4,669 research outputs found

    K- absorption in nuclei by two and three nucleons

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    It will be shown that the peaks in the (Lambda p) and (Lambda d) invariant mass distributions, observed in recent FINUDA experiments and claimed to be signals of deeply bound kaonic states, are naturally explained in terms of K- absorption by two or three nucleons leaving the rest of the original nuclei as spectator. For reactions on heavy nuclei, the subsequent interactions of the particles produced in the primary absorption process with the residual nucleus play an important role. Our analyses leads to the conclusion that at present there is no experimental evidence of deeply bound K- state in nuclei. Although the FINUDA experiments have been done for reasons which are not supported a posteriori, some new physics can be extracted from the data.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Talk presented at the International Conference on Exotic Atoms "EXA 2008", Vienna, Austria, September 15-18, 200

    Lambda-hypernuclear production in stopped (K-,pion) reactions reexamined

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    DWIA calculations of Lambda-hypernuclear production rates in stopped K- reactions on several p-shell targets used recently in experiments by the FINUDA Collaboration are reported. Chirally motivated K- + N -> pion + Lambda in-medium transition amplitudes are employed and the sensitivity of the calculated rates to the initial K- atomic wavefunctions and final pion distorted waves is studied. The calculated rates are compared with measured rates, wherever available, confirming earlier observations that (i) the calculated rates are generally lower than the measured rates, and (ii) the deeper the K- nuclear potential, the worse is the discrepancy. The A dependence of the calculated 1s Lambda hypernuclear production rates is discussed for the first time, providing a useful tool in resolving the issue of depth of the K- nuclear potential near threshold.Comment: matches published version, including the dubious change of `revisited' in the title to `reexamined' upon PRC Editor's insistenc

    The A(Kstop−,π±Σ∓)A′A(K^-_{stop},\pi^\pm\Sigma^\mp)A' reaction on p-shell nuclei

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    This letter is concerned with the study of the Kstop−A→π±Σ∓A′K^-_{stop}A\rightarrow \pi^\pm\Sigma^\mp A' reaction in p-shell nuclei, i.e., 6,7Li^{6,7}Li, 9Be^9Be, 13C^{13}C and 16O^{16}O. The π±Σ∓/Kstop−\pi^\pm\Sigma^\mp / K^-_{stop} emission rates are reported as a function of AA. These rates are discussed in comparison with previous findings. The ratio π−Σ+/π+Σ−\pi^-\Sigma^+/\pi^+\Sigma^- in p-shell nuclei is found to depart largely from that on hydrogen, which provides support for large in-medium effects possibly generated by the sub-threshold Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405). The continuum momentum spectra of prompt pions and free sigmas are also discussed as well as the π±Σ∓\pi^\pm\Sigma^\mp missing mass behavior and the link with the reaction mechanism. The apparatus used for the investigation is the FINUDA spectrometer operating at the DAΦ\PhiNE ϕ\phi-factory (LNF-INFN, Italy).Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Coulomb corrections to low energy antiproton annihilation cross sections on protons and nuclei

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    We calculate, in a systematic way, the enhancement effect on antiproton-proton and antiproton-nucleus annihilation cross sections at low energy due to the initial state electrostatic interaction between the projectile and the target nucleus. This calculation is aimed at future comparisons between antineutron and antiproton annihilation rates on different targets, for the extraction of pure isospin channels.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures (latex format

    Structural relaxation of E' gamma centers in amorphous silica

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    We report experimental evidence of the existence of two variants of the E' gamma centers induced in silica by gamma rays at room temperature. The two variants are distinguishable by the fine features of their line shapes in paramagnetic resonance spectra. These features suggest that the two E' gamma differ for their topology. We find a thermally induced interconversion between the centers with an activation energy of about 34 meV. Hints are also found for the existence of a structural configuration of minimum energy and of a metastable state.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Latest results for the antikaon-nucleon optical potential

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    The key question of this letter is whether the K-nucleus optical potential is deep, as it is prefered by the phenomenological fits to kaonic atoms data, or shallow, as it comes out from unitary chiral model calculations. The current experimental situation is reviewed.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure. Presented at the 21st European Conference on the Few-Body problems in Physics (EFB21), Salamanca, Spain, August 29 - September 3, 201

    Future directions in kaonic atom physics

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    Recent progress and open problems in kaonic atom physics are presented. A connection between phenomenological deep potentials and the underlying K−NK^-N interaction is established as well as the need for a theory for multinucleon absorption of kaons. K−K^- absorption at rest to specific Λ\Lambda hypernuclei states is briefly discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of the EXA2011 conference, to appear in Hyperfine Interaction

    Edge Effects in the Directionally Biased Distribution of Choristoneura rosaceana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Apple Orchards

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    Edge effect tests have been used in a number of studies on obliquebanded leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris), to test for evidence of mated female immigration into pheromone-treated orchards. This type of test compares obliquebanded leafroller presence or activity around the perimeter of an orchard against presence or activity in the interior. Higher numbers detected around the edges of an orchard would indicate higher levels of flight activity at the edge, a pattern that could be generated by high levels of immigration. Recent work has shown that the spatial distribution of recaptured obliquebanded leafroller adults released from a single location can be directionally biased, which could obscure the ability to detect an edge effect. To test this theory, data from an orchard study conducted in 1991 that found no significant edge effect was reanalyzed. When we accounted for the directional bias in the distribution of first-generation mated female moths, we found an edge effect with significantly more mated females captured in the edge traps than in the center or mid-interior traps. No edge effect was found when the directional bias was ignored. In addition, second-generation males and mated females both showed a significant edge effect that had not been detected in the original analysis, which had combined both first- and second-generation dat

    Innovative techniques for survey and communication of cultural heritage

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    This paper deals with the survey and communications of Cultural Heritage through the development of innovative methodologies. The case of study is the polychrome wooden ceiling in the \u201cMagna\u201d Hall of \u201cPalazzo Steri\u201d. The \u201cSteri\u201d, built in the XIVth century by the noble family Chiaromonte, is at the present the headquarter of the Rector\u2019s Office of Palermo University. A 3D model of the wooden ceiling has initially been carried out with laser-scanning and digital photogrammetric techniques; successively a multimodal interactive guide has been realized. The guide is integrated to the 3D model, so that visitors can navigate the virtual representation of the ancient wood ceiling and achieve, interacting vocally, relevant meta information about history and sense of painted scenes
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