5 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Kerja Kelompok Matakuliah Telaah Kurikulum Biologi Melalui Pembelajaran Kooperatif Berbasis Lesson Study

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    The purpose of this research is to improve the activity of the working group studysubjects with a high school biology curriculum materials to formulate indicators throughcooperative learning model based Lesson Study. The subjects studied are students of S1 ProdiBiology Education V semester who take courses Assessing middle and high school biologycurriculum. Research-based Lesson Study is conducted in stages Plan, namely stages ofpreparingLesson Plan; Do, namely the implementation and observation; and See, that is the analysis andreflection for improvement next meeting. Data were collected through observation, analysis ofdocuments, interviews, and questionnaires. The results showed that increased activity group workaccumulated on student interaction in the learning process. Interactions in group work there wasan increase in each cycle, the first cycle of student interaction in the learning process reaches83.5%, cycle 2, cycle 3 and cycle 4 reaches 100%, meaning that all group members listen peertutoring activities, activity inquire, issuing activity opinions, and always respect the opinionsekelompoknya friends, so that the interaction between students and students, students withlearning resources and students with teachers


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    The purpose of this research is to improve the activity of the working group studysubjects with a high school biology curriculum materials to formulate indicators throughcooperative learning model based Lesson Study. The subjects studied are students of S1 ProdiBiology Education V semester who take courses Assessing middle and high school biologycurriculum. Research-based Lesson Study is conducted in stages Plan, namely stages ofpreparingLesson Plan; Do, namely the implementation and observation; and See, that is the analysis andreflection for improvement next meeting. Data were collected through observation, analysis ofdocuments, interviews, and questionnaires. The results showed that increased activity group workaccumulated on student interaction in the learning process. Interactions in group work there wasan increase in each cycle, the first cycle of student interaction in the learning process reaches83.5%, cycle 2, cycle 3 and cycle 4 reaches 100%, meaning that all group members listen peertutoring activities, activity inquire, issuing activity opinions, and always respect the opinionsekelompoknya friends, so that the interaction between students and students, students withlearning resources and students with teachers.Keywords: Activities Working Group, Preparing Indicators, Model Cooperative Learning, LessonStud

    Penerapan Pendekatan Scientific dan Model Problem Based Learning (Pbl) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Biologi Materi Sel

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    The research is a Classroom Action Research with the subject of 38 students of class XI IPA 4. The research is aimed at improving the learning outcome of biology subject with the implementation of scientific approach and Problem Based Learning (PBL) model. The research was conducted in two cycles. There were 4 steps in a cycle: planning, doing, observing, and reflecting. There was an evaluation after each cycle by using an instrument that had been validated and tested for its reliability and its difficulty level. The research result shows the scientific approach and Problem Based Learning (PBL) model can improve the learning outcome of biology subject. It can be seen from the average score of class XI IPA 4 which is 65,3 or 41% from 39 students. In the first cycle, it became 74,4 or about 61%. The average score improved in the second cycle into 86,2 with the completeness of 84% from 38 students. Besides cognitive, the learning outcome was also measured from affective and psychomotor sides. The research result shows that the average score of students affective in cycle I is 74,2 and cycle II is 84,2 while the average score of psychomotor aspect in cycle I is 74,3 and improved in cycle II into 80,4. Based on the result achieved, it can be inferred that the effort of improving the learning outcome of biology subject at the class of XI IPA 4 of SMA Negeri 10 Bogor using Scientific approach and Problem Based Learning (PBL) model is successful

    Improving Teacher's Ability through Training in Learning Strategies Based on Cooperative STAD Techniques

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    This research aims to improve the ability of teachers through cooperative learning strategies based on STAD techniques in grades VII, VIII, and IX at Junior High School 8 Bogor. This study using the method of action research. The model chosen in this action research is Lewin's cycle model in Mills which has the view that action research is depicted as a spiral cycle and includes stages: (a) planning (plan), (b) action (act), (c) observation, and (d) reflection and revision of action plans in the cycle if they are still needed for improvement. The results showed that 1) The application of the STAD cooperative learning strategies through training proved to contribute to the second cycle and the third cycle on improving the ability of teachers to design lesson plans; 2) Implementation of learning with cooperative learning strategies STAD techniques, the exploration of teachers provides information with learning media to be analyzed by students, the elaboration of the teacher guides the discussion where each group has a peer tutor and motivates each group to do cooperative skills; 3) The implementation of STAD techniques of cooperative learning techniques through training in the implementation of preliminary learning activities contribute to the second cycle in the third cycle on improving the ability of teachers to carry out preliminary learning activities. The STAD strategy can increase the ability of teachers