261 research outputs found

    The Relationship between the Level of School-Involvement and Learned Helplessness among Special-Education Teachers in the Arab Sector

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    Acquired or learned helplessness is one of the most popular research subjects reported in the psychological literature in recent decades. The present study examined the relationship between involvement in decision-making at the school and learned helplessness among special-education teachers in the Israeli Arab sector. The importance of this study lies in its focused examination of variables that correlate with states that have an adverse effect on the education system, such as stress and burnout. Special-education teachers were randomly selected from several special-education schools. The findings gave considerable support to the hypotheses that predicted a negative correlation between school involvement and learned helplessness. The conclusions of this study support greater involvement of teachers in the school in order to improve their well-being and work efficiency

    Self- Efficacy and Participation in Choosing the Teaching Profession as Predictors of Academic Motivation among Arab Student\u27s Girls

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the link between learning motivation among teaching trainees and self- efficacy and the rate of participation in choosing the profession of teaching. The main assumptions: There will be a clear positive link between the rate of self-efficacy of students and academic motivation, with its various elements. There will be a clear positive link between the rate of participation in choosing the profession (teaching) and academic motivation. The sample included 181 female students. The sample was random relative to students of each academic year and specialization. The findings of the study corroborated most of the assumptions, and we found clear links between motivation and its variety of elements and participation in the process of choosing the academic institution

    The Association Between Attachment Patterns and Parenting Styles With Emotion Regulation Among Palestinian Preschoolers

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    In the current study, we investigated the contribution of attachment and parenting to emotion regulation among preschool children in Palestine. Specifically, we set out to test the hypothesis that both parenting styles and patterns of attachment would be associated with children's emotion regulation abilities. The sample comprised 150 children from 10 public preschools in Northern Palestine. The preschoolers' levels of emotion regulation were found to be associated with their parents' parenting styles. More specifically, permissive and authoritative parenting styles were positively associated with emotion regulation and authoritarian and uninvolved parenting styles were negatively associated with emotion regulation. In addition, a statistically significant positive correlation was found between secure attachment and emotion regulation

    Overcoming Byzantine Failures Using Checkpointing

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryDARPA / F30602-00-C-0172 and F30602-02-C-013

    The errors and complications in the endodontic treatment

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    Rezumat. În baza analizei a 145 de radiograme a 145 pacienţi, în vârsta de la 19 la 62 de ani, care s‑au adresat cu scop de diagnostic, din cauza unor dureri, s‑a determinat că în 64,8% din cazuri erau prezente diferite erori şi complicaţii în tratamentul endodontic.Summary. Based on analysis of 145 radiograms of 145 pacients, with the age from 19 to 62 years old, that had adressed with diagnostic purpose, caused by pains, was determined that in 64.8% of cases were present different errors and complications in endodontic treatment

    Cevdet Akbay

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    Monomeric and polymeric anionic gemini surfactants and mixed surfactant systems in micellar electrokinetic chromatography. Part II: Characterization of chemical selectivity using two linear solvation energy relationship models Sodium di(undecenyl) tartarate monomer (SDUT), a vesicle-forming amphiphilic compound possessing two hydrophilic carboxylate headgroups and two hydrophobic undecenyl chains, was prepared and polymerized to form a polymeric vesicle (i.e., poly-SDUT). The anionic surfactants of SDUTand poly-SDUT (carboxylate head group) and sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS (sulfate head groups) as well as mixed surfactant systems (SDS/SDUT, SDS/poly-SDUT, and SDUT/poly-SDUT) were applied as pseudostationary phases in micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC). Two linear solvation energy relationship (LSER) models, i.e., solvatochromic and solvation parameter models, were successfully applied to investigate the effect of the type and composition of pseudostationary phases on the retention mechanism and selectivity in MEKC. The solvatochromic and solvation parameter models were used to help understand the fundamental nature of the solute-pseudostationary phase interactions and to characterize the properties of the pseudostationary phases (e.g., solute size and hydrogen bond-accepting ability for all pseudostationary phases). The solute types were found to have a significant effect on the LSER system coefficients and on the predicted retention factors. Although both LSER models provide the same information, the solvation parameter model is found to provide much better results both statistically and chemically than the solvatochromic model

    Overtaking CPU DBMSes with a GPU in whole-query analytic processing with parallelism-friendly execution plan optimization

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    Existing work on accelerating analytic DB query processing with (discrete) GPUs fails to fully realize their potential for speedup through parallelism: Published results do not achieve significant speedup over more performant CPU-only DBMSes when processing complete queries. This paper presents a successful

    Interventions to increase vaccine uptake among people who live and work in prisons : a global multistage scoping review

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    The objective of this study is to examine interventions implemented to increase vaccine uptake among people who live and work in prisons around the world. Peer-reviewed and gray literature databases were searched systematically to identify relevant information published from 2012 to 2022. Publications were evaluated by two researchers independently and underwent quality assessment through established tools. Of the 11,281 publications identified through peer-reviewed (2607) and gray literature (8674) search, 17 met the inclusion criteria. In light of limited data, the identified interventions were categorized into two categories of educational and organizational interventions, and are discussed in the text. The lack of availability of vaccination services and interventions to increase vaccine uptake among people who live and work in prisons, worldwide, is a serious public health concern. These interventions reported in this review can be adapted and adopted to mitigate the burden of infectious diseases among people who live and work in prisons

    Новизна в диагностике предраковыx поражений желудка.

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    Introduction: Detection and close monitoring of patients with precancerous lesions - chronic atrophic gastritis (GCA), gastric intestinal metaplasia (MIG) and gastric mucosal epithelial dysplasia (DEMG) is a priority to increase early detection and, implicitly, decrease mortality and mortality. by gastric cancer (GC). The aim of the present study is to develop a narrative synthesis of contemporary studies on GCA diagnostic methods. Material and methods: Eligible studies were searched in the PubMed, Hinari, SpringerLink and Scopus (Elsevier) databases during the years 2000-2020. Results: Out of 575 articles addressing the topic of precancerous lesions, 59 articles were qualified representative for the materials published on the topic of this synthesis article. Conclusions: There are two main methodological approaches for GCA evaluation: non-invasive serological examination using gastric function markers and invasive examination, which requires histological analysis of biopsy samples taken during upper digestive endoscopy, the latter being the „gold standard” for diagnosis.Introducere: Decelarea și supravegherea atentă a pacienților cu leziuni precanceroase – gastrita cronică atrofică (GCA), metaplazia intestinală gastrică (MIG) și displazia epiteliului mucoasei gastrice (DEMG) este o prioritate în vederea creșterii depistării precoce și, implicit, a scăderii mortalității și morbidității prin cancer gastric (CG). Scopul studiului prezent constă în elaborarea unei sinteze narative a studiilor contemporane privind metodele de diagnostic ale GCA. Material și metode: A fost efectuată căutarea studiilor eligibile în bazele de date PubMed, Hinari, SpringerLink şi Scopus (Elsevier) în perioada anilor 2000-2020. Rezultate: Din 575 de articole care abordează tematica leziunilor precanceroase, 59 de articole au fost calificate reprezentative pentru materialele publicate la tema acestui articol de sinteză. Concluzii: Există două abordări metodologice principale pentru evaluarea GCA: examenul non-invaziv serologic folosind marcherii funcției gastrice și examenul invaziv, care necesită analize histologice ale probelor de biopsie prelevate pe parcursul endoscopiei digestive superioare, ultima constituind ”standardul de aur” pentru stabilirea diagnosticului.Введение: Выявление и тщательный мониторинг пациентов с предраковыми поражениями - хроническим атрофическим гастритом (ХАГ), кишечной метаплазией желудка (КМЗ) и эпителиальной дисплазией слизистой оболочки желудка (ДСОЖ) является приоритетом для повышения раннего выявления и, косвенно, снижения смертности и смертности рак желудка (РЖ). Целью данного исследования является разработка нарративного синтеза современных исследований методов диагностики ХАГ. Материалы и методы. В течение 2000-2020 годов проводилось изучение подходящих исследований в базах данных PubMed, Hinari, SpringerLink и Scopus (Elsevier). Результаты: Из 575--ти статей, посвященных теме предраковых поражений, 59 статей были квалифицированным представителем материалов, опубликованных по теме данной сводной статьи. Выводы: существует два основных методологических подхода к оценке GCA: неинвазивное серологическое исследование с использованием маркеров функции желудка и инвазивное исследование, которое требует гистологического анализа биоптатов, взятых во время эндоскопии верхних отделов пищеварения, последнее является «золотым стандартом» для диагностики