the effect of this variability on the metrics, and the implications to water managers, especially in relation to survey design

    Macrophyte assessment in European lakes: Diverse approaches but convergent views of 'good' ecological status

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    The European Water Framework Directive has been adopted by Member States to assess and manage the ecological integrity of surface waters. Specific challenges include harmonizing diverse assessment systems across Europe, linking ecological assessment to restoration measures and reaching a common view on ‘good’ ecological status. In this study, nine national macrophyte-based approaches for assessing ecological status were compared and harmonized, using a large dataset of 539 European lakes. A macrophyte common metric, representing the average standardized view of each lake by all countries, was used to compare national methods. This was also shown to reflect the total phosphorus (r2 = 0.32), total nitrogen (r2 = 0.22) as well as chlorophyll-a (r2 = 0.35–0.38) gradients, providing a link between ecological data, stressors and management decisions. Despite differing assessment approaches and initial differences in classification, a consensus was reached on how type-specific macrophyte assemblages change across the ecological status gradient and where ecological status boundaries should lie. A marked decline in submerged vegetation, especially Charophyta (characterizing ‘good’ status), and an increase in abundance of free-floating plants (characterizing ‘less than good’ status) were the most significant changes along the ecological status gradient. Macrophyte communities of ‘good’ status lakes were diverse with many charophytes and several Potamogeton species. A large number of taxa occurred across the entire gradient, but only a minority dominated at ‘less than good’ status, including filamentous algae, lemnids, nymphaeids, and several elodeids (e.g., Zannichellia palustris and Elodea nuttallii). Our findings establish a ‘guiding image’ of the macrophyte community at ‘good’ ecological status in hard-water lakes of the Central-Baltic region of Europe

    Trends and patterns in surface water chemistry in Europe and North America between 1990 and 2020, with a focus on calcium

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    Prosjektleder: Rolf David VogtThe report presents trends in major anions and cations, pH, TOC and bicarbonate in surface waters in Europe and North America from 1990 to 2020. Special attention is given to trends in calcium, which showed some unexpected increases. The trends in calcium are analysed in relation to changes in bicarbonates, organic anions, and deposition loads. The surface waters show strong signs of chemical recovery.Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)publishedVersio

    Puntos de inflexión en los gradientes de composición de las comunidades de plantas acuáticas de diferentes continentes

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    Unravelling patterns and mechanisms of biogeographical transitions is crucial if we are to understand compositional gradients at large spatial extents, but no studies have thus far examined breakpoints in community composition of freshwater plants across continents. Using a dataset of almost 500 observations of lake plant community composition from six continents, we examined, for the first time, if such breakpoints in geographical space exist for freshwater plants and how well a suite of ecological factors (including climatic and local environmental variables) can explain transitions in community composition from the subtropics to the poles. Our combination of multivariate regression tree (MRT) analysis and k-means partitioning suggests that the most abrupt breakpoint exists between temperate to boreal regions on the one hand and freshwater plant communities harbouring mainly subtropical or Mediterranean assemblages on the other. The spatially structured variation in current climatic conditions is the most likely candidate for controlling these latitudinal patterns, although one cannot rule out joint effects of eco-evolutionary constraints in the harsher high-latitude environments and post-glacial migration lags after Pleistocene Ice Ages. Overall, our study supports the foundations of global regionalisation for freshwater plants and anticipates further biogeographical research on freshwater plant communities once datasets have been harmonised for conducting large-scale spatial analyses.publishedVersio

    Puntos de inflexión en los gradientes de composición de las comunidades de plantas acuáticas de diferentes continentes

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    Sección: SIBECOL-AIL Meeting in Aveiro-2022[EN] Unravelling patterns and mechanisms of biogeographical transitions is crucial if we are to understand compositional gradients at large spatial extents, but no studies have thus far examined breakpoints in community composition of freshwater plants across continents. Using a dataset of almost 500 observations of lake plant community composition from six continents, we examined, for the first time, if such breakpoints in geographical space exist for freshwater plants and how well a suite of ecological factors (including climatic and local environmental variables) can explain transitions in community composition from the subtropics to the poles. Our combination of multivariate regression tree (MRT) analysis and k-means partitioning suggests that the most abrupt breakpoint exists between temperate to boreal regions on the one hand and freshwater plant communities harbouring mainly subtropical or Mediterranean assemblages on the other. The spatially structured variation in current climatic conditions is the most likely candidate for controlling these latitudinal patterns, although one cannot rule out joint effects of eco-evolutionary constraints in the harsher high-latitude environments and post-glacial migration lags after Pleistocene Ice Ages. Overall, our study supports the foundations of global regionalisation for freshwater plants and anticipates further biogeographical research on freshwater plant communities once datasets have been harmonised for conducting large-scale spatial analyses[ES] Desentrañar los patrones y mecanismos que subyacen a las transiciones biogeográficas es un requisito fundamental a la hora de comprender los gradientes de composición de las comunidades ecológicas a grandes extensiones espaciales, si bien ningún estudio ha examinado explícitamente estos puntos de inflexión para comunidades de plantas acuáticas de diferentes continentes. Utilizando una completa base de datos que condensa un total de casi 500 observaciones individuales sobre las comunidades florísticas lacustres de seis continentes, este trabajo pretende delinear las transiciones biogeográficas en plantas acuáticas a escala global, así como valorar el papel que desempeñan diversos mecanismos ecológicos (a saber, las condiciones climáticas y las características locales del hábitat) sobre estos puntos de inflexión en el espacio geográfico comprendido entre las latitudes subtropicales y los polos. Nuestros resultados obtenidos mediante la ejecución simultánea de árboles de regresión multivariante (MRT) y algoritmos de agrupación por k-medias demuestran la existencia de un punto de inflexión entre las regiones templadas y boreales y los lagos localizados en las bandas subtropicales y en las inmediaciones del Mediterráneo. La estructura espacial que subyace a la distribución de los condicionantes climáticos en nuestro planeta parece ser el principal mecanismo de control de dichas transiciones biogeográficas, si bien estos patrones latitudinales también podrían explicarse en base a constricciones eco-evolutivas en las regiones más septentrionales y a la colonización diferencial de los territorios norteños antaño cubiertos por el hielo durante el Último Máximo Glacial. En síntesis, nuestro estudio proporciona una base teórica preliminar para futuras investigaciones encaminadas a delimitar las unidades geográficas de los principales componentes de la flora acuática contemporánea y también anticipa un creciente interés por los estudios de carácter fitogeográfico en las aguas continentales, si bien los análisis venideros deberán prestar especial atención a la armonización de datos biológicos potencialmente heterogéneos en naturaleza y con orígenes disparesSIJGG was funded by the European Union Next Generation EU/PRTR (grant no. AG325). Academy of Finland supported JH, JGG (grant no. 331957), and JA (grant no. 322652). CFL appreciates financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (grant no. CL2017- 84176R). BAL was supported by National Research, Development, and Innovation Office (grant no. NKFIH, OTKA FK127939) and by the Bolyai János Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. SK was supportedby NWO Vidi (grant no. 203098). LR was funded by MESRSI (Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation of Morocco) as part of the BiodivRestore Program (RESPOND Project) and by the Tour du Valat Foundation. Sampling of the Brazilian coastal lakes was financed by NWO (grant no. W84-549), the National Geographic Society (grant no. 7864-5), and CNPq (grants no. 480122, 490409, 311427

    Charophyte variation in sensitivity to eutrophication affects their potential for the trophic and ecological status indication

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    Charophytes (stoneworts) form a group of macrophytes that are considered sensitive to eutrophication. The high indicator value of charophytes toward eutrophication results in their wide use in the bioassessment systems. I explored the variability of stonewort communities' requirements for trophic conditions in lowland temperate lakes and attempted to determine the role of individual syntaxa in assessing the ecological status of lakes in Poland. The position of charophyte communities' niches along the trophic gradient was analysed using the Outlying Mean Index approach. A few stonewort communities, i.e., Nitelletum opacae, N. mucronatae, N. flexilis and Charetum filiformis appeared to be specialised concerning water quality and may be considered indicators of habitats less eutrophic than the “mean” trophic conditions in the study domain. Most stonewort communities were relatively common in European waters. Four of them, i.e., Charetum tomentosae, C. asperae, C. contrariae and Nitellopsidetum obtusae, can be classified as ‘generalists’ with low marginality and broad ecological tolerance. Most stonewort communities appeared in a broad range of ecological status classes. In the case of 15 communities, 6 to 25% of occurrences were observed in lakes representing a less than good status, and they cannot be considered indicative of good ecological conditions. However, the high taxonomic diversity and extensive phytolittoral zone were most likely to occur when the phytocoenoses of stoneworts were present. In lowland naturally eutrophic lakes inhabited by eurytopic species, the extraordinary role of charophytes in the assessment of the ecological status can be interpreted through their significant contribution to the development of the littoral

    WISER Deliverable D3.2-3: Report on the most suitable lake macrophyte based assessment methods for impacts of eutrophication and water level fluctuations

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    The report summarizes the progress made within the WISER project in the following areas: • Developing and improving methodologies for assessment of eutrophication impacts in lakes based on species composition, abundance and community structure of aquatic macrophytes. For this purpose a set of metrics was elaborated, their sensitivity as indicators was tested within countries, geographic regions, and lake types, and the potential of the metrics for using them as common metrics for intercalibration was assessed. • Elaborating of palaeoecological approaches based on plant macrofossil records in lake sediments to define reference conditions and to assess ecological status of shallow lowland lakes for which modern reference sites are almost missing. • Developing relevant metrics to assess the response of lake macrophytes to water level fluctuations, and quantify the uncertainty in their use

    DataSheet_1_Minor effect of wind exposure and littoral slope on macrophyte characteristics in non-impacted lowland lakes of Poland.pdf

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    Aquatic vegetation is a reliable indicator of the ecological condition of surface waters. Abundance, composition and spatial structure of aquatic communities are shaped by an array of factors, which include both natural abiotic features of an ecosystem and external influences. We investigated whether the physical features, i.e., wind exposure and slope of the lake basin, have a significant impact on the taxonomic composition and spatial structure of macrophyte communities from non-impacted, highly alkaline, lowland lakes of the European plains (Poland). We further examined whether these features can affect the classification of the ecological status of lakes assessed in accordance with the Water Framework Directive requirements. Morphological, botanical and physicochemical data from 260 transects in 16 non-disturbed lakes of Polish lowlands surveyed in the years 2011–2016 were analysed. For each transect, littoral slope and wind exposure were calculated. Additionally, the total phosphorus concentration was used as a proxy of water trophy. The relationships between environmental variables and macrophyte indices as well as the syntaxonomic composition of aquatic and rush vegetation (dependent variables) were analysed using multidimensional ordination techniques (redundancy analysis, variation partitioning and indicator values), correlation and regression analysis. Among the three analysed environmental factors (littoral slope, wind exposure and water trophy), in almost all cases the latter explained the highest variance in the macrophyte community, while the contribution of the first two was at most moderate, weak or usually statistically insignificant. However, lakes with steeper slopes were more frequently inhabited by stoneworts and had better ecological status than those with a gentle littoral shape. This may be attributed to the links between lake morphometry and rate of eutrophication, with deep lakes supporting more effective dilution of substances. Furthermore, lower light requirements of charophytes than of higher plants and the capacity to growth in unstable sediments facilitate charophyte establishment in deeper and steeper parts of the littoral over higher plants. Our findings suggest that in lowland lakes with relatively small areas, moderate depths and low wind exposure typical of European plains, slopes and weaving do not hamper vegetation development and do not negatively affect the macrophyte assessment of ecological status. In such ecosystems, eutrophication seems to be a more important factor determining aquatic vegetation than physical features.</p

    Conservation status of the Natura 2000 habitat 3110 in Poland: Monitoring, classification and trends

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    Soft water lakes, or so-called lobelia lakes, which are inhabited by a specific vegetation composed of isoetids, have been subjected to intense research aimed at evaluating their condition and conservation status for many years in Poland. At the time of Poland’s accession to the European Union and the implementation of the EU Habitats Directive, these lakes were classified as natural habitat 3110. In accordance with the provision of the Habitat Directive a comprehensive methodology for monitoring and classification of the state of this habitat has been developed. Using this methodology, two monitoring trials (in 2009–2010 and again in 2016–2017) were carried out at 45 and 43 sites of the 3110 natural habitat, respectively. These studies confirm the high sensitivity of these poorly buffered aquatic ecosystems to all external influences, both natural and anthropogenic. The overall conservation status of the 3110 habitat in Poland showed a relatively high stability, with similar proportions of sites classified as favourable (FV), unfavourable inadequate (U1) and unfavourable bad (U2) between 2009–2010 (35%, 49% and 16%, respectively) and 2016–2017 (33%, 56% and 11%, respectively). Out of 43 sites examined in 2016–2017, 29 remained unchanged compared with the results of the previous survey concerning their overall status. Results of the monitoring research also allow for the observation and evaluation of mechanisms and directions of changes in the functioning of these ecosystems. Based on the experiences from two series of monitoring conducted so far, the methodology has been assessed as appropriate for the assessment of the conservation status of the 3110 natural habitat, however, some modifications and additions have been suggested