983 research outputs found

    Bilateral J-Curves between Pakistan and Her Trading Partners

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    Earlier studies that investigated the J-Curve phenomenon for Pakistan employed aggregate trade data. These studies suffered from the “aggregation bias” problem. In order to overcome this constraint, this paper tests the effects of real exchange rate depreciation in the Pakistani Rupee on the bilateral trade balance between Pakistan and her 12 respective trade partners. These countries, together, account for almost half of Pakistan’s total trade. In order to differentiate between the long-run equilibrium and short-run disequilibrium dynamics, and also to deal with non-stationary data, the ARDL approach is used. The results do not provide any support for the standard J-curve phenomenon.J-Curve, Trade Balance, Marshall-Lerner Condition

    Bilateral J-Curves between Pakistan and Her Trading Partners

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    Earlier studies that investigated the J-Curve phenomenon for Pakistan employed aggregate trade data. These studies suffered from the aggregation bias problem. In order to overcome this constraint, this paper tests the effects of real exchange rate depreciation in the Pakistani Rupee on the bilateral trade balance between Pakistan and her 12 respective trade partners. These countries, together, account for almost half of Pakistans total trade. In order to differentiate between the long-run equilibrium and short-run disequilibrium dynamics, and also to deal with non-stationary data, the ARDL approach isused. The results do not provide any support for the standard J-curve phenomenon.J-Curve, Trade Balance, Marshall-Lerner Condition

    Fiber-reinforced composite with interpenetrating polymer network - Influence of shelf-life of the prepreg and the adhesive primer on interfacial adhesive strength of the composite to a resin luting material

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    Fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) is a low-cost metal-free restorative alternative. To overcome problems related to the interfacial adhesion between composite luting material and FRC, a semi-interpenetrating polymer network (semi-IPN) matrix with linear polymer of poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) was developed for FRC. Therefore, a series of laboratory studies were executed to investigate the effect of shelf-life, monomer systems and PMMA gradient on the intact and ground substrates of semi-IPN FRC. In the four experimental studies, everStick C&B was used as the semi-IPN based FRC. The first study evaluated the shelf-life and dissolving capability of the methyl methacrylate (MMA) monomer in polymerized FRC. The second study investigated the effect of different adhesive/primer on polymerized FRC which were stored for various durations (at 4°C; 1.0, 1.5, and 3-year) before curing. The third study analyzed the tensile bond strength (TBS) between resin luting material and FRC using different adhesive/primers systems. The fourth study determined TBS between polymerized FRC intact (high gradient PMMA) or ground (low gradient PMMA) surfaces and a resin luting material. The results were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), the post hoc Tukey’s test, regression and correlation analysis using statistical software. It can be concluded that upon aging, the linear and cross-linked components of the semi-IPN structure of FRC might become phase-segregated. Both G-Multi PRIMER and Composite Primer might have the ability to diffuse into polymerized FRC and form a durable adhesive layer with increased nanohardness and adhesive strength between resin luting material and the FRC substrate. The highest TBS can be achieved for FRC intact surface treated with the G-Multi PRIMER.Osittaislomittaismuoviverkostorakenne kuitulujitteissa muovissa – muovin esivalmisteen säilytysajan ja pinnan esikäsittelyajan vaikutus muovin rajapintaliitoksen sidoslujuuteen. Kuitulujittenen muovi on hammashoidon materiaali, joka täyttää hammaslääketieteen asettamat ulkonäölliset ja lujuusvaatimukset. Kuitulujitteinen muovi koostuu lujitekuiduista ja niitä sitovasta yleensä ristisilloitetusta muovimatriisista, joka voi olla myös osittaislomittaisverkostomuovirakenne (engl. semi-IPN). Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kuitulujite-esivalmisteen säilytysajan ja kovetetun kuitulujiteteisen muovin pinnan esikäsittelyn vaikutusta muovin liimautumiseen muihin hammaslääketieteessä käytettyihin muoveihin. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin semi-IPN muovipitoista kuitulujitteista muovia. Kuitulujitteisen muovin pinnan rakennetta ja ominaisuuksia tutkittiin muovin kovettamisen jälkeen. Vertailua tehtiin muun muassa nanomekaanisella pinnan analysoinnilla niistä muoveista, joiden esivalmistetta oli säilytetty jopa kaksi vuotta ennen näytteen valmistusta. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa kiinnitettiin erityistä huomiota kuitulujitteisen muovin liimautumiseen toiseen muoviin ja tällöin verrattiin erilaisten pinnan esikäsittelyaineiden vaikutusta rajapintaliitoksen sidoslujuuteen. Tulokset osoittivat tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja näytteen pinnan nanokovuudessa pinnan eri kerrossyvyyksissä, mikä osoittaa semi-IPN gradienttirakenteen olemassaolon. Käytetyt kaksi esikäsittelyainetta saivat rajapintaliitoksen pinnan kovuuden lisääntymään näytteissä, jotka oli valmistettu tuoreesta kuitulujitteisen muovin esivalmisteesta. Myös esivalmisteen säilytysaika ennen sen käyttämistä vaikutti merkitsevästi liimautumiseen. Korkein sidoslujuus saavutettiin kuitulujitteisella muovilla, jonka pintaa ei oltu hiottu ennen liimaamista eli pinnan gradienttirakennetta ei oltu poistettu

    Low-energy, planar magnetic defects in BaFe2As2: nanotwins, twins, antiphase and domain boundaries

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    In BaFe2As2, structural and magnetic planar defects begin to proliferate below the structural phase transition, affecting descriptions of magnetism and superconductivity. We study using density-functional theory the stability and magnetic properties of competing antiphase and domain boundaries, twins and isolated nanonanotwins (twin nuclei) - spin excitations proposed and/or observed. These nanoscale defects have very low surface energy (2222-210210~mmJm2^{-2}), with twins favorable to the mesoscale. Defects exhibit smaller moments confined near their boundaries -- making a uniform-moment picture inappropriate for long-range magnetic order in real samples. {\it{Nano}}twins explain features in measured pair distribution functions, so should be considered when analyzing scattering data. All these defects can be weakly mobile and/or have fluctuations that lower assessed "ordered" moments from longer spatial and/or time averaging, and should be considered directly.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Fermi surfaces and Phase Stability of Ba(Fe1x_{1-x}Mx_x)2_2As2_2 (M=Co, Ni, Cu, Zn)

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    BaFe2_2As2_2 with transition-metal doping exhibits a variety of rich phenomenon from coupling of structure, magnetism, and superconductivity. Using density functional theory, we systematically compare the Fermi surfaces (FS), formation energies (ΔEf\Delta E_f), and density of states (DOS) of electron-doped Ba(Fe1x_{1-x}Mx_x)2_2As2_2 with M={Co, Ni, Cu, Zn} in tetragonal (I4/mmm4/mmm) and orthorhombic (Fmmmmmm) structures in nonmagnetic (NM), antiferromagnetic (AFM), and paramagnetic (PM, disordered local moment) states. We explain changes to phase stability (ΔEf\Delta E_f) and Fermi surfaces (and nesting) due to chemical and magnetic disorder, and compare to observed/assessed properties and contrast alloy theory with that expected from rigid-band model. With alloying, the DOS changes from common-band (Co,Ni) to split-band (Cu,Zn), which dictates ΔEf\Delta E_f and can overwhelm FS-nesting instabilities, as for Cu,Zn cases

    Internationalization strategy of a service firm: live forum TV in Hong Kong

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    Throughout the age of globalization, the internationalization of business and entities grows importance. When considering a mode of internationalization, various different factors come into play that effect how to create a strategy for entering a new market. Regardless of cultures merging to a new global society, each market faces its own new challenges and obstacles coming from one country into the next. When studying the literature on the internationalization of services, a standardized strategy proves nonexistent, with limited scientific and academic the models and theories for the entry mode strategy. Nevertheless throughout the age of globalization, the internationalization of business and entities grows importance. This research will examine which country would prove as the best fit for the launch of Live Forum Foundation and furthermore analyse the risk in launching in that country. The objective of this research is to define what is the best fit internationalization strategy for the organization, foreign market will best sustain the launch of Live Forum TV, and what are the risks and recommendations in launching in that market. Live Forum TV is a television format created by the Foundation headed by Michael Davis. The TV format will be launched on local broadcasting in a foreign market that currently struggles with miscommunication between the government officials and public. The debates discussed on the TV program will prove as a solution for the inefficiencies nations currently face in a budding or developed democratic system. Hong Kong proves as the best-fit market for the internationalization of Live Forum TV as the telecommunication infrastructure of the market is the strongest in the Asia- Pacific region with high penetration of cable TV in households and usage of internetconnecting devices such as smartphones. Most importantly, Hong Kong currently faces a great need for solution to the political gridlock between pro-democratic and pro- Beijing forces that struggle to find a balance on topics such as universal suffrage