1,062 research outputs found

    Gasteroid fungi – the morphological characteristics of selected endangered and rare species noted in Poland

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    The aim of the work was to present the characteristics of selected species from Disciseda, Geastrum and Tulostoma genera which due to the small differences in morphology of their fruit bodies may pose some identification problems. The selected species of gasteroid fungi of these genera are described based on the materials collected during the course of our studies. All materials were gathered during the research into macromycetes in xerothermic habitats located in the Nida Basin. Taxa noted by us are considered to be very rare in the mycobiota of Poland and are highly endangered.Do analizy morfologicznej wybrano gatunki, które w obrębie rodzajów wykazują niewielkie różnice w budowie owocników. Na podstawie cech makro- i mikromorfologicznych, które zaobserwowano podczas badań terenowych i laboratoryjnych, sporządzono pełne opisy zanotowanych taksonów. Istotne różnice w budowie owocników poszczególnych taksonów wynikają ze stopnia rozwoju i zachowania cech poszczególnych owocników (Tomaszewska et al. 2011). Cechy te zacierają się w miarę dojrzewania i starzenia się tych struktur. Na wykształcenie cech fenotypowych mogą także wpływać między innymi czynniki pogodowe i siedliskowe (Tomaszewska et al. 2012). Otrzymane wyniki wskazują na potrzebę dalszych badań tej grupy grzybów, w celu poznania pełnej zmienności cech budowy morfologicznej i poprawnej identyfikacji taksonów

    Regime variance testing - a quantile approach

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    This paper is devoted to testing time series that exhibit behavior related to two or more regimes with different statistical properties. Motivation of our study are two real data sets from plasma physics with observable two-regimes structure. In this paper we develop estimation procedure for critical point of division the structure change of a time series. Moreover we propose three tests for recognition such specific behavior. The presented methodology is based on the empirical second moment and its main advantage is lack of the distribution assumption. Moreover, the examined statistical properties we express in the language of empirical quantiles of the squared data therefore the methodology is an extension of the approach known from the literature. The theoretical results we confirm by simulations and analysis of real data of turbulent laboratory plasma

    Coevolution of Information Processing and Topology in Hierarchical Adaptive Random Boolean Networks

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    Random Boolean networks (RBNs) are frequently employed for modelling complex systems driven by information processing, e.g. for gene regulatory networks (GRNs). Here we propose a hierarchical adaptive RBN (HARBN) as a system consisting of distinct adaptive RBNs - subnetworks - connected by a set of permanent interlinks. Information measures and internal subnetworks topology of HARBN coevolve and reach steady-states that are specific for a given network structure. We investigate mean node information, mean edge information as well as a mean node degree as functions of model parameters and demonstrate HARBN's ability to describe complex hierarchical systems.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Emotional agents at the square lattice

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    We introduce and investigate by numerical simulations a number of models of emotional agents at the square lattice. Our models describe the most general features of emotions such as the spontaneous emotional arousal, emotional relaxation, and transfers of emotions between different agents. Group emotions in the considered models are periodically fluctuating between two opposite valency levels and as result the mean value of such group emotions is zero. The oscillations amplitude depends strongly on probability ps of the individual spontaneous arousal. For small values of relaxation times tau we observed a stochastic resonance, i.e. the signal to noise ratio SNR is maximal for a non-zero ps parameter. The amplitude increases with the probability p of local affective interactions while the mean oscillations period increases with the relaxation time tau and is only weakly dependent on other system parameters. Presence of emotional antenna can enhance positive or negative emotions and for the optimal transition probability the antenna can change agents emotions at longer distances. The stochastic resonance was also observed for the influence of emotions on task execution efficiency.Comment: 28 pages, 19 figures, 3 table

    Political science in the Federal Republic of Germany – featured examples

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    Niniejszy artykuł zarysowuje historię niemieckiej nauki o polityce i jej stan obecny. Zawiera porównanie współczesnych kierunków politologicznych oferowanych przez trzy najlepiej oceniane w niemieckich rankingach uniwersytety – Uniwersytet Poczdamski, Wolny Uniwersytet Berliński i Uniwersytet Humboldta w Berlinie. Przedstawia strukturę studiów politologicznych, rodzaj oferowanych kursów oraz literaturę wykorzystywaną podczas nauczania.This paper presents the history of German political science and its current status. It contains a comparison of modern Political Science majors offered by the three top rated universities in German rankings – the University of Potsdam, Free University of Berlin and Humboldt University. It outlines the structure of political science studies, the type of courses offered and the literature used during teaching