163 research outputs found
Innowacyjna terapia raka jajnika wykorzystująca nadekspresję receptora CD44
Ovarian carcinoma constitutes the main cause of cancer-related death among women. The curability rates remain
low despite rapid advances in medicine. Thus, the search for new and improved methods continues, with CD44-
targeting as one of them. CD44 is a cell-surface glycoprotein, which binds to its ligand – hyaluronic acid (HA) –
and regulates crucial processes such as cell differentiation, proliferation and migration. Overexpression of CD44,
observed in many ovarian cancer cells, is used in creating carriers for selective delivery of various drugs (paclitaxel,
doxorubicin, camptothecin or cisplatin) to cancer cells.
In this article, we summarized the current state of knowledge regarding CD44-targeting as a new and more efficient
way of ovarian cancer treatment, with high potential and promising therapeutic perspectives.Nowotwór jajnika stanowi jedną z głównych przyczyn śmierci wśród kobiet. Pomimo gwałtownego rozwoju medycyny
jego wyleczalność jest wciąż na bardzo niskim poziomie. Z tego powodu nowe i lepsze metody terapii są wciąż
poszukiwane. Jedną z nich jest celowanie w cząsteczkę CD44. CD44 jest glikoproteiną błonową, która wiąże się ze
swoim ligandem – kwasem hialuronowym (HA) – i reguluje kluczowe procesy takie jak różnicowanie, proliferacja czy
migracja komórek. W wielu komórkach raka jajnika obserwowana jest nadekspresja CD44, co wykorzystuje się przy
tworzeniu nośników, aby selektywnie dostarczać leki (paklitaksel, doksorubicynę, kamptotecynę czy cisplatynę) do
komórek nowotworowych.
W niniejszym artykule dokonaliśmy podsumowania aktualnego stanu wiedzy dotyczącego terapii celowanej w CD44
jako nowej, skuteczniejszej metody leczenia raka jajnika, cechującej się wysokim potencjałem oraz obiecującymi
Umiejętności studentów kierunku Logistyka wg modelu T (w świetle wyników przeprowadzonego badania)
Przedsiębiorstwa, chcąc osiągnąć sukces rynkowy, muszą współpracować z innymi uczestnikami rynku (tak z dostawcami, jak i z odbiorcami). Zarządzanie współczesnym przedsiębiorstwem wymaga myślenia o konkurencyjności w ramach całego łańcucha logistycznego (a nie tylko o konkurencyjności danego podmiotu). Artykuł ma charakter teoretyczno‑empiryczny. W części teoretycznej odniesiono się do potencjału konkuren‑ cyjności logistyki – wskazano kompetencje logistyczne przedsiębiorstw oraz umiejętności logistyczne pracowników wg modelu T, a w części empirycznej – przedstawiono wyniki badania własnego, dotyczącego samooceny umiejętności studentów II roku studiów dru‑ giego stopnia na kierunku Logistyka również wg modelu T
Early/Middle Neolithic Western (LBK) vs Eastern (ALPC) Linear Pottery Cultures : ceramics and lithic raw materials circulation
In this paper we focused on the relations between the north-eastern range of the Linear Bandkeramik (LBK) in the Upper Vistula basin and the area of Eastern (Alföld) Linear Pottery Culture
(ALPC) in eastern Slovakia, separated by the main ridge of the Western Carpathians. Contacts
between these two Early/Middle Neolithic cultural zones were manifested by the exchange of
lithic raw materials (Carpathian obsidian from south-eastern Slovakia and north eastern Hungary vs Jurassic flint from Kraków-Częstochowa) and pottery. Ceramic exchange was studied by
comparing the mineralogical-petrographic composition of the local LBK pottery from sites in the
Upper Vistula basin and sherds from the same LBK sites showing ALPC stylistic features, and
pottery samples from ALPC sites in eastern Slovakia. Observation under polarized light microscope
and SEM-EDS analyses resulted in identification of a group of pottery samples with ALPC stylistic features which could be imports to LBK sites in southern Poland from Slovakia, and a group
of vessels with ALPC decorations but produced in the Upper Vistula basin from local ceramic
fabric, which were imitations by the local LBK population. The second group of pottery appears
mostly in the pre-Notenkopf and Notenkopf phases of the LBK, correlated with Tiszadob-Kapušany
Groups of ALPC, in contrast to the pottery imports attributed mostly to the Želiezovce group/
phase, synchronous with the Bükk Culture/Group
Back pain persons engaged in rowing
Introduction: the dynamic and multi-directional development of sport and the relentless pursuit of victory or improve the outcome necessitated increasing workloads. Implementation of the process leads to the expected changes in the morphological structures and motor skills of players and despite the widespread use of wellness, often results in injuries, however, of an overload. Literature, it can be concluded that the problem of overload injuries in rowing sports exists and often affects the lower spine. Thus the objective is to determine the incidence of pain lumbar spine paddlers and their evaluation. Was the hypothesis of the scale of the problem among men and women and its escalation in a group of players with more professional seniority and applying the paddles long. Material and method: the study involved training people Rowing Club RTW Lotto-"Bydgostia" during the start, which are characterized by a relatively high load, which are characterized by a relatively high load. Uses the exclusive survey measured basic morphological and clinical tests, questionnaires, and functional research rated the intensity of pain and degree of loss of movable active lumbar spine. Obtained the test results sets 34 men and 35 women of different ages and progress. It has been developed the basic statistical methods taking into account the diversity of the occurrence of pain in the spine or the lack of their statements, as well as training experience and type of used oars. Statistic; Uses the test Shapiro-Wolf, t-Student, Kruskal-Walis and Pearson Chi square, and to the assessment of the traineeship training and clinical test results, test the correlation of Spearman. Statistical analysis was performed on the significance level p < 0.05. Test results: it was found that the teams examined the men and women of varied lack of or presence of pain disorders have similar average size basic morphological however, they differ in terms of used paddles and internship training. It analysis of the diversification of the results of the tests carried out clinical trials, for the most part does not show significant differences. Men without pain, however, is characterized by a significantly higher average test result Schober in the back. The diversity was found slightly more frequent differences structure interest teams fixed functional test results that indicate the trail of problems in the lumbar spine mobility players with pains, ailments. Among the men found them in the study of folds, and among the women in the study the hyperextension and slider on the right, and the results of numerical correlation Spearman test results and clinical internship training show little of their relationship and the total lack of statistical significance. Conclusions: The basic characteristics of the physical persons engaged in rowing are not factor significantly in the presence of back pain, which can, however, grow in the process of long-term training on the shore. Increased its frequency among players short paddles indicates the need for exercise, and among the contestants paddles long multidisciplinary action to restore the symmetry of the body. To reduce the function of the spine, and thus causing pain persons engaged in rowing in the increasingly determined by other factors related to the size and volume of loads and conditions for their implementation, as well as predisposed health and supporting biological renewal training
Clock and clock-controlled genes are differently expressed in the retina, lamina and in selected cells of the visual system of Drosophila melanogaster
The retina and the first optic neuropil (lamina) of Drosophila show circadian rhythms in various processes. To learn about the regulation of circadian rhythms in the retina and lamina and in two cell types, glial and the lamina L2 interneurons, we examined expression of the following clock genes; per, tim, clk, and cry and clock-controlled genes (ccgs); Atpα, nrv2, brp, Pdfr. We found that the expression of gene studied is specific for the retina and lamina. The rhythms of per and tim expression in the retina and glial cells are similar to that observed in the whole head and in clock neurons, while they differ in the lamina and L2 cells. In both the retina and lamina, CRY seems to be a repressor of clk expression. In L2 interneurons per expression is not cyclic indicating the other function of PER in those cells than in the circadian molecular clock. In contrast to per and tim, the pattern of clk and cry expression is similar in both the retina and lamina. The retina holds the autonomous oscillators but the expression of cry and ccgs, Atpα and nrv2, is also regulated by inputs from the pacemaker transmitted by PDF and ITP neuropeptides
Expression and cellular distribution of cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (Cdk4) and connexin 43 (Cx43) in porcine oocytes before and after in vitro maturation
It is recognised that connexin 43 (Cx43) and cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (Cdk4) are involved in the cumulus cell-oocyte communication via gap junctions and the control of cell cycle progress. However, little is known about their mRNA expression pattern and encoded proteins distribution in porcine oocytes during in vitro maturation (IVM). Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were collected from 31 puberal crossbred Landrace gilts and analysed for their Cdk4 and Cx43 mRNA expression using RQ-PCR and for the respective protein expression by confocal microscopic observations. An increased Cdk4 and Cx43 mRNA expression was found in oocytes after IVM (P < 0.001 and P < 0.05, respectively). Confocal microscopic observations revealed a significant increase of Cdk4 protein expression in the cytoplasm of oocytes during the maturation process. The localisation of Cx43 changed from zona pellucida before to cytoplasm of oocytes after IVM. It is supposed that the increased expression of Cdk4 and Cx43 mRNA in oocytes after IVM is linked with the accumulation of a large amount of templates during the process of oocyte maturation. The translocation especially of Cx43 from the zona pellucida into the cytoplasm may be associated with a decrease in gap junction activity in fully grown porcine oocytes. Both Cdk4 and Cx43 can be used as ‘checkpoints’ of oocyte maturation
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