456 research outputs found

    Nuevo mercado del Bon Pastor

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    El presente documento tiene como objetivo desarrollar un mercado en el Barrio del Bon Pastor en sustitución del ya existente. Este nuevo mercado deberá adecuarse a las nuevas necesidades de una zona en proceso de transformación con miras a un próximo crecimiento. Para potenciar su utilización, se vinculará con otros servicios complementarios a los ya existentes en el barrio, que aporten más calidad al conjunto, como un autoservicio, bar-restaurante, locales y zonas polivalentes, asi como una planta sótano -1 de uso exclusivo de los inquilinos de complejo y otra planta sótano -2 para aparcamiento de visitantes

    Estudio piloto sobre la influencia de la luz artificial sobre la abundancia de especies de polillas y mariposas nocturnas en San Cristobal, Galapagos

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    The present study was based on observations about the attraction caused on nocturnal Lepidoptera to sources of artificial light at night. The investigation was developed in San Cristobal Galapagos on June and July, 2011. The preliminary results suggest that there is a significant higher abundance of individuals in the urban zones than in the rural zones pointing to a possible influence of the artificial light sources. The preliminary results obtained could be used for further investigations about the effects and types of influences caused on insects by artificial light.El estudio presentado a continuación fue desarrollado con base en observaciones sobre la atracción de lepidópteros nocturnos hacia fuentes de luz artificial en la noche. La investigación se desarrolló en San Cristóbal Galápagos en junio y julio de 2011. Los resultados preliminares sugieren que hay significativamente mayor abundancia de individuos en las zonas urbanas que en las zonas rurales evidenciando una posible influencia de las fuentes de luz artificial. Los resultados preliminares obtenidos pueden servir para nuevas investigaciones sobre los efectos y tipos de influencias causadas en insectos por la iluminación artificial durante la noche

    Manual de identificación y registro del Oso Andino participación local para promover la conservación de la especie en el DMQ

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    The demographic growth and human development in the Metropolitan District of Quito (MDQ) has reduced and fragmented the natural areas that were populated with Andean bears. This has caused changes in the distribution, population density and natural habits on the individuals. This has also changed the natural behavior of the specie such as feeding, reproduction and movements. The Andean bear is cataloged in Ecuador as vulnerable specie due to these segmentation and habitat reduction processes. This is happening by one side because of the lack of knowledge and cooperation between the distinct segments of society in the search of a sustainable and good environmental management. Together with an association with the Environment Office and the Applied Ecology Institute of the San Francisco de Quito University, the Ecological Corridor Project for the Andean bear on the north of the DM developed an identification and monitoring manual for the specie in order to involucrate the local sector of the north of the DMQ in the registration and study of the specie for its conservation and better management. For this reason, throw a workshop, a selected portion of the sector population was capacitated and evaluated. They will now be part of the process of involving tourists, residents and visitors in the monitoring and conservation of the habitat areas of the specie. Their voluntary and cooperative participation keeps developing en matters of environmental education, management of the corridor areas and conservation of the Andean bear.El crecimiento demográfico y desarrollo humano en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito (DMQ) ha reducido y segmentado las áreas naturales pobladas por osos andinos. Esto ha ocasionando que los individuos de esta especie cambien su distribución, densidad poblacional y hábitos naturales de alimentación, reproducción y movimiento. El oso andino esta catalogado en el Ecuador como especie vulnerable debido a estos procesos de segmentación y reducción de hábitat. Esto se debe en parte al desconocimiento y falta de cooperación entre los distintos segmentos de la sociedad para un buen manejo ambiental y desarrollo sostenible. A través del proyecto Corredor Ecológico del oso andino al noroccidente del DMQ, junto con la Secretaría de Ambiente y el Instituto de Ecología Aplicada de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito, se desarrolló un manual de identificación y monitoreo de la especie que permitirá involucrar al sector local al noroccidente del DMQ en el registro y seguimiento de la especie para su conservación y mejor manejo. Por lo tanto a través de un taller se capacitó y evaluó a una porción clave de la población del sector. Esta servirá de base para el involucramiento de turistas, residentes y visitantes en el monitoreo y conservación de las áreas de hábitat del oso andino. Su participación voluntaria y cooperativa se sigue desarrollando en educación ambiental, manejo de las áreas del corredor y conservación del oso andino

    Cuestiones prácticas en cuanto a la elaboración de relatos biográficos

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    El presente artículo pretende dar consejos prácticos para la elaboración de relatos biográficos. Después de una breve presentación de la idea principal describe cómo se puede realizar una entrevista abierta que tiene como fin la elaboración de un relato biográfico. El tercer y cuarto apartados versan sobre el tratamiento de los datos adquiridos: la transcripción, la elaboración de una ficha, la codificación y el análisis de los datos. Paraules clau: métodos antropológicos, entrevista biográfica, relato biográfico, transcripción, análisis cualitativo. Abstract This article offers practical advice for developing biographical narratives. A brief discussion of the main characteristics of the biographical narrative is followed by a description of how to conduct an open-ended interview for the purpose of developing a biographical narrative. The third and fourth sections deal with the treatment of the data collected: transcription, creation of a file to record information concerning the interview and the interviewee, coding, and data analysis. Keywords: anthropological methods, biographical interview, biographical narratives, transcription, qualitative analysis

    Current Issues with Assessment Formats and Interoperability

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    Proceedings of: 2010 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Madrid, Spain, 14-16 April, 2010Assessment has been one of the areas in computer supported learning where technology has been quickly deployed. Support for computer based assessment is found not only in all Learning Management Systems, but also as stand-alone tools. This large number of tools has led to the appearance of a large number of formats to store, retrieve and exchange assessment material. Although institutions such as the IMS Global Consortium have proposed specifications (e.g. IMS QTI) aimed to facilitate the exchange of this material, in the actual landscape, there are still too many formats that significantly hinder the reuse of this material. In this paper an analysis of the implementation of these formats is described.This work has been partially funded by the iCoper Project (eContentPlus Best Practice Network No. ECP-2007-EDU-417007), Learn3 Project (“Plan Nacional de I+D+I” TIN2008- 05163/TSI), Flexo (AVANZA), España Virtual (CDTI, Ingenio 2010, CENIT), SOLITE (CYTED 508AC0341)Publicad

    Traditional medicine as an alternative form of health care system: A preliminary case study of Nangabo sub-county, central Uganda

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    This study was conducted in Nangabo sub-county of Wakiso district. The purpose was to document the common Traditional Medicine (TM) practices; assess the local people's preferences for TM versus western medicine (WM) and lastly to determine the awareness about the importance of TM by local people. Data were collected using semi-structured administered face-to-face with respondents. A total of 120 interviewed. Six focused group discussions (FGDs) were held to validate the questionnaire responses. Data were analyzed descriptively using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The findings indicated that most (43%) respondents derive their livelihoods from traditional medicine practices. Three forms of TM were reportedherbalism (67%), spiritual counseling (23%) and bone setting (10%). Although the majority (81%) of respondents were quite aware of the importance of TM in the sustenance of health care system, majority (55%) of them shunned TM in preference to WM, largely because of the belief that TM is evil-founded and devilish in nature. Only 45% of the respondents preferred TM to WM. The main reasons given for visiting TM practioners rather than western medical practitioners were that TM is sometimes more effective than WM and that in many instances it has very minimal side effects on the human body. There is, however, a need for Ugandan government to legitimize the practice of TM since it contributes a lot to health care needs in areas where western medicine is insufficiently provided. In addition, there is a need for further research into the efficacy and safety of traditional medicines if it is to be adequately integrated into western medicine.Key words: Traditional medicine, health care, herbalism, spiritual counseling, bone setting, Ugand

    Commercialization of Ruspolia nitidula (nsenene grasshoppers) in Central Uganda

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    Trade in Ruspolia nitidula commonly known as grasshopper and locally known, as Nsenene is becoming a valuable source of income for many poor people in central Uganda, which although modest in terms of monetary value, could nonetheless form a significant proportion of their annual income. Though eaten by a large proportion of the population in the central Uganda, there is much less documented information on its commercialization and income potential. A study was, therefore, conducted to document consumers' perceptions about eating these R. nitidula; marketing chain, market locations, and the people trading in R. nitidula; the average price, income generated and the challenges and opportunities for marketing it in central Uganda. Two divisions (Central and Kawempe) of Kampala City and one sub-county (Nyendo-Ssenyange) of Masaka district with high concentration of R. nitidula business were surveyed. Seventy R. nitidula traders and 70 consumers were interviewed. Data were edited, coded, entered and analyzed using Statistical Packake for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results show that R. nitidula is a delicacy and cultural food eaten by the majority of the people in central Uganda. The average retail price per kilogram of R. nitidula was Uganda shillings 5,000 (≈ US 2.80), which compares favourably with that of goat meat, which retails at approximately Uganda shillings 4,000 (≈ US 2.13) per kilogram in Kampala districts. The trade was dominated by men and characterized by wholesalers who buy R. nitidula from collectors and sell to retailers. The average price per kilogram of R. nitidula increases from collectors to wholesale traders and to retailers. Collectors charged the lowest price although their profit margins remained the highest. Several barriers, such as high market dues, hamper the trade in R. nitidula. There is a need to streamline the trade in R. nitidula so as to protect traders from high taxation by the market administrators. The possibility of adding value to the R. nitidula should be investigated because it is mainly being sold in fresh form and yet it has a short shelf life. Keywords: Marketing, Trade, Ruspolia nitidula, Uganda. AJFAND Vol. 8 (3) 2008: pp. 319-33

    Land use/cover change and perceived watershed status in Eastern Uganda

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    This study assessed the current status of Awoja in Ngora district of Eastern Uganda. Remote sensing, household survey, In Pac S methodology and focus group discussions were used to acquire data from April to July, 2015. Landsat satellite imageries from 2007 and 2013 were acquired by USGS Earth Explorer to quantify land use/cover changes. Five land use/cover types were identified namely; (1) open water (2) wetland (3) tree cover (4) agriculture and (5) built up area. The findings indicate a fivefold increase in built up area by 154.27Km2 and open water changed by 8.7 Km2 and a reduction in wetland area by -1.0Km2 tree cover by -48.07Km2 and agriculture area by -11.4.0Km2. The survey results indicated deforestation, wetland encroachment, poor attitude and over population as the main reasons for degradation. In Pac S methodology findings showed convergence in the perceived indicator of degraded watershed in terms of water and soil quality; vegetation type and species diversity among the lay people and technocrats. The focus group discussion findings indicated a negative trend in land use/cover change. There is need for a concerted effort to design an appropriate restoration strategy for Awoja.Keywords: Land use/cover, remote sensing, GIS and other method

    ¿Por qué a mi? Instantáneas del momento del accidente en los amputados traumáticos

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    Introducción: Describimos un momento crucial del itinerario vital de los amputados traumáticos. Objetivos: Describir y analizar las perspectivas elaboradas en torno al instante del accidente desde el punto de vista de los amputados traumáticos. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo de corte etnográfico. Participantes del estudio: 19 amputados en su mayor parte de origen traumático. Los datos se recogieron mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas, historias de vida y observación participante. Resultados: Aparece el concepto de “ser invulnerable”, la imprevisibilidad de los accidentes y el papel de la casualidad y el azar en la tragedia. El arcaico debate del destino frente a la casualidad está presente. Conclusiones: Muchos moteros, con un estilo de vida ligado al ocio, experimentan el frenazo que supone el suceso, metafóricamente, de 100 a 0 km/h. Se evidencia la impronta en el imaginario de los amputados del poder de la ciencia encarnada en la cirugía y la inmortalidad del cuerpo como conceptoEnfermerí

    El papa Wojtyla, actor después de muerto

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    De la relación que el Papa Juan Pablo II tenía con los medios de comunicación, desde el comienzo de su ministerio pontificio cuando hizo el primer saludo al mundo desde el balcón de la logia central de la basílica de San Pedro