11 research outputs found
Обізнаність хворих з метаболічними порушеннями про роль фізичної активності в контексті їх захворювання
Non-communicable chronic diseases, including metabolic diseases, represent a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Regular physical activity is considered a crucial component of improving the health condition of people suffering from metabolic diseases. Prescription of physical activity by the general physician or other medical specialist can influence patientsˈ behaviour in a significant way. Objective: To get acquainted with the fulfilment of recommendations for performing physical activities by patients with metabolic diseases. Methods: The study group consisted of 407 patients diagnosed with some of the metabolic diseases. One of the important criteria for inclusion in the study was the fact that the diagnosis did not prevent performance of physical activity. To obtain the research data we used the questionnaire method - a questionnaire compiled for the needs of this particular research. Results: Patients involved in our study, in the prevention and treatment of their health problems, put particular emphasis on nutrition and eating habits. In terms of priorities, physical activity is only ranking third in this respect. The vast majority of patients involved in the study had been informed about the importance of purposeful physical activity by physicians; however, nearly half of the patients admitted their lack of willingness to carry out any form of it. The most common activities that patients undertake are domestic chores and walks. Conclusions: The data obtained suggest that some patients are not sufficiently physically active, a number of them are not even aware of the role and importance of physical activity in the treatment of their disease. There are even patients who do not consider such information relevant. This study was supported by Grant project 1/0825/17 «Recommendations for physical activities in prevention and control of non-communicable diseases and their implementation in the eastern part of Slovakia», implemented at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.Неинфекционные хронические заболевания, включая метаболические заболевания, является главной причиной заболеваемости и смертности во всем мире. Регулярные физические нагрузки считаются важнейшим компонентом улучшения состояния здоровья людей, страдающих метаболическими заболеваниями. Назначение физической нагрузки врачом общей практики или другим медицинским специалистом может существенно повлиять на поведение пациентов. Цель: ознакомиться с выполнением рекомендаций по выполнению физических нагрузок у пациентов с обменными заболеваниями. Методы. Исследовательская группа состояла из 407 пациентов с диагнозом некоторых метаболических заболеваний. Одним из важных критериев для включения в исследование было то, что диагноз не мешал выполнять физические нагрузки. Для получения данных об исследовании мы использовали метод анкетирования - анкету, составленную для нужд этого конкретного исследования. Результаты. Пациенты, принимающие участие в нашем исследовании, в профилактике и лечении своих проблем со здоровьем, делают особый акцент на питании и пищевых привычках. По приоритетам физическая активность занимает лишь третье место в этом плане. Подавляющее большинство пациентов, участвовавших в исследовании, были проинформированы о важности целенаправленных физических нагрузок врачами; однако почти половина пациентов признали отсутствие готовности выполнять любую ее форму. Наиболее распространенными видами деятельности, которыми занимаются пациенты, есть домашние дела и прогулки. Выводы. Полученные данные говорят о том, что некоторые пациенты недостаточно физически активны, а ряд из них даже не осознает роль и значение физических нагрузок в лечении своей болезни. Даже есть пациенты, которые не считают такую информацию актуальной. Это исследование было поддержано грантовым проектом 1/0825/17 «Рекомендации по физическим занятиям по профилактике и борьбе с незаразными заболеваниями и их реализацией в восточной части Словакии», реализованным в университете Павла Юзефа Шафарика в Кошице.Неінфекційні хронічні захворювання, включаючи метаболічні захворювання, є головною причиною захворюваності та смертності в усьому світі. Регулярні фізичні навантаження вважаються найважливішим компонентом покращення стану здоров’я людей, які страждають на метаболічні захворювання. Призначення фізичного навантаження лікарем загальної практики або іншим медичним фахівцем може суттєво вплинути на поведінку пацієнтів. Мета: ознайомитись з виконанням рекомендацій щодо виконання фізичних навантажень пацієнтами з обмінними захворюваннями. Методи. Дослідницька група складалася з 407 пацієнтів з діагнозом деяких метаболічних захворювань. Одним з важливих критеріїв для включення в дослідження було те, що діагноз не заважав виконувати фізичні навантаження. Для отримання даних про дослідження ми використовували метод анкетування − анкету, складену для потреб цього конкретного дослідження. Результати. Пацієнти, які беруть участь у нашому дослідженні, у профілактиці та лікуванні своїх проблем зі здоров’ям, роблять особливий акцент на харчуванні та харчових звичках. За пріоритетами фізична активність займає лише третє місце в цьому плані. Переважна більшість пацієнтів, які брали участь у дослідженні, були проінформовані про важливість цілеспрямованих фізичних навантажень лікарями; однак майже половина пацієнтів визнали відсутність готовності виконувати будь-яку її форму. Найпоширенішими видами діяльності, якими займаються пацієнти, є домашні справи та прогулянки. Висновки. Отримані дані говорять про те, що деякі пацієнти недостатньо фізично активні, а ряд із них навіть не усвідомлює роль та значення фізичних навантажень у лікуванні своєї хвороби. Навіть є пацієнти, які не вважають таку інформацію актуальною. Це дослідження було підтримано грантовим проектом 1/0825/17 «Рекомендації щодо фізичних занять по профілактиці та боротьбі з незаразними захворюваннями та їх реалізацією у східній частині Словаччини», реалізованим в університеті Павола Юзефа Шафарика в Кошице
Current Situation in Teaching Physical Education at Universities in the Slovak Republic
The aim of the study was to draw an accurate picture of the current situation in teaching physical education at universities in the Slovak Republic. The authors seek further ways of sustaining and developing it as a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle of the university population. The analysis confirmed that technical universities in Slovakia show a substantially more positive approach towards physical education in their curriculum than social and natural sciences universities. Of the 105 monitored faculties of public universities, physical education is listed as a compulsory subject at 13 out of 27 faculties of technical universities and only at 9 out of 78 faculties with a humanities focus. Physical edu- cation is present at every faculty of technical universities in our research; the situation is much less favorable at all other universities, where as many as 45 faculties do not offer physical education in their curriculum. Among them are faculties that educate future primary and secondary school teachers. We further found that directly affiliated university departments of Physical Education have a better chance of maintaining sport and physical activity at university, whether as compulsory part of the higher education curricula or as extracurricular optional sporting activities
Program of Movement Activity for Seniors
Lack of exercise reduces the necessary stimuli for the optimal psychosomatic development of seniors, which is why a large part of society has a need to participate in organized and planned physical exercises. It is advisable to offer an approach to the movement that would encompass the physical, mental and social spheres of the human being. The aim of the work is to present an offer for a physical activity program for older women. We focus mainly on practical recommendations for physical activity of seniors, emphasizing health and thus their quality of life. Each year, a number of new therapeutic methods and modern forms of treatment are intro-duced that affect the extension of life expectancy and reduce the mortality of older people. The use of more and more new diagnostic methods allows for a more effective diagnosis of older people, which is closely related to determining the appropriate directions of work with this group. New action strategies related to physical exercises present connectivity with the growing health potential. Physical activity as part of a lifestyle is an enrichment of the quality of life, an expression of the culture of man and the culture of society. VEGA Nr. 1/0825/17: Recommendations for physical activities in prevention and control of non-communicable diseases and their implementation in the eastern part of Slovakia.Brak ruchu powoduje redukcję niezbędnych bodźców dla optymalnego spowolnienia procesów inwolucyjnych, dlatego też duża część społeczeństwa ma potrzebę udziału w zorganizowanych i planowanych ćwiczeniach fizycznych. Wskazane jest, aby oferować takie podejście do ru-chu, które by objęło równocześnie sferę fizyczną, psychiczną i socjalną człowieka. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie oferty programu aktywności fizycznej dla kobiet w star-szym wieku. Skupiamy się głównie na praktycznych zaleceniach dotyczących aktywności fizycznej seniorów, kładąc nacisk na zdrowie, a tym samym na ich jakość życia. Każdego roku wprowadza się szereg nowych metod terapeutycznych oraz nowoczesnych form leczenia, które wpływają na przedłużenie życia oraz zmniejszenie śmiertelności u osób w starszym wieku. Korzystanie z coraz nowszych metod diagnostycznych pozwala na skuteczniejszą diagnozę osób starszych, co pozostaje w ścisłym związku z wyznaczaniem odpowiednich kierunków pracy z tą grupą. Nowe strategie działania związane z ćwiczeniami fizycznymi przedstawiają związek z ro-snącym potencjałem zdrowotnym. Aktywność fizyczna jako część stylu życia jest wzbogaceniem jakości życia, wyrazem kultury człowieka i kultury społeczeństwa. VEGA nr. 1/0825/17 pod tytułem: Zalecenia dotyczące aktywności fizycznej dla ryzyko-wych grup i ich realizacji we wschodniej Słowacji
Ropowica głowy jako powikłanie róży powiek – dwa przypadki w jednej rodzinie
Introduction. Bacterial infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue are not rare, but they are connected with diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties. Aim. A case of almost simultaneous facial phlegmon in course of eyelids erysipelas in two members of one family is described. Material, methods, results. Differential diagnostics, clinical course and applied effective treatment are presented. Conclusions: Pathogen identification and application of large doses of targeted antibiotics are crucial in therapy
The effect of two different training programs on the body composition of senior women
Introduction: The aim of the study was to design an 8-week training program for a group of senior women (n=33) aged 71.03±5.9 years, focusing on the development of aerobic endurance capabilities. Subsequently, we compared the results of the program with the one implemented in the same study group two years before. The study deals with the optimization of physical activity programs for elderly women and their effect on the composition of the body. Material and Methods: We monitored changes in the body composition of the elderly women applying the BIA method of bioelectrical impedance, using the In Body 230 device. The Jones & Rose [1] questionnaire was further used to supplement additional information about their current health condition and physical activity. Results: After having implemented the first training program, we observed significant improvement in certain body composition parameters, namely skeletal muscle mass (p≤0.01), body fat (p≤0.01), muscle mass of the right and left upper limbs and the trunk (p≤0.05), and body minerals (p≤0.01). We expected a similar effect after having implemented the second training program designed to develop aerobic abilities. Although in most senior women there were individual improvements in the monitored parameters, the changes did not prove statistical significance. Conclusions: Despite the fact that the second training program focusing on aerobic endurance elicited no statistically significant changes in body composition of the seniors, which we attribute to the regular and long-term sport activity of the study group, we consider both training programs to be optimal for the examined age group
Wybrane czynniki stylu życia studentek w świetle aktywności sportowej
Background. The transition from high school to college is an important milestone in the life of
adolescents. In this stage of life, they are already aware of their responsibility for their health,
which allows them to develop their health habits. The aim of this study was to increase the
knowledge about selected aspects of female university students’ lifestyle, including sports,
sleep, stress, alcohol and smoking.
Material and methods. T his c ross-sectional research w as c arried out with 1 ,055 female
university students in their first year of study at two universities in Slovakia as part of the
VEGA grant project no. 1/0825/17 “Recommendations for physical activities in prevention
and control of non-communicable diseases and their implementation in the Eastern part
of Slovakia” implemented at P.J. Šafárik University in Košice. Data was collected on lifestyle
factors, including frequency and regularity of participating in sports during the preceding half
year, by means of a questionnaire.
Results. Students of both universities reported low levels of engagement in sport activity in the
preceding six months, in terms of frequency and regularity of its weekly performance. There
appeared to be a statistically significant relationship between the frequency of sport activity
and fatigue after waking. Other relationships were not found to be statistically significant.
Conclusions. The scope of educational work by university education experts should include
appropriate ways of influencing the lifestyle of first-year university students towards
maintaining their good health. This can be carried out within the context of health education
during compulsory and optional physical education classes.Wprowadzenie. Przejście ze szkoły średniej na studia jest ważnym krokiem w życiu
nastolatków. Na tym etapie życia są już świadomi swojej odpowiedzialności za własne zdrowie,
co pozwala im rozwijać nawyki zdrowotne. Celem badań było poszerzenie wiedzy na temat
wybranych aspektów stylu życia, takich jak sport, sen, stres, alkohol i palenie papierosów.
Materiał i metody. Badania przekrojowe przeprowadzono w grupie 1055 studentek na
pierwszym roku studiów na dwóch uniwersytetach na Słowacji w ramach projektu grantowego
VEGA nr 1/0825/17 „Wskazania do aktywności fizycznej w celu zapobiegania i kontroli
chorób niezakaźnych oraz ich wdrożenie we wschodniej części Słowacji” przeprowadzonego
na Universytecie P. J. Šafarika w Košiciach. Dane dotyczące częstotliwości i regularności
uprawiania sportu, wybranych czynników stylu życia w przebiegu ostatniego półrocza
zebrano za pomocą kwestionariusza.
Wyniki. U studentek obu uczelni odnotowaliśmy niski poziom zaangażowania w aktywność
sportową w poprzednich sześciu miesiącach pod względem tygodniowej częstotliwości
i regularności jej realizowania. Stwierdziliśmy istotną korelację pomiędzy częstotliwością
aktywności sportowej a zmęczeniem po przebudzeniu. Inne zależności nie zostały uznane za
statystycznie istotne.
Wnioski. Zakres prac edukacyjnych prowadzonych przez nauczycieli akademickich powinien
uwzględniać odpowiednie sposoby wpływania na styl życia studentów pierwszego roku w celu
utrzymania ich dobrego stanu zdrowia. Można to zrobić w kontekście edukacji zdrowotnej
podczas obowiązkowych i nieobowiązkowych zajęć wychowania fizycznego
Current Situation in Teaching Physical Education at Universities in the Slovak Republic
The aim of the study was to draw an accurate picture of the current situation in teaching physical education at universities in the Slovak Republic. The authors seek further ways of sustaining and developing it as a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle of the university population. The analysis confirmed that technical universities in Slovakia show a substantially more positive approach towards physical education in their curriculum than social and natural sciences universities. Of the 105 monitored faculties of public universities, physical education is listed as a compulsory subject at 13 out of 27 faculties of technical universities and only at 9 out of 78 faculties with a humanities focus. Physical edu- cation is present at every faculty of technical universities in our research; the situation is much less favorable at all other universities, where as many as 45 faculties do not offer physical education in their curriculum. Among them are faculties that educate future primary and secondary school teachers. We further found that directly affiliated university departments of Physical Education have a better chance of maintaining sport and physical activity at university, whether as compulsory part of the higher education curricula or as extracurricular optional sporting activities
Awareness of patients suffering from selected chronic diseases of the importance of physical activity in treating their disorders
This study aims to determine the level of awareness and meeting recommendations regarding their physical activity in the selected disease risk groups in eastern Slovakia. Methods. The study comprised 893 participating patients (353 males and 540 females). The basic condition to fulfil for participating in the research was the occurrence of one or more diagnoses out of three underlying chronic diseases that do not prevent PA. For data collection, we used a nonstandardized questionnaire which was part of the questionnaire battery explicitly designed for this research. This study presents a selection of questions focusing on patients awareness concerning PA. Results. Within all three groups of chronic diseases, the patients acknowledged that they obtained only general information on the importance of PA in the treatment of their conditions. The patients received information on physical activity in their neighbourhood predominantly from the media and further on from the family members and acquaintances or their doctors or medical staff. The difference between the particular disease groups in terms of the acquired information is minimal. Statistically significant relation between the doctors recommendations and minimum requirements for the treatment of disease was only found in the group of oncology patients. Conclusion. Regular physical activity represents essential advantages for the health of patients suffering from chronic diseases. With this in mind, the doctor, being a trustworthy person to the patient, should be able to inform the patients on the frequency, intensity and the most suitable PA concerning their diagnosis and severity of their medical condition
Loss of Y in leukocytes as a risk factor for critical COVID-19 in men
BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic, which has a prominent social and economic impact worldwide, shows a largely unexplained male bias for the severity and mortality of the disease. Loss of chromosome Y (LOY) is a risk factor candidate in COVID-19 due to its prior association with many chronic age-related diseases, and its impact on immune gene transcription. METHODS: Publicly available scRNA-seq data of PBMC samples derived from male patients critically ill with COVID-19 were reanalyzed, and LOY status was added to the annotated cells. We further studied LOY in whole blood for 211 COVID-19 patients treated at intensive care units (ICU) from the first and second waves of the pandemic. Of these, 139 patients were subject to cell sorting for LOY analysis in granulocytes, low-density neutrophils (LDNs), monocytes, and PBMCs. RESULTS: Reanalysis of available scRNA-seq data revealed LDNs and monocytes as the cell types most affected by LOY. Subsequently, DNA analysis indicated that 46%, 32%, and 29% of critically ill patients showed LOY above 5% cut-off in LDNs, granulocytes, and monocytes, respectively. Hence, the myeloid lineage that is crucial for the development of severe COVID-19 phenotype is affected by LOY. Moreover, LOY correlated with increasing WHO score (median difference 1.59%, 95% HDI 0.46% to 2.71%, p=0.025), death during ICU treatment (median difference 1.46%, 95% HDI 0.47% to 2.43%, p=0.0036), and history of vessel disease (median difference 2.16%, 95% HDI 0.74% to 3.7%, p=0.004), among other variables. In 16 recovered patients, sampled during ICU stay and 93-143 days later, LOY decreased significantly in whole blood and PBMCs. Furthermore, the number of LDNs at the recovery stage decreased dramatically (median difference 76.4 per 10,000 cell sorting events, 95% HDI 55.5 to 104, p=6e-11). CONCLUSIONS: We present a link between LOY and an acute, life-threatening infectious disease. Furthermore, this study highlights LOY as the most prominent clonal mutation affecting the myeloid cell lineage during emergency myelopoiesis. The correlation between LOY level and COVID-19 severity might suggest that this mutation affects the functions of monocytes and neutrophils, which could have consequences for male innate immunity
Comprehensive cancer-oriented biobanking resource of human samples for studies of post-zygotic genetic variation involved in cancer predisposition
The progress in translational cancer research relies on access to well-characterized samples from a representative number of patients and controls. The rationale behind our biobanking are explorations of post-zygotic pathogenic gene variants, especially in non-tumoral tissue, which might predispose to cancers. The targeted diagnoses are carcinomas of the breast (via mastectomy or breast conserving surgery), colon and rectum, prostate, and urinary bladder (via cystectomy or transurethral resection), exocrine pancreatic carcinoma as well as metastases of colorectal cancer to the liver. The choice was based on the high incidence of these cancers and/or frequent fatal outcome. We also collect age-matched normal controls. Our still ongoing collection originates from five clinical centers and after nearly 2-year cooperation reached 1711 patients and controls, yielding a total of 23226 independent samples, with an average of 74 donors and 1010 samples collected per month. The predominant diagnosis is breast carcinoma, with 933 donors, followed by colorectal carcinoma (383 donors), prostate carcinoma (221 donors), bladder carcinoma (81 donors), exocrine pancreatic carcinoma (15 donors) and metachronous colorectal cancer metastases to liver (14 donors). Forty percent of the total sample count originates from macroscopically healthy cancer-neighboring tissue, while contribution from tumors is 12%, which adds to the uniqueness of our collection for cancer predisposition studies. Moreover, we developed two program packages, enabling registration of patients, clinical data and samples at the participating hospitals as well as the central system of sample/data management at coordinating center. The approach used by us may serve as a model for dispersed biobanking from multiple satellite hospitals. Our biobanking resource ought to stimulate research into genetic mechanisms underlying the development of common cancers. It will allow all available "-omics" approaches on DNA-, RNA-, protein- and tissue levels to be applied. The collected samples can be made available to other research groups