1,690 research outputs found
Agis Setiyaningsih
Penelitian bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penerimaan diri siswa MAN Pakem kelas XI melalui konseling kelompok. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subyek 10 siswa yang duduk di kelas XI MAN Pakem. Teknik pengambilan subyek yang digunakan yaitu purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan skala, observasi dan wawancara, sedangkan instrumen yang digunakan adalah skala penerimaan diri, pedoman observasi dan pedoman wawancara. Skala penerimaan diri terdiri dari 32 item dan diuji coba pada 29 siswa menghasilkan data seluruh item valid. Hasil uji validitas skala penerimaan diri pada taraf 5% menunjukkan angka = 0,367. Reliabilitas instrumen sebesar 0,903 memiliki reliabilitas tinggi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik deskriptif kuantitatif.
Kegiatan konseling kelompok dilakukan dengan dua siklus. Pada siklus I terdapat 1 kali tindakan dengan 4 kali pertemuan dan di setiap tindakan masingmasing siswa diminta untuk menceritakan masalah yang sedang dihadapi dan teman yang lain diminta untuk memberikan solusi. Kemudian pada siklus II terdapat 1 kali tindakan dengan 2 kali pertemuan dan disetiap tindakan masingmasing siswa diminta untuk merefleksikan setiap permainan yang telah dilaksanakan. Dari hasil pre-test dengan hasil post-test II subyek mengalami peningkatan penerimaan diri yaitu dengan hasil pre-test 71, setelah dilakukan tindakan dan post-test II meningkat menjadi 100,9. Skor 100,9 telah mencapai batas patokan minimal yang ditetapkan yaitu 89,6 sebagai skor minimal penerimaan diri kategori tinggi. Hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa konseling kelompok dapat meningkatkan penerimaan diri dengan metode diskusi, brainstorming dan permainan, sehingga siswa dapat menerima diri sepenuhnya. Siswa mampu berpikir positif terhadap diri, menerima keadaan fisik dan menjadi diri sendiri, mengakui dan menghargai bakat diri, menerima keadaan ekonomi keluarga, merasa nyaman dan puas dengan diri.
Kata kunci: penerimaan diri, konseling kelompok
Vibration-Based structural health monitoring using piezoelectric transducers and parametric t-SNE
In this paper, we evaluate the performance of the so-called parametric t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (P-t-SNE), comparing it to the performance of the t-SNE, the non-parametric version. The methodology used in this study is introduced for the detection and classification of structural changes in the field of structural health monitoring. This method is based on the combination of principal component analysis (PCA) and P-t-SNE, and it is applied to an experimental case study of an aluminum plate with four piezoelectric transducers. The basic steps of the detection and classification process are: (i) the raw data are scaled using mean-centered group scaling and then PCA is applied to reduce its dimensionality; (ii) P-t-SNE is applied to represent the scaled and reduced data as 2-dimensional points, defining a cluster for each structural state; and (iii) the current structure to be diagnosed is associated with a cluster employing two strategies: (a) majority voting; and (b) the sum of the inverse distances. The results in the frequency domain manifest the strong performance of P-t-SNE, which is comparable to the performance of t-SNE but outperforms t-SNE in terms of computational cost and runtime. When the method is based on P-t-SNE, the overall accuracy fluctuates between 99.5% and 99.75%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
“Pengaruh Self-efficacy terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa SMA”
Agis Kusmawan (1601557). Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika. Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh self-efficacy terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa SMA. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif-korelasional. Populasi dari penelitian ini yaitu seluruh siswa kelas XI di SMA Kabupaten Sukabumi semester genap tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Sampel dalam penelitian dipilih sebanyak 61 siswa dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Data yang diperoleh merupakan hasil dari isian angket siswa dan tes uraian melalui media google form. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukan Self-efficacy berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa SMA secara signifikan dengan pengaruh sebesar 33,2%. Penelitian ini dapat menjadi rujukan bagi pendidik, atau penentu kebijakan di bidang pendidikan agar memberikan perhatian lebih terhadap ranah afektif yang dalam hal ini adalah self-efficacy ketika melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran matematika, guna meningkatkan pencapaian hasil pembelajaran matematika yang lebih optimal.
Kata Kunci: Self-efficacy, Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis
"The Effect of Self-efficacy on Mathematical Communication Skills of High School Students"
Agis Kusmawan (1601557). Program Study Mathematic Education. Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education. Indonesia University of Education.
This study aims to analyze the effect of self-efficacy on the mathematical communication skills of high school students. This research uses a quantitative approach with a descriptive correlational method. The population of this research was students of class XI at Sukabumi Regency high schools in the even semester of the academic year 2020/2021. The sample in this research amounted to 61 students with random sampling technique. The data obtained is the result of student questionnaires and description tests through the Google form tool. The results of this research indicate Self-efficacy which influences the mathematical communication skills of high school students which is significant with an effect of 33.2%. thus research can be a reference for educators of policy makers in the field of education to pay attention to the affective realm, which in this case is self-efficacy when carrying out mathematics learning activities to increase the achievement of more optimal mathematics learning outcomes.
Keyword: Self-efficacy, Mathematical Communication Skill
Roots ancient or medieval? Nikolaos Politis, modern Greek folklore studies and ancient Greek religion
The question posed by the title can be reformulated in the following manner: to what extent has it been possible or desirable to connect modern Greek customs with ancient ones? not customs in general, but more precisely religious customs. Greek folklore studies typically begin with Nikolaos Politis, professor at the University of Athens, the first to introduce the term λαογραφία (meaning “folklore studies”) towards the end of the nineteenth century. Yet, we need to revert to at least as far back as the time prior to the Greek Revolution, that is, the period of the Greek enlightenment, in order to trace the beginnings of the shaping of the ideological framework of modern Greek folklore studies. it is well known and has aptly been pointed out, also in connection with Greek folklore studies, that for the Greeks the enlightenment movement went hand in hand with a specific form of romanticism. The Greek idea of the nation developed within the framework of the Romantic movement and on the basis of the connection between “us” and “the ancients”. How, then, were modern Greek folk customs that were not firmly related to the orthodox church incorporated in this new cultural narrative
Gender Stereotyoes in Etaf Rum's Novel "A Woman is No Man"
The aim of this study is to analyse gender stereotypes and how the main character deal with it that is portrayed in the novel entitled A Woman is No Man by Etaf Rum. This study uses the qualitative approach by describing and analysing the characters in the novel. In order to analyse the data, the writer uses theory of gender performativity (Butler, 1999). The result of this study shows the analysis of gender stereotypes on how male and female bodies are differentiated through certain standards of appearance, personality traits, also responsibility that are considered appropriate for both genders. It also describes that the main character can deal with the gender stereotype by understanding herself to take opportunity for growth. Through analysing this study, it concluded that female and male bodies identified being feminine and masculine as they performed certain acts and attributes purpose for female and male.
Keywords: Gender Stereotypes, Feminine, Masculine, Novel
CFD analysis of 3D dynamic stall
Focusing on helicopter aerodynamics, it is known that the aerodynamic performance of the retreating side of a rotor disk is mainly dictated by the stall characteristics of the blade. Stall under dynamic conditions (Dynamic Stall) is the dominant phenomenon encountered on heavily loaded fast-flying rotors, resulting in an extra lift and excessive pitching moments. Dynamic stall (DS) can be idealised as the pitching motion of a finite wing and this is the focus of the present work which includes three main stages.
At first, comparisons between available experimental data with CFD simulations were performed for 3D DS cases. This work is the first detailed CFD study of 3D Dynamic Stall and has produced results indicating that DS can be predicted and analysed using CFD. The CFD results were validated against all known experimental investigations. In addition, a comprehensive set of CFD results was generated and used to enhance our understanding of 3D DS. Straight, tapered and swept-tip wings of various aspect ratios were used at a range of Reynolds and Mach numbers and flow conditions. For all cases where experimental data were available effort was put to obtain the original data and process these in exactly the same ways as the CFD results. Special care was put to represent exactly the motion of the lifting surfaces, its geometry and the boundary conditions of the problem.
Secondly, the evolution of the Ω-shaped DS vortex observed in experimental works as well as its interaction with the tip vortices were investigated. Both pitching and pitching/rotating blade conditions were considered.
Finally, the potential of training a Neural network as a model for DS was assessed in an attempt to reduce the required CPU time for modelling 3D DS. Neural networks have a proven track record in applications involving pattern recognition but so far have seen little application in unsteady aerodynamics. In this work, two different NN models were developed and assessed in a variety of conditions involving DS. Both experimental and CFD data were used during these investigations. The dependence of the quality of the predictions of the NN on the choice of the training data was then assessed and thoughts towards the correct strategy behind this choice were laid out
Damage diagnosis for offshore fixed wind turbines
This paper proposes a damage diagnosis strategy to detect and classify different type of damages in a laboratory offshore-fixed wind turbine model. The proposed method combines an accelerometer sensor network attached to the structure with a conceived algorithm based on principal component analysis (PCA) with quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA).
The paradigm of structural health monitoring can be undertaken as a pattern recognition problem (comparison between the data collected from the healthy structure and the current structure to
diagnose given a known excitation). However, in this work, as the strategy is designed for wind turbines, only the output data from the sensors is used but the excitation is assumed unknown (as in reality is provided by the wind).
The proposed methodology is tested in an experimental laboratory tower modeling an offshore-fixed jacked-type wind turbine.
The obtained results show the reliability of the proposed approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Roots ancient or medieval? Nikolaos Politis, modern Greek folklore studies and ancient Greek religion
The question posed by the title can be reformulated in the following manner: to what extent has it been possible or desirable to connect modern Greek customs with ancient ones? not customs in general, but more precisely religious customs. Greek folklore studies typically begin with Nikolaos Politis, professor at the University of Athens, the first to introduce the term λαογραφία (meaning “folklore studies”) towards the end of the nineteenth century. Yet, we need to revert to at least as far back as the time prior to the Greek Revolution, that is, the period of the Greek enlightenment, in order to trace the beginnings of the shaping of the ideological framework of modern Greek folklore studies. it is well known and has aptly been pointed out, also in connection with Greek folklore studies, that for the Greeks the enlightenment movement went hand in hand with a specific form of romanticism. The Greek idea of the nation developed within the framework of the Romantic movement and on the basis of the connection between “us” and “the ancients”. How, then, were modern Greek folk customs that were not firmly related to the orthodox church incorporated in this new cultural narrative
Theoretical AGB and post-AGB Models for Synthetic Population Studies
Near the end of their evolution, moderate-mass stars (approximatively between 1 and 8 solar masses) go through the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase. The AGB and the transition to the ensuing post-AGB are very time (both computational and human) consuming to simulate. Hence, large grids of models originating from detailed
calculations are rare; only few stars are generally computed. Some stellar libraries have nonetheless been constituted in the past. These are very sought-after by population synthesis modelers, as they try to
reproduce observed properties of larger stellar systems by assembling together many individual models. However such AGB and post-AGB grids can rapidly become outdated because of constant input-physics ameliorations. So-called synthetic AGB models are a solution as they are computationally less time demanding: nonetheless their major drawback is that they remain approximations.
In this context, new detailed models for stars of 1 to 6 solar masses, and compositions with a total heavy element content that corresponds to values between a fortieth and a double of the solar one (for two different relative scalings), have been computed. They evolve through
all stellar phases from the main sequence to the white dwarf stage; here focus is on the AGB and post-AGB parts.
The parameter space coverage is comparable only with the latest synthetic grids, as none of the previous detailed stellar libraries extend over such wide mass/metallicity intervals. Furthermore, the most recent physics, relevant for the AGB and post-AGB, are included. These updates, at the level of sophistication brought by this work,
are present neither in synthetic nor in any detailed computations. Because they are of paramount importance, their inclusion is the major asset of this work. Specifically, three updates have been implemented:
a) new chemistry-dependent low-temperature opacities b) up-to-date chemistry-dependent mass-loss prescriptions c) convective overshooting. With overshooting, envelope mixing will be more efficient and dredge-up additional material from deeper layers. The stellar surface will thus be converted from an oxygen- to a carbon-rich one, and changes will directly affect the opacities and in turn the mass-loss rates. While ignored in previous models, these
transformations are now taken into account.
We show, how such amendments were a necessity by comparing the results with older grids, and how models are in agreement, without any prior calibration, with observations.
The new stellar library contains 100 AGB and 60 post-AGB sequences. The AGB tracks cover the entire parameter space. Post-AGB models are also available for the full metallicity range but, because of convergence issues, only for star between 1 and 2 solar masses.
To our knowledge this work provides the scientific community with the most up-to-date, self-consistent and extended grid, originating from detailed AGB and post-AGB models. It is expected to be a valuable input-tool for population synthesis work and aims to supersede the
more than 10-year old outdated tracks that are currently still being use
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