62 research outputs found

    Nauki trzech Bogiń seksu : ciało i seks w taoistycznym systemie filozoficznym

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    The paper examines the role of men and women in the Taoist concept of sexual unity with regard to Yin and Yang conc1ept. Contemporary work of Taoist philosopher and sexuologist Jolan Chang and classic taoist writings were confronted. Perception of feminity and role of women in Taoist cosmogony was set against Chinese folklore and ancient writings as well as the medieval novel "The Plum in the Golden Vase" which constitutes the basis for Taoist philosophical system or makes a reference to it. Description of the taoist sexuology refers to the concept of the Taoist body, ideas of outer and inner alchemy and figure of mother of Laozi considered as hypostasis of Tao

    A tale of two expressed spirits : an odyssey through the symbols of the Bodhi tree and The Cross of Jesus

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    The aim of this paper was to show how significant symbol of the Christian Tree of the Cross and the Bodhi tree in Buddhism point two highly influential systems of believes. Symbolic representation of the psychological distinction between the East and the West was examined. Soteriology of the cross was explained through the concept of relative ego and analysis of the symbolism of the suffering man. Then, the idea of enlightement represented by the figure of bodhi was described. The antagonistic thoughts of Christianity and Buddhism were brought together to show the plexus of different believes in the symbolism of the tree to provide analogies and clarification to reach the common ground for dialogue between the East and the West

    Stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 activity determines the maintenance of DNMT1-mediated DNA methylation patterns in pancreatic β\beta-Cells

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    Metabolic stress, such as lipotoxicity, affects the DNA methylation profile in pancreatic β-cells and thus contributes to β-cell failure and the progression of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1) is a rate-limiting enzyme that is involved in monounsaturated fatty acid synthesis, which protects pancreatic β-cells against lipotoxicity. The present study found that SCD1 is also required for the establishment and maintenance of DNA methylation patterns in β-cells. We showed that SCD1 inhibition/deficiency caused DNA hypomethylation and changed the methyl group distribution within chromosomes in β-cells. Lower levels of DNA methylation in SCD1-deficient β-cells were followed by lower levels of DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1). We also found that the downregulation of SCD1 in pancreatic β-cells led to the activation of adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and an increase in the activity of the NAD-dependent deacetylase sirtuin-1 (SIRT1). Furthermore, the physical association between DNMT1 and SIRT1 stimulated the deacetylation of DNMT1 under conditions of SCD1 inhibition/downregulation, suggesting a mechanism by which SCD1 exerts control over DNMT1. We also found that SCD1-deficient β-cells that were treated with compound c, an inhibitor of AMPK, were characterized by higher levels of both global DNA methylation and DNMT1 protein expression compared with untreated cells. Therefore, we found that activation of the AMPK/SIRT1 signaling pathway mediates the effect of SCD1 inhibition/deficiency on DNA methylation status in pancreatic β-cells. Altogether, these findings suggest that SCD1 is a gatekeeper that protects β-cells against the lipid-derived loss of DNA methylation and provide mechanistic insights into the mechanism by which SCD1 regulates DNA methylation patterns in β-cells and T2D-relevant tissues

    Transformations of Religiosity during the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic-On the Example of Catholic Religious Practices of Polish Students

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    This paper attempts to identify the changes in religiosity among Catholic practitioners in Poland that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, based on the changes in the realization of religious practices by students (N = 354). A questionnaire prepared by the authors was used for the study. We sought to answer the question of the extent to which the socio-demographic characteristics of the subjects, a history of COVID-19, and the death of a family member due to SARS-CoV-2 infection differentiated the subjects’ opinions about religiosity and their undertaking of religious practices. The paper also addresses the issue of media-facilitated religious practices. The study showed that the frequency of religious practices was influenced by the perceived religiosity of the family, the religiosity of the respondent, and the declaration concerning the belief in God. The same factors most often significantly differentiated respondents’ opinions on COVID-19. No relationship was confirmed between having COVID-19 and subjects’ beliefs about the pandemic or frequency of religious practice. Among the respondents, the pandemic did not intensify the practice of religion. In the face of danger, respondents did not turn to God; there was no revitalization of religion. The situation of limiting the physical experience communion of the Church was treated not as an acute undersupply but as an opportunity or a pretext to abandon the practice of religion

    Deletion of Mcpip1 in Mcpip1fl/flAlbCreMcpip1^{fl/fl}Alb^{Cre} mice recapitulates the phenotype of human primary biliary cholangitis

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    Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) is an autoimmune disease characterized by progressive destruction of the intrahepatic bile ducts. The immunopathology of PBC involves excessive inflammation; therefore, negative regulators of inflammatory response, such as Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1-Induced Protein-1 (MCPIP1) may play important roles in the development of PBC. The aim of this work was to verify whether Mcpip1 expression protects against development of PBC. Genetic deletion of Zc3h12a was used to characterize the role of Mcpip1 in the pathogenesis of PBC in 6–52-week-old mice. We found that Mcpip1 deficiency in the liver (Mcpip1fl/flAlbCre) recapitulates most of the features of human PBC, in contrast to mice with Mcpip1 deficiency in myeloid cells (Mcpip1fl/flLysMCre mice), which present with robust myeloid cell-driven systemic inflammation. In Mcpip1fl/flAlbCre livers, intrahepatic bile ducts displayed proliferative changes with inflammatory infiltration, bile duct destruction, and fibrosis leading to cholestasis. In plasma, increased concentrations of IgG, IgM, and AMA autoantibodies (anti-PDC-E2) were detected. Interestingly, the phenotype of Mcpip1fl/flAlbCre mice was robust in 6-week-old, but milder in 12–24-week-old mice. Hepatic transcriptome analysis of 6-week-old and 24-week-old Mcpip1fl/flAlbCre mice showed 812 and 8 differentially expressed genes, respectively, compared with age-matched control mice, and revealed a distinct set of genes compared to those previously associated with development of PBC. In conclusion, Mcpip1fl/flAlbCre mice display early postnatal phenotype that recapitulates most of the features of human PBC

    Tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases in serum are cardiac biomarkers in Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy

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    Wstęp: Tkankowe inhibitory metaloproteinaz macierzy (TIMPs) są zaangażowane w patogenezę chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Dotychczas nie badano stężenia TIMPs u pacjentów z kardiomiopatią rozstrzeniową w przebiegu dystrofii mięśniowej Emery’ego-Dreifussa (EDMD). Cel: Celem badania było określenie stężenia TIMPs w surowicy pacjentów z EDMD w celu rozstrzygnięcia, czy mogłyby stanowić biomarker dysfunkcji mięśnia sercowego na wczesnych etapach choroby i pomóc w wykrywaniu kardiomiopatii w okresie przedklinicznym. Metody: Zbadano 25 pacjentów z EDMD związaną z mutacją w genie laminy A/C (AD-EDMD) lub w genie emeryny (X-EDMD) oraz 20 zdrowych osób z grupy kontrolnej, dobranych pod względem wieku. Stężenia TIMP-1, -2, -3 w surowicy określono za pomocą testu immunoenzymatycznego ELISA z odpowiednimi przeciwciałami. Wyniki: Stężenia TIMP-1 w surowicy były prawidłowe u chorych z AD-EDMD, a zwiększone u większości pacjentów z X-EDMD. Stężenie TIMP-2 w surowicy było obniżone u 25% i /21% chorych, odpowiednio, z AD-EDMD i X-EDMD. Stężenie TIMP-3 było znamiennie obniżone u wszystkich badanych pacjentów. Krzywe ROC wskazywały, że spośród wszystkich zbadanych TIMPs pod względem czułości i specyficzności TIMP-3 (a w mniejszym stopniu TIMP-2) jest najlepszym biomarkerem uszkodzenia mięśnia sercowego u chorych z EDMD. Wnioski: Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że u chorych z EDMD stężenia TIMP-3 w surowicy, a w niektórych przypadkach także TIMP-2, są obniżone. Obserwowany spadek może się wiązać z niekorzystnym wpływem na metaloproteinazy macierzy oraz remodelowaniem macierzy miokardium. Specyficzny spadek stężenia TIMP-3 w surowicy chorych wskazuje, że biomarker ten mógłby być użyteczny we wczesnej detekcji zajęcia mięśnia sercowego w EDMD. Regulacja w górę TIMP-1 u większości pacjentów z X-EDMD wskazuje na zwiększony obrót macierzy zewnątrzkomórkowej, zaś obserwowane remodelowanie tkanki może uczestniczyć w rozwoju zaburzeń rytmu serca, często stwierdzanych w tej postaci choroby.  Background: Tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases (TIMPs) are known to be involved in cardiovascular diseases. Hitherto, they have not been examined in dilated cardiomyopathy in the course of Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EDMD). Aim: To define TIMPs in serum because they might help in defining cardiac dysfunction at the early cardiological stages of this disease and detect preclinical stages of cardiomyopathy. Methods: Twenty-five EDMD patients connected with lamin A/C (AD-EDMD) or emerin (X-EDMD) deficiency and 20 healthy age-matched controls were examined. The serum levels of the tissue inhibitors TIMP-1, -2, -3 were quantified using the ELISA sandwich immunoassay procedure with appropriate antibodies. Results: Serum levels of TIMP-1 were normal in autosomal AD-EDMD and increased in the majority of X-linked EDMD. The level of TIMP-2 was decreased in 25%/21% of AD-EDMD/X-EDMD cases. TIMP-3 serum level was significantly reduced in all the examined patients. Receiver operating curves indicated that in terms of sensitivity and specificity characteristics the performance of TIMP-3 (less that of TIMP-2) makes them the best markers of cardiac involvement among the examined TIMPs. Conclusions: Evidence shows that the levels of TIMP-3, and in some cases also TIMP-2, are decreased in EDMD. The decrease might be associated with an adverse effect on matrix metalloproteinases and remodelling of the myocardial matrix. The specific decrease of TIMP-3 indicates that this biomarker might help in early detection of cardiac involvement in EDMD. Up-regulation of TIMP-1 in the majority of patients with X-EDMD indicates increased myocardial extracellular matrix turnover, early onset of tissue remodelling, and may contribute to arrhythmia, frequently occurring in this form of the disease.

    ERAP1 and HLA-C*06 are strongly associated with the risk of psoriasis in the population of northern Poland

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    Introduction: HLA-C*06 is a major psoriasis genetic risk marker. Recent reports have been focused on the role of different polymorphisms within genes involved in the functioning of the epidermal barrier and antigen processing in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Data on the association between genetic variants of LCE3B_LCE3C, CSTA, ERAP1, ZAP70 and this dermatosis in the population from Eastern Europe are lacking. Aim: To compare the association between known genetic risk markers and psoriasis in a cohort of northern Polish patients with psoriasis and healthy controls. Material and methods: Based on previous studies’ results, five susceptibility loci: HLA-C, LCE3C_LCE3B, ERAP1, ZAP70 and CSTA were selected for genotyping in 148 patients with chronic plaque psoriasis and 146 healthy controls. Each patient with this disease was clinically assessed with the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index. Results: The study population showed a significant association of psoriasis and a single nucleotide polymorphism in the ERAP1 – rs26653 (p = 3.11 × 10–5) and HLA-C*06 allele (p = 1.02 × 10–11) when compared with the control group. The presence of HLA-C*06 or rs26653 G allele significantly increased the risk of psoriasis by 2.4 times or twice, respectively. Carrying rs26653 C allele considerably decreased the risk of psoriasis by 1.5 times. Conclusions: In the context of pathogenesis of psoriasis, our findings might give the evidence on disturbances in the proteolytic processing of N-terminal fragments of antigens presented via major histocompatibility complex class I to T cells

    Studies of Streptococcus anginosus Virulence in Dictyostelium discoideum and Galleria mellonella Models

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    For many years, Streptococcus anginosus has been considered a commensal colonizing the oral cavity, as well as the gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts. However, recent epidemiological and clinical data designate this bacterium as an emerging opportunistic pathogen. Despite the reported pathogenicity of S. anginosus, the molecular mechanism underpinning its virulence is poorly described. Therefore, our goal was to develop and optimize efficient and simple infection models that can be applied to examine the virulence of S. anginosus and to study host-pathogen interactions. Using 23 S. anginosus isolates collected from different infections, including severe and superficial infections, as well as an attenuated strain devoid of CppA, we demonstrate for the first time that Dictyostelium discoideum is a suitable model for initial, fast, and large-scale screening of virulence. Furthermore, we found that another nonvertebrate animal model, Galleria mellonella, can be used to study the pathogenesis of S. anginosus infection, with an emphasis on the interactions between the pathogen and host innate immunity. Examining the profile of immune defense genes, including antimicrobial peptides, opsonins, regulators of nodulation, and inhibitors of proteases, by quantitative PCR (qPCR) we identified different immune response profiles depending on the S. anginosus strain. Using these models, we show that S. anginosus is resistant to the bactericidal activity of phagocytes, a phenomenon confirmed using human neutrophils. Notably, since we found that the data from these models corresponded to the clinical severity of infection, we propose their further application to studies of the virulence of S. anginosus

    Security theory and practice: Germany towards security problems and international cooperation in the 21st century

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    Z wprowadzenia: "Pierwsze ćwierćwiecze XXI wieku obfituje w dyskusje na temat wagi i znaczenia wyzwań międzynarodowych. Również niemieccy politycy prezentują strategie i programy osiągania przez Niemcy celów i interesów na arenie międzynarodowej. Ocena realizacji niemieckiej polityki bezpieczeństwa oraz poziomu współpracy międzynarodowej wymaga uwzględnienia wielu czynników o charakterze podmiotowym i przedmiotowym. Minister obrony Ursula von der Leyen proponowała „przywództwo z centrum”, a prezydent Joachim Gauck postulował zwiększenie „odpowiedzialności międzynarodowej” Niemiec. Podczas gdy minister spraw zagranicznych Guido Westerwelle opowiedział się za trwaniem przy „kulturze wstrzemięźliwości”, socjaldemokraci Sigmar Gabriel i Frank-Walter Steinmeier optowali za polityką zaangażowania Niemiec. Kanclerz Angela Merkel odnosząc się do dyskusji dotyczących rozbrojenia podkreślała, że odstraszanie stanowi istotny element stabilizacji środowiska międzynarodowego i postulowała realistyczne podejście do problematyki zbrojeń."(...