1,193 research outputs found

    The university student experience of face-to-face and online discussions: coherence, reflection and meaning

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    This paper reports on an investigation into learning through discussions by undergraduate social work students. Second‐year students studying psychology for social work experienced discussions began with face‐to‐face tutorials, and then continued for some time after online. This study used closed‐ended questionnaires to investigate what students thought they were learning through discussions (their concepts), and how they engaged in the discussions face‐to‐face and online (their approaches). Significant associations were found among students’ concepts of discussions, approaches and levels of achievement. The results suggest that students who do not understand how discussions can help them to interrogate, reflect on and revise their ideas tended not to approach either face‐to‐face or online discussions in ways likely to improve their understanding or their levels of achievement. This type of insight is critical for teacher/designers wishing to create university experiences in which discussion is used to promote learning

    The decision problem of modal product logics with a diagonal, and faulty counter machines

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    In the propositional modal (and algebraic) treatment of two-variable first-order logic equality is modelled by a `diagonal' constant, interpreted in square products of universal frames as the identity (also known as the `diagonal') relation. Here we study the decision problem of products of two arbitrary modal logics equipped with such a diagonal. As the presence or absence of equality in two-variable first-order logic does not influence the complexity of its satisfiability problem, one might expect that adding a diagonal to product logics in general is similarly harmless. We show that this is far from being the case, and there can be quite a big jump in complexity, even from decidable to the highly undecidable. Our undecidable logics can also be viewed as new fragments of first- order logic where adding equality changes a decidable fragment to undecidable. We prove our results by a novel application of counter machine problems. While our formalism apparently cannot force reliable counter machine computations directly, the presence of a unique diagonal in the models makes it possible to encode both lossy and insertion-error computations, for the same sequence of instructions. We show that, given such a pair of faulty computations, it is then possible to reconstruct a reliable run from them


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    This thesis is entitled “The Influence of Textbook Use to The Achievement of Student Core Competency in Learning Social Studies on 2013 Curriculum at Junior High School in Bandung City”. Based on the field findings, First, teachers feel burdened by the 2013 curriculum. Second, textbook, the teaching material for the junior secondary level of education has not been based on the approach of decision making and problem solving. The consequences of these, the aimof Social Studies has not been achieved, in which aims are to create student who are capable of making decision and becoming a good citizen. Third, the 2013 curriculum creates a core competency which is an outcome of learning process. The core competencies consist of spiritual competency, social attitude, knowledge, and skill. Therefore, media of textbook has to be applied properly for preparing student to be a good citizen, and achieving core competency as an outcome of learning process upon the 2013 curriculum. Textbook is a main reading material used by students in the school. By applying model analysis of SEM (Structural Equation Model), the obtained outcomes of this research are (1) this research illustrates the use of textbook for improving the achievement of core competencies. As shown from the feasibility aspects from the content, presentation, language, and graphics of the textbook. (2) The textbook has significant and positive influence on the core competencies in the amount of 26,58%, and 73,42% but also are influenced by other variables that are estimated necessarily to be considered for viewing achievement of students core competencies in Learning Social Studies on 2013 Curriculum at Bandung City.;-- Tesis ini mengambil judul “Pengaruh Penggunaan Buku Teks Terhadap Ketercapaian Kompetensi Inti Pada Pembelajaran IPS Dalam Kurikulum 2013 Di SMPN Kota Bandung”. Berdasarkan temuan di lapangan, Pertama, para guru merasa terbebani dengan adanya kurikulum 2013 Kedua, buku teks sebagai salah satu bahan ajar pada tingkat pendidikan menengah pertama dirasa belum berdasarkan pada pengambilan keputusan dan pendekatan pemecahan masalah, sehingga tujuan dari IPS belum tercapai, dimana menciptakan peserta didik yang mampu memiliki kemampuan dalam mengambil keputusan dan menjadi warga negara yang baik. Ketiga, pada kurikulum 2013 lahirlah kompetensi inti yang menjadikan capaian dalam proses pembelajaran, kompetensi inti ini terdiri dari kompetensi spiritual, sikap sosial, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan. Dengan demikian, buku teks sebagai penunjang bagi guru untuk mempersiapkan peserta didik menjadi warga negara yang baik serta mencapai kompetensi inti sebagai capaian dalam pembelajaran IPS pada kurikulum 2013 harus digunakan dengan tepat, karena buku teks merupakan sumber bacaan utama yang digunakan peserta didik di sekolah. Dengan menggunakan analisis model SEM (Structural Equation Model). Hasil yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Penelitian ini memberikan gambaran penggunaan buku teks dalam meningkatkan ketercapaian kompetensi inti. Hal tersebut dapat ditinjau dari aspek kelayakan isi buku teks, penyajian buku teks, kebahasaan buku teks, dan kegrafikan buku teks. (2) Buku teks berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap kompetensi inti sebesar 26,58% dan 73,42% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang diperkirakan perlu dipertimbangkan dalam melihat ketercapaian kompetensi inti peserta didik dalam pembelajaran IPS pada kurikulum 2013 di Kota Bandung


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    The Challenges and Prospects of Managing Private School System in Rivers State

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    The Private School System is part of the education system in Rivers State as indeed other parts of the country. Though part of the education system, the Private School System has its peculiarities. This paper therefore looked into the challenges and prospects of managing the Private School System (PSS) in Rivers State. In the process, the paper examined the education policy and law of Rivers State in view of their implications for the management of the Private School System. The paper also made suggestions in achieving efficiency in Private School System in its contribution to education development of Rivers State.Key words: Private School System, challenges, prospects, managing

    Perceptions of Stroke Risks Among West African Male Immigrants in San Diego

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    The incidence and knowledge of the risk factors of stroke across ethnic groups in the United States have been examined in multiple studies. However, it is not well known if the foreign-born African immigrants who constitute about 4% of the U.S. immigrant population are at a higher risk of the incidence of stroke than are other nonimmigrant population in the U. S. This ethnographic study explored the perceptions of Anglophone African male immigrants residing in San Diego on the risk factors of stroke. The theoretical framework for this study included the health belief model and the health promotion model. Data were collected through unstructured, in-depth interviews with 8 male participants. Interview transcripts were analyzed using Nvivo 10 computer software and reviewed manually. A key finding was that most of the participants reported a lack or limited knowledge of stroke disease and no knowledge of the warning signs of stroke prior to migrating to the United States, but that they acquired some knowledge after integrating into mainstream U.S. society. Other findings were that using preventive services such as engaging in periodic medical check-ups and screening for high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol were not common practices in the home countries of the participants; that the participants considered women as resource persons on health issues; and that the participants struggled with negative attributes associated with sickness and hospitals. Results of this study might encourage changes in the health behaviors and beliefs of the African-born male adults by raising their knowledge and awareness of the prevalence of stroke and preventive measures available to them in the community

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Open-Ended Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematis

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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis yang rendah. Alternantif pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kemampuan tersebut adalah pendekatan open-ended. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengukur peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu menggunakan 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Desain yang digunakan yaitu The Nonequivalent Pretest-Posttest Control Group Desain. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah berbentuk soal urraian (Essay) Hasil penelitian yang diharapkan yaitu penerapan medel pembelajaran open-ended dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis